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Exhaust Flue Gas

Boiler System
3 Fuel
Milk Heating Heating Combustion
Hot Water Section Chamber Chamber Air
Chilled Water (EG/H2O) 8
Ammonia Refrigerant
Pump 1
Fuel Water Supplied
Water Supplied 4
Air Holding
External Fluid Tube

5 12 13
Holding Regeneration Condenser
Milk 1
Storage Tank Section
Feed Pump Expansion
PHE Multi Section

6 Valve Compressor

7 Pump 2

Pasteurized Milk




Septio Kaesyarif

Modelling and Performance Simulation of a Small Capacity Pasteurization Unit Integrated with a
Heat Pump System.


Supervised by

Dr. Dereje Sendeku Ayou

Prof. Dr. Alberto Coronas Salcedo

Master’s Degree

in Energy Conversion Systems and Technologies

Tarragona, February 2023



We STATE that the present Master Thesis, entitled " Modelling and performance simulation
of a small capacity pasteurization unit integrated with a heat pump system” by Septio
Kaesyarif, has been carried out under our supervision at the CREVER research group,
Mechanical Engineering Department, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (Spain).

Tarragona, February 15, 2023

Dereje S. Ayou Alberto Coronas

Co-Supervisor Co-Supervisor



Praise be to God Almighty Allah, for blessings i can complete this thesis. The writing of
this thesis is carried out in order to meet one of the requirements to achieve a Master of Science
degree majoring in Energy Conversion System and Technologies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
I realized that, without assistance and guidance from various parties, from the lecture period to
the preparation of this thesis, it is very difficult for me to complete this thesis.Therefore, I
would like to thank you:

1. Professor Alberto Coronas as a supervisor who has been giving me the

opportunity to get this master degree on this beautiful city Tarragona and also
giving me a lot of lesson about energy conversion systems.
2. Professor Dereje Sendeku Ayou as another supervisor who has been help me and
teach me and has a patient heart to explain me for everything that I don’t
understand each by each.
3. CREVER Research Group who gave me internship grant to live in Tarragona to
finish my master thesis.
4. My beloved family which are my father Firman Kahar and my mother Yeni
Noerhayati and family siblings Kak Vemi, Bang Abdi, Kak Fajri, Kak Asta,
Rizky, Renand who always support me for this master thesis.
5. A special friend and also a partner that I love, Afifa Chaniago who always
accompanying from the beginning of my master’s degree writing until now and
also always gives encouragement in life.
6. All friends who have given away support and encouragement stop in any activity,
especially in writing the final project
7. Other parties that cannot be mentioned who assist the author in various aspects to
the completion of the writing of this final project. Last but not least, I hope that
the One God will repay all goodness all parties who have helped. Hopefully, this
thesis will bring benefits to all Readers. Thanks.



Dairy products especially milk has an increase demand over the years. Milk Consumption
in Indonesia more than ten thousand tonnes has increase from 2020 to 2021. But, only able to
fill needs for 20.07% national milk because of the lack production of fresh milk processed in
the form of pasteurization. Pasteurization processing plant are usually used boiler and chiller
as their heating and cooling utilities to pasteurize milk. It costs a lot of fossil fuel consumption
and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This master thesis studies the impact of changing
conventional heating and cooling utilities using a heat pump system integrated to multi-section
plate heat exchanger (PHE) pasteurization unit while decreasing utilization of fossil fuel and
also the greenhouse gas emissions. The results are obtained by numerical modelling using
Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software to model and simulate the multi-section plate heat
exchanger pasteurization unit integrated with heat pump system. The analysis of this study is
comparing the primary energy consumption between conventional heating and cooling utilities
with heat pump system by integrating the pasteurization unit. And also, the CO2 emissions that
produced from the system will be compared to developed model the best system for heating
and cooling utilities for milk pasteurization unit. Therefore, the development of this model by
changing boiler to heat pump system and connected to the chiller in case 2 contributes for
24.2% primary energy saving and changing all conventional heating and cooling system with
one heat pump system in case 3 contributes for 34.27% primary energy saving. And also, the
development of this model reduce the greenhouse gasses emissions until 6,295 kg CO2 in case
2 and reduce the greenhouse gasses emissions until 11,698 kg CO2 in case 3.

Keywords: Milk, Pasteurization, Multi-section PHE Pasteurization Unit, Fossil Fuel

Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emission, Primary Energy Consumption.



BPS Badan Pusat Statistik (Central Bureau of Statistics)

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

COP Coefficient of Performance

EES Engineering Equation Solver

EG/H2O Ethylene Glycol/Water

GHG Greenhouse Gas

HTST High-Temperature Short-Time

LMTD (∆𝑇!" ) Log-mean Temperature Differential

LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

LTLT Low-Temperature Low-Time

NC Number of Channels

PE Primary Energy

PES Primary Energy Saving

PHE Plate Heat Exchanger

PI Number of Passes at side 1

PII Number of Passes at side 2

UHT Ultra High Temperature

USDA/NASS United States Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Statistics


Yf Type flow in channels

Yh Hot-fluid Location

f Feed Connections



Æ Area Enlargement Factor (-)

r Density (kg/m3)

µ Viscosity (kPa.s)

h Efficiency (-)

A Area (m2)

Ae Area Enlargement (-)

Cht Mean Channel Thickness (mm)

CP Specific Heat (kJ/kg.K)

D Diameter (m)

Dh Diameter Hydraulic (m)

F Volumetric Flowrate (m3/s)

h Coefficient Convective Heat Transfer (kW/m2.K)

k Coefficient Conductive Heat Transfer (kW/m.K)

Nu Nusselt Number (-)

Pr Prandtl Number (-)

Q Energy (kWh)

𝑄̇ Power Thermal (kW)

Re Reynold Number

tc Plate Thickness (m)

Tsink Sink Temperature (K)

Tsource Source Temperature (K)

U Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (kW/m2.K)

V Volume (m3)


𝑊̇ Power Electricity (kWel)


b Boiler

ch Chiller

cs Cooling Section

cw Chilled Water

el Electricity

ep External Fluid Pump

fp Feed Pump

hs Heating Section

hw Hot Water

int Integrated

m Milk

p Pumps

ps Plate Heat Exchanger Sections

reg Regeneration

shc Simultaneous Heating Cooling

sys System


Figure 1.1 Amount of Milk Production in Indonesia 2019-2021. (BPS-Statistics Indonesia,
2022) ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 1.2 Total Energy Consumption for Dairy Milk Plant at Indore, India. (Modi A &
Prajapat R, 2014) ................................................................................................................... 4

Figure 2.3 Representation of the configuration parameters for one section of the Plate Heat
Exchanger (Gut & Pinto, 2003) .......................................................................................... 13

Figure 2.4 Heating System in Pasteurization Plant. (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’, 1995) .. 14

Figure 2.5 Refrigeration System Connected to Pasteurization Unit Cooling Section. ........... 14

Figure 3.4 Temperature difference of LMTD Counter-Current flow ..................................... 20

Figure 3.5 Conventional Closed Refrigeration Cycle. (Motta et al., 2013) ............................ 24

Figure 3.6 Plate Heat Exchanger plate type M10B. (Alfa Laval M10, 2016) ......................... 28

Figure 4.1 Multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger Pasteurization Unit and Conventional Heating
System or Fossil Fuel Fired Boiler and Vapor Compression Chiller.................................. 33

Figure 4.2 Pasteurization plant using multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger Replaced Boiler with
Heat Pump System. ............................................................................................................. 34

Figure 4.3 Pasteurization plant using multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger and Two Stage Vapor
Compression Heat Pump with Open Intercooler. ............................................................... 36

Figure 4.4 Effects of the Variation Efficiency Boiler. ............................................................ 40

Figure 4.5 Effects of the Variation COP Chiller. .................................................................... 41

Figure 4.6 Effects of the Variation Efficiency Power Plant. .................................................. 42


Table 1.1 Dairy Productions of the Main Producing Countries in European Union
(USDA/NASS, 2022) ............................................................................................................ 1

Table 1.2 Distribution Energy Consumption and CO2eq Emissions for 3 Dairy Facilities Cow
Milk Pasteurized Milk Producers. (Egas et al., 2021)........................................................... 3

Table 1.3 Milk and meat production and related GHG Emissions – Global Average. (Animal
Production and Health Division of UN, 2010)...................................................................... 5

Table 3.1 Comparison of present model predictions of multi-section PHE for milk
pasteurization with data from literature (Indumathy et al., 2021)....................................... 23

Table 3.2 Input Parameters for Developed Model. ................................................................. 29

Table 4.1 Data Properties Fluids ............................................................................................. 31

Table 4.2 Comparison Energy Consumption Results. ............................................................ 39

Table 4.3 Comparison CO2 Emission Results......................................................................... 39


STATEMENT OF SUPERVISION......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... x

CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................. xi

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Motivations ................................................................................................................ 7

1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 7

1.4 Justification ................................................................................................................ 8

1.5 Thesis Structure ......................................................................................................... 8

2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Description of Continuous Milk Pasteurizer.............................................................. 9

2.2 Detailed of Subsystems of Continuous Milk Pasteurizer ........................................ 11

2.2.1 Description of Multi Section Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) ............................. 11

2.2.2 Process Variables ............................................................................................. 13

2.2.3 Heating and Cooling Utility Systems in Dairy Plants ..................................... 13

3. MODELLING METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................... 15

3.1 Modelling Assumptions ........................................................................................... 16

3.2 Components Model .................................................................................................. 16

3.3 Model Validation ..................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Heat Pump Model for Integration with HTST Pasteurization Unit ......................... 24


3.5 Performance Parameters .......................................................................................... 25

3.6 Input Model Parameters and Operating Conditions................................................. 27

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 31

4.1 Description of Case Studies ..................................................................................... 32

4.1.1 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Conventional Heat Exchanger (Case 1) ........ 32

4.1.2 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Add on Ammonia Heat Pump System
Separately (Case 2) .......................................................................................................... 34

4.1.3 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Heat Pump for Simultaneous Heating and
Cooling (Case 3) .............................................................................................................. 35

4.2 Comparative Energy Consumption & CO2 Emissions Analysis ............................. 36

5. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 43

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 45

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 50

Appendix Model Case 1....................................................................................................... 50

Appendix Model Case 2....................................................................................................... 57

Appendix Model Case 3....................................................................................................... 64


1.1 Background

Demand of dairy products is increasing very fast every year especially in Indonesia.
Dairy products are food intake consumed by all humans and living things. United States
Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) shows data
of Dairy Productions of the Main Producing Countries in Worldwide in average are increasing
for every year. In 2022, total produce dairy milk in worldwide in average is 659.17 million
tonnes. It has increased a lot from the previous 4 years in 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 which
are 629.07, 634.78, 649.06, and 656.83 million tonnes of products (USDA/NASS, 2022). But
in the European Union, the data shows from 2018 a decrease of dairy productions from 2020
to 2022. Only for cheese increasing for every year in European Union shown by Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Dairy Productions of the Main Producing Countries in European Union
(USDA/NASS, 2022)

Dairy Products (1000 tonnes) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Milk liquid 146,305 147,106 149,732 149,384 146,650

Butter 2,069 2,125 2,173 2,141 2,070

Cheese 9,872 10,155 10,362 10,550 10,600

Milk Nonfat Dry 1,568 1,556 1,590 1,526 1,485

Dry Whole Milk Powder 684 697 736 663 620

Same as in Indonesia, every year production of dairy products especially milk, is

increasing. From BPS-Statistics Indonesia provides data consumption milk in last three years
from 2019 to 2021 are 944.53, 946.91, and 962.67 thousand tonnes productions of milk
respectively shown on chart Figure 1.1 (BPS-Statistics Indonesia, 2022). But unfortunately, on
the period 2012 until 2016, fresh milk production in Indonesia is only able to fill the needs of
national milk for 20.07% and the rest of 79.93% filled by import from another countries. It’s
because of lack production of fresh milk processed in the form of UHT or pasteurization in

Indonesia. It makes milk processing industry in Indonesia prefer producing milk powder whose
raw material is more supplied from import (Kementerian Pertanian/Ministry of Agriculture,
2016; Wulandari et al., 2017).

Milk Produce (Quantity in 1000 ton)

962 962.67666
944 944.53708
2019 2020 2021

Figure 1.1 Amount of Milk Production in Indonesia 2019-2021. (BPS-Statistics

Indonesia, 2022)

In the dairy industry, using too much energy and emitting greenhouse gases are two
issues with making dairy products. From Table 1.2, published by Egas et al. in 2021 in Spain,
it can be seen that three dairy facilities' pasteurized cow milk production systems produce
values for fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions that account for more than
half of the distribution of pasteurized cow milk producers across all dairy facilities. Usually,
0.71 MJ/kg milk is the average thermal energy utilized in those dairy plants. (Egas et al., 2021)


Table 1.2 Distribution Energy Consumption and CO2eq Emissions for 3 Dairy Facilities Cow
Milk Pasteurized Milk Producers. (Egas et al., 2021)

Electric Thermal
Facility Energy Energy Boilerb Officea House Othersa Total
Equipmenta Equipmentb,c,d

Energy Consumption Distribution

DF 1 33.5% 38.8% - 25.9% 0.9% - 0.9% 100%

DF 2 43.0% 16.7% - 40.1% - - 0.2% 100%

DF 3 43.3% 39.2% 8.5% - - - 9.0% 100%

CO2eq Emissions Distribution

DF 1 40.3% 34.5% - 23.0% 1.1% - 1.1% 100%

DF 2 50.6% 14.4% - 34.7% - - 0.3% 100%

DF 3 48.3% 32.2% 9.5% - - - 10.0% 100%

a b c d
Note: electricity consumption, diesel consumption, biomass consumption, butane

Modi and Prajapat conducted research on the energy-optimized pasteurization process at

the Indore Dugdh Sangh Maryadit, India, since it was taken into consideration for the case
study. According to the (USDA/NASS, 2022), India is the nation that produces the most milk
in the world. This dairy milk plant uses the High-Temperature Short-Time (HTST)
pasteurization technology and can produce 10,000 liters of milk per hour for 24 hours. The
energy usage for each section of the dairy milk factory is shown in Figure 1.2. Also, it
demonstrates that the refrigeration and boiler sections, which are the heating and cooling
utilities, are the second-highest energy consumers in the dairy milk plant, using 49,128 and
12,763 kilowatts and 147319 kilowatt-hours for the total energy consumptions, respectively
(Modi A and Prajapat R, 2014). According to our knowledge of Spain as a representative of


European producer milk and India as a representative of Asian producer milk, the dairy
processing plant's heating and cooling systems use the most energy.


