Skills and Vocational Training Essay

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Name of subject

Labor Efficiency
Name of Bachelor's Degree
Lic. Human Resources Management
Unit 1: Vocational training
Student's name
Jose Roberto Chin Rosado
Task Name
Skills and Vocational Training Essay
Unit 1
Professional training

Tutor's Name
Jordi Delgado Avilés
November 05, 2018

Competencies and Professional Training



The world and people are constantly changing, and with it, the way in which companies are
organized and composed. One of the most important tasks that the human resources manager
faces every day in a company is to recruit professionals who are really capable of fulfilling their
tasks and, of course, work efficiently in favor of the company's objectives. For this reason, labor
competencies are increasingly demanding and go far beyond having a professional degree.
Labor competencies have to do with the capacity, abilities, knowledge and aptitudes in the
professional that allow him/her to assume the challenges and contingencies that his/her job may
bring in a better way.
A truly successful company is made up of capable professionals who add value to the
organization beyond their basic skills, especially in managerial positions or those with higher
hierarchy. More and more companies are evaluating their personnel according to the
competencies mentioned in their professional profile.

What do you understand by vocational training?

Vocational training means that activity whose purpose is to discover and develop human
aptitudes for an active, productive and satisfying life. Accordingly, those who participate in
vocational training activities should be able to individually or collectively understand and influence
working conditions and the social environment. Therefore, it is all study and learning aimed at
labor insertion, reinsertion and updating, whose main objective is to increase and educate the
knowledge and skills of current and future workers throughout their lives.
Unit 1: Vocational training
How is professional training developed, with the theme of competencies?

Education for the future must prioritize the ability to provide answers and solutions. Education is
projected towards action, so that the educational process transmits not knowledge per se, but
know-how. This approach contrasts with the orientation of the educational system in the 19th
century, which privileged the qualities of order and merit to the detriment of faculties.

Competencies and Professional Training

creative. From the year 2000 onwards, what is essential is the renewal of knowledge, flexibility,
know-how and know-how to produce, and the ability to change methods in a timely manner.
Accordingly, learning never ends, it is a vital function that is performed permanently and will be
perceived as a necessity by the individuals themselves, without the need to be imposed by
companies or the State.

Within this context, the prestige of the academic degree is reduced and theoretical knowledge is
replaced by actual competence in practice. It is also considered that authoritarian relations would
be almost impossible, since the greatest claim would be that of initiative. Moreover, teaching
would no longer be based on tradition and routine, but on intervention and initiative, adapting to
movement and complexity, with the aim of forming open minds capable of generating solutions.

The new values of the educational system would be guided around creation, the balance of
relationships between individuals and respect for others as a condition for self-respect, requiring
that teaching be of an integral type, which would imply the combination of general and specific
knowledge with work experiences, with emphasis on the process of alternation.

Currently, professional competence can only be inferred through performance; the evaluation of
the educational process of the competency-based model requires gathering quality evidence to
make a true judgment of the competence defined in the graduate profile of the professional.

How important is the development of competencies in vocational training?

The purpose of vocational training is to equip a person with the knowledge necessary to work in
a particular profession. Often, it is done with the intention of improving the professional
qualification of active workers and on other occasions it prepares the student for a future career.

Jobs and their functions have also undergone significant transformations in recent years. To
Unit 1: Vocational training
perform an occupation, it is no longer enough to acquire technical and theoretical knowledge; it is
also necessary to have a series of skills

Competencies and Professional Training

The program provides students with transversal skills, abilities and aptitudes that can be
applied to other jobs and companies and that allow them to solve professional problems in an
autonomous and flexible manner. We are talking about labor competencies.

Among the basic competencies we find reading, writing, mathematics, etc.; analytical skills
such as creative thinking, decision making, learning and reasoning, etc.; personal qualities such
as responsibility, sociability, personal management, etc.

On the other hand, transversal competencies have to do with resource management (time,
money, materials); interpersonal relations (teamwork, leadership); information management;
systemic understanding and mastery of new technologies.

With this definition in mind, we find that many training programs have become obsolete, as they
focus only on content and do not take competencies into account. Therefore, professional
training should improve the quality and efficiency of job performance, helping employees to better
understand their role in the organization and be able to be decisive in their daily activities.
Training through competencies implies going beyond the mere definition of tasks and taking into
account functions and roles.

What is the professional profile that today's organizations are looking for?

Professionals with great initiative and capacity for self-management, teamwork and planning.
Proactive, communicative, energetic and willing to provide good working environments, as well
as flexibility to adapt to different contexts and face problem solving, whatever their nature.


When it comes to hiring a professional, companies are increasingly interested in forming teams
with greater added value. They are no longer only considering technical knowledge, nor the
number of degrees or diplomas of specialization bulging on the resume. The new trend includes
hiring people with all the skills and abilities needed for the position, but in recent years it has
become a priority for applicants to have the following skills
Unit 1: Vocational training

Competencies and Professional Training

developed social skills and even participate in humanitarian causes. What makes the difference
today are these social skills, such as versatility, flexibility, adaptation and, above all,
communication assertiveness.

Each competency that we can develop will be fundamental when seeking professional success,
since it represents the interest in doing something, growing and improving day by day.

Bibliographic references.

Santiago de Cali, 2015. Competency Approach


Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Spain:


Rev. Mex. Orient. Educ. V.5 N.13 Mexico Fev. 2008. Professional training based on

Casanova Fernando. Uruguay 2003. Vocational training and labor relations.

Unit 1: Vocational training

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