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Lesson 3: Problem Solving and Reasoning

Mathematics is not just about numbers; much of it is problem solving and reasoning.
Problem solving and reasoning are basically inseparable. The art of reasoning is very
important in mathematics. This is the skill needed in exemplifying the critical thinking
and problem-solving ability. Logic and reasoning are very useful tools in decision
making. People are also do deductive reasoning extensively to show that certain
conjectures are true as these follow the rules of logic. A conjecture is a conclusion
made from observing data.

Inductive and Deductive reasoning are two fundamental forms of reasoning for
mathematicians. The formal theorems and proofs that we rely on today all began with
these two types of reasoning. Even today, mathematicians are actively using these two
types of reasoning to discover new mathematical theorems and proofs. Believe it or not,
you yourself might be using inductive and deductive reasoning when you make
assumptions about how the world works.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:

1. Use different types of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about
mathematics and mathematical concepts;
2. Write clear and logical proofs;
3. Organize one’s methods and approaches for proving and solving problems.

I. Reasoning

Inductive Reasoning

According to, Inductive reasoning is the logical process in which

multiple premises, all believed to be true or found true most of the time are combined to
obtain a specific conclusion. This reasoning is used in applications that involve
prediction, forecasting, or behavior.

A conclusion that is reached by inductive reasoning may or may not be valid. An

example of inductive reasoning is when you notice that all the mice you see around you
are brown, and you make the conclusion that all mice in the world are brown. Can you
say for certain that this conclusion is correct? No, because it is based on just a few
observations. This is, however the beginning of forming a correct conclusion or a
correct proof. What this observation has given you a starting hypothesis to test out.

We may also arrive at a conjecture whose conclusion is based on inductive reasoning.

There are instances however when even if all of the premises are true in a statement,
inductive reasoning still allows for a false conclusion. Consider the examples below:

Examples of inductive reasoning

1. Daniela leaves for a school at 7:00 a.m. Daniela is always on time. Therefore,
Daniela assumes then that if she leaves for school at 7:00 a.m., she will always be on
2. The teacher uses PowerPoint in the last three classes. Therefore, the teacher will
use PowerPoint tomorrow.
3. The chair in the living room is red. The chair in the dining room is red. The chair in
the bedroom is red. Therefore, all chairs in the house are red.
4. Cathy is a first-year college student of SKSU.

Cathy is a female.

Therefore, all first-year college students of SKSU are females.

5. Karl just moved here from General Santos City.

Karl has braces.

Therefore, all people from General Santos City have braces.

6. All goats that we have seen have been black.

Therefore, all goats are black.

7. Fourth is an excellent lawn tennis player.

Fourth’s family has tennis court.

Therefore, the sister of Fourth named Alexa must also be an excellent lawn tennis

Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning typically may lead to deductive reasoning, the process of

reaching conclusions based on previously known facts. The conclusions reached by this
type of reasoning are valid and can be relied on. For example, you know for a fact that
all pennies are copper-colored. Now, if your friend gave you a penny, what can you
conclude about the penny? You can conclude that the penny will be colored-copper.
You can say this for certain because your statement is based on facts.

Example of deductive reasoning

Examples of deductive reasoning are also called syllogism.

1. All men are mortal. (Major premise)

Senator Pacquiao is a man. (Minor premise)

Therefore, Senator Pacquiao is mortal. (Conclusion)

2. All first-year college students in the new curriculum take Mathematics in the Modern

Precious is a first-year student in the new curriculum.

Therefore, Precious takes Mathematics in the Modern World.

3. All Filipinos eat rice.

Eugene is a Filipino.

Therefore, Eugene eats rice.

II. Mathematical Proofs

A proof is a sequence of true facts (statements) placed in a logical order.

In proving, the following may be used as reasons:

• The given information (the hypothesis)

• Definition and undefined terms
• Algebraic properties
• Postulates of geometry
• Previously proven geometric conjectures (theorems)

Algebraic and Geometric Proofs

In order for us to prove properly and correctly, it is wise to remember and understand
the necessary properties to be used in writing formal proofs:

Important Properties of Algebra:

For real numbers w, x, y, and z:

Reflexive :x=x

Symmetric : If x=y, then y=x.

Transitive : If x=y and y=z, then x=z.

Substitution : If x+y = z and x = 3, then 3+y = z.

Distributive : x (y+z) = xy +xz.

Commutative Properties:

a. Addition : x+y = y+x

b. Multiplication : yz = zy

Associative Properties:

a. Addition : x + (y+z) = (x+y) +z

b. Multiplication : x(yz) = (xy)z

Addition Properties of Equality (APE)

a. If x = z, then x ± y = z ± y
b. If w = x and y = z, then w + y = x + z

Multiplication Properties of Equality (MPE)

a. If x = z, then xy = yz or x/y = y/z

b. If w = x and y = z, then wy = xz or w/y = x/z

Example 1: Find the value of x in 2(x+1) = 6x + 4.


Statements Reasons
1. 2( x+ 1) = 6x + 4 Given

2. 2x + 2 = 6x + 4 Distributive Property

3. 2x + 2 – 6x – 2 = 6x + 4 – 6x – 2 APE

4. -4X (- ) = 2 (- )
5. x = (- )

Geometric Properties

The following properties may be used to justify proof of some mathematical statements.

Reflexive Property (REF)

Statement: AB ≅ CD

Symmetric Property (SYM)

Given: AB ≅ CD

Statement: CD ≅ AB

Transitive Property (TRANS)

Given: AB ≅ CD, CD ≅ EF

Statement: AB ≅ EF

Addition property of Equality (APE)

Given 1: AB ≅ CD

Statement 1: AB ± EF = CD ± EF

Given 2: AB = CD, EF = GH

Statement 2: AB ± EF = CD ± EF

Definition of congruent segments (DOCS)

Given 1: AB ≅ CD

Statement 1: AB = CD

Given 2: AB = CD

Statement 2: AB ≅ CD

Definition of Betweenness (DOB) Given:


Statement: AB + BC = AC

Definition of Midpoint (DOM) Given:


M is the midpoint of AB

Statement: AM ≅ MB

How to write proof?

There are many ways on how to write proofs. We can have top-down or deductive
reasoning or bottom-up or inductive reasoning. It can be formal or informal procedure.


Prove the following using formal proof.

Given: Y is the midpoint of XZ.



Prove: XY AB
Proof: Reasons

1. Y is the midpoint of XZ Given

2. XY YZ Definition of Midpoint (DOM)

3. YZ AB Given

4. XY AB Transitive


✓ Inductive reasoning is the logical process in which multiple premises, all believed
to be true or found true most of the time are combined to obtain a specific
conclusion. This reasoning is used in applications that involve prediction,
forecasting, or behavior.
✓ Deductive reasoning, the process of reaching conclusions based on previously
known facts. The conclusions reached by this type of reasoning are valid and can
be relied on.
✓ A proof is a sequence of true facts (statements) placed in a logical order.

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