City Police Intellectual Exam 2018

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The bordering parties of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are: North: Vicente López Party.

South: District
of Lomas de Zamora and Lanús. East: Avellaneda Party. West: District of Tres de Febrero and La Matanza.

The Macrocenter of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: It is defined between Avenidas Callao, Av. del
Libertador, Av. L. N. Alem, Av. Paseo Colón and Av. Independence

The Microcenter of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: By Av. Corrientes, Av. de Mayo, Av. July 9 and Av.
LN German

Buenos Aires has 48 neighborhoods.

The approximate area covered by the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is 202 km2.

Caballito is the neighborhood where the “Geographic Center” of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is

The Opera Theater, Gran Rex Theater and the San Martín Theater are located on Corrientes Avenue .

The E subway line runs the Plaza de los Virreyes-Bolívar route.

The railway line that departs from Constitución station is General Roca

There are 8 subway lines in CABA

The Colon Theater is located in the San Nicolas neighborhood

In case of fire you should contact me at *100

On October 1, 1996, the Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires was approved; as of that date,
the head of the Executive Branch has the title of Head of Government. The first official to access that position
under the new title was Fernando De la Rúa

The Executive Power of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires is exercised by a Head of Government and a
Vice Head of Government, who are democratically elected by popular suffrage, whose term in office is four
years with the possibility of consecutive re-election for a single period.

The Legislative Branch of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires : It is made up of 60 deputies elected by
popular vote who serve for 4 years.

The Judiciary of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: Has Jurisdiction in neighborhood, Contravention and
Misdemeanor, Contentious-Administrative and Local Tax matters and transferred crimes.

The function of the community management and participation centers is:

- Coordinate joint actions with neighbors and associations in the area,
- receive, send to the corresponding areas
- resolve, in cases where appropriate, claims, complaints and complaints from neighbors;
- Provide the necessary support for the provision of services in charge of other departments at its
headquarters, aiming at their optimization and the unification of management criteria.
The Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: It is divided into two books: 1) Rights, Guarantees
and Special Policies, and 2) City Government. Each Book is organized into titles and chapters; and at the end
of the document are the repealing clause and the transitional clauses.

When the National Constitution was reformed in 1994, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires acquired
autonomy, with its own powers of legislation and jurisdiction.

The Public Security Law No. 5,688 was published in 2016

Article 1 of the national Constitution establishes that the country's form of government is: Representative,
Republican and Federal.

Define the “Representative” characteristic of government. The people do not deliberate or govern, but
through their representatives and authorities created by this Constitution.

Define the “Republican” form of government . The republican form is based on the division, control and
balance of powers and has as its ultimate goal the guarantee of individual freedoms.

Define the “Federal” form of government. It is based on the division of power between the federal
government and local governments, with the provinces retaining “all power not delegated by the
Constitution to the Federal Government.”

Article 16 of the National Constitution establishes the right to Equality before the law.

Article 17 of the National Constitution establishes the right to private property.

Habeas Corpus enshrines the right to freedom of movement.

Definition of the Right to Jurisdiction. Every inhabitant can petition before the courts in search of justice.

Article 18 of the National Constitution establishes the right to due process.

Definition of guarantees. Mechanisms designed by the legal system in order to make possible the enjoyment
of rights and freedoms by individuals

Article 19 of the National Constitution reads “Private actions of men that in no way offend public order and
morality, nor harm a third party…” are only reserved for God.

Article 20 of the National Constitution establishes that foreigners enjoy all the civil rights of citizens .

Habeas Data enshrines the right to privacy .

Article 31 establishes that the National Constitution, the laws issued by Congress and treaties with foreign
powers are the supreme law of the Nation and the authorities of each province are obliged to conform to it .

The phrase “Any person may file an expeditious and rapid action for protection, provided that there is no
other more suitable judicial means, against any act or omission of public authorities or individuals, which
currently or imminently injures, restricts, alters or threatens, with arbitrariness or manifest illegality, rights
and guarantees recognized by this Constitution, a treaty or a law. In the case, the judge may declare the
unconstitutionality of the norm on which the harmful act or omission is based” is true .

The definition “Its purpose is to nullify acts or omissions that currently or imminently injure, restrict or
undermine, illegally or arbitrarily, recognized rights and guarantees” corresponds to the amparo action .

The following article: “All inhabitants enjoy the right to a healthy, balanced environment, suitable for human
development and for productive activities to satisfy present needs without compromising those of future
generations; and they have the duty to preserve it. Environmental damage will primarily generate the
obligation to recompose, as established by Law” was extracted from The National Constitution .

Article 42, What right is it protecting? Consumer rights .

The paragraph of the National Constitution that embodies the protection of political rights is This Constitution
guarantees the full exercise of political rights, in accordance with the principle of popular sovereignty and
the laws that are enacted accordingly, suffrage is universal, equal , secret and obligatory. Real equality of
opportunities between men and women for access to elective and party positions will be guaranteed by
positive actions in the regulation of political parties and in the electoral regime.

Article 18 of the national Constitution, among the rights and guarantees it lists, does not contemplate
freedom of the press .

41) a) The Council of the Judiciary, regulated by a special law sanctioned by the absolute majority of all the
members of each Chamber, will be in charge of the selection of the magistrates and the administration of
the Judicial Branch.

The phrase that best fits the definition of human rights is: They are those conditions that allow a person to
achieve their fulfillment simply because of their human condition, to guarantee a dignified life, without any
distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin,
economic position, birth or any other condition .

