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Democracy in Pakistan: A Failed Attempt

Research Proposal


Democracy in Pakistan: A Failed Attempt


Pakistan has continuously attempted, but failed to consolidate democracy in the state. It has been

standing in the middle of successful democratic transition and authoritarianism since the

beginning of its formation. It has remained one of the most interesting puzzles of democracy in

the world. The present constitution of Pakistan was given in 1973 which strongly supports and

promotes democracy in the state. Despite the strong provisions of democracy in the 1973

constitution, the questions arises why democracy could not deliver in Pakistan’s political culture.

Literature Review

Explaining the cause of failure of democracy in Pakistan, Haqqani1 said that the politicians in

Pakistan have not worked for establishing a civil government rather they prospered at the

pleasure of military dictators. Ignoring the cause of democracy, politicians have chosen to ask

favors from military and the US. Not only the cause of democracy was ignored by the politicians

but they also disenchanted the public with politics and political process. The author has

mentioned that politicians’ incompetency is the cause of failure in democracy and the reason of

which is that they supported and took favors from the military leaders. While this can be one of

the reasons, but merely considering their favoring of the military leaders cannot be credited as

resulting in the failure of democracy.

Irshad Haqqani, "Failure of Democracy in Pakistan", The Muslim World 96 (2006), accessed May 30, 2017,
According to Shah2, military intervention and authoritarianism started interfering in politics since

independence. It was the time when Pakistani military established its organizational role. Due to

this role, people started looking for the solution of political problems under military umbrella.

The military has profoundly shaped its political interventions and influence by justifying the

authoritarian expansion of its role in state and society. Military has greatly influenced the

structure of democracy in Pakistan which was not being discussed under this.

There has been a continuous cycle of civil democratic government and military intervention in

Pakistan. Pakistan has faced several pitfalls due to this cycle, and now it has realized that

supremacy of the constitution, strengthening of state institutions, independence of judiciary, and

the rule of law are necessary if Pakistan is to become a modern democratic state. 3Pakistan was

overtaken by the feudal, bureaucrats and military soon after independence thus making

incompetent politicians. This strong military domination resulted in making Pakistan a weak

democratic state.


The enhanced military intervention in the political affairs of Pakistan has resulted in the

democratic incompetency of the state.


 Military intervention: The use of military force in a state to achieve geopolitical goals of

protecting and/or enhancing its territory, population, and other critical resources.

Aqil Shah, The Army And Democracy: Military Politics In Pakistan, 1st ed. (London, England: Harvard
University Press, 2014).
Dr Noor ul Haq, "Governance and Democracy in Pakistan: Weaknesses, Strengths and Prospects", IPRI X,
no. 1 (2010): 1-21, accessed May 30, 2017,
 Democracy: The government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and

exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually

involving periodically held free elections.

Indicators of Variables

 Independent variable: Military Intervention

Indicators General Zia ul Haq’s tenure

 Dependent variable: Democracy

Indicators Constitutional Amendment, Political Instability, Free and Fair Elections

Purpose/Objective of Research

The objective of the study is to explain the factors of Pakistan’s failure in consolidating

democracy. The study seeks to analyze the consequences of the fragile democracy on the political

process of the state. Considering the influence of military regime of General Zia ulHaq in

Pakistan and its comparison with the succeeding military regimes in disrupting the democratic

process in the state is the significant aspect of the study.

Research Methodology

The research is explanatory and analytical in nature, as it tends to explain the military

intervention of General Zia ul Haq in Pakistan. The research also analyzes the effects of the

regime on the Pakistan’s political process. The qualitative data collection method is used to

gather information about the existing literature, important events, and reports. The research

includes secondary data and has made use of a combination of content retrieved from books,

journals, newspapers and research articles.

Limits of Research

The research only focuses on qualitative approach. The main focus has been on the military

tenure of General Zia ul Haq in Pakistan, other aspects have not been discussed. The research

attempts to evaluate the existing research on the issue by outlining and examining a range of

Pakistani and Western perspectives so that their biased views on the issue could be highlighted.

Organization of Research

Chapter 1: Political Background and Causes of Third Martial Law

Chapter 2: Pakistan under Zia

2.1 Constitutional Amendment

2.2 Political Instability

2.3 Cancelling Free and Fair Elections

2.4 Persecution of Journalists

Chapter 3: Comparison of Military Regimes Succeeding Zia

3.1 Effects on Present Democratic Conditions


Haqqani, Irshad. "Failure of Democracy in Pakistan". The Muslim World 96 (2006). Accessed

May 30, 2017.

Shah, Aqil. The Army and Democracy: Military Politics in Pakistan. 1st ed. London, England:

Harvard University Press, 2014.

Ul Haq, Dr Noor. "Governance and Democracy in Pakistan: Weaknesses, Strengths and

Prospects". IPRI X, no. 1 (2010): 1-21. Accessed May 30, 2017.


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