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W अ�धत्यजन करना

wage Board : [s. 2(d), Working Journalists (Fixation of

Rates of Wages) Act] मजदरू � बोडर्
waive right of appeal : [s. 24(1)(a), Gift-tax Act] अपील के
wage Board decision : [s. 2(d), Working Journalists (Fixation of
अ�धकार का अ�धत्यजन करना
Rates of Wages) Act] मजदरू � बोडर् �व�नश्चय
waive the interest : [s. 215(4), Income-tax Act] ब्याज को
wage book : [s. 30(2)(j), Minimum Wages Act] मजदरू � पुस्�तका
अ�धत्यिजत करना ; ब्याज का अ�धत्यजन करना
wage inspector : मजदरू � �नर��क
waive the lien : [s. 48, Sale of Goods Act] धारणा�धकार का
wage, living : �नवार्ह मजदरू �
अ�धत्यजन करना
wage period : [s. 1(6), Payment of Wages Act] मजदरू � कालाव�ध
wage rate : मजदरू � दर waive the recovery : [s. 314(2)(b), Companies Act] वसूल� को
wage slip : [s. 30(2)(j), Minimum Wages Act] मजदरू � पच� अ�धत्यक्त करना
wage war : carry on actions that constitute or promote war waived : [s. 112, T.P. Act] अ�धत्यक्त ; अ�धत्यिजत
[s. 121, I.P.C.] यद्
ु ध करना
waiving of audit objection : लेखापीर�ा क� आप�� छोड़ दे ना ;
wager : something (especially a sum of money) laid down and
hazarded on the issue of an uncertain event; a stake [s. 30, लेखापर��ा आप�� अ�धत्यजन
Indian Contract Act] पंद्यम ् waiving of recovery : वसूल� छोड़ दे ना ; वसल
ू � अ�धत्यजन
wager of law (Vadiatic Legis) : a number of oaths in support of waiver : the intentional or voluntary relinquishment of a known
one’s innocence. A defendant discharging himself from the right; the act or an action of waiving [s. 35, T.P. Act]
claim on his own oath, bringing with him at the same time into अ�धत्यजन
court eleven of his neighbours to swear that they believe his
denial to be true समथर्न शपथ wall, sea : समद्र
ु �भ�� ; सागर �भ��
wages : a compensation or remuneration given to a haired person walled enclosure : [s. 3, Public Gambling Act] द�वारयक्
ु त अहाता
for his or her service [s. 2(rr), Industrial Disputes Act] मजदरू �
walls or buildings : [s. 3, T.P. Act] �भ��यां या �नमार्ण ; �भ��यां
wages analysis book : मजदरू � �वश्लेषण बह� या भवन
wages book : मजदरू � बह� ; मजदरू � पुस्�तका wandering at large : [s. 13(1), Indian Lunacy Act] स्वच्छं द
Wages Inspector, Minimum : न्यन
ू तम मजदरू � �नर��क �वचरण
wages, non-productive : अनत्ु पादक मजदरू � wandering gang of persons : [s. 401, I.P.C.] व्यक्�तय� क� घम
ू ती-
wages, productive : उत्पादक मजदरू � �फरती टोल�
wagon : an open railway truck or closed railway van [s. 4(4), want : 1. deficiency, shortage or lack (of something desirable or
Explosives Act] वैगन ; माल �डब्बा necessary); absence [s. 92, prov. (1), Indian Evidence Act]
अभाव ; 2. to desire [s. 92(1), Cr. P.C.] चाहना ; 3. need or
wagon chaser : माल �डब्बा अनुवी�क ; वैगन अनुवी�क
requirement आवश्यकता ; चाह
wagon chasing inspector : माल �डब्बा अनुवी�ण �नर��क ; वैगन
want of allotment of funds : �न�धय� के आबंटन के अभाव म�
अनुवी�ण �नर��क
want of bills : �बल� के अभाव म�
wagon checker : माल �डब्बा पड़तालकतार् ; वैगन पड़तालकतार्
want of capacity : [s. 92, prov. (1), Indian Evidence Act] �मता
wagon controller : माल �डब्बा �नयंत्रक ; वैगन �नयंत्रक
का अभाव
wagon inspector : माल �डब्बा �नर��क ; वैगन �नर��क
want of due execution : deficiency in the due performance of all
wagon loads : [s. 46C(a), Indian Railways Act] पूरा वैगन भार formalities, as signing, sealing etc. necessary to give validity to
a legal instrument [s. 92, prov. (1), Indian Evidence Act]
wagon movement inspector : माल �डब्बा संचालन �नर��क ; वैगन सम्यक् �नष्पादन का अभाव
संचालन �नर��क
want of due precaution : [s. 35(a), Air Force Act] सम्यक्
wagon or truck : [s. 53(1), Indian Railways Act] वैगन या ट्रक पूवार्वधानी का अभाव
wagon tracer : माल �डब्बा अनुरेखक ; वैगन अनुरेखक want of execution : [s. 49(d)(4), Indian Stamp Act] �नष्पादन न
waifs : a piece of property found ownerless, as a strayed animal �कया जाना
or goods cast up by the tide लावा�रस माल
want of failure of consideration : [s. 92, prov. (1), Indian
wait : to defer action until some event has taken place; to Evidence Act] प्र�तफल का अभाव या �नष्फलता
continue in expectation of; to continue stationary or quiescent
in expectation of [s. 60, Sale of Goods Act] प्रती�ा करना want of form : [s. 466, Cr. P.C.] प्ररूप का अभाव

waiting list : प्रती�ा सच

ू ी want of information : जानकार� का अभाव
waiting period : [s. 4(1)(d)(ii), Workmen’s Compensation Act] want of jurisdiction : [s. 14, C.P.C.] अ�धका�रता का अभाव
प्रती�ा कालाव�ध
want of proper caution : [s. 80, ill., I.P.C.] उ�चत सावधानी का
waive : to relinquish either by express declaration or by some
intentional act which by law is equivalent to this [s. 86(2)(d),
C.P.C.] अ�धत्यजन करना ; अ�धत्यक्त करना want of prosecution : [Or. 11, r. 21, C.P.C.] अ�भयोजन का
waive right : [s. 264(4)(a), Income-tax Act] अ�धकार का अभाव
want of sanction : मंजूर� का अभाव warehousing station : [s. 2(45), Customs Act] भांडागार स्टे शन
want of skill : [s. 212, Indian Contract Act] कौशल का अभाव wares : [sch. 1, art. 1(c), Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act]
want of title : [s. 13(1)(d), Specific Relief Act] हक का अभाव
warlike operations : [s. 35(e), Air Force Act] यद्
ु ध सदृश्य
want of vouchers : वाउचर� का अभाव
wanted for the purpose : [s. 135(2), Air Force Act] उस प्रयोजन
warn : to give cautionary notice or advice with regard to action or
के �लए वां�छत conduct [s. 29, Indian Evidence Act] चेतावनी दे ना
wantonly : light-heartedly; recklessly; lewdly [s. 153, I.P.C.] warning : a previous intimation or threat of impending evil or
स्वै�रता से ; स्वैरता से danger; an advice to beware of a person or thing [s. 8, ill. (h),
wants of the company : [s. 100(1)(c), Companies Act] कंपनी क� Indian Evidence Act] चेतावनी

आवश्यकताएं warning sign post : [s. 2(31), Motor Vehicles Act] चेतावनी स्तंभ

war : [s. 121, I.P.C.] यद्

ु ध warping : [sch. II(vii)(b), Workmen’s Compensation Act] खींचना

war risk : यद् warrant : 1. a writ or order issued by some authority,

ु ध जो�खम
empowering an officer to make an arrest, seizure or search or
war risk insurance : यद्
ु ध जो�खम बीमा to execute a judicial sentence [s. 6, ill. (b), I.P.C.] वारं ट ; 2. to
war service candidate : युद्ध सेवा अभ्यथ� furnish good and sufficient ground for [s. 245(1), Cr. P.C.]
समु�चत आधार ; 3. authorised or attested [s. 18(1), Indian
war time surplus : यद्
ु धकाल�न अ�धशेष
Contract Act] सम�थर्त करना; समथर्न करना ; 4. to give a
war, vessel of : [s. 2(1), Indian Ports Act] यद्
ु ध जलयान
warranty [s. 133, T.P. Act] वारं ट� दे ना; 5. an official certificate
war victims : युद्ध पी�ड़त inferior to a commission [s. 109, Army Act and art. 124(2),
Const.] अ�धपत्र
ward 457 wasting
warrant and credit note : अ�धपत्र और साखपत्र ; अ�धपत्र और
ward : 1. a person, who by reason of minority, lunacy or other
incapacity is under the protection or control of a guardian प्रत्ययपत्र
[s. 4(3), Guardians and Wards Act] प्र�तपाल्य (वाडर्) ; 2. a room warrant case : [s. 2(x), Cr. P.C.] वारं ट मामला
with several beds in a hospital etc. वाडर् ; 3. a body of guards warrant continuance of approval : [fourth sch., pt. B, item 2(1),
र�क Income-tax Act] अनुमोदन का जार� रहना सम�थर्त करना

Ward Keeper : वाडर् र�क warrant for goods : [sch. I, item 65, Indian Stamp Act] माल के

