MODEL Capitulations

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-----In the City of __________, Puerto Rico, today of the

month of ___________ of the year two thousand



-_____________________, Notary Public of the

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, with residence and
neighborhood in
Puerto Rico, and office open in _________, Puerto Rico.----

-----ON ONE PART: Mr. _____________, of legal age,

single, and resident of ________________, Puerto Rico.



of legal age, single, and resident of __________,

Puerto Rico.

----- I WITNESS the personal knowledge of the

appearing parties as well as their personal circumstances.

They assure me that they already have, in my opinion,

the necessary legal capacity for this granting, and as

such freely:


------ ONE: That the appearing parties plan to marry each

other, which is scheduled to be celebrated on the

_________ (__) day of ________ of the year two

thousand _________ (200_).

----- TWO: That in order to establish the economic
regime of their future marriage and the conditions
related to the administration and disposition of their
respective assets, present or future, they grant the
following Marital Agreements in accordance with the
provisions of the Articles one thousand two hundred and
sixty-seven (1,267) et seq. of the Civil Code of Puerto

----- THREE: Both appearing parties agree among

themselves, by mutual agreement, that their future
marriage will not be understood to have been
contracted under the regime of the community
property that prevails in Puerto Rico, the place where
they have their domicile and residence and will have to
carry out Your marriage.

----- FOUR: The parties recognize and are aware that

each one has private assets, which do not need to be
----- FIVE: The product, and the product, income,
interest, increase and/or decrease of the private assets of
each one, will equally belong exclusively to the one who in
that capacity is the owner of the property to which said
product corresponds, and produced, income, interest,
increase and/or decrease.
-----SIX: The fruits, income, interests received or accrued
during the marriage from the private property will continue
to be private to each person.
-----SEVEN: The assets obtained by industry, salary or
work of the appearing parties will belong exclusively to
the respective spouse.

----- EIGHT: The assets acquired by onerous title

during the marriage by each spouse will continue to
be exclusive to each one.

-----NINE: They will also be exclusive to each

spouse, separately, what each acquires during their
marriage in any way, including, but not understood as
a limitation, those obtained, whether by donation,
legacy , or inheritance; the goods obtained by each
person's industry, salary or work; goods acquired by
right of withdrawal; those coming from profits
obtained in the game or by discovery; compensation
for damages to your person or property. The right of
usufruct or pension, any right of option, belonging to
each spouse, will also be exclusive, as will the fruits,
pensions and interests accrued during the marriage,
the increases in any of their assets, and the
contributions that each makes. to a retirement system
or similar systems. Furthermore, the right of use that
each person possesses will also be private, whether
granted before or after the marriage. This list is
without limitation of any other property that a person
can acquire by his or her own right.
-----TEN: Both will have the free administration of their
respective own or private property, as previously called,
and may dispose of and carry out any act or operation on
the same, without any limitation and without the need for
consent, license and/or notification. of the other or
the other.

-----ELEVEN: All assets acquired by each one, once the

regime to be established by them is established, will be

exclusive to the person who acquires it.

-----TWELVE: The participation of each appearing party

in the assets belonging to the new regime, if any, to be

established by them, will be half, unless they designate

otherwise, which will then be

as indicated.

----- THIRTEEN: Donations, prizes, raffles, findings,

advantages, rights and options that become property of

any of the parties, after the marriage has been

celebrated, as well as the product of their intellect, art,

work, skill , skill, labor, industry or effort, will be

property and belong to each one privately.

----- FOURTEEN: I didn't start the above, each person can

contribute to the new regime as many assets as they wish

to do so. This contribution will have to be express, but the

fact that this is done at a given time does not mean an

obligation or precedent for the future.

------ FIFTEEN: Each spouse may also make any act of

disposal of said private property, things or rights in favor

of the other, including donation, without the need for

notification or the consent of the other spouse.

-----SIXTEEN: The debts, demands and individual

obligations contracted by any of the spouses will continue

to be exclusive and cannot affect the other.

spouse, unless he or she specifically and in writing accepts

said debt as an obligation.

- ---- SEVENTEEN : The arrears or credits of the private

assets of each of the spouses will not affect the assets or

credit of the other.

----- EIGHTEEN : The parties stipulate that they will not

be obliged to cover the expenses of food, alimony or any

other expense that they were obliged to pay due to

previous filial relationships. The responsibility for the

support of the aforementioned minors will fall on the

spouse who is their father or mother.

----- NINETEEN : The parties stipulate that they may grant

any type of contract between themselves during their

marriage, including sale, loan, mortgage, cancellation of

debts and/or credits, lease, donations, exchanges or any

other legal act valid in Puerto Rico, as well as sign the

relevant documents for this.

----- TWENTY : The parties state that they may open

accounts in banking institutions, investment institutions,

savings and credit institutions in the name of both, and

that the opening of said account should not be

interpreted as an implicit waiver of the capitulation

regime. marriages constituted here.

----- TWENTY-ONE : In the event that by virtue of any

provision of law in any jurisdiction, despite having agreed

on the regime of separation of property between the

spouses, through this contract as well as everything else

agreed upon, the competition will be necessary or consent

of both to carry out any transaction, business or transfer,

contract or agreement in relation to any right or property

belonging to one or both of the spouses; The appearing

parties mutually undertake to provide said consent or

consent at the request of the other, and, consequently, to

grant and sign the documents that are pertinent for these

purposes, without prejudice to the firm intention to

continue under the separation regime. goods and

everything else agreed here.

----- TWENTY-TWO : It will also be understood that the
competition or the provision of consent by any of the
spouses in accordance with what was previously
expressed in this section will not be understood as
submission to a different regime or partial or total
renunciation of everything else agreed here. regarding
your property or marriage.

----- TWENTY-THREE: The appearing parties express,

manifest and freely and spontaneously state that the
agreements agreed upon here, their expressions and
desires have been made voluntarily and freely, with
reflection, without coercion, promise, threat or
expectations of receiving reward , goods, satisfactions,
favors, benefits or advantages of any form or nature,
directly or indirectly, present, past and/or future.

-----TWENTY-FOUR: In the event that for any reason the

provisions of this deed are declared contrary to the law,
the remaining provisions will remain in full force and will
govern the marriage soon to be consummated between
the parties.


-----The appearing parties accept this deed in all its parts,

as it has been drafted
for being in accordance with what was agreed and acted


----- I, the Notary, attest to having made to the
appearing parties the reservations and legal warnings
pertinent to this granting and the legal scope of these
MARRIAGE CAPITULATIONS, especially that they can
be modified and even left without effect, only before
the celebration of the marriage by public deed and
that once it is celebrated they are unalterable, even if
they refer to future assets and both spouses desire
them, unless the marriage is not celebrated, by those
appearing here, since In this case, if the marriage is
not celebrated, everything established in this deed will
be null.- - - -
-----In addition, I, the Notary, have warned you of the
benefit and needs of accompanying as a complementary
document, a certified or simple copy as the case may be, of
this deed, in any legal transaction that warrants
registration in the Property Registry of Puerto Rico or
before any public agency or private entity, for any
transaction that affects both appearing parties or third
parties and so
they say and grant.

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