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Guide to great
This guide is divided on 3 Parts. And the sole
purpose of this is to make you more disciplined and
maximize the power of your ego! So you can get the
most work done.

Note: Basically, when you watch or listen to things

instead of just reading, your brain gets to use different
parts that help you understand and remember better. It's
like giving your brain more tools to learn with.

● If you're an audio person, click here to get the audio

version of this exercise.

● If you're a video person, click here to get the video


● And if you like to read… keep reading.


Section 1: Create the rival!

Here, we will create a tenacious figure whom we will consider
our rival.

He possesses the same genetics as you. He has the same body

and the same mind. However, the only aspect where you differ
from him is in action and discipline (your ability to take action
regardless of how you feel).

He will exercise even when he doesn't feel like it.

He will read that book even when every ounce of his body is
telling him not to.


He will do that boring work despite every part of his body

seeking something stimulating.

No matter what the task is, if he desires something, he will

dedicate himself to putting in the work required to achieve the
desired outcome, regardless of feeling tired, lazy, or sleepy.

List out

To surpass him, you need to List out all the things he would do
(essentially, the actions you need to take to achieve your goals).

For example:

● He would do ________, even when the he's least


● He would wake up at ___, and do his work even if it's

extremely challenging.

● He consistently seeks discomfort, which is what makes

him a strong man that others can sense in his aura.

● He will accomplish ____. Until then, he won't cease his

efforts or succumb to distractions and laziness.

● He actively learns from everyone and everything,

constantly striving for improvement.

After listing them out, you must consistently perform those

actions yourself.

Understand this: this is just a second version of yourself who

puts in effort, does the work even when he doesn't feel like it.
He has the same genetics as you, and unlike you, he doesn't let
his tasks go unfinished. And you can exactly do the same as him
and achieve his results.

Remember, just as much as you can imagine him putting in the

work, you can do that amount of work.

I just gave you the basic framework of how you wanna create
this character. Modify it in your way and make it as hard as you

The powerful aspect of this concept is that it prevents you from

making excuses. You'll observe how your internal voice shifts
from "I can't do this, I'm tired" to "Fuck tiredness, I'm doing it
anyway; otherwise, I'm going to get left behind."

The truth is: The only person Who's Stopping you is you.

SECTION 2: Build Discipline!

Once you've learned how to create an ego and use it in the right
way, the next crucial aspect to focus on is consistency.

Individuals who possess knowledge but lack consistency and

discipline are no different from any average person.

Action is what holds the utmost importance.

If you just do what it takes to reach into a certain level

you'll be there without even wanting.

Have you heard the Quote That Goes like This:

"Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the making of action

in spite of fear"

Well, Discipline is also Kinda Same.

Being disciplined means doing things consistently even when

you're the least motivated and don't want to.

So how do you build Discipline?:

There's tons of methods but i like the #100 Rule:

It's very simple, basically what you have to do is.

1. List out all the things you consider as disciplined tasks

2. Make a 100 Day routine

3. perform those tasks for 100 days nonstop.

Or to make it even more extreme: do 100 reps each day for the
task you select. And continue doing that for 100 days.

And that's all you need. The method is simple but the result is
remarkable. Just try it out.

SECTION 3: Focus (Bonus Chapter)

Here's a bonus for you...

Since you've downloaded this script, I'm guessing you're

genuinely interested in self-improvement and making a
meaningful impact.

When it comes to personal growth and development, mastering

focus is a vital skill to cultivate.

There's a saying that goes like this:

"A focused fool can accomplish

more than a distracted genius."

Now, let me share some focus tools that have been invaluable
throughout my own self-improvement journey.

1) White noise: White noise is actually great for helping us

stay focused. It helps block out background sounds. You
know how sometimes random noises can throw us off
track? White noise helps to drown out those background
sounds, like conversations or traffic, that can interrupt our
concentration. And here's an interesting twist - it can even
boost our creativity. (Although I personally prefer to use
Brown noise)

2) Meditation: Meditating for just 30 minutes can work

wonders for improving focus. During meditation, you give
your mind a chance to unwind and reset. It helps quiet the
mental chatter and strengthens your ability to direct your

attention to what truly matters. Regular practice can

enhance your focus, making it easier to stay present and
engaged in tasks throughout the day.

3) Scheduling: A simple yet effective way to boost focus is

by dividing your day into two halves. Dedicate one half
exclusively to deep work tasks that don't require online
access, such as studying or writing. This allows you to
immerse yourself in these activities without the
distractions of online media. Reserve the other half for
tasks that require online access, like research or online
assignments. By scheduling your day in this way, you can
maintain a better balance between focused work and
online activities, optimizing your productivity and
minimizing distractions.

There are basically three chemicals—epinephrine, acetylcholine,

and dopamine—that help us focus. All three of these tools are
connected to them in one way or another, aiding in increasing
your focus.


When I learn something new or come across a new

self-improvement idea that enhances my skills, the first
place I discuss them is in my newsletter and on Twitter.
So, if you'd like to learn more about these types of things,
feel free to join there.

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