Ward Keeper (Catering) : वाडर् र�क (खानपान) �लए वारं ट

warrant for the apprehension of the person : [s. 26, Coroners
Ward Master : वाडर् मास्टर
Act] व्यक्�त को �गरफ्तार करने के �लए वारं ट
Warden : वाडर्न
warrant, money : धन वारं ट
Warden, Fisheries : मछल� वाडर्न warrant of arrest : an order issued by some authority
Warden, Games : �शकार वाडर्न empowering an officer, ordinarily a police officer, for
restraining the liberty of man’s person that is to take a man into
Warder : वाडर्र custody [s. 70(1), Cr. P.C.] �गरफ्तार� का वारं ट ; �गरफ्तार करने
warehouse : 1. a building or part of a building used for the के �लए वारं ट
storage of merchandise [s. 2(43), Customs Act] भांडागार ; 2.
warrant of committal : a written order by a magistrate or court
भांडागार म� रखना sending a person for his trial by a competent court [s. 298(b),
Warehouse Authority : [sch., pt. I, item 20, Commercial Cr. P.C.] सुपुदर्गी का वारं ट
Documents Evidence Act] भांडागार प्रा�धकार� warrant of precedence : अग्रता अ�धपत्र
warehouse expenses : भांडागार व्यय warrant of the Central Government : [s. 154, Army Act] क�द्र�य
Warehouse Keeper : warehouse man; a man employed in or सरकार का अ�धपत्र
having the charge of a warehouse [s. 407, I.P.C.] भांडागा�रक ;
Warrant Officer : an officer in the army, navy or air force
भांडागारपाल occupying a grade between that of commissioned officer and
warehouse keeper’s certificate : warehouse receipt; a document non-commissioned officer वारं ट आ�फसर
of title to goods lying in a warehouse signed or certified on warrant or order for the delivery of goods : [s. 2(4), Sale of
behalf of the warehouse-keeper [s. 2(4), Sale of Goods Act]
Goods Act] माल के प�रदान के �लए वारं ट या आदे श
भांडागा�रक प्रमाणपत्र
warrant the genuineness : to give a warranty regarding
warehoused : भांडागार म� रखी गई genuineness [s. 121, T.P. Act] असल� होने क� वारं ट� दे ना
warehoused goods : [s. 2(44), Customs Act] भांडागा�रत माल warrant under his hand : [art. 155, Const.] अपने हस्ता�र स�हत
Warehouseman : भांडागारपाल अ�धपत्र
warehousing : [s. 34, Arms Act] भांडागारण warrant under his hand and seal : [art. 148(1), Const.] अपने
warehousing bond : [s. 59, Customs Act] भांडागारण बंधपत्र हस्ता�र और मुद्रा स�हत अ�धपत्र

warehousing charges : भांडागारण प्रभार warranted by the information : [s. 18(1), Indian Contract Act]
जानकार� से सम�थर्त watch and ward officer : पहरा-�नगरानी अ�धकार� ; �नगरानी
warranted by the judgment : [s. 78, I.P.C.] �नणर्य द्वारा अ�धकार�
अ�ध�दष्ट watch mechanic : घड़ी मैके�नक
warranted by the process : [s. 21(3), Water (Prevention and watcher : प्रहर� ; चौक�दार
Control of Pollution) Act] प्र�क्रया म� आवश्यक
watching of delivery : प�रदान क� दे खरे ख
warranted, expressly neutral : [s. 38(1), Marine Insurance Act]
तटस्थता क� अ�भव्यक्त वारं ट� watchkeeping : [s. 75A(a), Merchant Shipping Act] �नगरानी

warranty : a promise that a proposition of fact is true; a covenant watchman : प्रहर� ; चौक�दार
annexed to a conveyance of real estate, by which the vendor
warrants the security of the title conveyed [s. 133, T.P. Act] watchword : [s. 36(f), Army Act] संकेत शब्द
वारं ट� water : जल ; जल�ेत्र
warranty of solvency : [s. 133, T.P. Act] शोधन�मता क� वारं ट� water and drainage inspector : जल और जल �नकासी अ�धकार�
wash into : बहकर आना water course : 1. [s. 11(1)(b), Indian Railways Act] जल सरणी ;
washerman : [s. 5(1)(vii), Assam Rifles Act] धोबी 2. [s. 15(1)(a), Indian Electricity Act] जल मागर् ; 3. [s. 2(j)(ii)
washery : [s. 3(2), Indian Iron and Steel Company (Taking Over Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act] कुल्या ;
of Management) Act] धोवनशाला 4. [s. 27, ill. (a), Indian Easements Act] जल का रास्ता
washing : [s. 3(k), Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) water dispute : [s. 2(c), Inter-State Water Disputes Act] जल
Act] धावन ; धोना ; धलु ाई �ववाद
washing of coal : [s. 2(b)(v), Coking Coal Mines (Emergency
water level : [s. 8, Land Acquisition (Mines) Act] जल तल ; जल
Provisions) Act] कोयले क� धलु ाई
wastage : 1. छ�जन ; 2. [s. 77C(1)(a), Indian Railways Act]
water line : [sch., item 2(a), Calcutta High Court (Jurisdiction
Limits) Act] जल रे खा
waste : 1. useless expenditure or consumption ; squandering (of
water pollution : [preamble, Water (Prevention and Control of
money, time etc.) [s. 66, T.P. Act] दव्ु र्यय ; to expend uselessly
Pollution) Act] जल प्रदष
ू ण
[Or. 39, r. 1(a), C.P.C.] दव्ु र्ययन करना ; 2. devastation
water rate : [s. 60(2)(c), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] जल
[s. 6(2)(d), Essential Commodities Act] बरबाद� ; 3.
क� दर
superfluous, left over अप�शष्ट
water softening chargeman : जल मद
ृ क
ु रण चाजर्मैन
waste land : [s. 29(2), Indian Forest Act and art. 31A(2)(a)(iii),
Const.] बंजर भू�म ; उजाड़ भू�म water softening inspector : जल मद
ृ क
ु रण �नर��क
waste oil : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Act] अप�शष्ट water tower : [s. 11(2)(g), Delhi Urban Art Commission Act]
पानी क� टं क�
waste or arable land : [s. 3(2)(b), Essential Commodities Act] water treatment supervisor : जल उपचार पयर्वे�क
बंजर या कृष्य भ�ू म water-trough : a vessel for watering or feeding animals [s. 9(d),
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960] चरह� ; जल द्रोणी ;
waste place : [s. 2(c)(i), Salt Cess Act] बेकार स्थान
पानी क� कंु डी
waste products : [s. 2(e), Cotton Ginning and Processing
Factories Act] अप�शष्ट उत्पाद water-turbine : [s. 21(1)(ii), Factories Act] जल टबार्इन
waste water : [s. 2(15), Delhi Municipal Corporation Act] बेकार water, waste : [s. 2(15), Delhi Municipal Corporation Act] बेकार
जल जल

wasteful expenditure : [s. 58, Navy Act] अपचयकारक व्यय water wheel : [s. 21(1)(ii), Factories Act] जल चक्र
wasting : undergoing gradual loss, diminution or decay [s. 16, water works : [s. 2(xxxix), Cantonments Act] जल संकमर् ; जल
wasting Trusts Act] �यशील
Indian nature 458 कल weekly holiday
wasting nature : [s. 16, Indian Trusts Act] �यशील प्रकृ�त water works inspector : जल संकमर् �नर��क ; जल कल �नर��क
watch : 1. to be on the alert or guard against [sch., item 6(5)(e),
watering : [s. 55(2), Indian Railways Act] �पलाना ; पानी �पलाना
Aligarh Muslim University Act] नजर रखना ; पहरा करना ; पहरा
दे ना ; �नगरानी रखना ; 2. act or state of remaining on the alert waterman : पानी वाला

or of observing vigilantly; surveillance �नगरानी waters, partially smooth : [s. 3, Merchant Shipping Act] अंशत:

watch and clock repairer : घड़ीसाज शांत सागरखंड

watch and ward duties : [s. 2(d)(1)(v), Limestone and Dolomite waters, smooth : [s. 3, Merchant Shipping Act] शांत सागरखंड
Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act] पहरा और �नगरानी का कायर् ; waters, smooth or partially smooth : [s. 3, Merchant Shipping
�नगरानी कायर् Act] शांत या अंशत: शांत सागरखंड

watch and ward inspector : पहरा और �नगरानी �नर��क ; पहरा- waterways : [s. 13(1), Indian Electricity Act] जल मागर्
�नगरानी �नर��क Waterways Construction Division : जलपथ �नमार्ण प्रभाग
wedlock, outside : [s. 25(3), Hindu Marriage Act] �ववाहबाह्य
weedicide : [s. 3(e)(ii), Insecticides Act and s. 2(1)(iv), Patent
way : 1. passage, street or load [s. 2(m), Indian Electricity Act]
Act] घास पात नाशी ; [sch., II, Wealth Tax Act] खरपतवार नाशी
रास्ता ; 2. manner or method प्रकार ; [s. 19(1), Indian
; [sch., I, hdg., 19(ii), Industries (Development and
Partnership Act] र��त Regulation) Act] अपतण ृ नाशी
way bill : मागर् पत्रक weeding of records : अ�भलेख� क� छं टाई
way bill or invoice : a written list of the passengers or freight
weekly arrears statement : बचे हुए काम का साप्ता�हक �ववरण
carried in the vehicle or ship or a common carrier मागर्पत्रक या
weekly holiday : साप्ता�हक अवकाश
weigh 459
way of life, democratic : [1st sch., Jawaharlal Nehru University
Act] जीवन क� लोकतां�त्रक पद्ध�त weigh : to ascertain the weight of [s. 264, I.P.C.] तोलना
ways of penalty, by : [s. 9, Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] weigh bridge : तल
ु ा चौक�
शास्�त स्वरूप
weigh bridge clerk : तुला चौक� �ल�पक
way, public : [s. 32, ill. (i), Indian Evidence Act] लोक मागर्
weigh bridge inspector : तल
ु ाचौक� �नर��क
way, usual : [s. 19(1), Indian Partnership Act] प्रा�यक र��त
weigh bridge mistry : तुलाचौक� �मस्त्री
ways and means advance : [s. 51(1), Assam Reorganisation
(Meghalaya) Act] अथ�पाय अ�ग्रम weighing clerk : तुलाई �ल�पक

ways and means committee : अथ�पाय स�म�त weighing machine maintainer : तल

ु ाई मशीन अनुर�क

ways and means position : अथ�पाय स्�थ�त weighman : तोलकार ; तुलाईकार

wayside : [s. 135, Motor Vehicles Act] मागर्स्थ weighment charges : तोल प्रभार

we are not lnclined to : हम ........... के �लए तैयार नह�ं ह� weighment inspector : तोल �नर��क

we may add : हम यह भी कहना चाह� गे weight : 1. a standard of quantity determined by or employed in

