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Tactical Assault Kit for Android


Version 4.6

Change Log

23 March 2022
ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Version Description ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Added Features ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1 Legacy Toolbar Option ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Updated Self-Marker ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2.3 End User Bug Reporting and Feedback .................................................................................. 2
1.2.4 Minimum Safe Distance added to Shape Radials.................................................................... 3
1.2.5 Updated User Preferences ...................................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Option to Manually Input Center, Length and Width for Rectangles and Ellipses ................. 5
1.2.7 Drawing Tools Lines Updated with Endpoints ....................................................................... 5
1.2.8 Line Style Improvements ......................................................................................................... 5
1.2.9 HTTP transfer of Data Package Disabled .............................................................................. 6
1.3 Bug Fixes ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Software Development Kit (SDK) Improvements ........................................................................... 7
1.5 Plug-ins ............................................................................................................................................ 7
1.5.1 Data Sync ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.5.2 Jump Master ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.5.3 ATAK UAS Tool ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.6 List of Available Plug-ins and Applications .................................................................................... 8

Table of Figures
Figure 1 – Legacy Tool Bar Option .............................................................................................................. 1
Figure 2 – Updated Self Marker ................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 – User Feedback – List ................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 4 – User Feedback Form.................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 5 – MSD Icon .................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 6 – MSD Add/Remove File Dialog ................................................................................................... 3
Figure 7 – MSD Examples ............................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 8 – User Preferences .......................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 9 – Drawing Tools - Shapes .............................................................................................................. 5
Figure 10 – Drawing Tools - Line ................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 11 – New Line Styles ........................................................................................................................ 6

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

This document represents the changes that have occurred in the Tactical Assault Kit for Android
(ATAK) from version 4.5 to 4.6. For information on specific core functionality please refer to the
ATAK Software User’s Guide or plug-in specific documentation.

1.1 Version Description

ATAK provides tactical maps and situational awareness (SA) on Android mobile devices. ATAK
also provides an extensible framework on which user specific tools are built to provide additional
functionality. Plug-ins are available based on the needs of the user and are released incrementally
with the ATAK baseline. ATAK 4.6 advances SA capabilities by enhancing existing toolsets and
introducing new features.

A supplemental change log is maintained to highlight bug fixes made to the baseline post release.
It can be found at:

1.2 Added Features

The following subsections provide a brief overview of features that are new or have been enhanced
in ATAK 4.6. This is not an exhaustive list.

1.2.1 Legacy Toolbar Option

ATAK 4.5 provided updates to the user experience that included a new left to right tool bar. ATAK
4.6 provides the option of using the new tool bar or a legacy tool bar by selecting the Action Bar
Experience option during TAK Device Configuration (Figure 1). This setting can also be changed
at any time in Settings > Display Preferences > Tool Bar Customization.

Selecting the legacy option will move the tool bar and overflow icon to the right side of the screen.

1.2.2 Updated Self-Marker

ATAK 4.6 updates the appearance of the self-marker. By default, the self-marker will appear blue
with a white outline (shown in Figure 2). Both the main color and the outline color can now be
customized in Settings > Display Preferences > Color/Tinting > My Location Color/Size.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

1.2.3 End User Bug Reporting and Feedback

ATAK 4.6 provides users with the ability to initiate and upload bug reports. To access the new
user feedback tool, select Settings > Support > User Feedback the user feedback form/list is
displayed as shown in Figure 3.

Selecting the “+” icon, displays the User Feedback form displayed in Figure 4. The user feedback
form can be completed by text entry or by using the Android speech to text feature which is
accessed by selecting the Microphone icon on the top row of the Android QWERTY keyboard.
Supporting files (logs/screenshots) can be added to the user feedback form by selecting the
Attachment icon in the lower right corner and navigating to the desired file within device storage.
When the form is completed with the required information, select Send and the bug report will be
automatically uploaded to the TAK Server repository when a connection is available. The
reporting user’s callsign, LDAP username and a date/time stamp will be attached to the report if

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

In addition to the existing crash log reporting up to the TAK Server, this feature will allow users
to attach specific crash logs, screenshots, screen captures, and steps to recreate a bug.

1.2.4 Minimum Safe Distance added to Shape Radials

ATAK 4.6 adds a Minimum Safe Distance (MSD) button (Figure 5) for all Drawing Tools shapes
(except telestrations).

