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AND C. ______________________________________________________ AS A


I. The PROVIDER declares: To be Mexican [a], to be a natural person,

with RFC:______________________, with
to have his/her domicile
II. Be your main source of income and/or dedicate yourself to being an
actor, and regularly dedicate yourself to the provision of artistic
interpretation services as an actor/actress in film, theater, television and
other audiovisual media.
III. That it is your will to enter into this contract and you understand its legal


I. Be Mexican, be a natural person, with

RFC:__________________________, with
have your address
II. That it is your will to enter into this contract and you understand its legal


The object of this contract is the participation of the ACTOR through the provision of his services for the
representation of the role of ________________________________________ in the
work______________________________________. The ACTOR undertakes to put all his experience and
professional capacity at the service of the direction of the SERIES, adjusting his work to the instructions he
receives from those responsible for it in its different technical, artistic, etc. aspects.

The relationship between the ACTOR and THE BORROWER will be developed in accordance with the
content of this contract and with the specific rules that apply to this type of employment relationship, in
accordance with the FEDERAL LABOR LAW or the CIVIL CODE.


According to the production plans, it will include the days and functions

However, the contract will end when your participation in the tours, functions and days ends. The start date
may be delayed or brought forward, and the BORROWER must notify the ACTOR as soon as possible once
they become aware of such circumstance.

During this period the ACTOR will hold TWO SESSIONS.

If the intervention of the ACTOR is necessary outside the commitment period, the artist will show his
agreement to such intervention on the dates provided by THE BORROWER.

THE BORROWER will determine the performance dates according to the needs of the work, committing to
communicate the changes to the ACTOR at least 24 hours in advance. In this case, the ACTOR must carry out
his activity on the day indicated to him without being entitled to any kind of extraordinary remuneration or
compensation for said change. If the change makes it impossible for the ACTOR to participate in the filming,
he must notify THE BORROWER within a maximum period of 24 hours, stating the reasons that prevent him
from intervening, leaving THE BORROWER empowered to terminate this agreement without said resolution
give rise to any kind of compensation or indemnity in favor of the ACTOR.

During the term of the contract, the ACTOR will be available to those responsible for directing,
directing and producing the series for any rehearsals, tests, recordings, etc. are considered necessary.

Likewise, the ACTOR undertakes to provide full collaboration in the event that any kind of
extraordinary recording had to be made, due to production or broadcast needs.
The call notice will be given reliably. The ACTOR is obliged to leave the place where he is located at his
usual address in order to be called in exceptional cases.


THE ACTOR will carry out his work activity in the places that THE BORROWER determines based
on the production and execution needs of the WORK.

The ACTOR who agrees with THE BORROWER to be transferred by the latter to the place of
presentation, will be punctually at the place agreed in the call for collection. Likewise, if you have to travel by
your own means to the place of presentation, you will be there punctually at the time indicated in the call.


There is no trial period.


The ACTOR expressly undertakes to be absolutely available in terms of the duration and distribution
of his working day and consequently to adapt his work schedules to the production plans of the WORK,
including both assembly and in cases in which the ACTOR has to carry out rehearsals or help with doubles or
dubbing of their interventions.

The artist undertakes to determine in good faith with THE BORROWER the dates on which he
himself will dub his interventions when said dubbing is necessary or convenient for technical reasons, without
receiving any special remuneration for said activity.

The ACTOR may be doubled by a second person, unless otherwise agreed stipulated in this contract.


The artist will receive as compensation for his work:

a) The amount of an updated minimum wage in region A included in the Federal
District. Consisting of $59.82 (fifty-nine pesos 82/100 MN)
b) Each additional session will receive compensation of $59.82 (fifty-nine pesos
82/100 M. N.)

