Lesotho Times 11 May 2023

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May 11 - 17 2023 N E W S W I T H O U T F E A R O R FAV O U R

Vol 16 Issue 6 M7.00 R 10.00

Gvt revives draconian snooping law — page 4 IEC rejects criticism over M3.1 million tender — page 5

Mokhothu. Matekane.

Gvt, opposition deadlock

over reforms
As PM Matekane insists on revisiting the Omnibus Constitutional Bill . . .
While opposition wants it to be passed in full as originally crafted . . .
Gvt digs in and accuses the opposition of stubbornness . . .
Vows opposition won’t dictate the reforms . . .
Story on page 2

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2 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Bongiwe Zihlangu &

Gvt, opposition deadlock

Marafaele Mohloboli

HE much-delayed reforms pro-
cess seems set for more pro-
longed delays to the chagrin of

over reforms
many who want the process finalised
to foster long term political stability
in Lesotho.
The Southern African Develop-
ment Community (SADC) has repeat-
edly tried to nudge Lesotho into com-
pleting the reforms process initiated
in 2016 but to no avail. as PM Matekane insists on revisiting the Omnibus Constitutional Bill . . .
The process is now likely to stall
more after the coalition government while opposition wants it to be passed in full as originally crafted . . .
of Prime Minister Sam Matekane
and the opposition deadlocked this gvt digs in and accuses the opposition of stubbornness . . .
week over how the process should
Mr Matekane met opposition par-
vows opposition won’t be allowed to dictate the reforms process . . .
ties on Monday and explained his
intentions to revisit and reconfigure cess as “their own”. dressing exercises by the
the Omnibus Constitutional Bill. The “Their demands are unreasona- premier.
Bill anchors most of the legal, consti- ble…They seem to be forgetting that Mr Tau said the prime
tutional and security sector reforms they are not the only stakeholders…. minister would contin-
meant to stop the bastardisation and This process is for the whole nation. ue meeting other stake-
adulteration of key institutions by Every Mosotho is a stakeholder….,” holders before convening
politicians to serve their narrow self- Mr Tau said. a key multistakeholder
ish interests. Mr Tau sounded ominously meeting with all and sun-
Mr Matekane wants the Omnibus frustrated after Prime Minister dry.
Bill to be demarcated into three parts Matekane’s meeting with the oppo- Mr Mokhothu accused Mr
to deal separately with reforms that sition at the ‘Manthabiseng Conven- Matekane of continuously acting
require a simple parliamentary ma- NTHOMENG
tion Centre failed to produce fruitful in bad faith. He said the opposition
jority for approval, those that need Majara. results this week. had written to the prime minister af-
a two thirds majority and those that In the closed meeting both the PM ter their February meeting outlining
will be given effect by a national ref- and the opposition stuck to their a number of concerns. The PM is LIMPHO
erendum. guns. yet to respond and that was Tau.
Mr Matekane has cited some Mr Mokhothu told the Lesotho disheartening.
technical reasons for preferring Times the opposition would not “In the letter, among
that approach. But the opposi- budge in its demands. In fact, others we advised the
tion has since accused him of he said, they had already sub- prime minister to
“cherry-picking” and pushing mitted a motion to the National prioritise and ex-
reforms that suits his agenda Assembly proposing the reviv- pedite the pro-
of entrenching his position. al and passage of the Omnibus cess and pass
They say his single consum- Bill without changes. the Omnibus
ing obsession is to avoid being “If the government rejects Bill at the stage
ousted in a vote of no confi- our motion, then we will it was when the life of the 10th Par- Bill.
dence. Lesotho’s notoriously know that they are not in- liament ceased,” Mr Mokhothu said. For his part, SR leader Teboho Mo-
unstable political environ- terested in the reforms.,” “Funny enough, in the meeting on japela said, “there was a letter writ-
ment has ensured that no govern- has been one of the reasons of peren- he said, suggesting the opposition Monday, the prime minister told us ten in February clearly stating the
ment has served a full five-year term nial instability in Lesotho. would also dig in when the govern- that he did not know about the let- grievances of the opposition and it
since 2012. The opposition accuses Mr ment tries to move with its piecemeal ter as he had not seen it, promising was never responded to, which then
The opposition is demanding the Matekane of “cherry-picking” the approach. The opposition won’t to study its contents and revert later. became a stumbling block”. “
