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Name :
1. Do you like vegetables? 10. What is the color of eggplant?
a. Yes, I do. a. Red
b. Yes, I don’t. b. Purple
c. No, I do. c. White
d. No, I don’t. d. Yellow

2. Do you like ……………? 11. Tomato has …………. color.

a. Corn a. Red
b. Cauliflower. b. Purple
c. Cabbage c. White
d. Broccoli d. Yellow

3. ……. tastes hot and spicy. 12. There is ……. on the plate.
a. Eggplant a. carrots
b. Chili b. potatoes
c. Tomato c. a broccoli
d. Broccoli d. eggplants

4. ………… some carrots 13. I like ……………

a. There is a. Eggplant
b. There are b. Chili
c. Is c. Cucumber
d. Are d. Cauliflower

5. ………… a garlic. 14. The color of spinach is

a. There is a. Red
b. There are b. Green
c. Is c. White
d. Are d. Yellow

6. I like …………… 15. Do you like ……………?

a. Eggplant a. Corn
b. Chili b. Cauliflower.
c. Cucumber c. Cabbage
d. Broccoli d. Carrot

7. I don’t like …… (terong) 16. Do you like ……………?

a. Eggplant a. Corns
b. Chili b. Mushrooms
c. Tomato c. Eggplants
d. Broccoli d. Peppers

8. ……. tastes sweet. 17. Saya tidak suka bayam in English

a. Eggplant a. I don’t like broccoli.
b. Chili b. I don’t like cauliflower.
c. Tomato c. I don’t like spinach.
d. Pumpkin d. I don’t like cucumber.

9. What is the color of garlic? 18. The color of cucumber, broccoli and spinach
a. Red are ……
b. Purple a. Red
c. White b. Purple
d. Yellow c. White
d. Green

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