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Multiplexer and demultiplexer

Name Arnav Bhosale

Roll no. 225803
What is multiplexer.
~ Multiplexer is device that has multiple inputs and single output

~ The select lines determine which inputs is connected to output and also to increase the
amount of data that can be sent over a network with certain time

~ It is called selector
Types of Multiplexer
~ 2-1 Multiplexer

~ 4-1 Multiplexer (2 select line)

~ 8-1 Multiplexer (3 select line)

~16-1 Multiplexer (4 select line)

4 to 1 Multiplexer
Applications of Multiplexer
~ By using a multiplexer, the efficiency in communication system can be increased.

~ In telephone network, multiple audio signals are integrated.

~ Multiplex is used to transmit the data signal

~ From satellite to ground

~ By using GSM satellite

What is Demultiplexer?
~ A demultiplexer (also known as a demux data distributor)is defined as a
circuit that can distribute or deliver multiple output from a single input

~ A demultiplexer can perform as a single input with many output switches

Types of demultiplexer

~ 2-1 Demultiplexer

~ 4-1 Demultiplexer (2 select line)

~ 8-1 Demultiplexer 3 select line)

~16-1 Demultiplexer 4 select line)

1-4 Demultiplexer
Applications of Demultiplexer
~ Demultiplexer receives signal output from the multiplexer.

~ At the receiver end it converts them back to the original form.

~ This counter is attached to detect the data signal.

~ Serial data is given as a input to demultiplexer at a regular interval.

~ A counter is attached to detect the data signal.

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