Answerseasystudyquestions 0625 C1

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- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 any four from: 4

measure volume of water (in a
measuring cylinder) (1)
add metal to water in the
measuring cylinder (1)
so that metal is completely
submerged (1)
measure (new) volume of water
in a measuring cylinder (with
metal) (1)
find the difference between the
two volumes (1)

2 (weight =) 50 (N) (1) 2

(weight =) mass × g OR
5 × 10 (1)

3 75 (kg) (1) 3
750 ÷ 10 (1)
W = mg OR
(m =) W ÷ g OR
W ÷ 10 in any form (1)

4 magnitude OR 2
size (1)
direction (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5 any two from: 2

acceleration / deceleration (1)
gravitational field strength (1)
impulse (1)
momentum (1)
velocity (1)
weight (1)

6 16 (m / s) (1) 3
200 / 12.8 (1)
(average speed =) (total)
distance / (total) time in any form

7 300 (N) (1) 3

(resultant force =) force to right
− force to left OR
1200 − 900 (1)
to the right OR
in forward direction (1)

8 7.20 (s) 1

9(a) 21 (cm ) 1
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9(b) 0.2(0) (cm ) (1) 4
(average volume of one drop) =
4(.0) / 20 (1)
(volume = 25 − 21 =) 4(.0) (cm )
total volume = number of drops
(average) × volume of one drop

[Total: 25]

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