revival and passage of the Omnibus reforms to implement those that fa- cooperate when it comes to those It is weird though, that while the PM “And the pulling out of certain
Bill without any reconfiguration. vour him. It cites the government’s measures requiring a two thirds said he knew nothing about the let- sections of the Omnibus Bill to use
It wants it resuscitated and passed recent decision to revise and pass the majority to pass. Mr Matekane’s co- ter, his deputy (Deputy Prime Minis- for their convenience, is doing more
from the stage it was when term National Assembly Electoral Amend- alition only commands a simple ma- ter Nthomeng Majara) said she had damage than good. The premier
of the last 10th parliament ceased ment Bill, 2022, that forbids floor jority of 66 MPs in the 120-member an idea of the letter because Minister should be aware that the opposition
ahead of the October 2022 general crossing for at least three years after National Assembly. in the Prime Minister’s Office, Lim- is not here to fight him but to give
elections. any election. The passage of that law The government is clearly not im- pho Tau, had said that he had such a him support. Therefore, he really
In fact, then Prime Minister has effectively derailed opposition pressed. letter in his office.” needs to flank himself with people
Moeketsi Majoro declared a state of plans to mobilise for a vote of no con- “The opposition are not the only He added: “We were shocked by who will advise him with all honesty
emergency last year to justify recall- fidence against Mr Matekane. stakeholders. There are so many oth- this, it is all disheartening….” because as is, he is ill advised,” Adv
ing the 10th parliament to approve Democratic Congress leader, er stakeholders,” Mr Tau said. Still Mr Mokhothu vowed the op- Mojapela said.
the Omnibus Bill and finalise the re- Mathibeli Mokhothu, who is also the “We cannot allow the opposition position would not move an inch “We have made it clear that unless
forms process. However, the Consti- official leader of the opposition in to dictate and determine the whole from its the position that the Omni- he changes his approach and puts
tutional Court nullified that process parliament, said yesterday the op- process about how to take the re- bus Bill be passed without any alter- Basotho’s interests before everything
and the approval of the Bill, saying position’s closed-door meeting with forms forward. ations. else, he will be faced with the full
the former premier had acted illegal- Mr Matekane this week had been a “Other than the opposition, there “It is a waste of time to want to dis- might of the opposition. I want to
ly in declaring a state of emergency. damp squib. They would not support are so many other stakeholders. We mantle that Bill. I suspect that they think that he has heard us because
The failure by the 10th parliament the prime minister’s piecemeal ap- will get input from all these other want to remove clauses that they we were very frank with him and
to do its work and approve laws proach to reforms. They were also stakeholders and the government don’t find to be in their favour, such told him everything in his face.”
could not justify a state of emergen- fiercely opposed to the reconfigura- will advise itself on how to deal with as those that would bar them from BCM leader, Tsépo Lipholo,
cy declaration. Instead, any laws not tion of the Omnibus Bill as recom- this matter.” expelling civil servants as and when mocked Mr Matekane for “lacking
approved at the dissolution of a Par- mended by the premier. Playing party politics was not in they wish….,” Mr Mokhothu said. in strategy” to take the reforms for-
liament should become the business Minister in the Prime Minister’s of- the interest of moving forward with The DC leader said as far as he ward.
of the next elected parliament, the fice, Limpho Tau, on the other hand, the reforms. The opposition must not was concerned, the government had “It was quite funny to see that
Constitutional Court had reasoned. accused the opposition of stiff stub- create an unnecessary stalemate, he absolutely no tangible reasons to re- ntate Matekane had just come to tell
The opposition insists the Omni- bornness, telling the Lesotho Times said. ject the opposition’s request that the us how he wants the reforms to be
bus Bill must now be brought back yesterday that the opposition were “There are other external stake- Omnibus Bill be revived and passed handled. He wanted his way only.
in parliament and passed in full. The merely being spoilers. holders in the international commu- as is. His approach seems to be that ‘it’s
opposition believes that once ap- Defending the prime minister’s nity that have invested heavily in “Let us not forget that the same my way or the highway’….That is
