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Arranged by:

1. Jon Henri Prima Saragih (1801030100)

2. Kesya Saragih (1801030107)
3. Annisa Putri Butar Butar (1801030114)
4. Frendy Wilbet Simatupang (1801030156)
5. Lydwina Siagian (1901030119)

Subject : Classroom Action Research

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum





1.1 Background of Research

Communication is one part of language learning that demands increased ability to

interact. The 2013 curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes the importance of a balance of
attitude, knowledge, and skill competencies. This really demands the activity and creativity
of students who are formed through continuous learning starting from observing, asking,
exploring, associating, to communicating. This process starts from improving the concept of
a text, followed by competency in presenting a text both oral and written, and leads to the
formation of politeness in language and respect for Indonesian as the nation's cultural
heritage. In this curriculum there is a shift in the learning model from students being told to
students finding out from various learning media.

Writing is a language skill that is used to communicate indirectly, not face to face
with other people. Writing is a productive and expressive activity (Tarigan 2008:3). Writing
is one of the skills or language skills that have the highest level of difficulty compared to
other language skills, namely the ability to listen, speak and read. This is because to start a
writing, it does not only require imagination, ideas or ideas but also considerations in
composing a sentence that is good and correct and can be easily understood by the reader. To
produce good writing, it is not only considering the writing technique used, but also must
adapt to the type of writing.

The first problem often found in schools is that students do not have the motivation to
learn English. Moreover, they have problem with a lack of vocabulary, poor grammar and
unable ideas. The second problem was teaching method applied by the teacher. The teacher
still used the conventional method in teaching writing.

Knapp and Watkins (2005:153) state that a procedure is a sequence of doing

something through a sequence of actions or steps. Procedure text is to explain how something
should be done. Procedure text begins with the task objective, which is usually expressed as a
heading. The sequence or steps, the procedure text determines how the goal is to be achieved.
These steps can be accompanied by illustrations or diagrams to help the reader with the task
at hand. Procedure text is a type of text that can be found around us. The communicative
purpose of procedure text is to give instructions on how to do something through a series of
actions or steps. (Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Class VIII,
2014: 84). In everyday life, we use procedure text to provide instructions so that someone can
do a job properly. In order for activities to be carried out correctly and accurately and to
obtain maximum results, the principles of presenting procedural texts are needed.

Learning to write procedure text is one of the skills to pour ideas into writing.
Learning to write procedural texts in the K13 curriculum is applied to seventh grade students
of SMP. Procedure text aims to train students in developing their ideas and ideas in the form
of procedure text. The skill aspect expected by the 2013 curriculum is that students are able
to produce, edit, abstract and convert. From these four aspects, it is clear that the main skill
that must be mastered by students is the skill of producing or writing. This means that in the
2013 curriculum, students are expected to be able to produce or write procedural texts well.
This can be seen in the 2013 curriculum syllabus on Basic Competence 4.2, namely
producing a coherent procedural text according to the characteristics of the text that will be
made orally or in writing.

Currently, students' procedural text writing skills are very low due to several factors,
including: the teaching techniques used by teachers in teaching procedural texts do not attract
students' interest in learning, the media used by the teacher makes students less understand
the material presented, the lack of student interest in learning writing, especially interest in
writing procedural texts, and students who are less able to choose and arrange effective words
and sentences including the use of punctuation marks. To overcome these problems, writers
should use the right media so that learning is more effective, varied and more interesting.
Based on the results of observations, the authors found one of the media that can be used to
improve learning outcomes of writing procedure texts for class VIII students of SMP
NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar, namely video tutorial media. Video is one of the favorite
entertainments among teenagers, especially junior high school students, video tutorials can
display interesting pictures that can seem to exist so that they are considered to be able to
improve students' learning outcomes of writing procedural texts. With video tutorial media, it
can provoke students to develop thinking power, ideas, ideas and broader imagination into
procedural texts.

Based on the explanation above, the authors are motivated to conduct research with
the title Improving the Ability to Write Procedure Texts Through Video Tutorial Media for
VIII Grade Students of SMP NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar.
1.2 Problem of Research

Based on the research background, the research problem is formulated as follows:

How to improve procedural text writing skills through video tutorials for class VIII SMP
NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar students?

1.3 Objective of Research

To find out how to improve procedural text writing skills through video tutorials for
class VIII SMP NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar students.

1.4 Significance of Research

The researcher hopes that the results of this research can be useful for English Foreign
Language classes for both teachers and students. The significance of this paper can be
described as follows:

1. Theoretically

The results of this study are expected to find strategies to improve students' writing skills
through video tutorials.

