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Activity Title: “Fire Out”

Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the following questions.

 How does fire start?


 Will fire continue its flame in the absence of oxygen?


 Suppose we will cover it with a basin, what do you think will happen to the

 What are the three important things needed for combustion to occur?

Activity Title: “Fish Kill”
Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the following questions:

 What could be the cause of the fish kill?


 What is needed in the overpopulated pond?


Activity Title: “Rusting”
Directions: Observe the picture below and answer the following questions:
 What causes the formation of rust in the iron nails?

 What shall we do with the iron nails to minimize or prevent it from rusting?

 What are the two factors that influence the formation of rust in the iron nails?
Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2)
Content is accurate and Content is accurate and Content is questionable. Content is inaccurate.
all required information but some required Information is not Information is not
is presented in a logical information is missing presented in a logical presented in a logical
CONTENT order. and/or presented in a order, making it order, making it difficult
logical order, but still difficult to follow. to follow.
generally easy to
Presentation flows well Presentation flows well Presentation is Presentation has no flow.
and logically. Overall and logically. Overall unorganized. Overall Information is
presentation is presentation is presentation is not insufficient.
interesting. interesting. interesting.
There are no spelling There are few spelling There are some spelling There are many spellings
and grammar errors. and grammar errors. and grammar error. and/or grammar errors.
Text is in authors’ own Text is in authors’ own Most of text is in Text is copied.
words. words. authors’ own words.

GROUP ____

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