proved, the Omnibus Bill will curtail decision to revisit and split the Omni- Lesotho’s reforms. So, we should not Omnibus Bill, made history in Leso- wrong,” Dr Lipholo said.
Mr Matekane’s powers. It will for in- bus Bill into three parts, Mr Tau said make this about the opposition or tho, when it was passed unanimous- “He surely just can’t come and tell
stance stop him from making unilat- the government would not allow the the government’s positions only but ly by both the National Assembly us that he has already had meetings
eral appointments to key state insti- opposition to dictate the manner and about all Basotho and others who and the Senate in the 10th Parlia- with other 13 groups and they have
tutions as processes of appointment substance of the reforms process. have helped us. ment. When the law fell off due to all agreed to what he is saying. That
envisaged under the Bill require The reforms were not only for “A number of international play- that technicality (raised by the Con- is undermining us as the opposition,
more consultative procedures. the opposition but for all Basotho, ers have funded this reforms pro- stitutional Court), it had already gar- and we are not going to let him get
The opposition has already taken he said. All this bickering points to cess. Let us show them respect by nered the support of both houses of away with it. We had to chide him
umbrage with Mr Matekane’s deci- a stalemate which is only likely to stopping unnecessary bickering,” Mr parliament. It is not every day that like a small child because he doesn’t
sion to make appointments to key prolong the reforms process. Even Tau urged. laws get the support of all, but be- seem to get the seriousness of the
posts like the office of the director though the prime minister had He said SADC had already warned cause the Omnibus Bill had been ex- whole process.
general of the Directorate on Corrup- promised to expedite the reforms parties in Lesotho to avoid taking ac- tensively worked on by all of us from “They don’t have numbers but
tion and Economic Offences (DCEO) process during the campaign for the tions that hindered the reforms. The inception, it was approved by all. still insist to do things as they please.
and office of the Auditor General. Mr October 2022 elections, it seems there country now risked sanctions if it did “But these people now want to That’s unhelpful because we are not
Matekane will soon have the oppor- is no longer any incentive for him to not complete the reforms. spoil the progress we had already going to give them our support when
tunity to appoint a new Commission- push to conclude a reforms process “They (SADC) actually said that made by throwing the spanner in the voting in parliament. So many things
er of Police if the hapless Holomo that may curtail his own power. there would be sanctions imposed works. That’s wrong,” Mr Mokhothu have been left out, including the issue
Molibeli is sent on leave pending his Mr Tau urged the opposition to on us. So, as people become firm on said. of the conquered territory (by South
retirement next year. avoid “stubbornly sticking” to their what they take to be their stances, Leaders of the Basotho National Africa), which he’s made clear that he
The opposition insists that all key demands that the Omnibus Bill be they must also consider all these oth- Party (BNP), Socialist Revolutionar- is not even going to try and tackle.”
appointments should wait the com- passed as is and instead support the er dimensions,” Mr Tau warned. ies (SR), Popular Front for Democra- Dr Lipholo is leading a crusade to
pletion of the reforms process and government’s proposal for a phased Mr Matekane’s meeting this week cy (PFD), Basotho Action Party (BAP), get Lesotho to try and reclaim land
adoption of new criteria of appoint- approach.Dismissing the opposition was his second with the opposition Basotho Covenant Movement (BCM) that he claims was stolen by South
ments to key state positions. Such leaders as “a selfish bunch who think over the reforms. Their first meet- and the All Basotho Convention Africa. It appears he will seemingly
criteria are envisaged to ensure that Lesotho’s reforms revolve around ing was in February 2023. The op- (ABC), form part of the opposition fight that fruitless ‘battle’ on his own.
key offices of state are not politicised. them” he urged opposition parties to position has scorned both meetings, leadership in parliament opposed to Not many serious people believe it is
The politicisation of key state offices avoid appropriating the reforms pro- saying they appear to be just window the reconfiguration of the Omnibus a battle worth pursuing.
May 11 -17 2023 Lesotho Times Advertisement 3
4 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Gvt revives draconian