weighing; a standard of weight [s. 153, (1), Cr. P.C.] बाट ; 2.
weak mind : दब
ु ल
र् �च�
the heaviness of a thing especially as determined by weighing
weaker section : [s. 7, prov. North-Eastern Hill University Act] वजन ; भार
कमजोर वगर्
weight and preponderance of authority : नजीर� का बल और
weaker sections of the people : [art. 46, Const.] जनता के दब
ु ल
weight or composition fixed by law : [s. 244, I.P.C.] �व�ध द्वारा
weakness, bodily : शार��रक दब
ु र्लता
�नयत वजन या �मश्रण
wealth escaping assessment : [s. 17, Wealth-tax Act] �नधार्रण से
weightage : वर�यता ; अ�धमान
छूटा धन
weighting factor : [pt. VIII. Item 14, Chemical Weapons
wealth, national : राष्ट्र�य संप�� Convention Act] महत्वपूणर् तथ्य
wealth-tax : [heading, Wealth-tax Act] धन कर weir : a contrivance placed in a flume for the purpose of
regulating the amount of water passing from the feeder through
Wealth-tax Officer : [s. 2(s), Wealth-tax Act] धन कर अ�धकार�
the flume and something used to prevent a consumer from
weaning food : छोटे बच्च� का आहार receiving more water than the amount to which he is entitled
weapon : an instrument of any kind used in warfare or combat to [s. 3(3), Northern India Canal and Drainage Act] वीयर
attack or defend [s. 174(1), Cr. P.C.] आयुध ; [s. 2(1)(c), Arms welcome : स्वागत ; स्वागत करना
Act] शस्त्र welcome, address of : अ�भनंदन पत्र
weapon, deadly : [s. 397, I.P.C.] घातक आयुध weld : [s. 37(4), Factories Act] वैल्ड करना
weapon of offence : [s. 148, I.P.C.] आक्रामक आयुध
welder : वैल्डर
wear and tear : wearing or damaging due to ordinary usage;
welfare : the state or condition of doing or being well [preamble,
deterioration in the condition of a thing through constant use or
Children Act] कल्याण
service [s. 108(m), T.P. Act] �घसाई (तेईमानम) ; [s. 6(1),
Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] Welfare Administrator : [s. 5(3), Mica Mines Labour Welfare
टूट-फूट Fund Act] कल्याण प्रशासक ; कल्याणकार� प्रशासक
wearing and carrying of kirpans : [art. 25, expln. I, Const.] Welfare Commissioner : कल्याण आयुक्त
कृपाण धारण करना और लेकर चलना
Welfare Inspector : कल्याण �नर��क
wearing apparel : articles of clothing collectively [s. 51(1),
welfare of labour : [s. 7(2)(ff), Payment of Wages Act] श्रम
Cr. P.C.] पहनने के वस्त्र ; [s. 2(14)(ii), Income-tax Act] पहनने
कल्याण ; [preamble, Plantations Labour Act] श्र�मक� का
के कपड़े
weather : the condition of the atmosphere (at a given place and कल्याण
time) with respect to heat or cold; presence or absence of rain, welfare of workers : [s. 43(4)(iii)(b), Income-tax Act] कमर्कार�
etc. [s. 174(3), Cr. P.C.] मौसम
का कल्याण
weather deck : [s. 3(47B), Merchant Shipping Act] खुला डेक
welfare officer : कल्याण अ�धकार� Act] क्या कंपनी सं�क्रयाशील है
welfare State : कल्याणकार� राज्य which are shown in this book : [s. 35D, expln. (a)(i), Income-tax
Act] जो इस बह� म� �दखाई गई है
welfare superintendent : कल्याण अधी�क
which had the force of law : [s. 3(29), General Clauses Act] जो
well being : [s. 16(2)(a), Emigration Act] भलाई
�व�ध का बल रखती थी
well being, general : [s. 12(f), Damodar Valley Corporation Act]
which is engaged or is taking steps for engaging itself in any
सामान्य कल्याण
industry : [s. 40(1)(aa), Land Acquisition Act] जो ऐसे �कसी
well being, service and : [art. 60, Const.] सेवा और कल्याण
उद्योग म� लगी हुई है या स्वयं लगने के �लए कदम उठा रह� है
well founded : based on good or sure grounds or reasons [s. 149,
Indian Evidence Act] सआ which is longer : [s. 7(1), Pharmacy Act] जो (अव�ध) अ�धक लंबी
ु धा�रत
well known and established use : [s. 35(1)(a), Trade and हो
Merchandise Marks Act] सु�वख्यात और प्र�तष्�ठत उपयोग which must happen : [s. 19, T.P. Act] जो अवश्यंभावी है
well known trade mark : [s. 47, Trade and Merchandise Marks while acting in breach of regulations : [s. 51B, Employees’
Act] स�ु वख्यात व्यापार �चह्न State Insurance Act] �व�नयम� के भंग म� कायर् करते समय
wharf : a landing stage built especially along the shore for while in transit : [s. 35B(1)(b)(iii), Income-tax Act] अ�भवहन के
loading or unloading vessels [sch. I, item 1(28), Indian Stamp
Act] घाट ; माल उतारने चढ़ाने का स्थान
while trying a suit : [sch. II, item 83, Income-tax Act] वाद का
wharf supervisor : घाट पयर्वे�क
�वचारण करते समय
wharfage : the charge for the use of wharf [s. 45(1)(b), Indian
Railways Act] स्थान भाड़ा ; [s. 7(2)(n), Payment of Wages Act] whip : 1. a member of a legislative body as Congress or
Parliament appointed as officiating to enforce the discipline or
look after the interest of the party सचेतक ; 2. to strike with a
wharfage authority : [sch., pt. II, item 3, Commercial
lash कोड़ा लगाना
Documents Evidence Act] घाट-भाड़ा प्रा�धकार�
whipping : to punish with lashes [s. 71(a), Air Force Act] कोड़ा
wharfage charges : घाट प्रभार
wharfinger : an owner or manager of a wharf [s. 407, I.P.C.]
घाटवाल white clay : [s. 2(1)(b), Mines Act] श्वेत म�ृ �का ; सफेद �मट्ट�

wharfinger’s certificate : [s. 2(4), Sale of Goods Act] घाटवाल white ground : [s. 3, Coasting Vessels Act] सफेद जमीन
का प्रमाणपत्र white paper : श्वेत पत्र
wheel track : [s. 29(1)(c), Factories Act] चक्रमागर् who are, or have been or are qualified to be : [art. 22(4)(a),
Const.] जो..... ह� या..... रहे ह� या..... होने के �लए अ�हर्त ह�
wheeled vehicle : [s. 2, Hackney Carriage Act] प�हए वाला यान
who has not attained maturity of understanding 460
wheeling : [s. 2(76), Electricity Act] चक्रण who has not attained maturity of understanding : [s. 83,
when called upon : [s. 441(3), Cr. P.C.] अपे�ा �कए जाने पर I.P.C.] िजसक� समझ प�रपक्व नह�ं हुई है
when ceased to be enforceable : [s. 2(j), Indian Contract Act] who has not been resident in India : [s. 6(6)(a), Income-tax
जब प्रवतर्नीय नह�ं रह जाती Act] जो भारत म� �नवासी न रहा हो

when convicting : दोष�सद्ध करते समय who has undertaken service under the Government : [s. 2,
Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act] जो सरकार के
where a minor has contracted a child marriage : [s. 6(2), Child
Marriage Restraint Act] जहां कोई अवयस्क बाल-�ववाह के बंधन अधीन सेवारत है

म� आता है who is engaged in the practice of veterinary medicines :

[s. 2(e)(v), Pharmacy Act] जो पशु �च�कत्सा का व्यवसाय कर रहा
where any goods are allowed to be transmitted : [s. 55,
Customs Act] जहां कोई माल अ�भवहन के �लए अनु�ात �कए जाते हो

