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Chapter 7 – Social Influence and group process

1.Crowd means __________

a. None

b. Collection of people who may be present at a place/situation by chance

c. Both a and b

d. Collection of people who have assembled for a special purpose, may be to watch a cricket match or a

2. Which one is a stage of intra group conflict?





3. Group works together to achieve shared goals is called ______________

a.Team work


c.All of the above


4. What is the correct sequence of the stages of group formation?

a.Norming, storming, forming, and performing

b.Forming, storming, norming and performing

c.Storming, norming, performing, and forming

d.Performing, norming, storming, and forming

5. The term ____________ refers to those processes by which our perspectives and ways of behaving
are affected by the genuine or envisioned presence of others.


b.Social loafing

c.Social influence

d.Group think
6. Which of the following is an example of a group?




d.All of the above

7. Membership of a nature’s club is an example of :

a.Primary group

b.Secondary group


d.Large group

8. One’s own group is known as ___

a.Large group



d.Group polarization

9. Resturant employees fail to put in an equal amount of effort. This is an example of___

a.Social Faciliation

b.Group polarization

c.Group think

d.Social loafing

10. A group gets stronger as a result of discussions in the group. This strengthening of the group’s initial
position as a result of group interaction and discussion is referred to as ________________



c.Group polarization

d.Group think

11. Repeated interactions with the same set of individuals gives us a chance to know them, and their
interests and attitudes_______________


c.Common motives and goals


12. Residents of Agnipath Housing Complex lived harmoniously with the members of the neighbouring
complex. However recent events of noisy late night parties forced them to send a note to their
neighbours warning them of severe consequences if this continued. Identify the type of groups from the
given scenario.

a. Ingroup and Outgroup

b. Formal Group and Informal group

c. Primary Group and secondary Group

d. Formal and Primary group

Short answer type questions I (2 markers)

1. Define group.
2. What is social loafing? Give examples
3. What are primary groups?
4. What is group polarization? Give examples
5. What is ‘bandwagon’ effect?
6. Differentiate between formal and informal groups?
7. What are norms?

Short answer type questions II (3 markers)

1. Describe any two elements of group structure.

2. State three conditions which facilitate group formation.
3. Describe the characteristics of a group.

Short answer type questions III ( 4 markers)

1. Compare and contrast ingroup and outgroups and formal and informal groups.
2. Explain the elements of group structure.
3. Are you a member of a certain group? Discuss what motivated you to join that group.
4. How does Tuckman’s stage model help you to understand the formation of groups?
5. How do groups influence our behavior?
6. How can you reduce social loafing in groups?

Long answer questions (6 markers)

1. Explain group polarization. Give reasons for the occurrence of group polarisation.

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