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(REPRESENTATIVE NAME) in his capacity as Joint Administrator with address
at XXXX XXXX, Calle XXXX nº XX and RUT XXXXXXXXX. Hereinafter THE


address at XXXX XXXX nº XX, RUT XXXXXXX. Hereinafter THE COMPOSER

Both parties, in the capacity with which they intervene, recognize the necessary
capacity to contract and bind themselves and by virtue of


I.- THE PRODUCER is going to produce an audiovisual work titled “XXXX


II.- That THE PRODUCER is interested in hiring the services of THE MUSICIAN
for the composition of the music for the original soundtrack of the feature film.

III.- THE MUSICIAN is interested in carrying out the services interested by THE
PRODUCER, under the terms and conditions regulated in the following:

FIRST.- THE PRODUCER, which is going to carry out the production of the
audiovisual work intended mainly for film, video and TV exploitation with the
provisional/definitive title of “XXXXX”, hires XXXX XXXX, to compose the music
for the soundtrack of said audiovisual work, in accordance with the instructions
set by the Director and THE PRODUCER. XXXX XXXX (THE COMPOSER)
assigns the synchronization rights of the work he composes as the original
soundtrack of the feature film.

SECOND.- The duration of the music will not exceed XX minutes.

THIRD.- THE PRODUCER reserves the right to use all or part of the music
depending on the needs of post-production, and may also synchronize other
musical works in the feature film.

FOURTH.- THE COMPANY is expressly obliged:

- Not to sign any contractual commitment that prevents you from providing the
stipulated services within the stipulated period.

- The musical creation of THE COMPANY must be strictly original, it will not
constitute in any way plagiarism of a pre-existing work. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, THE COMPANY expressly exonerates THE PRODUCER from any
third party claim that may be made in this regard.

FIFTH.- THE COMPANY will make the recording in accordance with the
technical requirements of THE PRODUCER, although the quality of the
recording will be determined by common agreement between the parties
(musicians, recording studio, etc...)

The work, contracts and any tasks necessary to carry out the recording of the
musical compositions that are the subject of this contract will be carried out by
SIXTH.- THE COMPANY undertakes that in the realization of its intellectual
creation, it adapts to the characteristics of the audiovisual work as well as the
instructions given by the Director in consideration of them and the objectives of
the Production.

SEVENTH.- THE COMPANY is obliged to carry out in its composition the

modifications or deletions that THE PRODUCER requests, provided that these
are justified by the characteristics of the audiovisual work.

If, when the musical work is synchronized with the audiovisual work, THE
PRODUCER deems it appropriate to make a series of modifications to it for its
adjustment to the audiovisual work, THE MUSICIAN is obliged to make said

EIGHTH.- THE MUSICIAN must deliver the music to THE PRODUCER in digital
format before XX (DAY) of XXXX (MONTH) of XXXX (YEAR).

NINTH.- THE COMPANY exclusively transfers to THE PRODUCER for the

entire world and for the maximum term of protection granted by current
regulations to film production companies the rights of:

Reproduction: Fix or have the audiovisual work fixed in whole or in part,

provisionally or permanently on any type of support or format and by any
system or procedure that allows its communication and/or obtaining copies of
the whole or parts and fragments of it.

The digitization of the work, as well as the storage in digital form on an

electronic medium, will be considered an act of reproduction.

Distribution: Making available to the public the original, copies or reproductions

that can be put into circulation as tangible objects in any medium or format and
by any system or procedure through sale, rental, loan and by any system,
procedure through sale, rental , loan or any other form of temporary or
permanent transfer of ownership, possession or use for any lawful purpose,
expressly including the making available to the public of copies for use in the
domestic sphere.

Public communication: Any act that in any medium or format and by any system
or procedure allows a plurality of people to have access to the work without
prior distribution of copies to each of them, free of charge through payment or
subscription, requiring or not the payment of an entrance price or through any
other system of free or conditional access.

They are considered acts of public communication:

.- The projection, exhibition, broadcast or transmission in places accessible to
the public, whether or not requiring the payment of an entrance price.

.- The emission by radio broadcasting or by any other means or procedure that

serves for the wireless dissemination of the work over the airwaves, by
terrestrial network or by satellite.

.- The transmission of the work by wire, cable, fiber optics or any other
analogous procedure.

.- Simultaneous or non-retransmission by any procedure and by an entity other

than the one of origin of the broadcast, transmitted or broadcast work.

.- The broadcast or transmission in a place accessible to the public of the

broadcast work

.-Making the work available to the public so that each member of the public can
have access to it upon request by any intangible procedure from the place and
at the time that each of them chooses.

.- The making available to the public of the work incorporated into a database,
whether it is protected or not.

Dubbing and subtitling: Modification of the title of the work as well as making the
necessary adaptations both to dub the interpretations of the original performers
into any other language or dialect, as well as to transcribe, in the manner
decided by the corresponding adapter, the dialogues of the original version into
other languages and dialects,

Transformation: Adaptation or transformation of the audiovisual work so that

another different audiovisual work is derived.

The rights of video reproduction, distribution through the making available of

videocopies for use in the domestic sphere and public communication are
reserved for XXXX XXXX (THE COMPOSER), with the sole purpose that he
has access to the economic content that of the exercise from such rights arises
and which is managed and collected on your behalf by the XXXX XXXX
TENTH.- The use by THE PRODUCER of fragments of said musical band,
through any procedure or modality intended for the promotion of the audiovisual
work, will not be considered independent exploitation of the musical work.

ELEVENTH.- As remuneration for the composition of the music and transfer to

THE PRODUCER of the rights expressed in the NINTH stipulation, THE
MUSICIAN will receive the gross amount of $XXXXX (AMOUNT). The
withholdings established by Law will be applied to this amount.

This amount will be effective in the following way:

XX% Upon signing this contract.

XX% Upon delivery of the master.
XX% To the final mixes of the audiovisual work.

TWELFTH.- THE PRODUCER is not obliged to use the musical work created
by THE COMPANY, so that, despite the delivery of materials and payment of
the agreed amounts, it may be agreed to dispense with the aforementioned
work in whole or in part. part.

THIRTEENTH.- THE PRODUCER undertakes to include in the header credits

of the audiovisual work the name of XXXX XXXX (THE COMPOSER) in the
manner in which both agree.

FOURTEENTH.- THE COMPANY authorizes THE PRODUCER to exploit the

musical work through any procedure, in isolation, independently or separately
from the audiovisual work. This expressly authorizes the edition of a CD
containing the soundtrack of the feature film. reference, the royalty to be paid to
the composer will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties
taking into consideration the offer presented by the record company interested
in publishing it, although the copyright of the aforementioned CD corresponds
exclusively to THE COMPANY.
FIFTEENTH.- The following will be cause for termination of this contract:


Failure by THE COMPANY to comply with the stipulated delivery times or any
other of the obligations assumed in this contract.


Failure by THE PRODUCER to comply with the agreed payment schedule or

any other of the obligations assumed in this contract.

SIXTEENTH.- For any issues that may arise between the parties as a
consequence of what is agreed in this contract, both parties submit to the
jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of XXXX (COUNTRY).

And for the record and as proof of compliance with the foregoing, both parties
sign this contract in duplicate, at the place and date indicated above.


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