Process Prepack Refrigeration Boiler Pump House Lighting Others



Figure 1.2 Total Energy Consumption for Dairy Milk Plant at Indore, India. (Modi A &
Prajapat R, 2014)

The processing stage to produce fresh milk will make emissions which come from the
use of energy, whether fossil fuels or electricity to run the dairy plant. As we know for every
dairy milk plant, there is a lot of equipment like on the Figure 1.2. Most of the greenhouse gas
emissions from dairy herds plant is come from production and processing milk (Animal
Production and Health Division of UN, 2010) which most of form is thermal energy. The GHG
emissions from dairy herds were estimated at 1,969 million tonnes CO2eq in 2007 of which
1,328 million tonnes CO2eq are attributed to milk with 553 million tonnes of total production
milk on that year. The rest is meat production shown on Table 1.3. This GHG emissions from
producing milk contribute 2.7% to total anthropogenic GHG Emissions in 2007 (Animal
Production and Health Division of UN, 2010). This data could be a reference for every next
year that dairy plant will be produce GHG emissions increasing more than 1,000 million tonnes
CO2eq per year.


Table 1.3 Milk and meat production and related GHG Emissions – Global Average. (Animal
Production and Health Division of UN, 2010)

GHG Emissions GHG Emissions Contribution to Total

Total Production
Commodities (Million Tonnes (kg CO2eq per kg Anthropogenic
(Million Tonnes)
CO2eq) of product) Emissions in 2007 (%)

553 1,328 2.4 2.7
and transport

From Figure 1.2 and Table 1.3, impact of the processing milk using heating and cooling
utilities which consuming thermal energy in dairy industry plant is very important for further
research. Because boiler and refrigeration sections are one of the biggest energy consumptions
beside the process section which is the pasteurization unit self (Modi A & Prajapat R, 2014).
Boiler and refrigeration sections in dairy milk plant from their paper are make up almost half
of the energy consumption with 42.01% from total of energy consumption in dairy milk plant.
Even on Table 1.2, fossil fuel consumption which are using diesel, biomass, and butane, is the
most distribution energy consumption and GHG emissions in dairy facility of cow milk
pasteurized milk producer. And also, GHG emissions that occur from producing and processing
milk is 67.45% from total of GHG emissions in 2007 and could be increasing year by year until
now (Animal Production and Health Division of UN, 2010).

According to the 1995 publication "Dairy Processing Handbook," the plate heat
exchanger (PHE), the tubular heat exchanger, and the scraped-surface heat exchanger are the
three types of heat exchangers most frequently used in the dairy industry. A frame connects a
pack of stainless-steel plates to form the plate heat exchanger. The frame contains several
stages of treatment which are preheating, final heating, and cooling. To achieve the best
possible heat transfer, the plates are typically corrugated. Through the holes in the side of the
plate heat exchanger plates, fluid enters and exits the channel on the plate heat exchanger. Like
a plate heat exchanger, a tubular heat exchanger can handle products with particles up to a
particular size and has no contact points in the product channel. Moreover, a tubular heat
exchanger in UHT treatment can operate between cleanings longer than a plate heat exchanger.


To be utilized in UHT treatment, a tubular heat exchanger is therefore more reliable than a
plate heat exchanger, although it is less efficient. The most common applications for scraped-
surface heat exchangers are the heating and cooling of viscous, sticky, and lumpy materials as
well as product crystallization. High pressures, frequently in the range of 40 bar, are required
to run this heat exchanger on the product side. Products in a scraped-surface heat exchanger
flow constantly upward through a vertical cylinder from the lower port. For handling common
items like jams, cocoa, peanut butter, sweets, and others, a scraped-surface heat exchanger is
typically utilized (Dairy Processing Handbook, 1995). Nowadays, plate heat exchangers rather
than other heat exchanger technologies are used for the majority of heat treatments in the dairy
products business. Plate heat exchangers, which also reduce fuel consumption and CO2
emissions, can greatly improve energy efficiency and thermal-hydraulic performance (Wang
et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2017).

At a dairy milk plant, heat treatment is a crucial step in the processing of milk.
Thermisation, LTLT pasteurization, HTST pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization, UHT
treatment, and container sterilisation are some of the heat treatment methods used in the
processing of milk. Thermisation is a procedure that pre-heats milk to a temperature between
63 and 65 oC for around 15 seconds in order to temporarily prevent bacterial development and
allow milk to be stored for several hours or days before being pasteurized. Low-temperature
long-time pasteurization, often known as LTLT pasteurization, is a method of pasteurization
in which milk is heated to 63 oC and maintained at that temperature for around 30 minutes.
High-temperature short-time pasteurization, often known as HTST pasteurization, is a heat
treatment for milk that is currently used in addition to UHT treatment. A procedure known as
HTST pasteurization involves heating milk to a temperature of 72 to 75 oC for 15 to 20 seconds
before cooling it. The phosphatase enzyme in milk is being destroyed by this process, but not
all of the beneficial components. Milk is heated to 125–138 oC for 2–4 seconds during the ultra-
pasteurization process, and then it is quickly cooled to under 7 oC. This procedure is the
cornerstone of extended life, which is a catchall word for heat-treated items that have
undergone some sort of preservation improvement and that must also be distributed while being
kept chilled. Ultra-pasteurization is quite similar to UHT therapy, or ultra-high temperature
treatment. During a brief period of time, the milk was heated to between 135 and 140 oC before
being immediately cooled and distributed. This method eliminates the microorganisms that, in


the absence of the process, would ruin the goods but may keep them for a long time before they
go bad. And sterilisation in container is a process that milk got heated inside of their container
in temperature 115 – 120 oC for some 20 – 30 minutes.

1.2 Motivations

The background of this master's thesis reveals that treating milk with fossil fuels before
it is consumed by society results in significant energy consumption when boilers and
refrigeration are used as heating and cooling utilities. Pasteurization of milk consumes roughly
half of the total energy required for processing milk. Moreover, the processing of milk by dairy
industries produces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Dairy herds emit more than a billion
tonnes CO2-equivalent of carbon dioxide each year in order to make milk (Animal Production
and Health Division of UN, 2010; Egas et al., 2021; Modi A & Prajapat R, 2014). In order to
process milk for consumption, dairy industries must change their heating and cooling systems
to be more energy-efficient and to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Due to its superior performance and energy economy, multi-section plate heat exchangers
rather than tubular heat exchangers and scraped-surface heat exchangers will be used as
pasteurization units for milk. To achieve the greatest pasteurized milk results, the heat
treatment for milk will use an HTST pasteurization method.

This master's thesis compares the performance of multi-section PHE with conventional
heating and cooling utilities, which use boiler and refrigeration systems, to the heat pump
system in place of the conventional heating and cooling utilities in order to determine the
primary energy consumption figures for the pasteurization plant. By making this change,
typical heating and cooling systems that are used in two sections for pasteurization can produce
less greenhouse gas emissions.

1.3 Objectives

The multi-section plate heat exchanger will incorporate heat pump technology. By
simulating the numerical model for a small-capacity milk pasteurization machine based on
multi-section PHE coupled with heat pump technology, it aims to reduce fossil fuel usage and
GHG emissions. The comparison of primary energy consumption and greenhouse gas
emissions between traditional heating and cooling utilities that use boiler and refrigeration


system with heat pump technology can be done to achieve this goal. The effects of integrating
heat pump technology on the dairy processing milk plant can be determined by comparing their
performances. By numerical modelling, the research will assess performance, and the results
will be discussed.

1.4 Justification

Many scholars have already studied the topic of milk pasteurization, including Griffin &
O'mahony (n.d.); Indumathy et al. (2022); Munir et al. (2016a); and O'mahony & Griffin
(2003). And studies into the use of alternative energy sources for heating milk have been
conducted by (Khadir et al., 2000; Shah, 2021; Tabari & Heris, 2015; Taha & Salhab, 2020).
However, the primary energy consumption of the heat pump technology with the conventional
system has not yet been compared using a multi-section plate heat exchanger pasteurization
unit. This research must also look into how using heat pump technology instead of conventional
heating and cooling utilities can minimize the consumption of fossil fuels and GHG emissions.

The main idea for pasteurizing milk will be based on the multi-section plate heat
exchanger, which will be used in pasteurization units by (Indumathy et al., 2021) and ('Dairy
Processing Handbook', 1995). The subject of Thermal Energy Conversion Technology is
covered in this master's thesis from (Coronas, 2022).

1.5 Thesis Structure

This master's thesis has five chapters. The purpose of Chapter 1 is to provide background
information and a description of the issue that has arisen in the dairy products industry. The
system description for the milk pasteurizer is covered in Chapter 2. This chapter explains the
operation of the pasteurization system. A method for numerical modelling is demonstrated in
Chapter 3 in order to calculate the performance of a multi-section plate heat exchanger that has
been integrated with heat pump technology. In Chapter 4, the performance results and an
examination of the performance results of heat pump and traditional heat exchanger
technologies are shown. Conclusions from the research's findings and analyses are presented
in Chapter 5, which is the final chapter.


2.1 Description of Continuous Milk Pasteurizer

Milk is now pasteurized in the dairy industry as depicted in Figure 2.1. The pasteurization
unit used a plate heat exchanger with many sections to divide the milk into pre-heat and pre-
cold sections (Regeneration Section), heating sections, and cooling sections. Milk must be held
in the holding tube after it has been heated before returning to the regeneration area to be pre-
cold before going into the chilling system and the storage. Milk must be held in a holding tube
at a temperature of 72 to 75 oC for 15 to 20 seconds in order to pasteurize it using the high-
temperature short-time (HTST) method.


Figure 2.1 The Complete Pasteurizer Plant, adapted from (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’,

This pasteurization plant using plate heat exchanger is controlled to get a good product
quality. As shown on the Figure 2.1, pasteurization plant comprises of a holding tank, feed
pump, flow controller, booster pump, holding tube, pasteurizer unit of three section, hot water
heating system, and cooling system.


Those components of the pasteurization plant have own function to pasteurize the milk.
Holding tank used for stored the raw milk before pasteurized. During operation of
pasteurization, holding tank must be fulfilled to prevent the milk from burning on to the plates
while operating this pasteurization unit. The feed pump is working to supplies the milk into the
pasteurization unit with a constant flowrate. The flow controller works to maintain the value
of temperature and a constant length of the holding time for each pasteurization method so the
value and the result of the product of pasteurization have a good quality. Holding tube has a
function to hold the milk for required time according to the method pasteurization used after
got heated on heating section by required temperature. Booster pump has same function as feed
pump to boost the flowrate of the milk into re-entry to the regeneration section after got held
on holding tube. Three section of the plate heat exchanger which are cooling section that used
for cooling the milk, regeneration section for pre-heat or pre-cool the milk, and heating section
for heating the milk. Hot water system and cooling system are equipment outside of the
pasteurization unit to heat the medium for heating the milk on the heating system and cool the
medium for cooling the milk on the cooling system.

Based on reference from Figure 2.1, this research can make a model of multi-section
plate heat exchanger to flow the raw milk starting on holding tank until got pasteurized into
storage tank to get distributed. First, the raw milk will be stored on the holding tank and go to
regeneration section to get a pre-heat and continue to the heating. Raw milk on the heating
section will be heated by required temperature and got held in the holding tube by required
time. The milk which got heated must be pre-cool when re-entry to regeneration section. After
that, the milk will enter the cooling section and pasteurized milk will be stored on the storage.
So basically, this is the based model of multi-section PHE pasteurization unit plant for this


2.2 Detailed of Subsystems of Continuous Milk Pasteurizer

In a multi-section plate heat exchanger, the high temperature short time (HTST) method
is typically used in the dairy sector to pasteurize milk. The fundamental step in producing a
milk product for pre-treatment in the dairy industry—such as yogurt, cheese, skim milk, cream,
etc.—is pasteurization. The Figure 2.2 frame is used to produce a collection of corrugated
plates that make up the plate heat exchanger. The channels that are created between two
corrugated plates will allow fluid to flow through them. Different fluids will be used in the odd
and even channels, and each fluid will exchange heat through the metal corrugated plate. Plate
heat exchanger must be designed specialized because of the variety of plates and the number
of plates according to their application. Also, the manufacturers of plate heat exchanger have
their own design method according for the user either. So, there are no design methods for
PHEs with multiple sections and generalized configurations in the open literature (Gut & Pinto,

Figure 2.2 Plate heat-exchanger assemblage and parts: a, opened plate pack; b, fixed end
cover; c, moveable end cover; d, upper carrying bar; e, lower carrying bar; f, support column;
g, tightening bolts; h, corrugated chevron plate; i, plate gasket; j, plate port. Adapted from (Gut
& Pinto, 2003).

2.2.1 Description of Multi Section Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE)

The flow of fluids between the hot and cold fluids is defined by the configuration of the
plate heat exchanger. The fluids will flow into inside of the plate pack. The characterization of
their configuration, six parameters are used: Number of Channels, Number of Passes at Side 1,


Number of Passes at Side 2, Feed Connection Relative Location, Hot-fluid Location, Type of
Flow in Channels.

