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This Educational Project arises as a response to the recreational need

presented by our students of different ages. Based on the right to recreational health, on
the importance of recreational activities – essential tools for meaningful learning – and
on the importance of knowledge and use of new technologies.

For this reason, we propose as an educational institution to make an

excursion to “TECNÓPOLIS”, located in the town of Villa Martelli, province of
Buenos Aires. There our students will be in direct contact with new experiences in the
field of science, art and technology, allowing them to broaden their views as critical
subjects and bring them closer to knowledge from another point of view.

On the other hand, this outing includes visits to public and historical
buildings, which will allow direct observation of places with a broad sense of belonging
for the social and collective identity as citizens of our country.

This experience to be carried out by the teachers and students of EPA No. 1
shifts……… and the teachers in charge have a high cultural and cognitive value.

It should be added that the help received to cover the travel and stay
expenses of our students and their companions to the “TECNÓPOLIS” exhibition,
makes it possible for them to participate in a unique experience, which without help
would be unviable. This is due to the economic reality of our students' families, since
these costs are very high due to the great distance from the property where the sample is


 Active participation of the exit

 Learn about new technologies and projects that are developed in the country
 Enable the best integration of students in an environment of camaraderie
 Demonstrate curiosity and appreciation for new technologies.
 Expand vocabulary.
 Know and value places of historical importance in the city of Buenos Aires.


@ Nature, art and technology.

@Care of the planet's resources.
@Hydrocarbons and their connection with science and technology.
@Paleontology as a resource to learn about the evolution of our planet.

Previous activities:

*Investigate about the “TECNÓPOLIS” property: origin, foundation, dimensions,

general characteristics.
*Schedule the coexistence of the day.
Activities at the Tecnópolis property:
They will be coordinated by the specialized personnel in
charge of the different contingents throughout the entire route.

Subsequent activities:

Work in the different curricular areas based on the interest that the
experiences they have aroused in the students.


Upon the project participants' return, they will carry out an evaluation of their
experience at both a personal, group and institutional level.
In addition, the teachers will prepare a sample of photos to share with the entire
educational community of the Institution.

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