To add an MSD to a shape, select MSD from the shape’s radial, enter the desired range and color
and select OK (Figure 6). MSDs can be removed from a shape in the same way.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

When an MSD is applied to a shape, a red (default) line will outline the shape at the distance
specified as shown in Figure 7

1.2.5 Updated User Preferences

ATAK 4.6 includes an updated User Preference experience. The updated user preferences
preserves the basic workflow while offering a clean layout with updated icons and a streamlined
preference organization. Callsign and Device Preferences have been combined, the TAK Package
Management Tool is now located under Tool Preferences and server connections can be viewed
under Network Preferences. ATAK 4.6 continues to offer a search feature at the top right of the
User Preference window that can be used to navigate directly to a desired preference, which is
depicted in Figure 8.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

1.2.6 Option to Manually Input Center, Length and Width for Rectangles and
ATAK 4.6 now provides the ability to manually input center, length and width for rectangle and
ellipse shapes via the Details window (shown in Figure 9). This new functionality allows for quick
and accurate plotting of these shapes on the map.

1.2.7 Drawing Tools Lines Updated with Endpoints

ATAK 4.6 provides the ability to manually adjust the endpoints of lines via the Details window.
This new functionality allows for precise Start and End Point placement (Figure 10).

1.2.8 Line Style Improvements

In ATAK 4.6, the line style for shapes created using the Drawing Tools feature can be edited.
Available line styles are solid, dashed, dotted and outlined and are accessed in the shape’s details
window by selecting the Line Style box, as shown in Figure 11.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

1.2.9 HTTP transfer of Data Package Disabled

In ATAK 4.6, use of HTTP for data package transfer has been disabled by default. If support for
a legacy client is required, HTTP can be enabled via Settings > Tool Preferences > Data Package
> Allow HTTP transfers.

1.3 Bug Fixes

ATAK 4.6 resolved the following bugs either reported via or obtained from the play

• Better manage device screen always on mode when navigating.

• Added preference to Air Overlays plugin to disable Bluetooth/ADS-B scanning.

• Resolved issue with rendering KMZs using Rubber Sheet

• Resolved reported crash issue with screen lock (via play store).

• Resolved issue where a user could not attach pictures from the camera to a marker

• Resolved issue with Pathways not being displayed in 3D mode.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

1.4 Software Development Kit (SDK) Improvements

The SDK received updated documentation, a general ATAK Application Programming Interface
(API) cleanup and ongoing code cleanup of Fortify identified issues. In addition to this,
documentation is continuing to be updated in to assist third party developers.

• Enabled Unsafe Memory usage for Android 12 and later

• Automated tests/Unit tests were updated.

• Automated Testing/Unit Testing – Several unit tests/integration tests were implemented

for Core API functions in this release cycle. Updates were also implemented to support
instrumented testing of plug-ins.

• Continued to mark API deprecations and improve the javadoc.

• Significant effort was made during this release cycle in the following areas:

− Further enhanced 3rd party developer experiences.

− Continued to remove deprecated featured per the deprecation schedule.
− Highlighted new areas to be deprecated.
− Better document the API.
1.5 Plug-ins
A full list of plug-ins can be found on

1.5.1 Data Sync

ATAK 4.6 now provides the option to perform a full sync while using the timeline view.

1.5.2 Jump Master

ATAK 4.6 now displays the last time the jump variables were edited instead of the last calculated
time. ATAK 4.6 also resolves an issue where custom landing pattern markers were persisting after
a restart of ATAK.

ATAK Change Log 23 March 2022
Version 4.6

1.5.3 ATAK UAS Tool

ATAK 4.6 UAS Tool (version 11) updates (note version 11 was also backported to 4.5.1 ATAK
and potentially will backport to 4.4 ATAK):

• Support for the DJI Android Mobile SDK version 4.16.

• Support for the Blue HereLink Controller in the Controller Preferences.

• Support for the Kestrel Autopilot on the Indago 3 over Trellisware and MPU-5 radio link
setups with Android Gamepad Controller.

• More robust support for the Black Hornet 3.

• More robust support for the R80D.

• More robust support for Blue sUAS DIU and RAS-A MAVLink Platforms.

• Ability to fly a Parrot Anafi over Wi-Fi and rebroadcast over a cellular connection on
certain Android end user devices.

1.6 List of Available Plug-ins and Applications

There is more documentation and information that describes plug-ins available for ATAK on or Confluence ( from the
TAK Product Center.

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