2. Practical
a. For Readers
This research will be useful for prospective teachers to find out the benefits of
video tutorial media in teaching writing procedure text.
b. For Students
This research will be useful for prospective teachers to apply this teaching model
in doing their PPL later.
c. For English Teachers
The results of this study can provide benefits for English teachers that the
application of video tutorial media is very important in learning English,
especially making procedure texts.
d. For Researchers
For researchers, this activity will increase their knowledge that there is an effect of
flashcards on students in writing procedure texts.

2.1 Writing
2.1.1 Definition of Writing
Harmer (2004: 86) states that writing is a process and that we write is often heavily
influenced by constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning.
Marianne C. Murcia said, writing is “the ability to express one’s ideas in written form is a
second or foreign language”. It means that writing is an activity to express our ideas in
written form. On the other side, Barnet and Stubb’s said that writing as a physical act, it
requires material and energy. And like most physical acts, to be performed fully, to bring
pleasure, to both performer and audience, it requires practice”.
From definitions above, it can be conclude that Writing belongs to an important
activity in an English class. Writing as a productive skill is very important to learn. That is so
many structures to influencing writing to be a good writing one such as grammatical,
vocabularies and punctuation.

2.1.2. Purpose of Writing

Every writer must have a clear purpose of writing to be written.
In addition, there are really only four common purposes in writing they are: to inform,
to explain, to persuade, and to amuse others.
a. Writing to inform: the purpose for writing to inform is to share facts and other
information. Informational texts such as reports make statements that are supported by
facts and truthful evidence.
b. Writing to explain: the purpose for writing to explain is to tell what, how, and why
about a topic. An example is to explain in writing how to do or make something.
c. Writing to persuade: the purpose for writing to explain is to tell what, how, and why
about a topic. An example is to explain in writing how to do or make something.

2.1.3. Types of Text in Junior High School

Based on the competencies standard and basic competencies recommended by the
government, there are some types of writing which have to be taught in junior high school,
they are; procedure, descriptive, recount, and narrative.
a. Procedure: A procedure is a piece of text that tells the reader or listener how to do
something. Its purpose is to provide instruction for making something, doing
something or getting somewhere. Example of procedure texts include: recipes,
itineraries, instruction manuals, directions.
b. Descriptive: Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its
purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
c. Recount: Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or
activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Recount is a text which
retells event or experiences in the past.
d. Narrative: Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries
to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is the
narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a
process narration.
2.1.4. Procedure Text
Definition of Procedure Text

According to Lado, Procedure text is one of the types of text that belongs to the
factual subgenre procedural genre. The social purpose of this text is to direct or teach about
predetermined steps. Thus, this type of text emphasizes the aspect of how to do something,
which can be an experiment or observation. That's why this text has a thinking structure:
title, objective, list of materials (needed to achieve the goal), and sequence of implementation
stages, observations and conclusions.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text:

1. Goal/Aim: This text contains about purpose of making or operating of something.

2. Materials/Equipment: Materials consist of ingredients that are used in making
something. But not all parts of procedure text includes materials, sometimes a
procedure text does not have materials section.
3. Steps/Methods: Contains the steps or sequences that must be done so that the
objectives outlined in the aim/goal to be achieved. Steps or sequences must be a
sequence from the first to the last.

Language Feature of Procedure Text:

1. Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the
2. Use command / imperative sentence (e.g : put the noodles on the . . ., cut the onion. . .,
wash the tomatoes. . . )
3. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate, for
example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.
4. Using action verbs, e.g : make, take, boil, cook.
5. Using Simple Present Tense

The Social function to inform the readers or the listeners how to make or to do something.

Example of Procedure Text:



 Two spoons of sugar

 One spoon of coffee powder
 Hot water
 A cup
 A spoon


1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink

2.1.5 Video Tutorials Media

Definition of Video Tutorials Media

Video tutorial media is a series of visual images that give the illusion of motion on a
computer screen. This is in accordance with the opinion of Burke (2007: 33), some of the
video functions can be used to direct students' attention to important aspects of the material
being studied, can be used to teach procedural knowledge, support student learning in
carrying out cognitive processes.

The Purpose of Video Tutorials Media, such as:

a. Informs the student of the purpose of viewing the video.

b. Instructs the student to make observations and record information.
c. Challenges student with questions related to information presented in the video.
d. Directs the student to discuss questions with classroom peers, evaluate responses, and
write conclusions.
e. Engages the student's thinking on a variety of cognitive levels, for example, from
simple recall, description and identification, to analysis and evaluation.
f. Invokes multiple modes of expression, and therefore cognitive processing, from the
writing of text, to the sketching of shapes, diagrams, and organized objects.