ह� who is not ordinarily resident : [s. 2(30), Income-tax Act] जो

where they occur, for the words “ ……………” at both the मामल
ू � तौर पर �नवासी नह�ं है
places : [s. 17(a)(i), Finance Act, 1979] ‘‘............’’ शब्द� के who is, or has been engaged : [s. 56(1)(b), Companies Act] जो
स्थान पर, दोन� स्थान पर जहां वे आते ह� लगा है या लगाया गया है
whereabouts : पता ; �ठकाना whole : [s. 1, I.P.C.] संपूणर् ; पूणर्
whereas : in view of consideration of the fact that; for as much whole and sole executrix : [s. 222, ill., Indian Succession Act]
as; in as much as; introducing a statement of fact in contrast or
एकमात्र �नष्पा�दका
opposition to that expressed by the principal clause [preamble,
T.P. Act] यत: whole life assurance : [sch., I, pt. B, para 4(b)(i), Life Insurance
Corporation Act] पूणर् जीवन बीमा
whether before or after the commencement of : [art. 8, Const.]
के प्रारं भ से पहले या उसके पश्चात ् whole of India : to the entire extent of India [s. 1, I.P.C.] संपूणर्
whether incorporated or not : [s. 2(17)(iv), Income-tax Act] भारत
चाहे �नग�मत हो या न हो whole of the remaining interest : [s. 13, T.P. Act] संपूणर्
whether the company is in operation : [s. 560(1), Companies
अव�शष्ट �हत widows home : [s. 2(d), Orphanages and Other Charitable
whole or any part of the proceeding : [s. 153, expln. 1, Income- Homes (Supervision and Control) Act] �वधवा आश्रम
tax Act] संपूणर् कायर्वाह� या उसका कोई भाग wife : a woman joined to a man by marriage; a woman who has a
husband living and undivorced [s. 120, Indian Evidence Act]
whole or any part of the rights is sold : [s. 35A(2), Income-tax
Act] संपूणर् अ�धकार या उनका कोई भाग �वक्र�त कर �दया जाता है
wife or children : [s. 125(1)(d), Cr. P.C.] पत्नी या संतान
whole or substantial part of his business : अपना संपूणर् कारबार
wild cat strike : तत्काल हड़ताल
या उसका पयार्प्त भाग
wholesale : of, relating to, or engaged in the sale or goods in wild life : [art. 51A(g), Const.] वन्य जीव
quantity for resale [s. 2(1), Poisons Act] थोक wild life inspector : वन्य जीव �नर��क
wholesale dealer : [s. 3, Cotton Textiles Cess Act] थोक व्यवहार� ; Wild Life Preservation Officer : वन्य जीव प�रर�ण अ�धकार�
थोक व्यापार� wilful : intending the result which actually comes to pass,
wholesome : conducive to bodily or spiritual health [s. 19(1), designed; not accidental or involuntary; intentional [s. 3, T.P.
Mines Act] स्वास्थ्यप्रद Act] जानबूझकर
wholsesome drinking water : [s. 18(a), Contract Labour wilful absence : जानबूझकर अनप
ु स्�थ�त
(Regulation) and Abolition) Act] स्वास्थ्यप्रद पेय जल wilful abstention : [s. 3, T.P. Act] जानबूझकर प्र�वर�त
wholesomeness of water : [preamble, Water (Prevention and
wilful act : [s. 209(5), Companies Act] जानबूझकर �कया गया
Control of Pollution) Act] जल क� स्वास्थ्यप्रदता
wholetime : full time [s. 10(f), prov., Unit Trust of India Act]
र् ा�लक wilful concealment of a material fact : [s. 107, expln. I.P.C.]
तात्�वक तथ्य जानबूझकर �छपाना
wholetime director : [s. 269(5), Companies Act] पूणक
र् ा�लक
wilful contempt : जानबूझकर �कया गया अवमान
�नदे शक
wilful default : [Or. 40, r. 4(c), C.P.C.] जानबूझकर �कया गया
wholetime employment : पूणक
र् ा�लक �नयोजन
wholetime officer : [s. 17(1)(a), State Financial Corporations
Act] पूणक
र् ा�लक अ�धकार� wilful default or gross negligence : [Or. 40, r. 3(d), C.P.C.]
जानबूझकर �कया गया व्य�तक्रम या घोर उपे�ा
wholetime salaried employee : [s. 2(2), expln., Cost and Works
Accountants Act] पूणकर् ा�लक वेतन पाने वाला कमर्चार� ; wilful defiance of authority : [s. 41(1), Army Act] प्रा�धकार� का
र् ा�लक वैत�नक कमर्चार� जानबूझकर �कया गया �तरस्कार
wholetime salaried offcer : [sch 1(1), University of Hyderabad wilful disobedience : [s. 6(c), Dramatic Performances Act]
Act] पूणक
र् ा�लक वैत�नक अ�धकार� जानबूझकर अव�ा ; जानबूझकर क� गई अव�ा
wholetime servant : [s. 9, Rehabilitation Finance Administration wilful disregard : [sch., II, form No. 19, Cr. P.C.] जानबूझकर
Act] पूणक
र् ा�लक सेवक अवहे लना करना
wholly : as a whole; in its entirety; in full; completely [s. 2(f), wilful exposure of person : [s. 8(a), Immoral Traffic
Plantations Labour Act and s. 17, T.P. Act] पूणत र् : ; पूणत
र् या ; (Prevention) Act] शर�र का जानबूझकर अ�भदशर्न
पूणर् रूप से
wilful falsehood : जानबूझकर �मथ्या कथन
wholly and exclusively : [s. 27(3), Estate Duty Act] पूणत
र् : और
wilful misrepresentation : [s. 107, expln. 1, I.P.C.] जानबूझकर
दव्ु र्यपदे शन
wholly or in part : [s. 17(1), T.P. Act] पूणत
र् : या भागत: wilful misstatement or suppression of facts : [s. 28, Customs
wholly or mainly dependent : [s. 80F(1), Income-tax Act] पूणत
र् : Act] जानबूझकर �कया गया �मथ्या कथन या तथ्य� को �छपाना
या मुख्यत: आ�श्रत wilful neglect : [s. 14, Charitable Endowments Act and s. 8(3),
wholly void or useless : [Or. 13, r. 9(1)(b), prov., C.P.C.] Indian Stamp Act] जानबूझकर उपे�ा करना
र् या शून्य या �नरुपयोगी wilful neglect of duty : [s. 35(a), Air Force Act] कतर्व्य क�
wide fluctuations : [s. 8(2)(b), Tobacco Board Act] व्यापक उतार- जानबूझकर उपे�ा करना
चढाव wilful negligence : [s. 139, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act]
widow : a woman whose husband is dead and who has not जानबूझकर क� गई उपे�ा
married again [s. 38, ill., T.P. Act] �वधवा wilful omission : जानबूझकर लोप
widow or widower of the individual : [s. 80E(3)(a), Income-tax wilful wrong : [s. 192, Indian Contract Act] जानबूझकर �कया
Act] व्यष्�ट क� �वधवा या �वधुर
गया दोष
widowed mother : a mother whose husband is dead and who has
wilfully : in a wilful manner; purposely; intentionally;
not married again [s. 2(1)(c)(iii)(b), Workmen’s Compensation
wilfully absent
deliberately [s. 35(b), Army Act] जानबूझकर 461
Act] �वधवा माता
widower : a man whose wife is dead and who has not married wilfully absent : [s. 39, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] जानबूझकर
again [s. 14(3), Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act] �वधुर अनुपस्�थत रहना
widow’s estate : �वधवा क� संपदा wilfully avoiding service : [s. 126(2), prov., Cr. P.C.] तामील से
जानबूझकर बचना Wing Commander : �वंग कमांडर
wilfully connive : [s. 17(1), Central Excises and Salt Act] Wing Havaldar Major : �वंग हवलदार मेजर
जानबूझकर मौनानुम�त दे ना
Wing Officer : �वंग आ�फसर
wilfully disturb : [s. 16, Requisitioning and Acquisition of
Immovable Property Act] जानबूझकर �वघ्न डालना wings of motor vehicle : [s. 32A, Motor Vehicles Act] मोटरयान
के बाजू
wilfully neglect : [s. 126(2), prov., Cr. P.C.] जानबूझकर उपे�ा
winner : one, who or that which wins [s. 30, Indian Contract
Act] �वजेता ; जेता
wilfully obstruct : [s. 15(1), Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition of
Rights of User in Land) Act] जानबूझकर बाधा डालना winning : [art. 31A(1)(e), Const.] प्राप्त करना

wilfully omit : [s. 44(1), Agricultural Refinance Corporation winning from lottery : [s. 2(24)(ix), Income-tax Act] लाटर� से
Act] जानबूझकर लोप करना जीत
wilfully withheld : [s. 14(1), prov., Metal Corporation of India wipe : [pt. x, item 36(b), Chemical Weapons Convention Act]
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] जानबूझकर �वधा�रत क� गई पॉछन
wilfully withhold or fail to furnish : [s. 14(c), Burmah Shell wireless adviser : बेतार सलाहकार
(Acquisition of Undertakings in India) Act] जानबूझकर
wireless communication : [sch. 1, expln. (a)(2), Employees’
�वधा�रत रखना या दे ने म� असफल रहना Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] बेतार
will : 1. a person’s formal declaration (in writing) of his intention संचार
as to the disposal of his property or other matters to be
performed after his death [s. 3(64), General Clauses Act] �वल ; wireless diffusion : [s. 2(dd) (i), Copyright Act] बेतार �वसारण
2. desire; wish; longing; inclination; disposition (to do wireless instructor : बेतार �श�क
anything) [s. 86, I.P.C.] इच्छा
wireless licence inspector : बेतार लाइस�स �नर��क
will be let to hire : [s. 2(1)(b), I.P.C.] भाड़े पर द� जाएगी
wireless mechanic : बेतार मैके�नक
will in action : �क्रयान्�वत इच्छा-शक्�त
wireless officer : बेतार अ�धकार�
will necessarily amount to disclosure : अ�नवायर्त: प्रकट�करण
wireless operator : बेतार प्रचालक
wireless operator incharge : प्रचालक प्रभार�, बेतार
will of the parties : [sch. I, item 2, Arbitration (Protocol and
Convention) Act] प�कार� क� इच्छा wireless planning and coordination wing : बेतार योजना और

will, rational : तकर्संगत इच्छा-शक्�त समन्वय स्कंध

willing : having a ready will; disposed to consent or comply wireless signal clerk : बेतार �सगनल �ल�पक
[s. 69A(2), T.P. Act] रजामंद wireless supervisor : बेतार पयर्वे�क
willingness : the state or condition of having a ready will or
disposed to consent or to comply [s. 2(a), Indian Contract Act Wireless Telegraph Inspector : बेतार प्रेषण �नर��क
and s. 83, T.P. Act] रजामंद� Wireless Telegraphic Operator : बेतार प्रेषण प्रचालक
wills and intestacies of natives : भारतीय� के �वल और Wireless Traffic Inspector : बेतार यातायात �नर��क
�नवर्सीयतताएं Wireless Traffic Supervisor : बेतार यातायात पयर्वे�क
wills, deposit of : [s. 48, Registration Act] �वल� का �न�ेप Wireman : वायरमैन
winch : [s. 5(1)(j), Indian Dock Labourers Act] �वंच wire-tapping cases : चोर� से फोन आ�द सन
ु ने के मामले
winding up : to settle the accounts and liquidate the assets of
wisdom : प्र�ान
partnership or corporation for the purpose of making
distribution and dissolving the corporation [s. 46, Indian with a view of : with the object or design of [s. 2(2), Registration
Partnership Act] प�रसमापन करना ; [s. 2(c)(1A)(iii), Income- Act] क� दृष्�ट से
tax Act] प�रसमापन with a view to canalising adequate credit : [s. 14(1)(c), Bonded
winding up of an insurer : [s. 9, General Insurance Labour System (Abolition) Act] पयार्प्त प्रत्यय क� व्यवस्था करने
(Emergency) Provisions Act] बीमाकतार् का प�रसमापन के उद्दे श्य से

