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ECE 2020 – Electric Circuits II

2. Course credit hours: 3
Contact hours per week: 3
Credit category: Engineering Topics

3. Course coordinator: Dr. Charles Lynn Carnal

4. Textbook: R. C. Dorf and J. A. Svoboda, Introduction to Electric Circuits, 9th Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014

Supplemental materials:

5. Course information:
2020 Catalog Laplace transform methods for electric circuit analysis. Sinusoidal
description steady-state and power, mutual inductance, 3-phase circuits, frequency
response, Bode plots, resonance, and filters. Circuit simulation with
SPICE. Circuit applications of probability.
Prerequisite(s) C or better in ECE 2010, C or better in MATH 2010, C or better in
MATH 2120, and C or better in CSC 1300.
Prerequisite(s) C or better in ECE 2001 and C or better in ECE 2011.
or Concurrent
Course type Required Course for EE, EE-Mech, EE-VE, CmpE

6. Course instructional outcomes:

Course ABET
Outcome Course Outcome (CO) Student
No. Outcome
CO1 Use Laplace transforms to investigate the behavior of electric SO1
CO2 Apply phasors to analyze AC circuits SO1
CO3 Calculate complex power in AC circuits and power factor correction SO1
CO4 Evaluate circuits containing mutual inductance and ideal SO1
CO5 Analyze 3-phase AC circuits SO1
CO6 Determine the network function of a circuit, and construct Bode SO1
magnitude and phase plots
CO7 Characterize and electric circuit in terms of bandwidth, Q, and SO1
CO8 Design simple electric filter circuits using operational amplifiers SO1,
CO9 Simulate the transient and frequency domain behavior of circuits SO1,
using SPICE SO2
CO10 Use MATLAB® to assist in the analysis of electric circuits SO1
CO11 Relate the random nature of circuit element values to probabilities SO1
of electrical quantities like voltage, current, power, gain, etc.

ABET criterion 3 Student Outcomes addressed by this course:

Student Outcome (SO)
SO1 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by
applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
SO2 An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified
needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global,
cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.

7. Course topics:
1. Natural, forced and complete responses using Laplace transforms (15%)
2. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis (15%)
3. Complex power, power-factor, power-factor correction, mutual inductance and
transformers (15%)
4. Three-phase circuits (5%)
5. Frequency response, Bode plots and resonance (15%)
6. Filter circuits (10%)
7. Circuit simulation using SPICE (15%) to perform the following:
a. Transient analysis to explore zero-input and zero-state responses for different
damping cases, viz. overdamped, underdamped, and undamped.
b. AC single frequency for steady state and transient analysis with sinusoidal
sources at the same frequency and different frequencies.
c. AC power simulation including coupled coils, ideal transformers, and 3 phase
d. AC sweep simulation to obtain Bode plots.
8. Matlab® calculations (5%)
9. Probability applications for electrical circuits (5%)

Program criteria (curriculum) addressed by this course:

1. “…engineering topics necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic
devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components.”
2. “The curriculum must include probability and statistics, including applications
appropriate to the program name.”

8. Additional topics, assignments, or requirements for dual-level (4000/5000) course:


9. Date: 06/29/2020

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