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1.Define FEM and write the advantages , disadvantages and applications?

( Or)

2.Find the deflection at the centre of simply supported beam of span length l subjected to a
concentrated load P at its mid point as shown in figure use Rayleigh- Ritz method

3.Calculate the nodal displacements and forces for the bar loaded as shown in figure?

( Or)

4. Write the analysing procedure for bar elements.

b. What are the LOCAL and GLOBAL coordinates systems

5.A beam fixed at one end supported by a roller at the other end has a 20 KN concentrated load
applied at the centre of the span as sown in the figure. Calculate the deflection under the load.

( Or)

6..A Truss structure is subjected to a load of 1 Kn as shown in figure. Calculate the nodal
displacements and forces if the element stiffness of the truss is 10 Kn / mm

Que( 2)

Que ( 5)

QUE( 6)

1. In 2D elements. Discretization can be done. The points where triangular elements

meet are called ____
a) Displacement b) Nodes c) Vector displacements d) Co-ordinates And: b

2. Each triangle formed by three nodes and three sides is called a ______

a) Node b) Force matrix c) Displacement vector d) Element And: d

3. The finite element method is used to solve the problem ______

a) Uniformly b) Vigorously c) Approximately d) Identically And: c

4. In two dimensional analysis, stresses and strains are related as ___

a) σ=Dε b) σ=ε c) Load values d) ε=Dσ And : a

5.Boundary conditions are applied to simulate the physical constraints on the finite element model.

a) True b) False c) inifinity d) none And: a

Which of the following statements are correct about a cantilevered beam with point load acting on the
extreme end of the beam?

6.a) Bending stresses induced in the beam are constant throughout the length of the beam

b) Bending stresses induced in the beam decreases linearly from fixed end to free end

c) Bending stresses induced in the beam increases linearly from fixed end to free end

d) Bending stresses induced in the beam decreases exponentially from fixed end to free end

And: b

7. The displacements in beam elements are interpolated using _______

a) shape elements b) shape functions c) shape parameters d) shape factors And: b

8. The shape functions for interpolation on beam elements are defined on the range of ________

a) 0 to +1 b) -1 to 0 c) 0 to +2 d) -1 to +1 And :d

9. In beam elements the cross section of the element is assumed.

a) True b) False c) infinity d) none And: a

10. A Truss structure consist only----- force members b

a) 1 B) 2 c) 3 d) poly

11.Plane trusses are also known as ---- dimensional trusses

a) 1 B) 2 c) 3 d) poly b

12 During FE FORMULATION of beam each node as------ degree of freedom

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 6 b
13.The total no of degrees freedom in beam with four nodes-----

a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) 32 b

14. The displacements in beam elements are interpolated using--------

a)shape elements B) shape functions c) shape parameters d) shape factors b

15.Equabilium conditions are obatained by minimizing----

a) kinetic energy b) force c) potential energy d) load c

16 In element approach which elements are eliminated from matrix-----

a)Force b) load c)rows and columns d) undefined c

17.In a finite element modelling nodal points are connected by unique ----

a)surface b) shafe c)matrics d) eigen values a

18. In a finite element modelling every elements connectes to ---- nodes c

a) 4 b) 3 c)2 d)1

19 In one dimension problem each node has ---------- degree of freedom c

a) 2 b) 3 c)1 d) no
20The loading on an elements includes -------
a) Body force b) traction force c) point load d) all above d


1. a. Define operation management. What are the difference between OM & PM?
b.What are the requirements good product design?

2. Explain the a ) speed to market b) con current engineering

3.Explain the a) quality forecasting b) quantitative for ecasting

4.What are the errors in forecasting and evaluation of forecasting Techniques?

5. a.What are the objectives in value engineering

b. Write the steps in value engineering

6 .Explain the product life cycle

1.) If all the processing equipment and machines are arranged according to the sequence of operations of
a product the layout is known as
a. Product layoutb)Process layoutc)Fixed position layoutd)Combination layout [ ]
2.) The following type of layout is preferred to manufacture a standard product in large quantity
a. Product layoutb)Process layoutc)Fixed position layout d)Combination layout [ ]
3.) The following type of layout is preferred for low volume production of non standard products
a. Product layout b)Process layout c)Fixed position layout d)Combination layout [
4.) In ship manufacturing, the type of layout preferred is
a. Product layout b)Process layout c)Fixed position layout d)Combination layout [
5.) This chart is a graphic representation of all the production activities occurring on the shop floor
a. Operation process chart b) Flow process chart c)Templates d)All of the above [
6.) Which of the following is considered a “pure” production planning strategy?
a) Variable workforce, stable work hours b) lag demand
c) Level playing field d) Stable workforce, variable work hours [
7.) Qualitative forecasting method that obtains forecasts through "group consensus" is known as the
a. Autoregressive model
b. Delphi approach c)mean absolute deviation d)None of these alternatives is correct [
8.) Forecast errors
a. are the difference in successive values of a time series
b. are the differences between actual and forecast values [
c. should all be nonnegative d)should be summed to judge the goodness of a forecasting
9.) Gradual shifting of a time series over a long period of time is called
a. Periodicity. b) Cycle. c) Regression. d)trend [
10.) Seasonal components
a. Cannot be predicted. b)are regular repeated patterns. [
c. Are long runs of observations above or below the trend line? d) Reflect a shift in the series over
11.The focus of smoothing methods is to smooth [
a. The irregular component. b) Wide seasonal variations.c) Significant trend effects. d)long
range forecasts.
12. Which of the following is not a qualitative forecasting technique? [
a. Periodicity. b)Perspectives of foreign advisory councils c)regression. d)Time-series
13. Trend projection is an example of which kind of forecasting? [
a. Time-series b) Perspectives of foreign advisory councils c) regression. d)Periodicity.
14. The root-mean-square error is a measure of [
a. Periodicity. b)cycle. c)regression. d)irregular variation
15. When the flow of materials is variable [
a. layout by process is most suitable b) layout by product is most suitable
c. layout by fixed position is most suitable c) line balancing is most suitable
16.The correct sequence of operations in production planning and control is [
a. Routing-Scheduling-Dispatching-Follow up
b. Scheduling-Routing- Dispatching-Follow up
c. Dispatching-Routing-Scheduling- Follow up
d. Routing-Scheduling-Follow up-Dispatching
17.Loading may be defined as [
a. Sending the raw material to the machine
b. Sending the finished material to the store
c. Assign the work to the facilities
d. Uploading a software in machine control panel
18.The bill of material does not consists of [
a. Part number b)Specifications of part c)Name of the part d)Price of the part
19.Master schedule is prepared for [
a. Single product continuous production
b. Multi product batch production
c. Assembly product continuous production
d. Single product batch production
20.Which of the following chart is drawn Machine vs time? [
a. Man machine chart b)The load chart c)The progress chart d)Curve chart

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