This amount (that of the artist) includes all the salary concepts to which the
ACTOR is entitled, without limitations or exclusions of any kind (weekly rest,
vacations, parties, extraordinary bonuses, exclusivity, availability of time and place
of work, complementary payments established by the legislation in force at any
time, etc.) as well as the corresponding compensation, and especially the
commitment of EXCLUSIVITY of the actor which is considered, for all purposes, as
an essential element of this agreement.
Likewise, the agreed remuneration includes that corresponding to rehearsals and
tests and – specifically that related to the appointments for the reading of scripts
that will take place – except for modifications by THE PRODUCER.

This amount will be paid on the following days of the



The ACTOR assigns to THE PRODUCER exclusively and without time limitation
(for the maximum time established by law) and for the entire world territory, the
rights of reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication and any
others that may correspond to the benefits derived of the employment relationship
established in this contract, as well as all industrial, intellectual and image property
rights for exploitation, both cinematographic and television, in all types of media or
formats and in any technical procedure or system, as well as as its exploitation by
any other means.

In any case, THE PRODUCER may use the audiovisual records obtained with the
participation of the ACTOR for the promotion of the work.

THE PRODUCER may freely assign to third parties the rights acquired by this act
without any rights being derived in favor of the artist.

Specifically, the ACTOR assigns the following rights TO THE PRODUCER:

a) Fixation, understood as the impression of the ACTOR's performance in a
material or support that allows either its reproduction or its direct or indirect
communication to the public.

b) Direct or indirect reproduction, understood as the making available to the public

of the original or copies, or of the performance of the serial audiovisual work to
which it is incorporated, or of the digital representation of the same, or of the parts
of which is recorded in a medium that allows its communication and the obtaining
of copies of all or part of it, in any analog or digital medium, including the so-called
"multimedia" patented, or invented without patenting (also known by way of
example as " CDROM", "CDI" and "CD LASER") as well as its fixation on BASES
of any nature.
c) Distribution, understood as the making available to the public of the original or
copies of both the performance and the serial audiovisual work to which it is
incorporated, or the digital representation thereof, or the parts of which it is
incorporated. or part of it, through its sale, rental, loan or any other form of
temporary or definitive transfer of possession thereof, including, but not limited to,
electronic recovery systems (digital delivery) and access to banks and databases,
and both for public communication and for the domestic sphere.
d) Of public communication in any medium and format, including radio
broadcasting, or of the aforementioned performance as of the serial audiovisual
work to which it is incorporated, or of the digital representation of the same, or of
the parts of which it is recorded, including among the acts that make up the
concept, the exhibition in cinemas, its broadcast, transmission and retransmission
through radio broadcasting of any type, access to it through analog and/or digital
communication networks and/or in places open to the public in general or on a
restricted basis. Included in this concept are both the public communication of the
fixation, its digital representation or part of it, as well as the programs in which it is
included, even in on-demand television systems, "video on demand." and other
electronic recovery systems by any procedure, including the so-called "online".
e) Dubbing and subtitling, understood as the realization of the necessary
adaptations both to dub the performance into other languages and dialects, and to
transcribe, in the manner decided by the corresponding adapter, the dialogues
from the original version to other versions. languages and dialects.
In addition to the uses mentioned in the previous provision, THE PRODUCER is
also authorized to exploit the work and its support in those formats that require or
enable the delivery of individual copies of the work, complete and/or by chapters
and/or summarized, as well as its exploitation through radio broadcasting and
access to it through analog and/or digital communication networks and/or places
open to the general public or in a restricted manner. Consequently, the following
rights are expressly transferred to THE PRODUCER:
a) Exploitation in those formats that enable or require the making available and/or
delivery of singular copies, complete or summarized, to the public for use in the
domestic sphere, whose rental, loan, communication, reproduction, distribution and
sale expressly are authorized.
b) Public communication on television, both foreign and national, regional, regional
and/or local, publicly and/or privately owned, free and/or paid, with open and/or
encoded broadcast, including in the previous concepts those that broadcast their
programming via satellite and/or cable and whose signals are captured anywhere
in the universe; Included in said assignment are the rights of emission,

transmission and retransmission, both of the work and/or the digital representation
thereof, and of the programs in which they are included.


