Backpain NCP

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Subjective: Back pain related Back pain is range from a After 1 hour of nursing INDEPENDENT: After 1 hour of nursing
to pregnancy as dull, constant ache to a intervention the client A. Establish rapport with A. To help build trust intervention the client
Patient evidence by a pain sudden, sharp pain that may will be able to: client. and cooperation was able to:
complains rating 7/10. shoot down the leg. 1. Report pain scale with the client. 1. Report pain
back pain. from 7 out of 10, B. Assess the patient’s scale from 7 to 3
Sometimes it can come on B. Back pain caused
to 3 out of 10. severity of pain and out of 10.
suddenly – from an accident, by a vertebral
2. Move and rest create a treatment plan 2. Moved and
Objective: a fall, or lifting something comfortably. based on the
collapse or
heavy, or it can develop discomfort after a rested
3. Control and assessment.
slowly because of age- fracture are comfortably.
Pain scale experience relief
related degenerative common 3. Controlled and
Of 7/10 pain.
complaints from experienced relief
changes in the spine. In 4. Improve the
of pain.
Vital Signs: some cases, inflammatory client’s feeling patients. For the
4. Improved the
BP: 130/ 80 arthritis disorders or other and pain will not patient to
client feeling and
MmHg medical conditions cause occur frequently. participate in the pain will not
Temp: 37.8 back pain. 5. The patient will rehabilitation, occur frequently.
RR: 20 cpm achieve or pain management
Treatment varies depending
HR: 98 bpm maintain desired is important.
on the cause and symptoms,
functional C. Encourage the patient to
and often there are several mobility. participate in range of
contributing factors. C. Muscle atrophy
6. Use of motion exercises in
However, there are steps pharmacological limited procedure. can be brought on
you can take to improve and by immobility. To
your health and lower your nonpharmacologi avoid injury, assist
chance of developing cal pain relief with ROM
chronic or long-lasting back methods. D. Encourage the client to exercises as
pain. have bed rest. needed.
D. To promote
calmness and
comfort to the
client and reduces
pain and anxiety.
Inflammatory back pain (IBP) E. Apply warm compress E.Heat therapy works by
is a condition of pain on the area. relaxing the muscles
localized to the axial spine increasing blood flow and
and sacroiliac joints that is easing pain.
chronic and is differentiated
F. Educate the patient
from mechanical back pain about the prescribed F. A greater patient
by a set of key diagnostic pain management awareness of the nature of
features. Inflammatory back strategy, including the pain, its treatment, and
pain is associated strongly therapies, drug the role patient needs to
with, but not diagnostic of, administration, side play in pain control is one
several inflammatory effects, and possible of the most important
conditions that may have complications. steps toward improved
both axial and peripheral control of pain.
pain features. Pain in
inflammatory back pain is
G. Provide the patient and
more often localized to the
the family enough
lumbar spine and may be information about G. Lack of understanding
associated with buttock pain chronic pain and the of the characteristics of
that alternates from one various pain chronic pain and pain
side to another; though, it is management treatment techniques
patient characteristics, alternatives. might increase the
chronicity, and pain patient’s burden of pain.
progression that set IBP
apart from other causes. The
classic association of
inflammatory back pain
symptoms is with ankylosing
spondylitis; however, IBP
may also be present in other
spondyloarthropathies such
as psoriatic arthritis,
enteropathic arthropathy,
juvenile idiopathic arthritis,
and reactive arthritis. The
cause of inflammatory back
pain may also be
undifferentiated given the
absence or combination of
diagnostic features of any of
these conditions.

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