2.1.6 Definition of Media

Keraf (2010: 34), argues that the word media comes from the Latin medus which
literally means 'middle', 'intermediary', or 'introduction'. The term medium is an intermediary
that delivers information between the source and the receiver. So television, film, radio,
photos, recordings, audio, projected images. Media are people, materials, or events that form
the conditions that enable students to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes.

2.1.7 The Application Video Tutorial Media



3.1 Design of the Research

This research was conducted by applying Classroom Action Research. Action

research is type of research investigation by the researchers in their own are as focus for their
studies. It is aim to improve students’ ability in writing procedure text by using video
tutorials for the eighth grade students of SMP NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar. This is
categorized as action research since it attempts to improve the real condition of the writing
teaching and learning process by involving participants in the setting where the research was
done. The approach to action research in two Cycle namely, Cycle I and Cycle II. Each
consists of four steps namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection.

Kemmis and Mc. Taggart (1988) in Bums (1999:32) explain the action research
occurs through a dynamic and complementary process, which consist of four essential
moments: planning, action, observation, and reflection. These moments are the fundamental
steps in a spiraling process through which participants on action research group undertake to:

1. Develop a plan or critically informed action to improve what is already happening.

2. Act to implement the plan.
3. Observe the effects of this critically informed action in the context in which occurs.
4. Reflect on this effect as the basis for further planning, subsequence critically informed
action and so on through a succession of stages.
Visually, the steps in action research by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart in Burns (1999;33)
can be illustrated as follows.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population of this research are two parallel classes students at the eighth grade at
SMP NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar and the sample of this research is one class students,
namely VIII-5 at SMP NEGERI 7 Pematangsiantar which consists 32 students.

3.3 The Instrument for Collecting Data

The instrument for collecting data were collected by administering writing test and
diary note in order to measure students’ ability in writing procedure text. The students were
asked to watch video of procedure text. Then, they were asked to write procedure text by

3.4 The Procedure of Collecting Data

In getting the data in this research, the procedure of this research was conducted
within two cycles. Each cycle involved into four steps namely planning, action, observation
and reflection. On the first meeting was used to give the writing in the first evaluation to the
students to know the basic knowledge of the students in procedure text. The first cycle
consists of three meetings and the second cycle consists of two meetings. So, the totally
there were five meetings in this research.

Cycle I:

1. Planning

Planning was arranged for doing something and considered in advance. In planning,
the researcher prepared everything which was related to the action.

a. Preparing lesson plan about procedure text

b. Preparing teaching material of procedure text

c. Preparing videos about procedure text

d. Preparing equipment’s that are necessary to know about procedure text such as
laptop, in focus, and LCD.

2. Action

Action was the process of doing something. It was the implementation of planning.
In this phase, the researcher practiced what she had planned in the lesson plan. The
researcher prepared the media, explained about procedure text, played videos of procedure
text. After that, the researcher asked the students to watch the videos. After watching the
videos, the researcher and students discussed about the videos, after that, the researcher
asked the students to write their own procedure texts. The researcher evaluated the whole
activities and explained the strength and weakness points of students in writing procedure

3. Observation

Observation was purposed to find out information of action, such as the students’
attitude while the teaching and learning process ran. In this phase, observation was done
through diary notes. Diary notes focused on the activity of students. Every activity of the
students related to the scenario of teaching and learning process was put on diary note.

4. Reflection

Reflection was a feedback process from the action, which had done before.
Reflection was used to help the teacher to make decision. In this phase, the researcher
reflected everything that was done. The reflecting process based on diary note.

Cycle II:

Based on the result of the first cycle, the writer decided to do the second cycle to improve
the students’ writing skill by revising the procedure of the treatment and motivate the
students who get a low score in the cycle I. The writer created plan based on difficulties of
students in writing procedure text.

1. Planning

Based on the reflection in the first cycle, the writer arranged the following planning:

a. Preparing the lessons plan

b. Preparing teaching material of procedure text

c. Preparing videos about procedure text

d. Preparing equipment’s that are necessary to know about procedure text such as
laptop, in focus, and LCD

2. Action

There were many activities take place while doing the research in second cycle. The
researcher explained about procedure text, played videos of procedure text. After that, the
students were asked to watch the videos. After watching the videos, the teacher and students
discussed about the videos and the researcher asked the students to write their own
procedure texts.

3. Observation

In this phase, the researcher observed the students’ attitude while teaching and
learning process. Observation was done through diary notes.

