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Once upon a time, there was a silly goose named Geese.

He was
the silliest goose in the whole goose pond.

Geese loved to do silly things. He would honk his horn at the

other geese, he would splash them with water, and he would even
chase them around the pond.

The other geese didn't always appreciate Geese's silliness. They

thought he was annoying and childish. But Geese didn't care. He
loved to have fun, and he didn't care what anyone else thought.

One day, Geese was playing in the pond when he saw a group of
children playing on the shore. The children were laughing and
having fun, and Geese wanted to join in.

Geese swam over to the shore and waddled up to the children.

The children were surprised to see a goose, but they were also
excited. They had never seen a goose up close before.

Geese started to honk his horn and splash the children with water.
The children laughed and screamed with delight. They loved
playing with Geese.

Geese played with the children all day long. They played hide-
and-seek, they played tag, and they even played a game of

At the end of the day, the children had to go home. They said
goodbye to Geese and promised to come back and play with him
again soon.
Geese was sad to see the children go, but he was also happy. He
had made new friends, and he had had a lot of fun.

Geese continued to be the silliest goose in the goose pond, but

he didn't care. He loved to have fun, and he knew that his silliness
made people happy.

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