winding up of the company : [s. 2(33), Companies Act] कंपनी with all convenient despatch : [s. 54, Indian Forest Act] सब
का प�रसमापन सु�वधापूणर् शीघ्रता से
winding up subject to supervision : [s. 523, Companies Act] with convenient ascents and descents : [s. 14(1), Indian
पयर्वे�णाधीन प�रसमापन Railways Act] चढ़ने और उतरने क� सु�वधा स�हत
winding up the affairs : [s. 88, ill. (f), Indian Trusts Act] with disgrace : [s. 93(2), Navy Act] सकलंक
कायर्कलाप का प�रसमापन करना
with diverse circumstances : [Or. 8, r. 4, C.P.C.] �व�भन्न
window ledger : पटल खाता प�रस्�थ�तय� स�हत
windsail : वायप
ु ाल with due diligence : [s. 147, expln. 2, Income-tax Act] सम्यक्
wing : स्कंध ; खंड उद्यम से ; सम्यक् तत्परता से
with due regard : [s. 117(b), Cr. P.C.] सम्यक् ध्यान रखते हुए withdraw : 1. to take back or a way something that has been
given, allowed, possessed, experienced or enjoyed; to draw
with due regard to seniority : ज्येष्ठता का सम्यक् ध्यान रखते हुए away [Or. 23, r. 1(3), C.P.C.] प्रत्याहृत करना ; [s. 257,
with hard labour : accompanied by hard labour [s. 53, fourthly Cr. P.C.] वापस लेना ; 2. to retire; to go away [s. 28(2),
(1), I.P.C.] कठोर श्रम के साथ
Children Act] हट जाना
with his own hand : स्वयं अपने हाथ से
withdraw a case : मामला प्रत्याहृत करना
with immediate effect : तात्का�लक प्रभाव से ; तुरंत प्रभाव से
withdraw admission : [Or. 12, r. 4, C.P.C.] स्वीकृ�त को प्रत्याहृत
with intent of wounding the feelings of : [s. 297, I.P.C.] क� कर लेना
भावनाओं को ठे स पहुचाने के आशय से
withdraw from a suit : [Or. 23, r. 1(3), C.P.C.] वाद से प्रत्याहृत
with liberty to parties : [Or. 20, r. 17, C.P.C.] प�कार� को कर लेना ; वाद से प्रत्याहरण करना
स्वतंत्रता दे कर withdraw from the society of other : [s. 9, Hindu Marriage Act]
with notice to decree holder : [Or. 20, r. 12(c)(ii) C.P.C.] दसू रे के साहचयर् से प्रत्याहृत कर लेना
�डक्र�दार को सूचना स�हत
withdraw the approval : [s. 80E(5), Income-tax Act] अनम
ु ोदन
with or without a right to participate in profits : [s. 2(32),
वापस लेना
Income-tax Act] लाभ� म� भाग लेने के अ�धकार स�हत या उससे
र�हत withdraw the attachment : [s. 146(1), Cr. P.C.] कुक� वापस लेना
with or without conditions 462 withdrawable : [s. 2(a), Deposit without
beingand Credit
Guarantee Corporation Act] िजसे �नकाला जा सके ;
with or without conditions : [s. 179(a), Army Act] शत� स�हत या
withdrawal : the act of withdrawing [s. 84, prov., T.P. Act]
with or without interest : [Or. 20, r. 11(1), C.P.C.] ब्याज स�हत प्रत्याहरण ; (as in the case of candidature) [s. 37,
या �बना Representation of the People Act, 1951] वापस लेना ; (as in the
with or without medical examination : [s. 2(19A), Indian Stamp case of amount out of a fund or deposit) [sch. II, item 7,
Act] �च�कत्सीय पर��ा करा कर या कराए �बना Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions
with or without modifications : [s. 223(5), Companies Act] Act] �नकाला जाना ; [art. 110(1)(c), Const.] �नकालना
उपांतरण� स�हत या �बना withdrawal by cheque : [s. 292(1), prov., Companies Act] चैक
with profit, policy : [sch. 1, pt. B, para 4(b)(i), Life Insurance से प्रत्याहरण
Corporation Act] सलाभ बीमा पा�लसी
with reasonable accuracy : [s. 212(4)(b) Companies Act] withdrawal from the fund : [sch. II, item 7, Employees’
युक्�तयुक्त �नश्�चतता से ; [Or. 16, r. 5, C.P.C.] युक्�तयुक्त Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] �न�ध से
यथाथर्ता से रकम का �नकाला जाना
with reference to : with regard to [s. 3(56), General Clauses Act] withdrawal from treaty : सं�ध से अलग हो जाना
के प्र�त �नद� श से ; [s. 3(1)(b), Navy Act] के प्र�त �नद� श करके ; के
withdrawal of candidature : [s. 37, Representation of the
संबंध म� ; के संदभर् म� People Act, 1951] अभ्य�थर्ता वापस लेना
with reference to the class to which he belongs : [Or. 21,
withdrawal of complaint : [s. 257, Cr. P.C.] प�रवाद को वापस
r. 39(2), C.P.C.] उस वगर् के बारे म� िजस वगर् का वह है
with reference to the records of the assessments : [s. 141A(1),
Income-tax Act] �नधार्रण� के अ�भलेख� के प्र�त �नद� श से withdrawal of degrees etc. : [sch., item 30, University of
Hyderabad Act] उपा�धयां आ�द का वापस �लया जाना
with respect to the avoidance : [s. 57, Presidency-towns
Insolvency Act] शून्य करने क� बाबत withdrawal of management : [sch. II, item 72, Income-tax Act]
प्रबंध का प्रत्याहृत �कया जाना
with the consent of parties : [s. 96(3), C.P.C.] प�कार� क�
withdrawal of recognition : [s. 4(7), Delhi School Education
सम्म�त से Act] मान्यता वापस लेना
with the deposition of the witness : [s. 136(3), Navy Act] सा�ी withdrawn : [art. 123(2)(b), Const.] वापस �लया गया
के अ�भसा�य स�हत
withheld : [Or. 21, r. 48(1), C.P.C.] �वधा�रत
with the like power : [Or. 21, r. 58(1), C.P.C.] वैसी ह� शक्�त withhold : to keep back, refrain from granting or giving [s. 123,
रहते हुए Indian Evidence Act and Or. 21, r. 48(1)(a), C.P.C.] �वधा�रत
with the same amount of punishment : [s. 219(2), Cr. P.C.] दं ड करना ; [s. 83, Employees’ State Insurance Act] रोकना
क� समान मात्रा से withhold assent : [s. 16(3), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act]
with the substitution of references to the High Court for अनमु �त �वधा�रत करना ; [art. 201, Const.] अनम
ु �त रोक लेना
references to the Supreme Court : [art. 218, Const.] जहां- withhold payment : [s. 83, Employees’ State Insurance Act]
जहां उनम� उच्चतम न्यायालय के प्र�त �नद� श है वहां-वहां उच्च संदाय रोकना

न्यायालय के प्र�त �नद� श प्र�तस्था�पत करके withhold price : [s. 581A(n), Companies Act] �नधार्�रत क�मत
with windows overlooking land : [s. 13, ill. (c), Indian withhold refund : [s. 241, Income-tax Act] प्र�तदाय को रोक
Easements Act] िजसक� �खड़�कयां भ�ू म क� ओर खुलती ह� रखना ; प्र�तदाय रोकना
withholding of increment : [sch., item 5(4), Aligarh Muslim सेवा का अपाय �कए �बना
University Act] वेतन-वद्
ृ �ध रोकना
without deviation : [s. 56(2)(a), Navy Act] �वच�लत हुए �बना;
within or without : [Or. 30, r. 3(b), C.P.C.] भीतर या बाहर
�वचलन �बना
within such further period as the President may allow : [art.
without due care and attention : [s. 52, I.P.C.] सम्यक् सतकर्ता
3, prov., Const.] ऐसी अ�त�रक्त अव�ध के भीतर जो राष्ट्रप�त
और ध्यान के �बना
द्वारा अनु�ात क� जाए
within such period as may be specified : [art. 3, prov., Const.] without fear or favour : [s. 104(1), Navy Act] भय या प�पात के
ऐसी अव�ध के भीतर जो �व�न�दर् ष्ट क� जाए �बना
within the limits of its economic capacity : [art. 41, Const.] without further proof : [s. 33(4), Registration Act] अ�त�रक्त
अपनी आ�थर्क सामथ्र्य क� सीमाओं के भीतर सबूत के �बना
within the meaning of : [s. 6(h), T.P. Act] के अथर् के अंतगर्त ; without further right to participate in profits : [s. 13(4), expln.
[s. 57(2), Indian Partnership Act] के अथर् म� ; [s. 5(2), 3(i), Income-tax Act] लाभ� म� भाग लेने के अ�त�रक्त अ�धकार से
Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha Act] के अथर् के भीतर र�हत
within the purview : [s. 278(2), Companies Act] �ेत्रांतगर्त ; �ेत्र without good and sufficient reasons : [s. 201(1), prov., Income-
tax Act] अच्छे और पयार्प्त कारण� के �बना
के भीतर
within the scope of the agent’s authority : [s. 237, Indian without intervention of the court : [s. 69(1), T.P. Act] न्यायालय
Contract Act] अ�भकतार् के प्रा�धकार के �वस्तार के भीतर ; के मध्य�ेप के �बना
अ�भकतार् के प्रा�धकार म� without jurisdiction : [s. 14(1), Limitation Act] �बना अ�धका�रता
within the territory of : [art. 12, Const.] के राज्य�ेत्र के भीतर के ; अ�धका�रता के �बना
without a luggage ticket having been delivered : [first sch., without lawful excuse : [s. 41(1)(b), Cr. P.C.] �व�धपूणर् प्र�तहे तु
r. 4(4), Carriage by Air Act] सामान-�टकट �दए �बना के �बना
without affecting the substance : [s. 28, Bihar and Uttar without making the debit : [s. 34(3), expln. (a), Income-tax Act]
Pradesh (Alteration of Boundaries) Act] सार पर प्रभाव डाले �वकलन �कए �बना
without notice : [s. 27(2)(c), Specific Relief Act] सूचना के �बना
without an air-consignment note : [first sch., r. 9, Carriage by
Air Act] �वमान परे षण पत्र �बना without payment : [s. 128, Cr. P.C.] �न:शुल्क