4. Reflection

Reflection was a feedback process forms of the action. It was used to help the writer
to make a decision. In this phase, the writer found out whether or not the students’ score
show improvement.

3.5 Scoring of the Test

To score the students’ writing test in procedure text, some criteria were used.
According to Weigle (2002:116) scoring depending on the purpose of the assessment, script
may rate on such as features of content (30), organization (20), vocabulary (20), language
use (25) and mechanics (5). The total score is 100. Based on the explanations above about
scoring the test, it can be specified that the criteria of scoring writing a procedure text was
used the following components/criteria. The criteria of scoring writing a procedure text was
as follows:
Table 3.1 Scoring The Test (Weigle, 2002:116)
No Component Criteria Score

1. Content: Social To describe how something Excelent to very 30-27

Function is accomplished through a good:
sequence of actions or knowledgeable,
substantive through
Steps development of topic
sentences relevant to
assigned topic.
Good to average:
some knowledge of 26-22
subject- adequate
range – limited
development of topic
sentences- mostly
relevant to topic, but
lacks detail.
Fair to poor: limited
knowledge of
subject- little 21-17
development of
Very poor: does not
show knowledge of
subject-non- 16-13
substantive- not
pertinent- or not
enough to evaluate.
2 Organization: Text Elements: Exelent to very 20-18
Generic Structure Goal good: fluent
Material, expression- ideas
Steps. stated/ supported-
succinct- well
organized- logical
Good to 17-14
organized but main
ides stand up- limited
support- logical but
Fair to poor: non 13-10
fluent- ideas
confused or
disconnected- lacks
logical sequencing
and development.
Very poor: does 9-7
notcommunicate- no
organization- or not
enoughto evaluate.
3 Vocabulary Sophisticated range- Exelent to very 20-18
effective word/ idiom good: sophisticated
choice and usage. range- effective
word/ idiom choice
and usage/ word
from mastery-
appropriate register.
Good to average: 17-14
adequate range
occasional errors of
word/ idiom form,
choice, usage but
meaning not
Fair to poor: limited 13-10
range- frequent error
of word/ idiom
forms, choice, usage-
meaning confused or
Very poor: does not
communicate- no 9-7
organization- or not
enough to evaluate
4 Language Use: Information procedure: Exelent to very good: 25-22
Gramatical Use of simple present effective complex
Features tense, construction- few errors
imperatives,connectives, of agreement, tense,
adverbial phrases. number, word order/
function, articles,
pronoun, preposition.
Good to average:
effective but simple 21-18
constructions- several
errors of agreement,
tense, number, word
order/ function, articles,
preposition, but
meaning seldom
Fair to poor: major 17-11
problems in simple/
frequent errors of
negations agreement,
tense, number, word
order/ function,
articles, pronouns,
preposition, and/ or
fragments, deletion-
meaning confused or
Very poor: virtually 10-5
no mastery of
sentence construction
rules- dominated by
errors- does not
communicate- or not
enough to evaluate.
5 Mechanics Demonstrate mastery of Exelent to very 5
conventions-few errors good: demonstrate
of spelling, punctuation, mastery of
capitalization, conventions-few
paragraphing. errors of spelling,
paragraphing. 4
Good to average:
occasional errors of
spelling, punctuation,
paragraphing, but
meaning not
Fair to poor:
frequent errors of
paragraphing, poor
meaning confused or
Very poor: no
mastery of
conventions- dominated 2
by errors of spelling,
handwriting illegible- or
not enough to
Total Score 100

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data

The qualitative data described the situation during the teaching process and the
quantitative data were used to know the score of the students. The term of quantitative data
were used to describe a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically.
The data of this research were collected by using quantitative and qualitative data. The
qualitative data were founded by analyzing the score of students, in analyzing the data; the
writer did the following steps:
a. Scoring the Pre-Test on the table score
b. Tabulating the students’ score
c. Counting the mean of the students’ score
d. Comparing the students score between Cycle I and Cycle II
e. Calculating the percentage of the students score

To know the mean of the students score for each cycle, the writerapplied the following
x = x100%

x : The mean of the students

∑x : The total score
N: The number of the sudents

Next to categorize the number of the students who are competence in writing achievement,
the following formula applied:

P= x 100%

P: Percentage of students getting 75
R: Number of students getting score 75
T: The total number of students taking the test

3.7 Procedures of Analyzing the Data

There are some procedures that will be done in analysis the data of the research:
a. Analyzing and counting the score
b. Tabulating the students’ score,
c. Finding the students’ score
d. Concluding the finding

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