Mohalenyane Phakela

HE government has revived a
draconian snooping law that
empowers the state to monitor
the private communications of citi-

snooping law
But civic groups remain fiercely
opposed to the proposed Computer
Crimes and Cyber Security Bill, 2022,
with the Transformation Resource
Centre (TRC) leading the charge.
It has taken its fight all the way to
the African Commission on Human
and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) warn-
ing that the law will curtail many
fundamental freedoms and empow- amid fierce opposition from
er the state to engage in unmitigated
intrusion into the lives of citizens.
The civic group participated at the
society . . .
75th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR
in Banjul, Gambia, last week. It urged
the ACHPR to work hard to implore
civic groups warn law will
Lesotho to drop the law as it infringes
upon several constitutional rights of
decimate constitutional
But the government seems hell
bent on pushing through with the
Bill with the Minister of Information,
rights . . .
Communications, Science, Technol-
ogy and Innovation Nthati Moorosi,
this week filing a notice to re-intro- via the Lesotho Communications required to register their communi-
duce the Bill in parliament and en- Authority (LCA), to monitor private cation devices as well as store their
sure its finalisation into law. communications of citizens. It was biometrics in the database.
“This Honourable House resolves subsequently withdrawn to allow for The central database will be estab-
to reinstate the Computer Crimes more consultations but is now being lished and maintained by the LCA
and Cyber Security Bill 2022 at the reinstated. and it “shall be the property of the
stage it had reached before the dis- The Computer Crimes and Cyber government of Lesotho”.
solution of the 10th Parliament pur- Security Bill seeks to empower the “The database shall provide a plat-
suant to Standing Order No. 105 (B),” state to fully monitor cyberspace, de- form for the central processing and
states the minister’s parliamentary fine cybercrimes and prescribe pen- storage of subscribers’ information.
notice this week. alties that include fines and lengthy The database shall be segregated
The Bill was first tabled by former prison sentences. across network services in such a
Communications, Science and Tech- It will establish a central database manner as to ensure easy access to
nology minister, Keketso Sello, in with full details of citizens, to be run data by authorised persons in re-
March 2021. It was later gazetted in and monitored by the government. spect of subscribers’ information,”
June the same year. Not only will citizens, including visi- the original version of the proposed
It caused an outcry from different tors, be required to register their sim law had stated.
stakeholders because of the draconi- cards — in terms of the original ver- Subscribers would not only reg-
an powers it gave to the government, sion of the Bill — they would also be ister their SIM cards; they must
also be required to register their
mobile devices including cell
phones, tablets, iPads and
any other mobile device
which can take a SIM card.
It remains to be seen
whether any major revi-
sions will be affected to
give the Bill a human
Several civic
groups do not seem
to think so. They
believe it must be
wholly expunged
or at least get dras-
tically revised.
Advocate Mok-
itimi Tšosane
— a Public In-
terest Litigation
and Human
Rights Officer
at the TRC —
addressed the NTHATI Moorosi.
ACHPR’s 75th
session on be-
half of Lesotho’s
civic groups. cure to operate to play its watchdog included among its highest purposes
Adv Mokitimi urged the ACHPR role effectively. Any attempts to mon- the protection of freedom of expres-
to encourage the government of itor communications would stifle the sion and access to information, right
Lesotho to review and rework the role of the media, Adv Mokitimi said. to privacy, freedom from arbitrary
Bill, considering all the concerns of Adv Mokitimi further told the search and seizure, right to fair trial,
stakeholders in both the public and ACHPR that Lesotho was sovereign and freedom from cruel and inhu-
private sectors. state which was governed through mane punishment.
Advocate Mokitimi condemned a Constitution meant to protect peo- “As we celebrate 30 years of the
the law for undermining the rights ple’s rights. He chronicled Lesotho’s democratic constitution, it is with
to privacy, freedom from arbitrary history from a dictatorship to a con- great concern that there is lurking
search and seizure of property, free- stitutional monarchy, which put fun- in our midst, this Computer Crimes
dom of expression and access to in- damental freedoms at the pinnacle and Cybersecurity Bill which has
formation, and right to a fair trial. of governance. elements that justify overreach of
He accused the government of “Following the transition from the enforcement powers suffocating the
seeking to delete entirely basic free- two autocratic and military regimes very essence of a responsive democ-
doms enshrined in the constitution in 1993, the Kingdom of Lesotho racy: freedom of expression and
and shrinking the civic, media, and adopted and reinstated the consti- speech and the right to be free from
political spaces for citizens. tution which had been suspended intrusions and interference by the
He urged the ACHPR to implore Le- in 1970. Under section 1 of the Con- state….
sotho to ensure that the cybersecuri- stitution, Lesotho is declared a sov- “In the Bill, the government risks
ty law was informed by the ACHPR’s ereign constitutional democracy…. excluding the general public from the
very own declarations on freedom Lesotho’s constitutional democracy greater information society in this in-
of expression and access to informa- reflects the paramount importance formation era. The Bill encompasses
tion which recognised the internet of human dignity and the worth and sections meant to undermine and
as a right. It was also important to value of each individual. Constitu- erode the right to privacy, freedom
ensure that Lesotho’s law complied tional democracy includes among from arbitrary search and seizure of
with the African Union Convention its highest purposes the protection of property, freedom of expression and
on Cyber Security and Personal Data freedom of conscience and freedom access to information, and right to a
Protection as per the continental of expression. fair trial. These provisions have the
body’s convention adopted in Mala- “Antithetic to the previous author- potential to shrink the civic, media,
bo, Equatorial Guinea. itarian regimes, among other things and political spaces,” Adv Mokitimi
KEKETSO Sello. The media should be free and se- the new democratic dispensation lamented.
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times News 5