without and beyond India : [s. 1(2), Child Marriage Restraint without payment of rent : [art. 59(3), Const.] �बना �कराया �दए
Act] भारत से बाहर और परे without prejudice : without adversely affecting [Or. 33, r. 14,
without any criminal intention or knowledge : [s. 80, I.P.C.] C.P.C.] प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले �बना
�कसी आपरा�धक आशय या �ान के �बना without prejudice to any other consequences : [s. 201(1),
without arms : [art. 19(1)(b), Const.] �नरायुध Income-tax Act] �कन्ह�ं अन्य प�रणाम� पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले
without authority : [s. 100A, Indian Railways Act] �बना
without prejudice to the generality of powers : [s. 128(2),
प्रा�धकार ; प्रा�धकार के �बना
C.P.C.] शक्�तय� क� व्यापकता पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले �बना
without being muzzled : [s. 119(5),Cantonments Act] थुथनी लगे without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power :
�ब ना being placed in account
without 463 words Act,
[s. 15(2), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals visibleपform
in a 1960] ूवग
र् ामी
without being placed in account : [r. 473, Treasury Rules] के शक्�त क� व्यापकता पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले �बना
नाम से खाता खोले �बना without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing principle :
[s. 16(2), Indian Contract Act] पूवव
र् त� �सद्धांत क� व्यापकता
without charge : [s. 219(2), Companies Act] प्रभार �बना
पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले �बना
without charging adequate rent or other compensation :
[s. 13(2)(b), Income-tax Act] पयार्प्त भाटक या अन्य प्र�तकर without prejudice to the powers : [art. 32(3), Const.] शक्�तय�
प्रभा�रत �कए �बना पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव डाले �बना
without citing : [s. 229, prov., Indian Succession Act] without recording reasons : [s. 37(3)(a), Wealth-tax Act] कारण�
उपस्�थ�तपत्र जार� �कए �बना को अ�भ�ल�खत �कए �बना
without condemnation : [s. 11, Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] without recourse : [s. 52, ill. (a), Negotiable Instruments Act]
जब्त-�नण�त �कए �बना दा�यत्व र�हत
without consent : [s. 375, secondly, I.P.C.] सम्म�त के �बना without recourse to : [s. 28, Navy Act] का आश्रय �लए �बना
without consideration : [s. 24(1)(a), Air Corporations Act] �बना without risk : [s. 33(1)(c)(i), prov., Registration Act] जो�खम के
प्र�तफल ; प्र�तफल के �बना �बना
without delay : [s. 19(5), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act]
without specifying time : [s. 19, T.P. Act] समय �व�न�दर् ष्ट �कए
without demur : �बना आप�� के
without sufficient excuse : [s. 13(2), Chartered Accountants
without detriment to the public service : [s. 81(b), C.P.C.] लोक Act] पयार्प्त प्र�तहे तु के �बना
witness : 1. one who gives or is to give evidence in a cause; a का दृश्यरूप
person sworn to speak the truth in a trial; one who attests a
words of sedition 464
document; one that is cognizant of something by direct
experience [s. 137, Indian Evidence Act] सा�ी ; 2. [s. 15(2), words of sedition : [s. 43(h), Navy Act] राजद्रोह के शब्द
prov., Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act] सा��त करना words spoken : words uttered [s. 28(1), Indian Partnership Act]
मौ�खक शब्द
witness box : सा�ी कठघरा/गवाह का कठघरा
work : 1. something that is done; task [s. 2(ii)(g), Payment of
witness, credible : [s. 49(1), Special Marriage Act] �वश्वसनीय Wages Act and s. 14, ill. (g), Indian Evidence Act] काम ; कायर् ;
सा�ी [s. 54, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] कमर् ; 2. any production of
witness for the prosecution : [s. 111(1), Navy Act] अ�भयोजन art as a literary composition कृ�त
सा�ी work, academic : शै��णक कायर्
witness in attendance : a witness who is present and waiting in
work agent : का�रंदा
the court [Or. 17, r. 2, prov., C.P.C.] हािजर सा�ी
woman : an adult female human being [s. 2(f), Immoral Traffic work certificate : संकमर् प्रमाणपत्र
(Prevention) Act and s. 40, I.P.C.] स्त्री ; म�हला work charged employee : �नधार्�रत कमर् कमर्चार�
woman and children : [art. 15(3), Const.] स्�त्रयां और बालक work charged establishment : �नधार्�रत कमर् स्थापन
woman delivered of a child : [s. 11, Maternity benefit Act] प्रसत
ू ा work, execute the : [s. 54, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] कमर्
स्त्री �नष्पा�दत करना ; कायर् �नष्पा�दत करना
woman is rehabilitated : [s. 21, Orphanages and Other work for hire : [s. 2(1)(c)(i), Emigration Act] भाड़े पर काम करना
Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control) Act] स्त्री
work in progress : चालू काम
पुनवर्�सत हो जाती है
work is made : [s. 41(1)(a), Copyright Act] कृ�त बनाई जाती है
woman searcher : तलाशी म�हला
work, manual : [s. 2(f), Employees’ Provident Funds and
woman with child : pregnant woman [s. 312, I.P.C.] गभर्वती स्त्री Miscellaneous Provisions Act] शार��रक काम
women’s college : [sch., item 20(3)(iv), Aligarh Muslim work mine : to make an excavation in the earth, for the purpose
University Act] म�हला महा�वद्यालय of obtaining metals or minerals [s. 108(o), T.P. Act] खान
won on wager : [s. 30, Indian Contract Act] पंद्यम पर जीती गई खुदवाना
wood : 1. a forest [s. 31, ill. (a), T.P. Act] जंगल ; 2. trees cut or work of art : [s. 2(b)(i), Ancient Monuments and Archaeological
sawed, timber काष्ठ Sites and Remains Act] कलाकृ�त
work of art or craftsmanship : [s. 2(1)(a)(I)(i), Antiquities and
wood caulker : लकड़ी संदबंदगर ; वुड काकर
Art Treasures Act] कला या �शल्पकार� क� कृ�त
wood cuts : [s. 2(i), Copyright Act] काष्ठ �चत्रण
work of joint authorship : [s. 2(z), Copyright Act] संयुक्त
wood engraving teacher : काष्ठ त�ण �श�क रच�यताओं क� कृ�त
wood polisher : लकड़ी पा�लशगर work of national importance : [s. 16(1), Defence and Internal
wood-sheathed : लकड़ी से गढ़ा हुआ Security of India Act] राष्ट्र�य महत्व का काम
wool : [s. 2(e), Sick Textile Undertakings (Taking Over of work of sculpture : [s. 2(za), Copyright Act] मू�तर्
Management) Act] ऊन work to rule strike : �नयमानुसार काम हड़ताल
woollen textiles : [s. 2(a)(iv), Essential Commodities Act] ऊनी work unconnected with their duties : [s. 7(5), Marine Products
वस्त्र Export Development Authority Act] उनके कतर्व्य� से असंबद्ध
word : [s. 2(1)(j), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] शब्द कायर्

word of mouth, by : [s. 477(2), Companies Act] मौ�खक रूप म� workable : [s. 3B, Insurance Act] व्यावहा�रक

word or action, by : [s. 46(1), Cr. P.C.] वचन या कमर् द्वारा workable and sound : [s. 3(2)(f), Insurance Act] व्यावहा�रक और
words admit of application : [s. 80, Indian Succession Act] ठ�क
शब्द� का अनेक अथ� म� प्रयोग हो सकता है worked by : [s. 79, Indian Railways Act] द्वारा कायर्चा�लत
words and figures : शब्द और अंक worked into : [s. 76(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
words delineated in characters : [s. 81(3)(a), Trade and बनाया गया
Merchandise Marks Act] अ�र� से अं�कत शब्द worked out : �लखी जाएगी
words importing masculine gender shall be taken to include worker : [s. 127A(3)(b), Representation of the People Act, 1951]
females : [s. 13(1), General Clauses Act] यह समझा जाएगा �क कायर्कतार् ; [s. 9, Emigration Act] कमर्कार
पुिल्लंग वाचक शब्द� के अंतगर्त स्त्री�लंग आएगा workhouse : [s. 2(c), Orphanages and Other Charitable Homes
words importing the singular number include the plural (Supervision and Control) Act] कायर्गह
ृ ; कायर् सदन
number : [s. 9, I.P.C.] एकवचन द्योतक शब्द� के अंतगर्त working : [s. 3(1)(a), Railways (Employment of Members of the
बहुवचन आता है Armed Forces) Act] कायर्करण ; [sch. II, item 30, Workmen’s
words in a visible form : [s. 3(65), General Clauses Act] शब्द� Compensation Act] चालन ; [s. 33(2), Industrial Finance
Corporation Act] कामकाज ; [s. 4, Land Acquisition (Mines) Works and Housing, Department of : �नमार्ण और आवास �वभाग
Act] खद
ु ाई करना works and structures : [s. 22(2)(ii), Damodar Valley
working and management of railways : [long title, Railways Corporation Act] संकमर् तथा संरचनाएं
(Employment of Members of the Armed Forces) Act] रे ल� का works audit department : संकमर् लेखापर��ा �वभाग
कायर्करण और प्रबंध works audit register : संकमर् लेखापर��ा रिजस्टर
working arrangements : [s. 4(3), Metal Corporation of India
works audit summaries : संकमर् लेखापर��ा सारांश
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] काम करने के बारे म� ठहराव
working balance : [s. 32, Employees’ State Insurance Act] works committee : [s. 3, Industrial Disputes Act] कमर् स�म�त
कामकाज अ�तशेष works cost : संकमर् लागत
working capital : capital currently used in business operations Works Department, Public : लोक �नमार्ण �वभाग
[s. 21(i), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] कामकाज पूंजी
works expenditure : संकमर् व्यय
working chairman : [s. 13(1), Haryana and Punjab Agricultural
Universities Act] कायर् अध्य� ; कायर्वाहक अध्य� ; कायार्ध्य� works for gain : [s. 11, Provincial Insolvency Act] अ�भलाभ के
�लए काम करता है
Working Committee : कायर् स�म�त
works for public purposes : [s. 3(2)(10)(d), Defence and
working cost : कायर्चालन लागत
Internal Security of India Act] लोक प्रयोजन� के �लए संकमर्
working day : a day when work is normally done as
distinguished from Sundays and legal holidays [s. 52(8), Mines works in progress : वे संकमर् जो चल रहे ह�
Act] कायर् �दवस ; [s. 5(2), Payment of Wages Act] काम का �दन works, major : बड़े संकमर्
working expenses : कायर्चालन खचर् Works Manager : कमर्शाला प्रबंधक
working gear : [s. 29(1)(a), Factories Act] चालू �गयर works, minor : लघु संकमर्
working hours : [s. 25D, Industrial Disputes Act] काम-घंटे ; काम works mistry : संकमर् �मस्त्री
के घंटे ; कायर्-समय works of : [s. 33(1)(i), Estate Duty Act] कलाकृ�तयां
works of art
defence 465
working journalist : श्रमजीवी पत्रकार works of defence : [s. 2(a), Indian Electricity Act] र�ा-संकमर्
working knowledge of Hindi : [s. 3(2)(iii), Official Languages
works of Indian authors : [s. 42, Copyright Act] भारतीय
Act] �हंद� का कायर्साधक �ान
रच�यताओं क� कृ�तयां
working order : a condition of a machine in which it functions
according to its nature and purpose [s. 30, Motor Vehicles Act] works of irrigation : �संचाई संकमर्
चालू हालत म�
works of public utility : [s. 6, Carriers Act] लोकोपयोगी संकमर्
working papers : कायर्पत्र ; लेखापर��ण कायर्पत्र
works on cost : संकमर् अ�धव्यय
working pay : [IIIrd sch., art. 54, Geneva Conventions Act] कायर्
works orders : संकमर् आदे श
works outlay : संकमर् प�रव्यय
working people : [1st sch., 1(b), Indira Gandhi National Open
University Act] श्रमजीवी जनता works, petty : छोटे -छोटे संकमर्