A space between two plates where hot or cold fluids will flow is known as the number
of channels (Nc). For instance, a channel with an odd number will have hot fluid flowing
through it, while a channel with an even number will have cold fluid flowing through it.
Depending on the application and the demand for heat transfer, each segment of the plate heat
exchanger has a different number of channels.

The number of channels is inversely correlated with the number of passes at sides 1 and
2 (PI and PII). A channel where the fluid stream will be divided and change direction is called
the number of passes. The number of passes at side 1 denotes the number of fluid changes in
the odd channel, whereas the number of passes at side 2 denotes the number of fluid changes
in the even channel. For instance, as depicted in Figure 2.3.

Feed connection of side 1 arbitrarily set arbitrarily to channel number 1. But the feed
connection of side 2 is relative by location and given by the parameter (f). The values for f are
1-4 according to configuration of the plate heat exchanger which can be rotated or mirrored.

Hot-fluid Location (Yh) is a binary parameter that assigns the fluids to plate heat
exchanger sides as shown in Figure 2.3. If Yh = 1, the hot fluid occupies side 1 and if Yh = 0,
the hot fluid occupies side 2.

The binary parameter Type of flow in channels (Yf) also specifies the kind of flow on the
plate inside the channel, as seen in Figure 2.3. If Yf = 1, the flow is diagonal flow for every
channel and if Yf = 0, the flow is vertical flow for every channels.


Figure 2.3 Representation of the configuration parameters for one section of the Plate
Heat Exchanger (Gut & Pinto, 2003)

2.2.2 Process Variables

The heating pasteurization temperature and holding times for the raw milk pasteurization
process are standard values established by standard regulations. All the standard regulations
are cited from (Indumathy et al., 2021) paper. Input of the regeneration section from holding
tank has a standard temperature for milk on around 2 – 5 oC because raw milk from holding
tank is stored on it before got pasteurized. The raw milk will come out with specific flow rate
to make the milk flow inside of the pasteurization unit on the output of the regeneration has to
be around 63 – 65 oC after got pre-heated. After that, the raw milk will be entering input of the
heating section with same temperature as the output of the regeneration. The milk must come
out from the output of the heating section on 72 – 74 oC based on HTST pasteurization method.
Then the milk will go entering the holding tube with that temperature and got held for around
15 – 20 s based on HTST pasteurization method. After the milk got heated, milk will re-entry
to regeneration section to get pre-cool with the input temperature same as the output of the
holding tube. Milk will exchange the heat with the raw milk from holding tank. The output of
milk which got pre-cool from regeneration will come out on temperature 12 – 15 oC. Input
temperature milk on cooling section has the same temperature as the output from regeneration
which got pre-cool. And the output temperature milk on cooling section has to be 4 – 5 oC and
stored in storage to get distribute. Also, depending on the manufacturer of the plate heat
exchanger, it is important to have the flowrate and pump power for input operations.

2.2.3 Heating and Cooling Utility Systems in Dairy Plants

For pasteurizing milk or dairy products, dairy industry has their own utility systems to
heating and cooling products. The majority of dairy factories use the HTST pasteurization
process while using a boiler as a heating system and a chiller as a cooling system. According
to the (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’, 1995) the boiler will produce steam from a water tank at
a pressure of about 6 to 7 bar. The hot water will be heated using this water, which will turn
into steam. With a feed water pump, the boiler's water will flow continuously. Following its
transformation into steam, as seen in Figure 2.4, this steam will heat hot water through insulated
pipes to bring heat to milk on heating section pasteurization machine. After utilizing heat of


steam in heat exchanger to heating the hot water, steam will condensate into water and will be
drained to the environment. The hot water as a medium for heating milk is recirculated to the
heat exchanger and will get heat from steam to go back to heating section for heating milk.

Figure 2.4 Heating System in Pasteurization Plant. (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’, 1995)

In the chiller unit in Figure 2.5, there are two circulation circuits for the refrigerant and
cooled water or mixture, respectively. The cooled water or mixture will absorb the heat from
the pasteurization unit's cooling section, transmit it to the refrigerant circulation, and then
release it on the condenser of the refrigeration system. According to the pasteurization process,
this procedure warms up water or a mixture to a low temperature and lowers the temperature
of milk to the required level.


Figure 2.5 Refrigeration System Connected to Pasteurization Unit Cooling Section.


Using numerical modelling on a pasteurization unit multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger
combined with traditional heating and cooling utilities as well as a heat pump system, the model
is calculated. By calculating the value of the primary energy consumption and GHG emissions
while utilizing various utilities, this model will be put to the test. Figure 3.1 of the flow chart
processing the simulation model is displayed below.

Figure 3.1 Algorithm of Methodology for Numerical Modelling Master Thesis.


3.1 Modelling Assumptions

A numerical model of the pasteurization unit, based on multi-section plate heat

exchanger, was developed using the following simplifying modelling assumptions:

• The plate heat exchangers are operating at steady state condition.

• Plates profile in the channel is corrugated plate.
• The external fluids are perfect mixture in the direction flow in each unit.
• Heat losses are negligible.
• No phase changes.
• The physical properties of the fluids remain temperature dependent.
• Heat transfer only occurs in the direction perpendicular to the flow.
• No fouling.

3.2 Components Model

Pasteurized milk is the primary source of the study's material. This study requires
knowledge of the characteristics of milk, hot water for heating the milk during the heating
section, and a mixture of ethylene glycol (EG)/water (H2O) for cooling the milk during the
cooling section. The fluid milk used in this study is raw milk, which comprises 0.035 kg/kg of
protein, 0.035 kg/kg of fat, 0.049 kg/kg of carbohydrate, 0.007 kg/kg of ash, and 0.874 kg/kg
of water (Bühler et al., 2018).

On this simulation, numerical modelling will be calculated by using a software

Engineering Equation Solver (EES) to calculate energy exchange per every section to get the
performance. To simulate the model, properties are the main role of it. This simulation has a
purpose to pasteurize a raw milk liquid. Properties raw milk by (Bühler et al., 2018) explain a
mass fraction contains of protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash, and water on the milk.

The parameters to determine the milk's specific heat (𝐶# $ ), density (rm), viscosity (µm),

convective heat transfer coefficient (hm), and thermal conductivity (km) are based on the mass
fraction of milk that is present in the sample. This study uses EES Fluid Properties to obtain
the parameters for hot water. The required thermodynamic properties hot water same as milk.
Hot water must have specific heat of hot water (𝐶# %& ), density of hot water (rhw), viscosity of

hot water (µhw), convective heat transfer coefficient of hot water (hhw), and thermal conductivity

of hot water (khw). And also, fluid this research use for cooling system is Ethylene Glycol/Water
mixture as a medium to cooling the milk. The mass concentration of EG used is 35%. This
properties reference is from EES Fluid Properties and (‘International Journal of Air-
Conditioning and Refrigeration’, 2010). Same as the others, this mixture must have specific
heat of EG/H2O (𝐶# '& ), density of EG/H2O (rcw), viscosity of EG/H2O (µcw), convective heat

transfer coefficient of EG/H2O (hcw), and thermal conductivity of EG/H2O (kcw). And the last
properties which this research must have the thermal conductivity from material of the plate
that used on plate heat exchanger (kplate). All properties have a role for this simulation and got
an impact for small difference. This simulation is using equation by temperature dependent
from the input system.

Figure 3.2 Schematic of a Small Capacity Pasteurization Unit Plant.

3 Heating Heating
Hot Water Section System
EG/H2O Mixture 8


Raw Holding Regeneration
Milk 1
Storage Tank Section
PHE Multi Section

Cooling Cooling
Section System

Pasteurized Milk

Once the properties have been established, we may simulate the system using the
schematic in Figure 3.2. First, the raw milk will be stored in holding tank. Raw milk will be
stored in holding tank. Raw milk will flow (stream 1) into regeneration section. On this section,
raw milk will get pre-heated by pasteurized milk from heating section (stream 5). After got
pre-heated, this raw milk will go to heating section (stream 2) to get heated. This temperature
must be held for at least 15 s. So, this heated milk will flow (stream 4) into holding tube to get
held for 15 – 20 s. After this milk got heated from heating section and got held on holding tube,
this heated milk will flow (stream 5) get pre-cooled on regeneration section. Heated milk got
pre-cooled with milk flowing from holding tank (stream 1). This milk will get pre-cooled. Pre-


cooled milk will flow (stream 6) to cooling section to get colder. On this phase, milk has got
pasteurized (stream 7) and will be stored in a storage.

These stages also have some support on heating section and cooling section. On the
heating section, milk got heated from hot water (stream 8) and the hot water will go back to
heating utility to get heated (stream 9). On the cooling section, same as on the heating section,
milk got cooled from ethylene glycol/water mixture (stream 10) and the glycol/water mixture
will go back to chiller to get cooled also (stream 11).

High Temperature Short Time is a process of pasteurization of milk that need to be heated
around 72 – 74 oC for at least 12 – 15 s. This process efficiently removed all of microorganism
present in raw milk for safety objectives even Baccilus sp. survived of this treatment (Escuder-
Vieco et al., 2018). On the pasteurization unit plant, there is an equipment that hold the
temperature for 12 – 15 s is on Holding Tube. This volume and long of the holding tube can be
determine by Eq. 3.1 and Eq 3.2.
) + ,-
𝑉%( = ./00 + 1
𝑑𝑚. 3.1
2!" + 3
𝐿%( = 4 + 5#
𝑑𝑚 3.2

Where F is a flow rate at pasteurization (𝑙/ℎ), D is a diameter of the tube, and h is efficiency
factor of holding tube. (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’, 1995)

Figure 3.3 Zigzag holding tube adapted from (‘Dairy Processing Handbook’, 1995)

On pasteurization, Eq. 3.3 is the key to energy balance. Every section of this
pasteurization unit always exchange heat through the plate heat exchanger. So, on the Eq. 3.10,


this research will get overall heat transfer coefficient to use for calculating on Eq. 3.9. And
also, on the Eq. 3.6, this research will get log mean temperature difference to use for

Every section of multi-section plate heat exchanger has equation which represent the heat
transfer. But, for every equation on every section is generic plate heat exchanger thermal
equation which can be determined by
𝜌$ 𝑐# $ 𝑉#6,8 9(
+ 𝑄:;66 = 𝐹$ 𝜌$ 𝑐# $ (𝑇$<&',) − 𝑇$;&',) ) ± 𝑈#6,8 𝐴#6,8 ∆𝑇8 3.3

This equation is a standard heat transfer with density (r), specific heat (cp), volume (V),
temperature (T), heat losses (Qloss), volumetric flow rate (F), overall heat transfer coefficient
(U), and area heat transfer (A). As assumption that up above, heat losses will be negligible so
it will be:

𝑄:;66 = 0 3.4
𝜌$ 𝑐#$ 𝑉#6,8 9(
= 𝐹$ 𝜌$ 𝑐#$ (𝑇$<&',) − 𝑇$;&',) ) ± 𝑈#6,8 𝐴#6,8 ∆𝑇8 3.5

This equation represents for every section on Plate Heat Exchanger. For heating section
and regeneration represented with + sign and for cooling system and re-entry from holding tube
to regeneration represented with – sign. Also, ps is plate heat exchanger sections for j is
representing the value of 1,2,3,4 for cooling section, regeneration, heating system, and re-entry
from holding tube to regeneration. This energy balance also can be used for determining
temperature that has not standard which is the temperature output from regeneration which heat
has transferred to milk input in regeneration from holding tank.


Figure 3.4 Temperature difference of LMTD Counter-Current flow

In plate heat exchanger, flow of the fluid is counter flow like shown in the Figure 3.4.
When the fluid flows on the channel, heat transfer will be occurred. The temperature of hot
fluid will be dropping, and the temperature of cold fluid will be rising in a continuous milk
pasteurization process. This heat transfer process has an affect and has to consider. For support
this concept, numerical modelling needs to use log mean temperature difference (LMTD)
equation to approach the value of this heat transfer. Because the fluid will be flowed in a
counter flow in plate heat exchanger to transfer the heat, so this research needs to replace the
constant difference temperature in plate heat exchanger section to LMTD type of counter-
current flow and determined ∆𝑇,8 is given by

>-% "% + ? -% &',# @?(-, "% + ? -, &',# )

𝐿𝑀𝑇𝐷 (∆T,= ) = -.% "% + / .% &',# 0
(., "% + / ., &',# )

For all the temperature difference can replace to LMTD counter current flow for all other
sections of plate heat exchanger too. As (Gutierrez et al., 2014) said that an accuracy of only 1
C may reduce the pasteurization effect in 25%. So, the LMTD equation can make this model
more accurate by improving the efficiency of the pasteurization process.

To define the energy balance, LMTD has important role on it. Every section has energy
that could be define for determining temperature that has not standard too. And also, energy in
every section will be define how many plates for every plate heat exchanger section. To define
energy is known as:


𝑄 = 𝑚̇𝑐# (𝑇; − 𝑇< ) 3.7

𝑄 = 𝐹𝜌𝑐# (𝑇; − 𝑇< ) 3.8

F is representing volumetric flow rate combining density (r) will become a mass flow rate (𝑚̇).

Total heat transfer rate could also define from overall heat transfer coefficient (U) with
area heat transfer and log mean temperature difference. In this definition can be calculated

𝑄 = 𝑈𝐴∆𝑇!" 3.9

Overall heat transfer coefficient is a coefficient that define of combination from thermal
conductivity and convective heat transfer. On this case, overall heat transfer between two fluids
on either side of a plate can be used for making an equation.
E E (3 E
= %!%"
+ G&45"6
+ %3%47

Where tc is the thickness of the plate, kp is the thermal conductivity of the plate material, hhot/cold
is convective heat transfer coefficient of hot fluid and cold fluid.

