Контрольная Работа. 3 Класс Глагол to Be.

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Тест 3 класс

Глагол to be.

1.Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are.

I _______ Russian.

You ______ English.

They _____ friends.

We _______ pupils.

They ______ from London.

It _________ orange.

Mum ______ beautiful.

I __________10.

2.Complete the text with the verb to be:

Hello! I ___ Ben. I ____ from London, England. It ____ a big city. I ____ 9.And my brother
Frank ____ 14. We ____ pupils. Frank ____ a good pupil.
Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are.
1. My grandmother … a teacher.
2. You ... nine years old.
5. It … very cold yesterday.
6. They … pupils in 1990.

3. Употребите множественное число имени существительного

A dog –
An orange –
A knife –
A leaf –
A fox –
A dress –
A boy –
A kitty –
A man –
A woman–
A child –
A mouse –
A sheep –
A foot –
A goose –
An ox

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