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Spring 2023 SCMP Designation Program Schedule

Virtual Instructor-Led via Zoom

Start/End Time: 5:30-8:30PM (MT) I Tuition Fees: M1-M4 (13 week Module) $795 + tax
M5-M8 (7 week Module) $495 + tax

Module Title Spring 2023 Instructors

M1 Supply Chain Management Apr. 26-July 19, 2023 (13 Wednesdays) Ian Seunarine

M2 Procurement and Supply Management Apr. 24-July 24, 2023 (13 Mondays) Matthew Miller, SCMP

M3 Logistics & Transportation Apr. 18-July 11, 2023 (13 Tuesdays) Kim Archibald, SCMP

M4 Operations and Process Management Apr. 20-July 13, 2023 (13 Thursdays) Kelly Singleton, SCMP

M5 Knowledge Management May 11-June 22, 2023 (7 Thursdays) Gennaro Pellegrino

M6 Global Sourcing May 8-June 26, 2023 (7 Mondays) Gaetan Demers, SCMP

M7 Supply Chain Management for Public Sector May 16-June 27, 2023 (7 Tuesdays) Chris Koch, SCMP

M8 SCM for Services, Capital Goods & Major Projects May 10-June 21, 2023 (7 Wednesdays) Rob Galka
Supply Chain Canada, Alberta Institute
PO Box 66005 Heritage Edmonton, AB T6J 6T4
Tel: 780 944 0355 EXT. 222 E-mail: Website:
Revised: February 13, 2023
Spring 2023 SCMP Designation Program Schedule
Virtual Instructor-Led via Zoom

Start/End Time: 8:00AM-4:00PM (MT) I Tuition Fees: $695 (2-day Member); $850 (2-day Non-member)
$1395 (3 or 4-day Member; $1550 (3 or 4-day Non-member)

Workshop Title Winter 2023 Instructors

IW1 Leadership & Professionalism May 4-5, 2023 (Thurs/Fri) Larry Berglund, SCMP

IW2 Negotiation Skills Apr. 17-19, 2023 (Mon/Tues/Weds) TBA

IW3 Communication & Relational Skills May 15-16, 2023 (Mon/Tues) Al Garlinski, SCMP

IW4 Competitive Bidding, Contract Prep & Mgmt June 15-16, 2023 (Thurs/Fri) Catherine Green

IW5 Risk Management Apr. 24-25, 2023 (Mon/Tues) Karen Benoit, SCMP

IW6 Ethical Behaviour & Social Responsibility June 1-2, 2023 (Thurs/Fri) Larry Berglund, SCMP
Supply Chain Canada, Alberta Institute
PO Box 66005 Heritage Edmonton, AB T6J 6T4
Tel: 780 944 0355 EXT. 222 E-mail: Website:
Revised: February 13, 2023

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