The United Nations is defined as a global government association that facilitates cooperation on issues such
as international law, international peace and security, economic and social development, humanitarian
affairs and human rights .

The introduction of the Human Rights treaties of Article 75 inc. 22 of the National Constitution means that
they have a constitutional hierarchy .

The composition of the judicial council is given by: Three judges of the Nation's Judicial Branch, six legislators,
two representatives of federally registered lawyers, a representative of the Executive Branch and a
representative of the academic and scientific field .

What is the Public Ministry? It is an independent body with functional autonomy and financial autarky
whose function is to promote the actions of justice in defense of the legality of the general interests of
society in coordination with the other authorities of the Republic .

What are human rights? Human Rights are those "instrumental conditions that allow the person to realize
themselves" and consequently subsume those freedoms, faculties, institutions or claims related to primary
or basic goods that include every person, by the simple fact of their human condition, to the guarantee of a
dignified life .

48) Law 5,688: Creates the Police of the City of Buenos Aires, which performs general security functions,
prevention, conspiracy, investigation of crimes, protection and safeguarding of people and property, and
auxiliary of Justice.

Law 5,688 establishes that the leadership of the Police is the responsibility of the Chief of Police, with the
rank and powers of Undersecretary .

Law 5,688 establishes that: The Minister of Justice and Security grants the corresponding police status to
officers who graduate from the Higher Institute of Public Security .

Law 5,688 establishes as a basic principle of action the Principle of Responsibility according to which,
personnel: Are directly responsible for the acts that they carry out in their professional actions in violation
of the provisions of this law, without prejudice to the civil liability that may correspond to the public
administration .

In accordance with the Public Security Law, the Police of the City of Buenos Aires will receive complaints: Only
in cases of flagrancy; or when your immediate intervention is necessary to avoid the consequences of the
crime .

Instigation to commit crimes. Anyone who publicly instigates the commission of a specific crime against a
person or institution will be punished, for the sole instigation, with imprisonment of: 2 to 6 years .

The provisions of article 245 of the Penal Code stipulate false reporting .

The main difference between the crime of Robbery and the crime of Theft is the exercise of violence or
intimidation .

The following are exempt from criminal liability for theft, fraud or damage caused to each other: Brothers and
brothers-in-law, if they live together .

Instilling public fear or inciting tumult or disorder, making signals, raising alarm voices, threatening to commit
a crime of common danger corresponds to the crime of public intimidation .

Abolition of crime, public intimidation and illicit association correspond to Crimes against public order .

There will be recidivism whenever: Whoever has served, in whole or in part, a custodial sentence imposed by
a court in the country commits a new crime also punishable by that type of sentence .

The criminal action will be extinguished: the resignation of the injured party, regarding crimes of private
action .

The prescription of the sentence will begin to run from: Midnight of the day on which the prisoner is notified
of the final sentence or from the breaking of the sentence, if it has begun to be served .

Private actions arise from the crimes of slander and slander .

The suspension of the evidentiary trial may be requested when the accused of a public action crime is
punished with a sentence of confinement or prison whose maximum does not exceed three years .

If a person is charged with a crime of national jurisdiction and another of federal jurisdiction, they will be tried
first: the federal jurisdiction .

To determine jurisdiction, the following will be taken into account: The penalty established by law for the
completed crime and the aggravating circumstances of qualification .

If two courts declare themselves simultaneously and contradictorily competent to try a crime, the conflict will
be resolved by: The Superior Court of Appeal of the judge who issued the ruling.

The person who is accused of committing a crime for which a case is being investigated has the obligation to:
Appear when called to give an investigative statement before the Court investigating the case .

The intervention of a person as a complainant: Does not exempt them from the obligation to testify as a
witness in the process .

Those who are in a state of unconsciousness will not be able to witness actions .

The complaint filed with the Police must be made: In written or verbal form .

Those in charge of prevention must: Immediately notify the competent judge and the prosecutor of the
initiation of proceedings .

Prevention actions must be carried out, in principle, within a period of: 5 days .

Police and security force officials, without a court order, may search people and inspect the personal effects
they carry with them whenever they are carried out: With the concurrence of prior circumstances that
objectively justify such measures with respect to a specific person or vehicle. .

The detainee in case of flagrante delicto will be transferred before the judge in order to participate in an initial
oral hearing of flagrante delicto that must be carried out: Within 24 hours of his arrest .

For cases of flagrancy, the victim has the right to: Attend all hearings and be heard .

Before beginning a testimonial statement, the witness will be instructed about the penalties for false
testimony and will take an oath to tell the truth, with the exception of: Those convicted as participants in the
crime under investigation or another related crime .

The immediate arrest of a witness may be ordered when: He or she lacks an address .

In all cases of violent death or suspected criminality, an autopsy will be ordered, unless: The cause of death is
evident from the external inspection .

Who may appoint an interpreter when it is necessary to translate documents or statements: The judge .
All those who are to be confronted will take an oath to tell the truth before the act, under penalty of nullity,
with the exception of: The accused .

Personal freedom may only be restricted to the limits absolutely essential to ensure: The discovery of the
truth .

The police officer or assistant who has carried out an arrest without a court order must immediately present
the detainee before the competent judicial authority, within a period not exceeding: 6 hours .

The accused of a crime, at the time of the call for investigation, has the obligation to: Appear at the act of
investigative statement .

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