Convective heat transfer coefficient (h) between two fluids and a plate in the channel
plate heat exchanger can be found using some correlation. This correlation head to
dimensionless number which is Nusselt number (Nu) and calculated by Reynold number (Re)
and Prandtl number (Pr) which given by (Indumathy, Sobana and Panda, 2021).

𝑁𝑢 = 0.28𝑅𝑒 0./I 𝑃𝑟 0.3 , for 𝑅𝑒 ≥ 1000 3.11

Nusselt number is a dimensionless number that can be defining the convective heat
transfer coefficient.
G8 %
𝑁𝑢 = 5!

Where Dh is a diameter hydraulic which shown by Eq. 3.13.

𝐷% = Æ

Where cht is a mean channel thickness of the plate heat exchanger and Æ is a factor of
area enlargement.


Reynold number and Prandtl number is a combination from the properties of the fluid
and the plate operating in the channel. Reynold number and Prandtl number are given by Eq.
3.14 and Eq. 3.15. (Indumathy et al., 2021)
J8 )8
𝑅𝑒 = K8
𝐷% 3.14

L& K8
Pr = G8

Where µf is a viscosity of the fluid which operates in channel.

Total heat transfer rate from Eq. 3.9 can be defining the area heat transfer. For every
section of the plate heat exchanger has different number of plates for area enlargement. Such
as regeneration section will has a greater number of plates than heating and cooling sections
because of the pre-heat in the regeneration section has a massive temperature difference.
Number of plates for area enlargement can be define by this given equation.
𝐴𝑒 = &!N3

Where L is a length of the plate heat exchanger and fc is an area enlargement factor of the
corrugated plate which contains of corrugation angle and channel aspect ratio in assumes
the values between 1.12 to 1.25. (Fernandes et al., 2007)

3.3 Model Validation

For validate the developed model, this research use software Engineering Equation
Solver to simulate the model based on (Indumathy et al., 2021). This paper is researching about
fouling in a plate heat exchanger with high temperature pasteurization process. It can be a
reference for the developed model because of the result they obtain is the area heat transfer for
every section to determine number of plates for area enlargement. To simulate this model, the
assumption used there is no fouling around of the plate heat exchanger. And also, they don’t
use a temperature dependent assumption for their physical properties.

Physical properties on that table are incomplete to do the simulation on Engineering

Equation Solver software such as the specific heat and the viscosity of the fluids and also the
properties of the milk. So, to assume the less properties for the validation, the based model will
be defined as a raw milk from (Bühler et al., 2018). For all input operations that paper used is


same as the developed model because pasteurization method that they used is High
Temperature Short Time as well.

According to (Indumathy et al., 2021), the number of plates at the regeneration, heating,
and cooling sections are 80, 14, and 40, respectively, and the areas where heat is transferred by
plate heat exchangers are 17.6 m2, 3.01 m2, and 8.8 m2 each. This model must acquire a value
for the number of plates that is identical to or comparable to the result of that publication in
order to validate this result with the model developed in this study.

On this model, which is based on (Indumathy et al., 2021), obtain a similar result for
number of plates and area heat transfer of plate heat exchanger. The results of the model
validation are shown on the Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Comparison of present model predictions of multi-section PHE for milk
pasteurization with data from literature (Indumathy et al., 2021).

Sections (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) – (d) Dev (%)

Regeneration 76.01 80 16.72 m2 17.6 m2 -0.88 m2 4.89

Heating 12.23 14 2.692 m2 3.01 m2 -0.318 m2 10.56

Cooling 39.2 40 8.623 m2 8.8 m2 -0.177 m2 2.01

Note: (a) and (c) are present model presenting number of plates and heat transfer area
respectively, (b) and (d) are data from (Indumathy et al., 2021) presenting number of plates
and heat transfer area which they got respectively. Operating conditions at Density NH3=636
kg/m3, Density H2O=1000 kg/m3, Density Milk=1054.72 kg/m3, Density Plat=7999.7 kg/m3,
Viscosity NH3=169x10-6 Pa.s, Conductivity NH3=0.54x10-3 kW/m.K, Conductivity
Milk=0.56x10-3 kW/m.K, Conductivity Plate=0.05 kW/m.K, Coef. film heat transfer
milk=1.828 kW/m2.K, Coef. Film heat transfer hot water= 8.3176 kW/m2.K, Coef. Film heat
transfer cold water=6.045 kW/m2.K.

Input parameters for this model validation using physical properties they use ammonia
as a medium on their cooling section and fouling effect in this journal resulting in heating
section drop the overall heat transfer coefficient to 3.8%. They also use flat plate where area
enlargement factor for flat plate is 1.


The deviations on Table 3.1 showing that the biggest deviation is in heating section and
the smallest deviation is in cooling section. The deviations occur because of the difference
temperature parameters. Data from (Indumathy et al., 2021) are using range to determine for
every temperature on their sections. For instance, they use temperature input to regeneration
section from 2 to 6 oC. And for present model, this research use temperature input to
regeneration section is 2 oC. Because of the uncertainty data from based model, deviation is

3.4 Heat Pump Model for Integration with HTST Pasteurization Unit

The conventional heating and cooling systems will be replaced by a heat pump type in
this study. A heat pump uses energy to move heat from a low-temperature source to a high-
temperature sink (Motta et al., 2013). The refrigeration cycle is based on the refrigerant
vapour's cyclic compression and expansion to extract heat from a lower and reject to a higher
temperature level, as shown on Figure 3.5. Refrigerant in this cycle is evaporated (1) in
evaporator, compressed (2) in compressor, condensed (3) in condenser, expanded (4) in
expansion valve, and going back to evaporated again.

Figure 3.5 Conventional Closed Refrigeration Cycle. (Motta et al., 2013)

Primary energy consumption will be compared between; a multi-section PHE that uses a
heat pump system and a conventional heating and cooling system (case 1), a heat pump system
that replaces the conventional heating utility while continuing to use a chiller as a cooling utility


(case 2), and a pasteurizer processing milk plant that replaces its heating and cooling system to
operate simultaneously for both heating and cooling (case 3). Refrigerant in the system as a
vapour in state (1) is flowing to compressor to get compressed, so the temperature of the
refrigerant will be rising and going to condenser in state (2). In condenser, refrigerant
exchanging heat with hot water as a medium in heating section. Hot water will absorb the heat
and bring the heat to heating section in pasteurization unit and refrigerant reject the heat until
it changes their phase to saturated liquid in state (3). After that, refrigerant going to expansion
valve to make the pressure lower, and it makes temperature in state (4) lower than state (3).
After the temperature got lower, the refrigerant will be going to evaporator to cooling the
temperature EG/H2O as a medium in cooling section.

The heat pump system is using works of the vapour compression as the source energy to
heating the refrigerant on the heat pump cycle. The performance of this process can be shown
in Eq 3.17 as a key figure to characterize the energy performance of a heat pump.
O! P O3
𝐶𝑂𝑃 = Q64

Where Qh is a heat released on the condenser and Qc is a heat absorbed on the evaporator. Wel
is a power consumption vapour compressor electrical on heat pump technology.

3.5 Performance Parameters

Multi-section PHE pasteurization unit integrated with heat pump system has parameters
that will define the primary energy saving by compared with conventional heating and cooling
utilities which are using boiler and refrigeration system. Outputs of this modelling will obtain
the thermal power consumption, electrical power refrigeration system consumption, and
primary energy consumption for every model utility that will be used.

The output of this research needs a value of primary energy consumption on the system
based on case studies. The total primary energy consumption on the flow shows on Eq. 3.18 is
required for the supply of heating and supply of cooling for case 1 while using conventional
heating and cooling utilities using fossil fuel which is boiler and electric-driven vapor
compression in chiller.

Ȯ! Ȯ3 Q̇
𝑃𝐸6R6 = 19
+ LTU × 164
+ 1& 3.18
3! 64


Where 𝑄̇% is a supply of heating and 𝜂W is an efficiency of boiler, 𝑄̇' is a supply of cooling,
and 𝑊̇# is a power of pumps in pasteurization unit.

Before calculating the PE of the system case 1, the chiller that will be used has to get the
performance first. The COP (Coefficient of Performance) of chiller system are calculated by
using equation on the Eq. 3.19.

𝐶𝑂𝑃 = Q̇64

But for the COP of the heat pump system for case 2 and case 3, this research use
estimation from the carnot-based method which is COP ideal while operating at a fraction (h )
45% of the ideal COP based on reference on Eq. 3.20. (Cox et al., 2022).

𝐶𝑂𝑃X6(<$Y(Z = 𝜂 . 𝐶𝑂𝑃LY[\;( 3.20

For the COP carnot, (Arpagaus et al., 2018) shows the equation on Eq. 3.21 for COP
ideal for heating with calculating the temperature sink and temperature source of the heat pump
𝐶𝑂𝑃LY[\;(?%# = -',:; ? -'%<=36

Where Tsink and Tsource are average temperatures of heat supply and cold supply which are
given by Eq. 3.22 and Eq. 3.23.
-%<",3%: ? -,:,3%:
𝑇6<\G = .%<",3%: 3.22
:\ ] ^

-,:,6>5 ? -%<",6>5
𝑇6;_['Z = . 3.23
:\ ] ,:,6>5 ^

This primary energy equation is used for pasteurization system that has already integrated
with heat pump system which for case 2 and case 3. The equation is shown on the Eq. 3.24.

Q̇!&,64 PQ̇3!,64
𝑃𝐸<\( = 164

Where 𝑊̇%#,Z: is an electricity power in heat pump system and 𝑊̇'%,Z: is an electricity power in
chiller system and 𝜂Z: is efficiency electricity of the plant.


While heat pump works simultaneously heating and cooling for case 3, COP carnot of
the heat pump for simultaneous heating and cooling supply calculated by Eq. 3.25.
-',:; P -'%<=36
𝐶𝑂𝑃LY[\;(?6%' = -',:; ? -'%<=36

The primary energy saving between pasteurization unit using conventional heating and
cooling utilities and the integrated heat pump is calculated by using Eq. 3.26.
UX'?' ? UX,:"
𝑃𝐸𝑆 = UX'?'

To get all the outputs, this research needs to define the parameters that will be used to
this model.

3.6 Input Model Parameters and Operating Conditions

This model makes use of an Alfa Laval Tetra Pak multi-section plate heat exchanger
pasteurization equipment. The geometry of the plate heat exchanger, one of the research's
parameters, must be specified. This study makes use of an Alfa Laval M10B plate heat
exchanger. Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger plate type M10B has specifications that are shown
in Table 3.2 according to (Arsenyeva et al., 2011).

Alfa Laval PHE plate type M10B has inter-plate gap (d) or thickness of the plate 2.5
mm and it equivalent as a diameter (de) 5 mm. The heat transfer area of the plate (Fpl) has value
0.24 m2 but the cross-section area of inter-plate channel (fch) is 0.835 x 10-3 m2. The geometry
of Alfa Laval PHE plate type M10B has width (b) 334 mm and length (Lp) 719 mm. This plate
type material is using AISI 316 which is has value thermal conductivity 16.3 W/m.K (Alfa


Laval M10, 2016). The Alfa Laval plate heat exchanger with plate type M10B is shown on the
Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.6 Plate Heat Exchanger plate type M10B. (Alfa Laval M10, 2016)

After defining the parameter of the plate heat exchanger, with steady-state condition, the
fluids will be handled with the multi-section PHE from Alfa Laval. Start with the milk liquid,
properties milk is calculated from (Singh & Heldman, 2013) with contains of the raw milk
from (Bühler et al., 2018). The milk liquid volumetric flowrate in pasteurization unit on 8.33 x
10-4 m3/s which has small capacity of pasteurization plant is 3000 liters/hour for producing
pasteurized milk. Value of the temperature input in regeneration section is 2 oC and the output
temperature in regeneration section is 62 oC. The input temperature in heating section is equal
to output temperature in regeneration section. The output temperature in heating section must
74 oC as a standard HTST pasteurization method. After that, input temperature in re-entry
regeneration section is equal to output in heating section. The output temperature in re-entry
regeneration section will be calculated on this model. The input temperature in cooling section
is equal to output temperature in re-entry regeneration section. And the output temperature in
cooling section is must on 5 oC to store the milk on storage tank.


For hot water, the properties calculated from EES fluid properties with temperature 78
C and volumetric flowrate on 2.7 x 10-3 m3/s and also recirculating to condenser in heat pump

For chilled water which is Ethylene Glycol/H2O, mass concentration that used in this
system is 35%. The properties of this chilled water from EES Fluid Properties and
(‘International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration’, 2010). The temperature of the
chilled water is 1 oC with volumetric flowrate 1.92 x 10-3 m3/s and also recirculating to
evaporator in heat pump system. Condenser on the chiller will release the heat with assumption
temperature of the external fluid 30 oC for temperature input external fluid and 40 oC for
temperature output external fluid.

Table 3.2 Input Parameters for Developed Model.

Parameters Value

PHE Alfa Laval M10B

Inter-plate gap, d (mm) 2.5

Equivalent diameter, de (mm) 5

Heat transfer area, Fpl (m2) 0.24

Inter-plate channel, fch (mm) 0.835 x 10-3

Width, b (mm) 334

Length, Lp (mm) 719

Thermal conductivity plate, kp (W/m.K) 16.3

Pasteurization System Operating Conditions

Pasteurization plant capacity (l/h) 3000

Milk temperature input in regeneration (oC) 2


Milk temp. output in regeneration = Milk temp. input in

heating (oC)

Milk temp. output in heating = Milk temp. input in re-entry

regeneration (oC)

Holding time (s) 15

Milk temp. output in re-entry = Milk temp. input in cooling


Milk temperature output in cooling (oC) 5

Hot water volumetric flowrate (m/s3) 2.7 x 10-3

Hot water temperature (oC) 78

Chilled water volumetric flowrate (m/s3) 1.92 x 10-3

Chilled water temperature (oC) 1

External fluid input condenser chiller (oC) 30

External fluid output condenser chiller (oC) 40



The data from the raw milk properties are dependent on temperature at the input of the
multi-section plate heat exchanger sections in this research, which uses milk as a base liquid
and has a capacity pasteurization of 3000 liters/hour.