IEC rejects criticism over M3.1 million tender

Staff Reporters
insists that local company failed to supply and has
HE Independent Electoral Commission
(IEC) has rejected accusations that it de-
railed a locally owned company it con-
no obligation to pay it for a failed deal . . .
tracted to supply T-shirts for staff manning the
October 2022 general elections. could still have taken delivery and distributed reason. had failed to meet the deadlines.
The company, Print Nest Printers and Sta- the T-shirts to polling stations before balloting. Mr Ranyali attaches a PPAD opinion by its In his affidavit Advocate Maqutu, explains
tionery, has since sued the IEC to force the elec- The IEC says that was practically impossible. director, Likotsi Leseli, which criticised Advo- that the contract with Mr Ranyali’s Print Nest
toral body to accept the M3,1 million worth of Print Nest’s managing director, Azael Ranya- cate Maqutu’s decision to refuse to accept the came into effect on 09 September, 2022, and
T-shirts and use the uniform for the local gov- li, had escalated the dispute with the IEC to the consignment after a “short” delivery delay by subsisted until 22 September, 2022.
ernment elections due later this year. Public Procurement Advisory Division (PPAD) Print Nest. “Applicant was contractually obligated to
The company argues that despite its late de- in the Ministry of Finance found in his favour. However, Advocate Maqutu has furiously deliver the voting uniform on or before 22 Sep-
livery of the consignment of 22 000 branded Still, he says the IEC’s Director of Elections, rejected Mr Ranyali’s accusations in his an- tember, 2022; the applicant company failed to
T-shirts, its contract with the IEC was never Mphaiphele Maqutu, had refused to honour swering affidavit. Advocate Maqutu, who is comply with its obligation to deliver the voting
officially terminated. The IEC was thus still the contract. Mr Ranyali implies that Advocate effectively the chief executive officer of the IEC, uniform in line with the agreement of the par-
bound by the contract and should accept the Maqutu was being vindictive and not support- explains in detail how he had gone out of his ties,” Advocate Maqutu states in his affidavit.
consignment and pay the M3.1 million contract ive of a Basotho owned company. He claims he way to try and help Mr Ranyali fulfil the con- Advocate Maqutu then explains how Print
value. was on the verge of losing a house, which he tract by giving him several extensions. Nest had written to the IEC on 20 September,
Print Nest had delivered the consignment on had pledged to Post Bank as collateral for a loan Still Mr Ranyali, who claims the order was seeking an ‘amendment of delivery dates to on
5 October 2022, just two days before balloting to bankroll the tender, as well as M360 000 cash delayed by the problem of constant load shed-
opened on 7 October 2022. It insists the IEC he had deposited with the bank for the same ding in South Africa which slowed production, Continues on page 10 . . .
6 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

