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Research Title:

Online Teaching: SPED Teacher’s Preferences on the Methods Utilized for Learners with Autism

Research Questions:

1. What method of teaching is utilized by SPED teachers for learners with autism in an
online learning set-up?

2. What are the experiences of SPED teachers in using the teaching methods for learners
with autism in the online learning set up?

3. How do the teaching methods help improve learning among learners with autism in
online class?

Interview Questionnaires:

1. What are the teaching strategies used especially with respect to online- learning
teaching process?
Ok. Question is aligned.
2. What are the challenges of online classroom management?
What specific teaching strategy do you use to maintain online classroom management
for learners with autism?
3. How to do you keep learners with autism engaged in online learning?
4. Due to online classes, in what ways have your lectures and pedagogy changed?
5. In what ways does implementation of online classes’ impact modes methods of teaching
and learning to learners with autism?
6. What adjustments did you make to content/pedagogy when you design and deliver an
online learning? ok
7. How do you motivate learners with autism in an online class?
Can be closely associated with question 3. I suggest you rephrase this and make it more
How do you motivate learners with autism to be interested with the lesson in an online

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