On the heating section, there is a hot water as a medium to transfer the heat to the milk
with the flow rate 2.7 x 10-3 m3/s. The property for the hot water is from EES Fluid Properties.
Parameter for hot water is same as the milk that shown on Table 4.1

On the cooling section, the chilled water that the research uses as a medium on cooling
section and chiller is a mixture from Ethylene Glycol/H2O with mass concentration 35% and
flow with volumetric flow rate at 1.92 x 10-3 m3/s. On the Table 4.1 shows the value of the
properties EG/H2O with mass concentration 35%.

Table 4.1 Data Properties Fluids

Cp r µ k
Sections T (oC)
(kJ/kg.K) (kg/m3) (kPa.s) (kW/m.K)


Regeneration, T[1] 2 3.874 1046 1.985 x 10-6 0.529 x 10-3

Heating, T[3] 62 3.897 1030 1.029 x 10-6 0.609 x 10-3

Re-entry Regeneration, T[5] 74 3.906 1024 9.194 x 10-7 0.621 x 10-3

Cooling, T[6] 13.25 3.876 1045 1.66 x 10-6 0.547 x 10-3

Hot Water

Supply Heating, T[8] 78 4.195 973 3.634 x 10-7 0.669 x 10-3

Ethylene Glycol/H2O (35%)

Supply Cooling, T[10] 1 3.558 1053 4.796 x 10-6 0.428 x 10-3


4.1 Description of Case Studies

When this unit is integrated with conventional heating and cooling utilities, which use a
boiler to heat the hot water as a medium for the heating section and a chiller to cool the EG/H2O
as a medium for the cooling section, the pasteurization unit using a plate heat exchanger will
be calculated to know the primary energy consumption. And also, the pasteurization unit using
multi-section plate heat exchanger will be calculated integrated with heat pump system. On
this study will be compared the performance and the primary energy saving with same
pasteurization unit but different supplier of heating and cooling. This research will calculate
the three cases to define for primary energy consumption of the multi-section plate heat
exchanger pasteurization unit with conventional heating and cooling utilities using boiler
system for heating supply and chiller for cooling supply (case 1), define for primary energy
consumption multi-section plate heat exchanger pasteurization unit with heat pump system
separately to change the boiler with own heat pump vapor compressor system and connect the
evaporator of the heat pump with condenser of the chiller (case 2), and the last case is to define
for primary energy multi-section plate heat exchanger pasteurization unit with heat pump
system single loop simultaneously heating and cooling the medium (case 3).

4.1.1 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Conventional Heat Exchanger (Case 1)

Multi-section plate heat exchanger pasteurization unit using conventional heating and
cooling utilities which are using boiler and refrigeration system are the commonly used in dairy
industry plant. They used a boiler as a heat supply to heat the milk in heating section, and they
used a chiller as a cool supply to cool the milk in cooling section. The schematic of the multi-


section plate heat exchanger pasteurization unit using a boiler system and a chiller is shown on
the Figure 4.1.
Exhaust Flue Gas
Boiler System
3 Fuel
Milk Heating Heating Combustion
Hot Water Section Chamber Chamber Air
Chilled Water (EG/H2O) 8
Ammonia Refrigerant
Pump 1
Fuel Water Supplied
Water Supplied 4
Air Holding
External Fluid Tube

5 12 13
Holding Regeneration Condenser
Milk 1
Storage Tank Section
Feed Pump Expansion
PHE Multi Section

6 Valve Compressor

7 Pump 2

Pasteurized Milk

Figure 4.1 Pasteurization plant using multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger Pasteurization
Unit and Conventional Heating System or Fossil Fuel Fired Boiler and Vapor Compression

On the boiler system, there are input to use for heating the hot water. There are fuel and
air in combustion chamber to produce heat and the heat from the combustion chamber will be
used to heating the water from the outside to make the steam. This steam will be heating the
hot water as an external fluid. Therefore, the hot water could heat the milk in heating section
until 74 oC. The boiler in this system used by manufacturer Thermodyne that has efficiency for
88% of boiler efficiency. This boiler is being used in this developed model because this boiler
has capacity 300 – 10,000 kg/h which using fuel options for Light oil, Diesel, Petrol, LPG,
CNG, Natural Gas etc. And also, this boiler is a commercial milk boiler in dairy industries in
India. The vapor compression chiller comprises an evaporator, compressor, condenser, and
expansion valve. The cooling is delivered by the evaporator and the condenser rejects the heat
to the ambient air. The chiller this model used is referencing from (Friso et al., 2020) with
cooling COP of 2.68 at nominal operating conditions temperature supplied at 1 oC. On the
condenser of the chiller, this research using temperature glide difference (∆𝑇` ) for 10 oC. This
research assume that the condenser external fluid temperature is 40 oC for the output and 30 oC
for the input because temperature ambient at operating conditions of the chiller is on 20 oC and


temperature on the condenser must be more than temperature ambient. This chiller will be
cooling the external fluid which using Ethylene Glycol/H2O with concentration 35% until 1 oC
so the fluid can cool the milk on cooling section until 5 oC.

4.1.2 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Add on Ammonia Heat Pump System
Separately (Case 2)

Researching about pasteurization unit multi-section plate heat exchanger adding a heat
pump for the heating system and coupled with refrigeration system for the cooling system is
the case that to know how the performance of the model is and integrated with a small-scale
capacity of pasteurization unit. The schematic of the pasteurization plant with multi-section
plate heat exchanger by adding a heat pump system to replace boiler system is shown in the
Figure 4.2.
HX Application
Heat Pump
3 Heating
Milk Condenser
Hot Water Section
Chilled Water (EG/H2O) 8 External
Ammonia Refrigerant Pump 1 Expansion
External Fluid Valve Compressor

5 12 13

Raw Regeneration Condenser

Holding 1
Storage Tank Section
Feed Pump Expansion
PHE Multi Section

6 Valve Compressor

7 Pump 2

Pasteurized Milk

Figure 4.2 Pasteurization plant using multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger Replaced
Boiler with Heat Pump System Connected to the Vapor Compression Chiller.

This case has same configuration for the chiller specification from (Friso et al., 2020)
with same COP which is 2.68 and same difference temperature glide for the external fluid on
the condenser for (∆𝑇` ) 10 oC with input temperature on T[12] for external fluid in condenser


is 30 oC and output temperature on T[13] for external fluid in condenser is 40 oC. For the heat
pump system, this research used Eq. 3.21 to define the COP ideal of the system while he used
single stage vapor compression heat pump with refrigerant R-717 ammonia then the estimation
COP will be calculated using Eq. 3.20. The condenser in heat pump system will be heating the
hot water that going to heating the milk on heating section until 78 oC on stream T[8].

The evaporator of the heat pump system and the condenser of the chiller are connected
using external fluid that transfer heat to absorb heat on the evaporator heat pump system and
reject heat on the condenser chiller. The external fluid that will be used is water to transfer heat
between chiller and heat pump system.

4.1.3 Pasteurization Unit PHE Using Heat Pump for Simultaneous Heating and
Cooling (Case 3)

The primary energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the pasteurization unit's multi-
section plate heat exchanger using a single heat pump system and two stages of vapor
compression will be compared to those from the same unit with a multi-section PHE and a
boiler replacement. This case also has to get the performance from small-scale pasteurization
plant. The schematic of the pasteurization plant with multi-section plate heat exchanger using
heat pump system in a single loop is shown in the Figure 4.3.
HX Application

3 Heating
Milk Condenser
Hot Water Section
Chilled Water (EG/H2O) 8
Ammonia Refrigerant
Pump 1
4 High
Two Stage Heat Pump for Heating & Cooling


Closed Intercooler
Raw Holding Regeneration
Milk 1
Storage Tank Section
Feed Pump Compressor
PHE Multi Section

7 Pump 2

Pasteurized Milk


Figure 4.3 Pasteurization plant using multi-section Plate Heat Exchanger and Two Stage
Vapor Compression Heat Pump with Open Intercooler.

In this case, the heating and cooling required for the pasteurization of raw milk are
provided by a single vapour compression heat pump with large temperature lift. On the heating
section, the external fluid which is water will be connected to the condenser of the heat pump
system. And on the cooling section, the external fluid which is EG/H2O mixture will be
connected to the evaporator of the heat pump system. This heat pump system used two stage
ammonia heat pumps integrated with multi section plate heat exchangers pasteurization unit.
This system COP value will be calculated while getting the COP ideal first for simultaneous
heating and cooling on Eq. 3.25 and then get the estimation using Eq. 3.20 while this system
simultaneously heating and cooling on condenser and evaporator respectively.

4.2 Comparative Energy Consumption & CO2 Emissions Analysis

The three cases of the models already discussed above serve to specify the
primary energy requirements for each system that will be used. With case number 1 is a
conventional heat exchanger using boiler as a heat supply and chiller as a cool supply integrated
with multi-section plate heat exchanger, case number 2 still using chiller as a cool supply but
the boiler system will be replaced to heat pump system and the evaporator of the heat pump
system and condenser of the chiller are connected with external fluid transferring the heat
between them, and last is case number 3 which using single heat pump system simultaneously
heating in the condenser integrated with heating section on PHE and cooling in the evaporator
integrated with cooling section on PHE.

Model case number 1 using multi-section plate heat exchanger as a pasteurization unit
manufactured by Alfa Laval type M10B and boiler system as a heat supply and chiller as a cool
supply producing pasteurized milk with HTST method heating the milk until 74 oC and got
held for 15 s.

Feed pump of the pasteurization plant has volumetric flow rate at 8.33 x 10-4 m3/s,
external fluid pump of hot water has volumetric flow rate at 2.7 x 10-3 m3/s, and external fluid
pump of EG/H2O mixture has volumetric flow rate at 1.92 x 10-3 m3/s. Power electricity
consumption on pumps is calculated by Eq. 4.1 on the below.


)& ∆U
𝑊̇# = 1,',& 1$

Where 𝐹# is a volumetric flow rate (m3/s) on pump, ∆𝑃 is a pressure difference (kPa) between
input and the output of the pump which this multi-section plate heat exchanger has designed
maximum pressure on 6 bar, so the value of the output of the pumps assumption is 5 bar and
the input is default at atmospheric pressure from holding tank. The isentropic efficiency of the
pump (𝜂<6,# ) set value at 70% (Ayou et al., 2022) and the electric motor efficiency (𝜂$ ) set
value at 95% based on reference (Ommen et al., 2015).

To calculate primary energy consumption for this system, this research used Eq. 3.18 and
calculated by Engineering Equation Solver software. Electrical power plant efficiency, from
primary energy to electricity, is taken as (Farshi et al., 2018) estimated for 0.4 and boiler
efficiency 0.88. Chiller that will be used has value for the COP on 2.68. The results of
integration between multi-section plate heat exchanger manufactured by Alfa Laval type M10B
with conventional heat exchanger is shows on the Table 4.2.

According to Table 4.2, a boiler would require 45.61 kW of thermal power from fossil
fuels to heat 3000 liters of pasteurized milk to a temperature of 78 oC. As for energy use, the
pasteurization unit's chiller and pumps together would use 34.13 kW of electricity.

For case 2, the model of pasteurization plant will replace the boiler system into heat pump
system and the evaporator of the heat pump system will be connected into condenser of the
chiller. The pasteurization unit used same multi-section plate heat exchanger manufactured by
Alfa Laval type M10B and with same capacity from before case with 3000 liters/hours milk.

To approach power consumption pumps of the pasteurization unit, this research still
using Eq. 4.1. But for the heat pump system, this research needs to define the COP of the heat
pump system first using Eq. 3.20 and 3.21. To calculate Tsource when using Eq. 3.23, this model
used temperature glide (∆𝑇` ) on the condenser of the chiller. After we define the COP of the
heat pump system which has value of the COP is 3.814, then this research can calculate the
power consumption, primary energy consumption of the system, even primary energy saving
compares than primary energy on model case 1. The result of the model case 2 is shown on
Table 4.2.


Table 4.2 shows this pasteurization plant that integrated with heat pump system and
chiller only consume electrical power consumption. Power for heating the hot water only
consume 26.31 kWel comparing with power heating consumption on model case 1 which using
boiler system consuming 45.61 kW with heat source is fossil fuel. Between them, this research
defines the value of primary energy saving comparing between model case 2 with model case
1 using Eq. 3.26 obtain 24.2% of the primary energy saving.

Model pasteurization unit for model case 3 is using multi-section plate heat exchanger
manufactured by Alfa Laval type M10B integrated with single heat pump system for the heat
treatment which heating section on PHE is connected with condenser of the heat pump system
using external fluid hot water and cooling section on PHE is connected with evaporator of the
heat pump system using external fluid EG/H2O with concentration 35%. This model has same
capacity for producing pasteurized milk 3000 liters/hour.

Power consumption for this model calculated by using Eq. 3.25 to obtain the COP carnot
of the heat pump system then calculated using Eq. 3.20 to obtain the COP of the system while
working simultaneously heating and cooling. For this model, to calculate using Eq. 3.25, Tsource
that be used is from temperature on the evaporator on heat pump system. After calculate COP
of the heat pump system, the value of the COP is 3.84 using Eq. 3.17 to obtain electrical power
consumption of the heat pump. For power consumption pumps of the system, this research still
using Eq. 4.1. The result of the model case 3 is shown on Table 4.6.

