Word of Pass and Sacred The Comp Mason

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Shibolet; Like ears of wheat.

“The word wheat comes from the Latin word triticum, which means: broken,
crushed or threshed , referring to the activity that must be carried out to separate
the wheat grain from the husk that covers it. Triticum means, therefore, the grain
that must be threshed in order to be consumed.” In short, what we have to
overcome in order to be transformed.

The weak appearance of the ear allows us to link it with the virtue of temperance,
this energy that appears, according to Plato, moderating reason; The deviation that
the initiate experiences towards reason allows this virtue to temper desire in the
face of the appetites of material life, but it is the flexible condition of the ear that
enables it to withstand the dejection of natural factors, it He always resumes his
right and upright posture, as a lesson he teaches, that it is in the movement and
depression of life, coming and going, deviation or opening, and return or
recollection to the center, that the greatest strength and achievement is achieved
to achieve the inner change desired by every spiritual seeker.

Temperance in the initiated Mason must begin to develop from the beginning, his
simple and subtle work, necessitated by a first instruction, gives him an aspect of
vulnerability that as time passes and his 'maturing', dedication with discipline and
sacrifice For its development, which is not easy, it will turn it into its strength, which
will then transform into resistance and resilience.

The separation to which the spike is subjected to free the seed from the husk or
straw can be compared to the action of emerging from a depth whose beginning
takes place from the moment the plant emerges from the ground, in the case of the
initiatory process, the initiated by passing to the second Masonic degree, it
emerges from its interior land. Preparing to continue and move from one conscious
state to another, and thus gradually become a true worker of the Light.

Now, if the progress of a crop depends on the care of the farmer, it is also his
responsibility to select the seed and fertile land, to protect the crop from adversity.
and removing weeds, aspects that confirm that the cultivation of the good life
depends on vigilance, the same thing happens with the initiation aspect, there is
responsibility for the material and spiritual part, a reflection of the other, the initiates
They must care and be cared for, in my opinion this is summarized in discipline,
compliance with commitments and inspiration from above, in order to have balance
and stability.

Finally, we will comment on the action of sowing wheat, scattering the seed,
delivering it to the earth. Every initiate should surrender to the paths of initiation,
with the hope that the fruits of his effort and work will be revealed in his daily life
and above all in his person. The initiate, like the sower, has to be patient and
careful of what grows, joyful and humble of what he harvests, knowing that the
result of his “work” is the product of his effort and sacrifice, and is worthy of
balance and harmony. harmony.


The Holy Word of the Companion means “to stand firm, to found, to establish.” This
word can, therefore, be translated: “(He) establishes or will establish, found,
confirm.” Related to the Sacred Word of the Apprentice, which means “In Him the

The word is derived from the Greek, "Jah" God and from "Iachin", will establish,
which together constitute the phrase "God will establish

Freemasonry has established the word "Jachin", as the Sacred for the Degree of
Companion, engraving its initial in the Great Column "J", and it is given as meaning

It also has other interpretations that only differ in its writing, such as: stability,
firmness, duration, eternity, immortality, constancy, ingenuity, talent, etc., but
whose essence is nothing more than the phrase: "My perseverance is in the good."

Likewise, I consider that this word, STABILITY, is the key to being able to put this
knowledge into practice and thus be able to transform it into its great TEMPLACE,
and also be able to support our temple just as the two great columns supported
Solomon's Temple.

It's how much.


M:.M:. Alejandro Sandoval Lozano

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