Didactic Sequence (Autosave)

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Comprehensive Sex Education is incorporated into the National Education Law No. 26,206, which
establishes as a responsibility of the State, through the Ministry of Education, the development of
policies that provide knowledge and promote values that strengthen the integral formation of a
responsible sexuality.
It is for this reason that this classroom-workshop topic is approached with the purpose of providing key
information, concepts, and significant ideas about the knowledge that the students bring with them
regarding sexuality, whether it is what they bring with them as previous ideas or what they studied in
Within the methodological framework, the importance of contraceptive methods is explained, the choice
of each one is justified and which are methods for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), also known as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
For further information on the fundamentals of this sequence, please refer to theCurricular Guidelines
for Comprehensive Sex Education and the booklet Comprehensive Sex Education for Secondary
Education, prepared by the National Program for Comprehensive Sex Education and the Provincial
Program for Comprehensive Sex Education of Córdoba.

Identification of the Didactic Sequence:
Contraceptive methods and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Curricular Space: Natural Sciences: Biology and Chemistry.
Grade: 2nd year "A" "B".
AURELI, Yanina
Time: 240 minutes

Purposes of the sequence:

 To identify the level of knowledge and use of contraceptive methods in adolescents.
 To promote knowledge about contraceptive methods.
 Promote awareness of the existence of sexually transmitted infections.
 To strengthen the processes of autonomy and responsibility in human relationships, particularly
those involving sexuality.
 Promote the use of portable equipment in the teaching and learning process.
 Promote networking and collaborative work, discussion and exchange among peers, the joint
realization of the proposal, the autonomy of students and the role of the teacher as a guide and
facilitator of the work.

Selection of the learning to be addressed:

Fundamental learning and contents: Manifestation of attitudes that contribute to the care of one's own
body and that of others and to responsible decision making.
Recognition and characterization of the structures and processes related to human reproduction.

Interpretation of the concentration of a solution.

Specification and organization of the contents within the framework of the didactic situation:

 Biology:
 Sexually transmitted infections.
 Contraceptive methods.
 Use and correct placement of a prophylactic.

 Urine pH.
 Measurement of urine pH in men and women.

Definition of Objectives:

That students:
 understand STI prevention methods.
 know the contraceptive methods, their use, and their classification.
 know the correct use and form of condoms.
 articulate the relationship between urine pH and your health.

Fundamental capabilities:

 Orality, reading and writing, with emphasis on reading comprehension.

 Resolution of problematic situations.

Design of activities:

The class begins with a trigger question: What contraceptive methods do you
know? Based on this question, students get together in groups of two to develop a possible answer to
what they have been studying in science class.
A common discussion is held.

The teacher explains what contraceptive methods are, how they are classified and which ones prevent
STIs. For this purpose, it provides reliable information on the subject and exposes through concrete
material the different contraceptive methods that are currently used: natural methods (calendar
method), barrier methods (male and female condoms and diaphragm) and definitive and surgical
methods (vasectomy, tubal ligation and IUD), as well as the most common contraceptive methods.The
following methods are also used: natural methods (calendar method, barrier method (male and female
condoms and diaphragm) and definitive and surgical methods (vasectomy, tubal ligation and IUD), as
well as emergency contraceptives (morning after pill), contraceptive pills, patches, pregnancy tests. The
latter are explained as not preventing STIs, so more emphasis is placed on condoms.
Students observe attentively, ask questions and copy from the blackboard a conceptual chart to order
the information elaborated by the teacher.

The use and correct form of a prophylactic is explained step by step, using a carrot and a condom as a
resource. Each group should carry out this simulation guided by the teacher. The container, expiration
date, texture and indications are observed.
The teacher responds to the students' questions and takes pictures of the moment.

Finally, it is reported that Cowper's glands, also called bulbourethral glands, are two small glandular
structures located below the prostate, which eliminate a thick mucous secretion (semen), alkaline pH,
which has the function to lubricate the medium and neutralize the vaginal acidity and the same male
urethra (since it is used to lubricate and neutralize the vaginal acidity).The function of this secretion is to
lubricate the environment and neutralize the acidity of the vagina and of the male urethra itself (since
the urethra is used to eliminate semen and urine).

From this paragraph, students question what pH means and whether it varies in men and women. To
approach the concept of pH, a solution such as urine is used and the concept is explained with its
respective values.

To test this, one student and one student each collect a measure of urine in a container. The pH is
measured using a Peachimeter and reagent paper strips to compare the values using different measuring

The teacher explains what the components of urine are, what pH is and the relationship between acidity
and basicity of a substance.
In addition, what are the measuring instruments and what do their respective values mean.
Discussion and sharing.

Teacher actions:
 Explain what is to be done and how it is to be done.
 Initiate dialogue with students for the organization of practical work.
 Review the topics studied in previous classes to make the practical work more beneficial and
 Grouping students.
 Provide the material to carry out the practical work.
 To expose the new topic.
 Respond to student concerns and questions.
 Take photographs and record videos (testimonials) during the class.

Student actions:
 Observe carefully and record the information.
 Place the prophylactic on a carrot.
 They will take a urine sample from a male and a female.
 Measure the pH of the urine sample.
 Respond to certain problematic situations using cell phones.

Instrumental Mediation:
Specific material for practical work: condoms, IUD, contraceptive pills, carrots, patches, Peachimeter, pH
scale, sterilized containers, latex gloves, camera, cell phones.

Groupings: groups of two students (one male and one female).

Time and space: 240 minutes in the Natural Sciences Laboratory.

Monitoring and evaluation decisions:

The monitoring will be carried out in the agreed time and space, taking into account the responsibility
and prudence that the student has given to the subject matter.

Although the evaluation is continuous, since the topics that were previously worked on in the science
class about Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
are evaluated at all times, certain problematic situations are presented to the class group so that they
can respond with the partner using cell phones.

To this end, specific cases, doubts and questions that may arise among adolescents are raised by sending
a message via WhatsApp, with the corresponding response by the same means. Testimonials can be
found in the "Photographs" tab.

In addition, the students were asked to write a narrative account of the experience, including the lessons
learned, difficulties, doubts that may still remain on the subject, the dynamics of the workshop, as well
as other concerns to be worked on.

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