According to Table 4.2, the electrical energy used by the heat pump system to provide
both heating and cooling was 44.25 kWel. The feed pump and external fluid pumps continue to
use the same amount of energy (8.17 3 kWel) as before. And this system's main energy
consumption is 52.42 kW. Compared to instance case number 2, where just the boiler system
was replaced with a heat pump system and the chiller was still used as a cool supply, the major
energy saving for this model with a pasteurization unit combined with a single heat pump
system for heat treatment was 34.27%, which is greater.


Table 4.2 Comparison Energy Consumption Results.

Thermal Electrical Electrical Primary Primary

Heat Cool Power Power Cooling Power Pumps Energy Energy
Supply Supply Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption Saving

(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (%)

Case 1

Chiller 45.61 25.96 8.173 79.75 -

Case 2

Chiller 26.31 25.96 8.173 60.45 24.2

Case 3

Single Heat Pump 44.25 8.173 52.42 34.27

On Table 4.3 is shows that CO2 emissions that produced for every heating and cooling
utilities while used for heating and cooling the pasteurized milk per year with operating
condition only 8 hours per day and 5 days per week. Boiler CO2 emissions has source from
diesel/distillate fuel oil which usually in Indonesia boiler used. But in the power plant, which
is source of the electricity production, is using coal as the fuel to produce the electricity. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency suggests a ratio kg CO2 per kWh is on 0.25298 for
diesel/distillate fuel oil as a source on the boiler and 0.32349 for coal as a source on the power
plant (Carbon Dioxide Emissions Coefficients, 2021)

Table 4.3 Comparison CO2 Emission Results.

CO2 Emissions from CO2 Emissions CO2 Emission

Heat Supply Cool Supply Diesel/Distillate Fuel Oil from Coal Total

(kg CO2) (kg CO2) (kg CO2)


Case 1

Boiler System Chiller 23999 22969 46968

Case 2

Heat Pump Chiller - 40673 40673

Case 3

Single Heat Pump - 35270 35270

To get the effect of differences manufacturer boiler, chiller and power plant, the
developed model also simulates the variation of the efficiency boiler, COP of the chiller, and
the efficiency of the power plant. Boiler efficiency variations are made with a range of 80 –
90% to know how the effect is when this model using differences boiler manufacturer with
different efficiency. Same as boiler, the refrigeration system COP variations are made with a
range by decrease the performance until 50% and increase the performance until 150% from
COP value 2.68 with same condition for temperature supply cooling at 1 oC per 10% of the
performances. And for efficiency electricity power plant, the variations are observed by
reference from (Goto et al., 2013) that efficiency electricity power plant that worked by coal is
from 35 – 45%.

Figure 4.4 Effects of the Variation Efficiency Boiler.


When changing the boiler into differences boiler which are different efficiency, the
effects of all the primary energy saving are decrease because only the value of primary energy
consumption on case 1 is changing which using boiler as a heat utility in pasteurization plant
and the based case for calculate the primary energy saving. And also, the CO2 emissions only
for case 1 is decreasing because only in case 1 the heat utility is using boiler.

Figure 4.5 Effects of the Variation COP Chiller.

When variate the COP chiller, the COP of the heat pump that connected with the chiller
will be changed also. Because when COP chiller got modified, sink temperature on the chiller
is equal to source temperature on the heat pump and the sink temperature is vary according to
the COP of the chiller. Variation of the chiller could affect the primary energy saving to getting
decrease and also the CO2 emission on each cases have different effects.


Figure 4.6 Effects of the Variation Efficiency Power Plant.

Variations of the efficiency power plant are taken from (Goto et al., 2013) which they
research about coal power plant efficiency from 35 – 45%. The effects of the variation
efficiency electricity power plant are making the primary energy saving higher and also make
the CO2 emissions lower for every increase efficiency of the power plant.


This master thesis has obtained the performances of three cases with different heat
treatments using numerical modelling on Engineering Equation Solver (EES). First case, the
pasteurization unit multi-section plate heat exchanger is integrated with conventional heat
exchanger which using boiler system as a heat supply for heating the milk in heating section
and chiller as a cool supply for cooling the milk in cooling section. This system obtained power
heating consumption on boiler system with 88% efficiency boiler is 45.61 kW and power
cooling consumption on chiller with COP of the chiller 2.68 is 25.96 kWel. Primary energy of
this system has obtained for 79.75 kW. This primary energy is a comparison factor to obtain
the primary energy saving for comparing with another system.

Second case, the pasteurization unit multi-section plate heat exchanger is integrated with
heat pump system replacing the boiler system as a heat supply but still using chiller as a cool
supply. Waste heat from condenser of the chiller will be used on evaporator of the heat pump
system. This heat pump system obtained the value of the COP is 3.814 with power consumption
26.31 kWel. Chiller of this system has same performance and power consumption as previous
case. This system obtained the primary energy for 60.45 kW. Comparison between replacing
boiler system with heat pump system can saving the primary energy for 24.2%.

On the third case, the pasteurization unit multi-section plate heat exchanger is integrated
with single heat pump that replace all the conventional heat exchanger. This system's role is to
heat hot water as an external fluid in the condenser and cool EG/H2O as an external fluid in the
evaporator. The COP of the heat pump system is 3.84 with power consumption for this system
is 44.25 kWel with total primary energy for this system is 52.42 kWel. Primary energy saving
between this system with conventional heat exchanger has obtained 34.27%.

Also, the CO2 emissions that produced from each case with differences heating and
cooling utilities is on the case 1 which is the most production emission with 46968 kg CO2. For
case 2 the CO2 is decreased with 40673 kg CO2. And case 3 is the least production CO2
production with only 35270 kg CO2 per year.

For these cases, this master thesis can conclude from the results and the graphs that
replacing the conventional heat exchanger into heat pump system could generate energy saving.
Only increasing the performance of the boiler or the chiller could make decreasing of the


primary energy saving but also could decrease the CO2 emission. Especially for countries who
increase their milk production every year like Indonesia, they need to consider the better
pasteurization system to decrease fossil fuel consumption and GHG emission.


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Appendix Model Case 1

Procedure propy_milk(t,P: Cp_m,mu_m,Rho_m,h_m,s_m,k_m)
"milk property: t in °C; P in kPa; Cp_m in kJ/kg·K; mu_m in kPa.s; Rho_m in kg/m^3; h_m in kJ/kg;
s_m in kJ/kg·K; k_m in kW/m.K"
"composition of raw milk: protein (0.035 kg/kg); fat (0.035 kg/kg); carbohydrate (0.049 kg/kg); ash
(0.007 kg/kg); and water (0.874 kg/kg); source: F. Bühler et al. / Energy 162 (2018) 576-592"
Cp_m = 0.035*(2.0082 + (1.2089/1000)*t - (1.3129/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.035*(1.9842 + (1.4733/1000)*t -
(4.8008/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.049*(1.5488 + (1.9625/1000)*t - (5.9399/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.007*(1.0926 +
(1.8896/1000)*t - (3.6817/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.874*(4.1762 - (9.0864/(10^5))*t + (5.4731/(10^6))*(t^2))
Rho_m = (0.035)*(1.3299*(10^3) - (5.184/10)*t) + (0.035)*(9.2559*(10^2) - (4.1757/10)*t) +
(0.049)*(1.5991*(10^3) - (3.1046/10)*t) + (0.007)*(2.4238*(10^3) - (2.8063/10)*t) +
(0.874)*(9.9718*(10^2) + (3.1439/(10^3))*t - (3.7574/(10^3))*(t^2))
"references for enthalpy and entropy: IIR-the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the
value of specific entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K). This is the
standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
t_0 = 0 [°C]; h_ref_0 = 200 [kJ/kg]; s_ref_0 = 1 [kJ/kg·K]
P_0 = 101.325 [kPa]
h_m = h_ref_0 + Cp_m*(t - t_0) "specific
enthalpy of milk in kJ/kg"
R = P/(Rho_m*(t +273.15)) "R gas
constant (kJ/kg·K)"
mu_m = ((2.184-0.1396*(t^(0.51201)))/10^6)
"viscosity of milk in kPa.s V. Kumbar & S. Nedomova (2015)"
s_m = s_ref_0 + Cp_m*ln((t + 273.15)/(t_0 + 273.15)) - R*ln(P/P_0) "N. Yildirim,
S. Genc / Energy 90 (2015) 987 - 996"
k_m = ((326.58+1.0412*t - 3.37/(10^3)*t^2 )*(4.6/10 + 5.4/10*0.874 )*1.73/(10^3))/1000 "J. Dairy
Sci. 99:3380-3395 (2016)"

" · the calculation is for a freezing temperature of -18,89°C (35% ethylene glycol mass concentration).
· specific isobaric heat capacity function used is C_p = a_2*T^2 + a_1*T + a_0, where C_p-kJ/kg·K
and T in K


· the coefficients for the calculation of C_p and h and s are based on the property data for C_p from
Melinder-IIR publications (Properties of Secondary working fluids for industrial systems)
Source: EES fluid properties and Int. J. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)
· the integration is from state point 1 to state point 2.
· a_2 = 6.143E-07; a_1 = 3.280E-03; a_0 = 2.612E+00 R^2 = 100 [%], temperature range taken to
generate the data are : -18°C to 18°C with steps of 0.2.
EG mass concentration: 35% (the corresponding freezing temperature is -18,89).
· Reference state: IIR - the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the value of specific
entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K).
This is the standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
Procedure propy_eg_h2o (t: Rho, Cp, h, s, k, mu)
tk = t + 273.15
T_0 = 273.15 [K] "reference temperature"
h_ref0 = 200 [kJ/kg] "reference enthalpy value"
s_ref0 = 1.0 [kJ/kg-K] "reference entropy value"
a_20 = 6.143E-07; a_10 = 3.280E-03; a_00 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat
capacity coefficients for enthalpy"
h = h_ref0 + (a_20/3) *(tk^3 - T_0^3) + (a_10/2)*(tk^2 - T_0^2) + a_00*(tk - T_0)
a_21 = 6.143E-07; a_11 = 3.280E-03; a_01 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat
capacity coefficients for entropy"
s = s_ref0 + (a_21/2) *(tk^2 - T_0^2) + (a_11)*(tk - T_0) + a_01*ln(Tk /T_0)
Call brineprop2('EG',35,t:FreezingPt,Rho,Cp,ThermalConductivity,DynamicViscosity, Pr)
k = ThermalConductivity
mu = DynamicViscosity


Rho_hw = density(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kg/m^3} "Assume

Quality of water is 0"
Cp_hw = cp(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kJ/kg-k}
mu_hw = (viscosity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kPa-s}
k_hw = (conductivity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kW/m-K}


F[1] = 8.33/(10^4) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Milk in m^3/s"


T[1] = 2 {C} "Input Temperature Milk at Regeneration in Celsius"

T[2] = 62 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Regeneration"
T[3] = T[2] "Input Temperature Milk at Heating Section"
T[4] = 74 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Heating Section"
T[5] = T[4] "Temperature Milk after the holding tube (Input Temperature at
T[7] = 5 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Cooling Section (PASTEURIZED

F[8] = 2.7/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Hot Water in m^3/s"
T[8] = 78 {C} "Input Temperature Hot Water at Heating Section"
eff_boiler = 0.88 "Efficiency Boiler"

"COLD WATER (Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixture)"

F[10] = 1.92/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Cold Water in m^3/s"
T[10] = 1 {C} "Input Temperature Cold Water at Cooling Section"
COP_c = 2.68 "Coefficient of Performance on the chiller"

eff_el = 0.4 "Efficiency electricity"


w = 0.334 {m} "Width"

L = 0.719 {m} "Length"
t = 0.0025 {m} "Plate Thickness"
A_pl = 0.24 {m^2} "Heat Transfer Area Plate"
k_plate = 0.0163 {kW/m.K} "Thermal Conductivity Plate"
D_h = 0.005 {m} "Diameter Hydraulic"


Call propy_milk(T[1],101.325: Cp_m[1],mu_m[1],Rho_m[1],enthalpy_m[1],s_m[1],k_m[1])
Call propy_milk(T[5],101.325: Cp_m[5],mu_m[5],Rho_m[5],enthalpy_m[5],s_m[5],k_m[5])

Q_reg = F[1]*Rho_m[1]*(Cp_m[1])*(t[2]-t[1]) "Heat Transfer at

Regeneration Section"


F[1]*Rho_m[1]*Cp_m[1]*(t[2]-t[1]) = F[1]*Rho_m[5]*Cp_m[5]*(t[5]-t[6]) "Energy Balance at

Regeneration Section"

h_conv_m[1] = (k_m[1]*Nusselt[1])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [1]"
h_conv_m[5] = (k_m[5]*Nusselt[5])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [5]"

1/U_reg = (1/h_conv_m[1])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_conv_m[5]) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Regeneration Section"

Call propy_milk(T[3],101.325: Cp_m[3],mu_m[3],Rho_m[3],enthalpy_m[3],s_m[3],k_m[3])

Q_hs = F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(t[4]-t[3]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(T[4]-T[3])=F[8]*Rho_hw*Cp_hw*(T[8]-T[9]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[3] = (k_m[3]*Nusselt[3])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"
h_hw = (k_hw*Nusselt[8])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_hs = (1/h_conv_m[3])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_hw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"

Call propy_milk(T[6],101.325: Cp_m[6],mu_m[6],Rho_m[6],enthalpy_m[6],s_m[6],k_m[6])
Call propy_eg_h2o (T[10]: Rho_cw, Cp_cw, enthalpy_cw, s_cw, (k_cw*1000), (mu_cw*1000))

Q_cs = F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(t[6]-t[7]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(T[6]-T[7])=F[10]*Rho_cw*Cp_cw*(T[11]-T[10]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[6] = (k_m[6]*Nusselt[6])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"


h_cw = (k_cw*Nusselt[10])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_cs = (1/h_conv_m[6])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_cw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"