The ACTOR enjoys the right to recognition of his name based on his interpretation,
to disavow any deformation, modification, alteration, mutilation or any other attack
on his performance that harms or undermines his prestige, reputation or that
represents damage to his legitimate interests. The express authorization of the
ACTOR will be necessary for the dubbing of his performance in his own languages.

The PRODUCER expressly transfers to THE PRODUCER all the IMAGE rights
that correspond to the ACTOR by virtue of his performance in accordance with this
contract, the transfer of IMAGE being as extensive in time and space as the
transfer of his INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, provided that is related to
the work committed.

The PRODUCER does not acquire any commitment regarding the broadcast of the SERIES in which
the ACTOR participates, at its frequency or at the time in which it can be done. Furthermore, THE
PRODUCER may allow partial broadcasts of the SERIES and, where appropriate, the artist's interventions in
it, as well as choose the shots or sequences that it considers most appropriate for the broadcast, promotion or
marketing of THE WORK. .


THE PRODUCER will provide the actor/actress with wardrobe, makeup, and hairdressing services at their
own expense. If the ACTOR requires any service other than the usual ones, the cost of the same will be at his
or her expense.


The ACTOR expressly accepts the general rules that THE PRODUCER has
established or may establish in the future regarding his PERSONAL IMAGE in
those jobs or complementary activities that require his relationship with people
other than THE PRODUCER or his appearance on screen.
If THE PRODUCER considers it appropriate to include in the advertising work that
requires the direct collaboration of THE ACTOR, the ACTOR must provide said
collaboration - without receiving any special amount and follow the instructions
received from THE PRODUCER unless it entails aggression or impairment. of your

The ACTOR undertakes to provide all his professional collaboration for any activity
related to the promotion or advertising launch of the work, the commercial products
derived from it or the television or theater network or spectaculars, without this
giving rise to any kind of complementary remuneration.

For these purposes, the ARTIST will participate in the recordings made for
this purpose and will personally attend any public event for which he or she is
summoned by THE PRODUCER and whose objective is any of the aforementioned


The ACTOR declares that he has not entered into any previous commitment that
would prevent him from fulfilling the obligations that he is responsible for
established in the clauses of this contract to which he grants priority, and also
undertakes not to acquire a work commitment of any kind to be carried out during
the validity of the contract. this contract without prior written authorization from THE

The financial compensation for this exclusive dedication is considered

included in the agreed remuneration. If the actor unilaterally fails to comply with
this agreement, he will pay THE PRODUCER – as compensation for damages and
losses – the Amount agreed in the SEVENTH CLAUSE.


THE PRODUCER will enjoy a right of first refusal in relation to the ACTOR's
professional rights during the validity of this contract or its possible extensions.

For these purposes, the ACTOR is obliged to inform THE PRODUCER of

the offers received during the term of the contract or its extensions, indicating the
content of the offer: type of benefit, economic conditions, entity or person making
the offer. and the rest of the data that is necessary so that THE PRODUCER can
carry out a weighted evaluation.
THE PRODUCER must exercise his right to both within a maximum period of
THREE WEEKS once he receives the written communication referred to in the
previous paragraph, offering the ACTOR a work proposal whose economic
conditions are – at least equivalent to those appearing in the communication
delivered by it. In the event that THE PRODUCER does not respond within this
period under the aforementioned conditions or responds negatively, it will lose its
right of first refusal.


In the credits the ACTOR will appear as follows: IN THE JUDGMENT OF THE

In everything related to clichés, photos, posters, radio, trailers, television, etc... the
PRODUCER may include the name, figure and voice of the ACTOR if it considers
it necessary.

To resolve any divergence that may arise from the application or interpretation of
this contract, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the
Federal District, waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply to them due to their
current or future domicile.

Both parties declare that there was no fraud, bad faith, error or other defect
of will, signing separately and in accordance with all applicable legal effects.



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