working season : कायर् मौसम works slip : कायर् आदे श पच�

working traffic : [s. 54, Indian Railways Act] यातायात का works withheld from public : [s. 31(1), Copyright Act] जनता से
कायर्चालन रोक ल� गई कृ�तयां
workman : one who labours; a man engaged to do a work or worksheet : कायर् पत्रक
manual labour [s. 2(n), Workmen’s Compensation Act] कमर्कार workshop : [s. 2(ii)(f), Payment of Wages Act] कमर्शाला
workman like manner : कुशलता से (वकर्शाप)
workmanship : कमर् कौशल workshop and shipwright foreman : कमर्शाला और पोत�शल्पी
Workmen’s Compensation Commissioner : कमर्कार प्र�तकर फोरमैन
ु त workshop electrical engineer : कमर्शाला �वद्युत इंजी�नयर
workroom : [s. 11(1)(a), Factories Act] काम करने का कमरा workshop foreman : कमर्शाला फोरमैन
works : structure or apparatus of some kind ; engineering or
workshop, irrigation : �संचाई कमर्शाला
architectural structures of building [s. 2(n), Indian Electricity
Act and s. 430, I.P.C.] संकमर् ; कमर् workshop jobs : कमर्शाला जाब

works abstract : संकमर् सार workshop medical officer : कमर्शाला �च�कत्सा अ�धकार�

works accountant : संकमर् लेखापाल workshop practice : [s. 4(1)(f), Delhi School Education Act]
कमर्शाला अभ्यास
works accounts : संकमर् लेखे
world perspective : [sch. I(vi), Jawaharlal Nehru University
works advance, takavi : तकावी संकमर् अ�ग्रम Act] �वश्वव्यापी दृष्�टकोण
works advances : संकमर् अ�ग्रम world working funds : [sch., III, item 2(iv), prov. (i), Payment of
Bonus Act] �वश्वव्यापी कामकाज �न�धयां therein [s. 345, I.P.C.] �रट ; आदे श
worldly affairs : सांसा�रक कामकाज writ for liberation : [s. 345, I.P.C.] छोड़ने के �लए �रट
worship : the reverence or veneration tendered to a divine being writ of attachment : कुक� �रट ; कुक�-आदे श
or supernatural power [preamble, Const.] उपासना ; [s. 3(k)(a), writ of certiorari : a writ by which causes are removed from
Wakf Act] इबादत करना inferior courts into the High Court of Justice सर�शयोरे राई �रट ;
worth : 1. the quality of a thing which gives it value [s. 35, ill., उत्प्रेषण �रट
T.P. Act] मल्ू य ; 2. [s. 2(b), Obstruction in Fairways Act] writ of execution : a mandatory precept issued from a court of
योग्यता justice to put in force its judgment, decree or order [Or. 49,
r. 1, C.P.C.] �नष्पादन �रट ; [s. 89, Presidency Small Causes
worthy of preservation : [s. 7(b), Indian Museum Act] रखने
Courts Act] �नष्पादन क� �रट
writ of habeas corpus : a writ to a jailor to produce a prisoner in
would constitute an offence : अपराध होना
person and to state the reasons of detention है �बयस कापर्स �रट ;
would not be liable to inclusion in its total income :
बंद� प्रत्य�ीकरण �रट
[s. 80G(5)(i), Income-tax Act] उसक� कुल आय म� सम्�म�लत
writ of mandamus : writ or command issued by a higher court to
नह�ं क� जा सकेगी
a lower court म� डेमस �रट ; परमादे श �रट
would not have resulted in a benefit to the revenue :
writ of prohibition : [art. 32(2), Const.] प्र�तषेध �रट
[s. 104(2)(ii), Income-tax Act] राजस्व को प�रणामस्वरूप फायदा
writ of quo warranto : a writ calling upon one to show by what
नह�ं हुआ होता
warrant he holds or claims a franchise or office क्यो वारं टो �रट ;
would result in the infliction of grave hardship on the
community : [s. 2(1)(a)(ix), Essential Services Maintenance अ�धकारपच्
ृ छा �रट
Act] उसके प�रणामस्वरूप समुदाय को बड़ी क�ठनाई होगी write back : प्र�तलेखन
wound : 1. injury done to living tissue by cut, stab, blow or tear;
write down : अवलेखन
an injury in which the skin or other tissue is broken, cut, torn
etc. [s. 155, ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act] घाव ; 2. injury done write off : to carry or remove [s. 36(2)(i)(b), Income-tax Act]
अप�ल�खत करना ; बट्टे -खाते डालना
to the feelings etc. ठे स
writer : [sch., item 2, Assam Rifles Act] लेखक
wound pension : ��त प� शन
writers-in-residence : [statute 12(2)(xviii), Mizoram University
wound and injury award : ��त और अपह�त पंचाट Act] अन्तःवासी लेखक
wound the religious feelings : [s. 64(b), Arms Act] धा�मर्क writing : written form [s. 73, Indian Evidence Act] लेख ;
भावनाओं को ठे स पहुंचाना [s. 3(65), General Clauses Act] लेखन
wounding the feelings : [s. 297, I.P.C.] भावनाओं को ठे स पहुंचाना writing, in : in a written form [s. 108(1)(i), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत रूप
woven in : [s. 76(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] म� बुना से
गया writing off : [s. 205(2)(c), Companies Act] अप�ल�खत करना ;
woven materials : [long title, Khaddar (Protection of Name)
बट्टे -खाते डालना
Act] बुनी हुई सामग्री
writing off a overpayment : अ�धक संदाय को बट्टे खाते डालना

