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SEO Categories Status
Accessibility/Findability Issues
Robots.txt √
HTML Sitemap x
XML Sitemap √
Custom 404 Page x
“On Page SEO” Checks
http & https check √
www. & non www. version check √
Meta 'hreflang' (used SF signal: 'hreflang=') √
Meta Title !
Missing Meta Title √
Duplicate Meta Title √
Meta Description !
Missing Meta Description X
Duplicate Meta Description √
Heading/Sub-headings !
Missing Heading (H1) X
Multiple Heading (H1) X
Image ALT Tags X
Editorial Strength
URL Analysis
URL Delimiter Check √
URL Friendliness √
Absolute vs. Relative URLs
Architecture Checks
Check for Breadcrumbs X
Top Level Navigation (TLN) Analysis X
Footer Analysis X
Link Issues
Broken Links X
Broken Images X
Logo Link
Malicious Links
Schema Markup
Use of Structured Data Markup X
Content Optimization
Duplicate Content X
Site’s Loading Speed
Google PageSpeed Insights (desktop) X
Google PageSpeed Insights (mobile) X
Mobile-Friendly website √
Your Project

Good, Your website have a Robots.txt

Your website don't have HTML Sitemap
Your website has XML Sitemap
Your website don't have custom 404 page

Good,Your website is secured version

Your website is in non www. version
Your website do not need to use hreflang
Your website's meta title need to optimize
0 pages have missing meta title
0 pages have duplicate meta title
Your website meta description need to optimize
6 pages have missing meta description
0 pages have duplicate meta description
Your website H1 need to optimize
14 pages have missing H1
1 pages have multiple H1
65 images have missing Alt tag

Well Done, Your website does not have URL Delimeter

Wow, All pages are URL Friendly

70 broken links found

50 broken Image found

Your website do not have Structured Data Markup

7 pages have duplicate content

Average in desktop version (Score=44) - Link

Average in mobile version (Score=2) - Link

Great, Your website is mobile friendly

Reference Competitor 1


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