Nusselt[1] = 0.28*((Re[1])^0.65)*((Pr[1])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Re[1] = ((Rho_m[1]*F[1])/(mu_m[1]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Pr [1] = (Cp_m[1]*(mu_m[1]/1000))/k_m[1] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [1]"

Nusselt[5] = 0.28*((Re[5])^0.65)*((Pr[5])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Milk in Point [5]"
Re[5] = ((Rho_m[5]*F[1])/(mu_m[5]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [5]"
Pr [5] = (Cp_m[5]*(mu_m[5]/1000))/k_m[5] "Prandtl number of
Milk in point [5]"

Nusselt[3] = 0.28*((Re[3])^0.65)*((Pr[3])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Re[3] = ((Rho_m[3]*F[1])/(mu_m[3]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [3] = (Cp_m[3]*(mu_m[3]/1000))/k_m[3] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[8] = 0.28*((Re[8])^0.65)*((Pr[8])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Hot Water in Point [8]"
Re[8] = ((Rho_hw*F[8])/(mu_hw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"
Pr[8] = (Cp_hw*(mu_hw/1000))/k_hw "Prandtl number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"

Nusselt[6] = 0.28*((Re[6])^0.65)*((Pr[6])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"


Re[6] = ((Rho_m[6]*F[1])/(mu_m[6]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of

Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [6] = (Cp_m[6]*(mu_m[6]/1000))/k_m[6] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[10] = 0.28*((Re[10])^0.65)*((Pr[10])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Cold Water in Point [10]"
Re[10] = ((Rho_cw*F[10])/(mu_cw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"
Pr[10] = (Cp_cw*(mu_cw/1000))/k_cw "Prandtl number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"


LMTD_reg = ((T[5]-T[2])-(T[6]-T[1]))/ln_reg "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Regeneration Section"
ln_reg = ln((T[5]-T[2])/(T[6]-T[1]))

LMTD_hs = ((T[8]-T[4])-(T[9]-T[3]))/ln_hs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_hs = ln((T[8]-T[4])/(T[9]-T[3]))

LMTD_cs = ((T[6]-T[11])-(T[7]-T[10]))/ln_cs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_cs = ln((T[6]-T[11])/(T[7]-T[10]))

A_reg =2*(Q_reg/(U_reg*LMTD_reg)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Regeneration Section"
Ae_reg = A_reg/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_hs = 3*(Q_hs/(U_hs*LMTD_hs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Heating Section"
Ae_hs = A_hs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_cs = 4*(Q_cs/(U_cs*LMTD_cs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Cooling Section"
Ae_cs = A_cs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement



W_fp = (F[1]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Feed milk pump

power consumption"

W_ep1 = (F[8]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Hot water pump

power consumption"

W_ep2 = (F[10]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "chilled water pump

power consumption"


Heating_cons = Q_hs/eff_boiler "Fuel Consumption

from boiler"
Elec_ch_cons = Q_cs/(COP_c*eff_el) "Electrical
Consumption from Chiller"
Elec_pump_cons = (W_fp+W_ep1+W_ep2)/eff_el "Electrical
Consumption from Pumps"

PE = (Heating_cons)+(Elec_ch_cons)+(Elec_pump_cons) "Primary Energy

Case 1"


Appendix Model Case 2


Procedure propy_milk(t,P: Cp_m,mu_m,Rho_m,h_m,s_m,k_m)
"milk property: t in °C; P in kPa; Cp_m in kJ/kg·K; mu_m in kPa.s; Rho_m in kg/m^3; h_m in kJ/kg;
s_m in kJ/kg·K; k_m in kW/m.K"
"composition of raw milk: protein (0.035 kg/kg); fat (0.035 kg/kg); carbohydrate (0.049 kg/kg); ash
(0.007 kg/kg); and water (0.874 kg/kg); source: F. Bühler et al. / Energy 162 (2018) 576-592"
Cp_m = 0.035*(2.0082 + (1.2089/1000)*t - (1.3129/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.035*(1.9842 + (1.4733/1000)*t -
(4.8008/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.049*(1.5488 + (1.9625/1000)*t - (5.9399/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.007*(1.0926 +
(1.8896/1000)*t - (3.6817/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.874*(4.1762 - (9.0864/(10^5))*t + (5.4731/(10^6))*(t^2))
Rho_m = (0.035)*(1.3299*(10^3) - (5.184/10)*t) + (0.035)*(9.2559*(10^2) - (4.1757/10)*t) +
(0.049)*(1.5991*(10^3) - (3.1046/10)*t) + (0.007)*(2.4238*(10^3) - (2.8063/10)*t) +
(0.874)*(9.9718*(10^2) + (3.1439/(10^3))*t - (3.7574/(10^3))*(t^2))
"references for enthalpy and entropy: IIR-the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the
value of specific entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K). This is the
standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
t_0 = 0 [°C]; h_ref_0 = 200 [kJ/kg]; s_ref_0 = 1 [kJ/kg·K]
P_0 = 101.325 [kPa]
h_m = h_ref_0 + Cp_m*(t - t_0) "specific
enthalpy of milk in kJ/kg"
R = P/(Rho_m*(t +273.15)) "R gas
constant (kJ/kg·K)"
mu_m = ((2.184-0.1396*(t^(0.51201)))/10^6)
"viscosity of milk in kPa.s V. Kumbar & S. Nedomova (2015)"
s_m = s_ref_0 + Cp_m*ln((t + 273.15)/(t_0 + 273.15)) - R*ln(P/P_0) "N. Yildirim,
S. Genc / Energy 90 (2015) 987 - 996"
k_m = ((326.58+1.0412*t - 3.37/(10^3)*t^2 )*(4.6/10 + 5.4/10*0.874 )*1.73/(10^3))/1000 "J. Dairy
Sci. 99:3380-3395 (2016)"

" · the calculation is for a freezing temperature of -18,89°C (35% ethylene glycol mass concentration).
· specific isobaric heat capacity function used is C_p = a_2*T^2 + a_1*T + a_0, where C_p-kJ/kg·K
and T in K
· the coefficients for the calculation of C_p and h and s are based on the property data for C_p from
Melinder-IIR publications (Properties of Secondary working fluids for industrial systems)


Source: EES fluid properties and Int. J. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)
· the integration is from state point 1 to state point 2.
· a_2 = 6.143E-07; a_1 = 3.280E-03; a_0 = 2.612E+00 R^2 = 100 [%], temperature range taken to
generate the data are : -18°C to 18°C with steps of 0.2.
EG mass concentration: 35% (the corresponding freezing temperature is -18,89).
· Reference state: IIR - the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the value of specific
entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K).
This is the standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
Procedure propy_eg_h2o (t: Rho, Cp, h, s, k, mu)
tk = t + 273.15
T_0 = 273.15 [K] "reference temperature"
h_ref0 = 200 [kJ/kg] "reference enthalpy value"
s_ref0 = 1.0 [kJ/kg-K] "reference entropy value"
a_20 = 6.143E-07; a_10 = 3.280E-03; a_00 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat capacity
coefficients for enthalpy"
h = h_ref0 + (a_20/3) *(tk^3 - T_0^3) + (a_10/2)*(tk^2 - T_0^2) + a_00*(tk - T_0)
a_21 = 6.143E-07; a_11 = 3.280E-03; a_01 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat capacity
coefficients for entropy"
s = s_ref0 + (a_21/2) *(tk^2 - T_0^2) + (a_11)*(tk - T_0) + a_01*ln(Tk /T_0)
Call brineprop2('EG',35,t:FreezingPt,Rho,Cp,ThermalConductivity,DynamicViscosity, Pr)
k = ThermalConductivity
mu = DynamicViscosity


Rho_hw = density(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kg/m^3} "Assume Quality of

water is 0"
Cp_hw = cp(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kJ/kg-k}
mu_hw = (viscosity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kPa-s}
k_hw = (conductivity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kW/m-K}


F[1] = 8.33/(10^4) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Milk in m^3/s"
T[1] = 2 {C} "Input Temperature Milk at Regeneration in Celsius"
T[2] = 62 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Regeneration"


T[3] = T[2] "Input Temperature Milk at Heating Section"

T[4] = 74 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Heating Section"
T[5] = T[4] "Temperature Milk after the holding tube (Input Temperature at
T[7] = 5 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Cooling Section (PASTEURIZED

F[8] = 2.7/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Hot Water in m^3/s"
T[8] = 78 {C} "Input Temperature Hot Water at Heating Section"
eff_boiler = 0.88 "Efficiency Boiler"

"COLD WATER (Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixture)"

F[10] = 1.92/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Cold Water in m^3/s"
T[10] = 1 {C} "Input Temperature Cold Water at Cooling Section"
COP_c = 2.68 "Coefficient of Performance on the chiller"

eff_el = 0.4 "Efficiency electricity"


w = 0.334 {m} "Width"

L = 0.719 {m} "Length"
t = 0.0025 {m} "Plate Thickness"
A_pl = 0.24 {m^2} "Heat Transfer Area Plate"
k_plate = 0.0163 {kW/m.K} "Thermal Conductivity Plate"
D_h = 0.005 {m} "Diameter Hydraulic"


Call propy_milk(T[1],101.325: Cp_m[1],mu_m[1],Rho_m[1],enthalpy_m[1],s_m[1],k_m[1])
Call propy_milk(T[5],101.325: Cp_m[5],mu_m[5],Rho_m[5],enthalpy_m[5],s_m[5],k_m[5])

Q_reg = F[1]*Rho_m[1]*(Cp_m[1])*(t[2]-t[1]) "Heat Transfer at

Regeneration Section"


F[1]*Rho_m[1]*Cp_m[1]*(t[2]-t[1]) = F[1]*Rho_m[5]*Cp_m[5]*(t[5]-t[6]) "Energy Balance at

Regeneration Section"

h_conv_m[1] = (k_m[1]*Nusselt[1])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [1]"
h_conv_m[5] = (k_m[5]*Nusselt[5])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [5]"

1/U_reg = (1/h_conv_m[1])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_conv_m[5]) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Regeneration Section"

Call propy_milk(T[3],101.325: Cp_m[3],mu_m[3],Rho_m[3],enthalpy_m[3],s_m[3],k_m[3])

Q_hs = F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(t[4]-t[3]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(T[4]-T[3])=F[8]*Rho_hw*Cp_hw*(T[8]-T[9]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[3] = (k_m[3]*Nusselt[3])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"
h_hw = (k_hw*Nusselt[8])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_hs = (1/h_conv_m[3])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_hw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"

Call propy_milk(T[6],101.325: Cp_m[6],mu_m[6],Rho_m[6],enthalpy_m[6],s_m[6],k_m[6])
Call propy_eg_h2o (T[10]: Rho_cw, Cp_cw, enthalpy_cw, s_cw, (k_cw*1000), (mu_cw*1000))

Q_cs = F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(t[6]-t[7]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(T[6]-T[7])=F[10]*Rho_cw*Cp_cw*(T[11]-T[10]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[6] = (k_m[6]*Nusselt[6])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"


h_cw = (k_cw*Nusselt[10])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_cs = (1/h_conv_m[6])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_cw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"


Nusselt[1] = 0.28*((Re[1])^0.65)*((Pr[1])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Re[1] = ((Rho_m[1]*F[1])/(mu_m[1]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Pr [1] = (Cp_m[1]*(mu_m[1]/1000))/k_m[1] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [1]"

Nusselt[5] = 0.28*((Re[5])^0.65)*((Pr[5])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Milk in Point [5]"
Re[5] = ((Rho_m[5]*F[1])/(mu_m[5]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [5]"
Pr [5] = (Cp_m[5]*(mu_m[5]/1000))/k_m[5] "Prandtl number of
Milk in point [5]"

Nusselt[3] = 0.28*((Re[3])^0.65)*((Pr[3])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Re[3] = ((Rho_m[3]*F[1])/(mu_m[3]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [3] = (Cp_m[3]*(mu_m[3]/1000))/k_m[3] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[8] = 0.28*((Re[8])^0.65)*((Pr[8])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Hot Water in Point [8]"
Re[8] = ((Rho_hw*F[8])/(mu_hw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"
Pr[8] = (Cp_hw*(mu_hw/1000))/k_hw "Prandtl number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"

Nusselt[6] = 0.28*((Re[6])^0.65)*((Pr[6])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"


Re[6] = ((Rho_m[6]*F[1])/(mu_m[6]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of

Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [6] = (Cp_m[6]*(mu_m[6]/1000))/k_m[6] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[10] = 0.28*((Re[10])^0.65)*((Pr[10])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Cold Water in Point [10]"
Re[10] = ((Rho_cw*F[10])/(mu_cw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"
Pr[10] = (Cp_cw*(mu_cw/1000))/k_cw "Prandtl number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"


LMTD_reg = ((T[5]-T[2])-(T[6]-T[1]))/ln_reg "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Regeneration Section"
ln_reg = ln((T[5]-T[2])/(T[6]-T[1]))

LMTD_hs = ((T[8]-T[4])-(T[9]-T[3]))/ln_hs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_hs = ln((T[8]-T[4])/(T[9]-T[3]))

LMTD_cs = ((T[6]-T[11])-(T[7]-T[10]))/ln_cs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_cs = ln((T[6]-T[11])/(T[7]-T[10]))

A_reg =2*(Q_reg/(U_reg*LMTD_reg)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Regeneration Section"
Ae_reg = A_reg/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_hs = 3*(Q_hs/(U_hs*LMTD_hs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Heating Section"
Ae_hs = A_hs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_cs = 4*(Q_cs/(U_cs*LMTD_cs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Cooling Section"
Ae_cs = A_cs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement



W_fp = (F[1]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Feed milk pump

power consumption"

W_ep1 = (F[8]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Hot water pump

power consumption"

W_ep2 = (F[10]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "chilled water pump

power consumption"