woven on handloom : [s. 2, Khaddar (Protection of Name) Act] writing under its common seal : [s. 50(2), Companies Act] वह
करघे पर बुना हुआ लेख िजस पर उसक� सामान्य मद्र
ु ा लगा द� गई है
wrapper : 1. [s. 2(1)(l), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] writing under his hand, by : [art. 124(2), second prov. (a),
लपेटन ; 2. [s. 2(c), Agricultural Produce (Grading and Const.] अपने हस्ता�र स�हत लेख द्वारा
Marking) Act] रै पर writing under their hands : a writing bearing their signature
wrapping : [s. 77(2)(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] [s. 58, Indian Evidence Act] स्वहस्ता��रत लेख
लपेटना writs, high prerogative : उच्च परमा�धकार �रट
wreck : 1. the destruction or injury to a vessel by being cast on
shore or on rocks or by being disabled or sunk by the force of written : [s. 301(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत
winds or waves or by other accident [s. 32, ill. (h), Indian
Evidence Act] ध्वंस ; 2. to break up completely [s. 23, ill. (c), written acknowledgement 466
Indian Contract Act] नष्ट हो जाना ; नष्ट करना ; 3. written acknowledgement : [Or. 41, r. 22(3), C.P.C.] �ल�खत
shipwrecked property [s. 21, Customs Act] ध्वस्त पोत सामग्री ; अ�भस्वीकृ�त
4. remains of anything ruined ध्वंसावशेष written argument : [s. 301(2), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत रूप म� तकर्
wreck of a ship : [s. 32, ill. (h), Indian Evidence Act] पोत का written authority : [s. 301(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत प्रा�धकार
ध्वंस written contract : [sch., item 25(2), North-Eastern Hill
wrecks : ध्वंसावशेष University Act] �ल�खत सं�वदा
writ : a written command, precept, or formal order issued by a written down value : [s. 349(3)(d), prov., Companies Act and
court, directing or enjoining the person or persons to whom it s. 55(1)(a), Income-tax Act] अव�ल�खत मल् ू य; घटाकर �लखा
is addressed to do or refrain from doing some act specified
गया मल्ू य wrongful : injurious; unjust [s. 418, I.P.C.] सदोष
written, expressed or described upon any substance : [s. 3(18), wrongful act : 1. any act which unlawfully infringes upon the
General Clauses Act] �कसी पदाथर् पर �ल�खत, अ�भव्यक्त या rights of another [s. 107(2), Cr. P.C.] सदोष कायर् ; 2. [s. 6(6),
व�णर्त prov., Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property
Act] दोषपूणर् कायर्
written instruction : [s. 148(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत अनुदेश
wrongful confinement : [s. 340, I.P.C.] सदोष प�ररोध
written instrument : 1. [s. 31(1), Specific Relief Act] �लखत ;
2. [2nd sch., item 23(1)(a), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] wrongful dismissal : [sch., app. A, plaint form No. 15, C.P.C.]
�ल�खत पत्र सदोष पदच्युत करना ; सदोष पदच्यु�त ; दोषत: पदच्यु�त
wrongful exactions : [sch., item 10, Industrial Employment
written interrogatories : [s. 477(2), Companies Act] �ल�खत
(Standing Orders) Act] सदोष अत्यादाय
wrongful gain : [s. 23, I.P.C.] सदोष अ�भलाभ
written off : 1. [s. 6(1), prov., Interest-tax Act] �लखा गया ;
wrongful loss : [s. 23, I.P.C.] सदोष हा�न
2. [s. 36(2)(i)(b), Income-tax Act] अप�ल�खत ; बट्टे -खाते म�
डाला गया wrongful obstruction : [s. 36, Indian Easements Act] सदोष बाधा
written off as irrecoverable : [s. 36(2)(i)(b), Income-tax Act] wrongful possession : [s. 2(12), C.P.C.] सदोष कब्जा (दोषपूणर्
अवसल ू �य रकम के रूप म� अप�ल�खत कर �दया गया स्वाधीनम ्)
written order : [s. 91(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत आदे श wrongful purchase : [s. 62, Indian Trusts Act] सदोष क्रय
written proclamation : [s. 82(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत उद्घोषणा wrongful restraint : [s. 339, I.P.C.] सदोष अवरोध
written requisition : [s. 10(1), prov., Faridabad Development wrongful withholding of property : [s. 630(1), Companies Act]
Corporation Act] �ल�खत मांग संप�� का सदोष �वधारण
written security : [sch. I, app. F, form No. 8, (Trade Marks) wrongfully : in a wrongful manner [sch., I, app. A, form No.
C.P.C.] �ल�खत प्र�तभू�त 15(3), C.P.C.] सदोष ; [s. 180, Indian Contract Act] दोषपूवर्क ;
written statement : the pleading filed by the defendant in a suit [sch., II, item 3, Industrial Disputes Act] सदोषत: ; दोषत:
stating his grounds of defence [s. 145(1), Cr. P.C.] �ल�खत
wrongfully conceal : सदोष �छपाना ; दोषपूवक
र् �छपाना
wrongfully confine : [ss. 340 and 357, I.P.C.] सदोष प�ररोध
written statement of defence : [Or. 8, r. 1, C.P.C.] प्र�तर�ा का
�ल�खत कथन
wrongfully confined : सदोष प�ररुद्ध ; दोषपूवर्क प�ररुद्ध
written statement of pleading or set-off : [sch. I, item 1, Court-
fees Act] मुजराई या अ�भवचन करने वाला �ल�खत कथन wrongfully confining a person : [s. 100, sixthly, I.P.C.] �कसी
written up, may cause the accounts to be : [s. 67(6), Multi- व्यक्�त का सदोष प�ररोध �कया जाना
State Co-operative Societies Act] लेखाओं को पूणर् करा सकेगा, wrongfully deferred : [s. 216(b), Income-tax Act] गलत तौर पर
लेखाओं को अद्यतन करा सकेगा आस्थ�गत
written up, to be : अद्यतन करना wrongfully deprive : [s. 180, Indian Contract Act] दोषपूवक
wrong : 1. a violation; transgression or infringement of law; वं�चत करना
invasion of right to the damage or prejudice of another or
others [s. 10, Indian Evidence Act] दोष ; 2. deviating from wrongfully determined : [s. 103, C.P.C.] गलत तौर पर अवधा�रत
justice, equity and goodness; not morally right or equitable �कया गया
[s. 84, I.P.C.] दोषपूणर् ; 3. incorrect; mistaken [s. 5(3), wrongfully discharged : [sch., I, app. A, form No. 15(3), C.P.C.]
Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] गलत ; 4. whatever is not सदोषत: सेवोन्मुक्त ; दोषत: सेवोन्मक्
ु त
right or just [s. 26, Army Act] अन्याय wrongfully dismissed : [sch. II, item 3, Industrial Disputes Act]
दोषत: पदच्युत ; सदोष पदच्युत
wrong, actionable : [s. 10, Indian Evidence Act] अनुयोज्य दोष
wrongfully diverted : [sch. I, app. A, form No. 27(3), C.P.C.]
wrong delivery : [s. 76B, Indian Railways Act] गलत प�रदान
सदोष मोड़ �दया ; दोषत: मोड़ �दया
wrong doer : one who commits wrongful, unjust or blameworthy
wrongfully fouled and polluted : [sch. I, app. A, form No. 23(2),
acts; one who is guily of a wrong, tort or trespass; a law
C.P.C.] सदोष कलु�षत और प्रद�ू षत ; दोषत: कलु�षत और प्रद�ू षत
breaker [s. 103, I.P.C.] दोषकतार्
wrongfully mingle the trust property : [s. 66, Indian Trusts
wrong information : [s. 17(3)(e), Arms Act] गलत जानकार�
Act] न्यास संप�� को सदोष �मलाना
wrong or contrary to law : [s. 84, I.P.C. and s. 333, Cr. P.C.]
wrongfully obtained : [Or. 35, r. 5, ill. (a), C.P.C.] सदोष
दोषपूणर् या �व�ध के प्र�तकूल
अ�भप्राप्त ; दोषत: अ�भप्राप्त
wrong statement : [s. 5(3), Companies (Profits) Surtax Act]
गलत कथन wrongfully proceeded against : [s. 5,Public Accountants’
Default Act] �वरुद्ध कायर्वाह� दोषपूणर् ढं ग से क� गई
wrong to immovable property : [s. 16(e), C.P.C.] स्थावर संप��
के प्र�त �कया गया दोष wrongfully refuse : [s. 73, ill. (h), Indian Contract Act] सदोष
इंकार करना
wronged : [s. 26, Army Act] अन्याय �कया गया
wrongfully retain : [s. 25(3), Sale of Goods Act] सदोष
प्र�तधा�रत करना ; दोषत: प्र�तधा�रत करना
wrongfully sold, shall be : [Or. 39, r. 1(a), C.P.C.] सदोष बेच द�
जाएगी ; दोषत: बेच द� जाएगी
wrongfully strike : [s. 220, ill. (i), Cr. P.C.] सदोष आघात करना ;
दोषत: आघात करना
wrongfully withheld : [s. 14(1), prov., Metal Corporation of
India (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] सदोष �वधा�रत
wrongly decided : [art. 132(3), Const.] �व�नश्चय गलत �कया
wrongly rejected : [s. 18(1)(c), Presidential and Vice-
Presidential Elections Act] गलत तौर पर नामंजूर
wrought up : [sch., II, (1), Indian Railways Act] बने हुए
xerographist : जैरोग्राफकार
X-ray assistant : एक्सरे सहायक
X X-ray plant room : [sch., item 5(ix), Coal Mines Labour xerography : a method of printing in which a negatively charged ink
powder is sprayed upon a positively charged metal plate from
which it is transferred to the printing surface by electrostatic
Welfare Fund Act] एक्सरे संयत्र
ं क�
attraction जैरोग्राफ�
x-ray Technician : एक्सरे तकनी�शयन

yacht, pleasure : [s. 48, Indian Ports Acts] क्र�ड़ा-नौका
Y yard : [s. 7(1)(d), Indian Railways Act] याडर् ; a long beam on a
mast for spreading sails पालदं ड year of commercial production : [s. 35E(5)(b), Income-tax Act]
yard boy : याडर् ब्वॉय वा�णज्�यक उत्पादन का वषर्
yard foreman : याडर् फोरमैन year to year : from year to year (as in the case of tenancy) [s. 107,
T.P. Act] वषार्नव
ु ष� ; वषार्नव
ु षर्
yard gunner : याडर् गनर
yearly : वा�षर्क
yard inspector (production department) : याडर् �नर��क (उत्पादन
years, for a term of : [s. 147, Indian Succession Act] �नश्�चत अव�ध
के �लए
yard inspector (yard shop) : याडर् �नर��क (याडर् दक
ु ान)
years, lease for : [s. 111, ill. (ii), Indian Succession Act] �नश्�चत
yard master : याडर् मास्टर
अव�ध के �लए पट्टा
yard reporter-cum-signaller : याडर् �रपोटर्र-सह-संकेतक
year’s purchase : वष�य क्रय मूल्यांकन
yard supervisor : याडर् पयर्वे�क
years, tender : [‘tender years’] कोमल वयस
yard transhipment mistry : याडर् यानांतरण �मस्त्री
yeoman of signals : �सगनल योमन
yarn : [s. 2(a), Cotton Textiles Cess Act] सत

yield : प्राप्�त ; दे ना
yarn inspector : सत
ू �नर��क
yield income : [s. 8, T.P. Act] आय दे ना
yarn waste : [s. 2(e), Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act]
सूत क� छ�जन yield up interest : [s. 111(e), T.P. Act] �हत छोड़ दे ना

year : a cycle in the Gregorian Calendar having 365 or 366 days yield up interest under the lease : expressly surrender an interest as
divided into 12 months beginning with January and ending with a lessee [s. 111(e), T.P. Act] पट्टे के अधीन �हत छोड़ दे ना
December; a period of twelve months [s. 49, I.P.C. and s. 3(66),
young person : [s. 2(d), Factories Act] अल्पवय व्यक्�त ; तरुण
General Clauses Act] वषर्
year 2026 : [art. 55(3), prov., Const.] सन ् 2026
youth : the fact or state of being young especially the early part of
year book : law reports (texts) highly subjective of medieval English life; the period between childhood and the adult age [s. 491, I.P.C.]
society ईयर बक
ु �कशोरावस्था ; �कशोर ; यव ु क
year following the financial year : [s. 211(1)(i), Income-tax Act] youth welfare activities : यव
ु क कल्याण �क्रयाकलाप
�व�ीय वषर् के ठ�क बाद का वषर्
Youth Welfare Officer : यव
ु क कल्याण अ�धकार�
youthful offender : [s. 27, Cr. P.C.] �कशोर अपराधी
zamindar : जमींदार
Z zamdari abolition bond : जमींदार� उन्मल
ू न बंधपत्र ;
zonal office : [s. 32, Life Insurance Corporation Act] आंच�लक 469
कायार्लय ; जोन कायार्लय
जमींदार� उत्सादन बंधपत्र
zone : [s. 12(1), prov., Copyright Act] अंचल ; जोन ; इलाका ;
zanana : the female apartment जनानखाना
zonal : आंच�लक ; जोन
zoning : अंचल�करण
zonal council : आंच�लक प�रषद्
zoo : �च�ड़याघर
zonal council secretariat : आंच�लक प�रषद् स�चवालय
Zonal Manager : [s. 18(4), Life Insurance Corporation Act] Zoo Supervisor : �च�ड़याघर पयर्वे�क
आंच�लक प्रबंधक ; जोन प्रबंधक zoological garden : �च�ड़याघर
zoological park : प्राणी उद्यान ; �च�ड़याघर
Zoological Survey of India : भारतीय प्राणी-�व�ान सव��ण

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