T_sink = ((T[8]+273)-(T[9]+273))/ln((T[8]+273)/(T[9]+273)) "Temperature


T_source = ((40+273)-(30+273))/ln((40+273)/(30+273)) "Temperature


COP_carnot_hp = T_sink/(T_sink-T_source) "COP Ideal at

Heat Pump System"

COP_hp = 0.45 * COP_carnot_hp "COP Heat



Elec_hp_cons = Q_hs/(COP_hp*eff_el) "Electrical

Consumption from Heat Pump"
Elec_ch_cons = Q_cs/(COP_c*eff_el) "Electrical
Consumption from Chiller"
Elec_pump_cons = (W_fp+W_ep1+W_ep2)/eff_el "Electrical
Consumption from Pumps"

PE = ((Elec_hp_cons)+(Elec_ch_cons)+(Elec_pump_cons)) "Primary
Energy Case 2"

PES = ((79.75 - PE)/79.75)*100 "Primary

Energy Saving Case 1 & 2"


Appendix Model Case 3


Procedure propy_milk(t,P: Cp_m,mu_m,Rho_m,h_m,s_m,k_m)
"milk property: t in °C; P in kPa; Cp_m in kJ/kg·K; mu_m in kPa.s; Rho_m in kg/m^3; h_m in kJ/kg;
s_m in kJ/kg·K; k_m in kW/m.K"
"composition of raw milk: protein (0.035 kg/kg); fat (0.035 kg/kg); carbohydrate (0.049 kg/kg); ash
(0.007 kg/kg); and water (0.874 kg/kg); source: F. Bühler et al. / Energy 162 (2018) 576-592"
Cp_m = 0.035*(2.0082 + (1.2089/1000)*t - (1.3129/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.035*(1.9842 + (1.4733/1000)*t -
(4.8008/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.049*(1.5488 + (1.9625/1000)*t - (5.9399/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.007*(1.0926 +
(1.8896/1000)*t - (3.6817/(10^6))*(t^2)) + 0.874*(4.1762 - (9.0864/(10^5))*t + (5.4731/(10^6))*(t^2))
Rho_m = (0.035)*(1.3299*(10^3) - (5.184/10)*t) + (0.035)*(9.2559*(10^2) - (4.1757/10)*t) +
(0.049)*(1.5991*(10^3) - (3.1046/10)*t) + (0.007)*(2.4238*(10^3) - (2.8063/10)*t) +
(0.874)*(9.9718*(10^2) + (3.1439/(10^3))*t - (3.7574/(10^3))*(t^2))
"references for enthalpy and entropy: IIR-the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the
value of specific entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K). This is the
standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
t_0 = 0 [°C]; h_ref_0 = 200 [kJ/kg]; s_ref_0 = 1 [kJ/kg·K]
P_0 = 101.325 [kPa]
h_m = h_ref_0 + Cp_m*(t - t_0) "specific
enthalpy of milk in kJ/kg"
R = P/(Rho_m*(t +273.15)) "R gas
constant (kJ/kg·K)"
mu_m = ((2.184-0.1396*(t^(0.51201)))/10^6)
"viscosity of milk in kPa.s V. Kumbar & S. Nedomova (2015)"
s_m = s_ref_0 + Cp_m*ln((t + 273.15)/(t_0 + 273.15)) - R*ln(P/P_0) "N. Yildirim,
S. Genc / Energy 90 (2015) 987 - 996"
k_m = ((326.58+1.0412*t - 3.37/(10^3)*t^2 )*(4.6/10 + 5.4/10*0.874 )*1.73/(10^3))/1000 "J. Dairy
Sci. 99:3380-3395 (2016)"

" · the calculation is for a freezing temperature of -18,89°C (35% ethylene glycol mass concentration).
· specific isobaric heat capacity function used is C_p = a_2*T^2 + a_1*T + a_0, where C_p-kJ/kg·K
and T in K
· the coefficients for the calculation of C_p and h and s are based on the property data for C_p from
Melinder-IIR publications (Properties of Secondary working fluids for industrial systems)


Source: EES fluid properties and Int. J. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Vol. 18, No. 2 (2010)
· the integration is from state point 1 to state point 2.
· a_2 = 6.143E-07; a_1 = 3.280E-03; a_0 = 2.612E+00 R^2 = 100 [%], temperature range taken to
generate the data are : -18°C to 18°C with steps of 0.2.
EG mass concentration: 35% (the corresponding freezing temperature is -18,89).
· Reference state: IIR - the value of specific enthalpy is set to 200 kJ/kg and the value of specific
entropy is set to 1.0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at 0°C (273.15 K).
This is the standard reference state for the International Institute of Refrigeration."
Procedure propy_eg_h2o (t: Rho, Cp, h, s, k, mu)
tk = t + 273.15
T_0 = 273.15 [K] "reference temperature"
h_ref0 = 200 [kJ/kg] "reference enthalpy value"
s_ref0 = 1.0 [kJ/kg-K] "reference entropy value"
a_20 = 6.143E-07; a_10 = 3.280E-03; a_00 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat capacity
coefficients for enthalpy"
h = h_ref0 + (a_20/3) *(tk^3 - T_0^3) + (a_10/2)*(tk^2 - T_0^2) + a_00*(tk - T_0)
a_21 = 6.143E-07; a_11 = 3.280E-03; a_01 = 2.612E+00 "specific heat capacity
coefficients for entropy"
s = s_ref0 + (a_21/2) *(tk^2 - T_0^2) + (a_11)*(tk - T_0) + a_01*ln(Tk /T_0)
Call brineprop2('EG',35,t:FreezingPt,Rho,Cp,ThermalConductivity,DynamicViscosity, Pr)
k = ThermalConductivity
mu = DynamicViscosity


Rho_hw = density(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kg/m^3} "Assume Quality of

water is 0"
Cp_hw = cp(Water,T=T[8],x=0) {kJ/kg-k}
mu_hw = (viscosity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kPa-s}
k_hw = (conductivity(Water,T=T[8],x=0))/1000 {kW/m-K}


F[1] = 8.33/(10^4) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Milk in m^3/s"
T[1] = 2 {C} "Input Temperature Milk at Regeneration in Celsius"
T[2] = 62 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Regeneration"


T[3] = T[2] "Input Temperature Milk at Heating Section"

T[4] = 74 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Heating Section"
T[5] = T[4] "Temperature Milk after the holding tube (Input Temperature at
T[7] = 5 {C} "Output Temperature Milk at Cooling Section (PASTEURIZED

F[8] = 2.7/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Hot Water in m^3/s"
T[8] = 78 {C} "Input Temperature Hot Water at Heating Section"
eff_boiler = 0.88 "Efficiency Boiler"

"COLD WATER (Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixture)"

F[10] = 1.92/(10^3) {m^3/s} "Volumetric Flow Rate Cold Water in m^3/s"
T[10] = 1 {C} "Input Temperature Cold Water at Cooling Section"
COP_c = 2.68 "Coefficient of Performance on the chiller"

eff_el = 0.4 "Efficiency electricity"


w = 0.334 {m} "Width"

L = 0.719 {m} "Length"
t = 0.0025 {m} "Plate Thickness"
A_pl = 0.24 {m^2} "Heat Transfer Area Plate"
k_plate = 0.0163 {kW/m.K} "Thermal Conductivity Plate"
D_h = 0.005 {m} "Diameter Hydraulic"


Call propy_milk(T[1],101.325: Cp_m[1],mu_m[1],Rho_m[1],enthalpy_m[1],s_m[1],k_m[1])
Call propy_milk(T[5],101.325: Cp_m[5],mu_m[5],Rho_m[5],enthalpy_m[5],s_m[5],k_m[5])

Q_reg = F[1]*Rho_m[1]*(Cp_m[1])*(t[2]-t[1]) "Heat Transfer at

Regeneration Section"


F[1]*Rho_m[1]*Cp_m[1]*(t[2]-t[1]) = F[1]*Rho_m[5]*Cp_m[5]*(t[5]-t[6]) "Energy Balance at

Regeneration Section"

h_conv_m[1] = (k_m[1]*Nusselt[1])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [1]"
h_conv_m[5] = (k_m[5]*Nusselt[5])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [5]"

1/U_reg = (1/h_conv_m[1])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_conv_m[5]) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Regeneration Section"

Call propy_milk(T[3],101.325: Cp_m[3],mu_m[3],Rho_m[3],enthalpy_m[3],s_m[3],k_m[3])

Q_hs = F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(t[4]-t[3]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[3]*Cp_m[3]*(T[4]-T[3])=F[8]*Rho_hw*Cp_hw*(T[8]-T[9]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[3] = (k_m[3]*Nusselt[3])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"
h_hw = (k_hw*Nusselt[8])/D_h "Coefficient
Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_hs = (1/h_conv_m[3])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_hw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"

Call propy_milk(T[6],101.325: Cp_m[6],mu_m[6],Rho_m[6],enthalpy_m[6],s_m[6],k_m[6])
Call propy_eg_h2o (T[10]: Rho_cw, Cp_cw, enthalpy_cw, s_cw, (k_cw*1000), (mu_cw*1000))

Q_cs = F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(t[6]-t[7]) "Heat Transfer at

Heating Section"

F[1]*Rho_m[6]*Cp_m[6]*(T[6]-T[7])=F[10]*Rho_cw*Cp_cw*(T[11]-T[10]) "Energy Balance at

Heating Section"

h_conv_m[6] = (k_m[6]*Nusselt[6])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer milk in point [3]"


h_cw = (k_cw*Nusselt[10])/D_h "Coefficient

Convective Heat Transfer hot water in point [8]"

1/U_cs = (1/h_conv_m[6])+(t/k_plate)+(1/h_cw) "Overall Coefficient

Heat Transfer in Heating Section"


Nusselt[1] = 0.28*((Re[1])^0.65)*((Pr[1])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Re[1] = ((Rho_m[1]*F[1])/(mu_m[1]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [1]"
Pr [1] = (Cp_m[1]*(mu_m[1]/1000))/k_m[1] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [1]"

Nusselt[5] = 0.28*((Re[5])^0.65)*((Pr[5])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Milk in Point [5]"
Re[5] = ((Rho_m[5]*F[1])/(mu_m[5]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [5]"
Pr [5] = (Cp_m[5]*(mu_m[5]/1000))/k_m[5] "Prandtl number of
Milk in point [5]"

Nusselt[3] = 0.28*((Re[3])^0.65)*((Pr[3])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Re[3] = ((Rho_m[3]*F[1])/(mu_m[3]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [3] = (Cp_m[3]*(mu_m[3]/1000))/k_m[3] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[8] = 0.28*((Re[8])^0.65)*((Pr[8])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Hot Water in Point [8]"
Re[8] = ((Rho_hw*F[8])/(mu_hw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"
Pr[8] = (Cp_hw*(mu_hw/1000))/k_hw "Prandtl number of
Hot Water in Point [8]"

Nusselt[6] = 0.28*((Re[6])^0.65)*((Pr[6])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of
Milk in Point [3]"


Re[6] = ((Rho_m[6]*F[1])/(mu_m[6]/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of

Milk in Point [3]"
Pr [6] = (Cp_m[6]*(mu_m[6]/1000))/k_m[6] "Prandtl Number of
Milk in Point [3]"

Nusselt[10] = 0.28*((Re[10])^0.65)*((Pr[10])^0.4) "Nusselt Number of

Cold Water in Point [10]"
Re[10] = ((Rho_cw*F[10])/(mu_cw/1000))*D_h "Reynold Number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"
Pr[10] = (Cp_cw*(mu_cw/1000))/k_cw "Prandtl number of
Cold Water in Point [10]"


LMTD_reg = ((T[5]-T[2])-(T[6]-T[1]))/ln_reg "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Regeneration Section"
ln_reg = ln((T[5]-T[2])/(T[6]-T[1]))

LMTD_hs = ((T[8]-T[4])-(T[9]-T[3]))/ln_hs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_hs = ln((T[8]-T[4])/(T[9]-T[3]))

LMTD_cs = ((T[6]-T[11])-(T[7]-T[10]))/ln_cs "Log Mean

Temperature Difference in Heating Section"
ln_cs = ln((T[6]-T[11])/(T[7]-T[10]))

A_reg = 2*(Q_reg/(U_reg*LMTD_reg)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Regeneration Section"
Ae_reg = A_reg/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_hs = 3*(Q_hs/(U_hs*LMTD_hs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Heating Section"
Ae_hs = A_hs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement

A_cs = 4*(Q_cs/(U_cs*LMTD_cs)) "Heat Transfer Area

PHE at Cooling Section"
Ae_cs = A_cs/(A_pl) "Area Enlargement



W_fp = (F[1]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Feed milk pump

power consumption"

W_ep1 = (F[8]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "Hot water pump

power consumption"

W_ep2 = (F[10]*(500-101.325))/(0.7*0.95) "chilled water pump

power consumption"


T_sink = ((T[8]+273)-(T[9]+273))/ln((T[8]+273)/(T[9]+273)) "Temperature


T_source = ((T[11]+273)-(T[10]+273))/ln((T[11]+273)/(T[10]+273))
"Temperature Source"

COP_carnot_shp = (T_sink+T_source)/(T_sink-T_source) "COP Ideal at

Single Heat Pump System"

COP_shp = 0.45 * COP_carnot_shp "COP Single

Heat Pump"


Elec_shp_cons = (Q_hs+Q_cs)/(COP_shp*eff_el) "Electrical

Consumption from Single Heat Pump"
Elec_pump_cons = (W_fp+W_ep1+W_ep2)/eff_el "Electrical
Consumption from Pumps"

PE = ((Elec_shp_cons)+(Elec_pump_cons)) "Primary
Energy Case 3"

PES = ((79.75 - PE)/79.75)*100 "Primary

Energy Saving Case 1 &3"


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