planters correctly.

Matekane launches winter cropping He further noted that Basotho

were also not schooled on the usage
of pesticides to control weeds and
pests, and tended to delay harvest-

season amidst pomp & fanfare ing their food, which usually led
to potential harvests rotting in the
“These are some of the things
Bongiwe Zihlangu & that we are here to school you on
Seithati Mphatsoane today. Our fervent hope is that
when we leave this place, it will

T was all pomp and fanfare yes- be with the understanding that we
terday at Ha-Manama, Kolon- must have a standard to adhere to,
yama, Leribe, as Prime Minister especially in light of climate change
Sam Matekane launched the winter which affects crops negatively,” Mr
cropping season in style. Matekane said.
He used a sophisticated tractor “In order to improve the School
drawn plough to turn the soil in Feeding program, the ministries of
contrast to the traditional stand- agriculture and education are going
ards of using horses or cattle drawn to devise a joint strategy of rolling
ploughs. out the program at village level.
Mr Matekane hopped onto the Our journey begins here, today, and
tractor and drove it himself amidst we will be taking along with us the
cheers by attendees and other country’s agricultural colleges.
bystanders who took videos and “Coming to block farming, I must
photos. The premier demonstrated say that it is important for farmers
how to use the tractor under the to enter into such, as it expedites
guard of heavily armed uniformed work on the fields and guarantees
soldiers. bumper harvests. Block farming is
As the premier ploughed the important especially when it comes
Ha-Manama fields, a total of 56 to the utilisation of agricultural ma-
red and blue tractors, to be used in chinery such as combine harvesters
ploughing 1564 hectares of fields for wheat, as those machines can
at Kolonyama, and combined har- work in one place at a time.”
vesters, were parked nearby in a THE tractors in display during the launch of the winter cropping season. The government, Premier
straight-line glistering under the Matekane further noted, continued
bright winter sun. This was proba- curity and Nutrition, Thabo Mofosi’s He further urged farmers and all “We are here to demonstrate how to subsidise inputs such as seeds
bly a way to send a clear message plea to Basotho farmers last week, other stakeholders to hold hands farming should be approached in by 70 percent and fertiliser by 80
that Mr Matekane’s government is to plant wheat in their numbers this towards the realisation of a food se- the interests of improved harvest. percent, a decision he described as
intent on keeping its word to boost winter season in pursuit of food se- cure Lesotho. Our wish this year is to produce the government’s initiative to meet
agriculture and improve food pro- curity. In his address, Mr Matekane “It is our wish… to ensure that wheat, and this means we don’t ex- farmers halfway. Meanwhile, last
duction in Lesotho. said previous governments had our fields are taken care of and pect to harvest anything less than week Mr Mofosi said his ministry
The government had allocated a allocated millions of maloti to the protected and that all arable land is 4694 tons here at Ha-Manama.” had come up with a three-legged
whopping M1.1 billion for the agri- agriculture sector but with no clear ploughed. We are here at Ha-Mana- Mr Matekane said some of the working strategy involving gov-
culture sector for food production dividends for the country. Basotho ma today, where government, field impediments to producing healthy ernment, the private sector, and
in the 2023/24 budget, demonstrat- continued to live in hunger and ab- owners, hawkers of agriculture pro- harvests across all crop species, commercial banks, to support and
ing its commitment to boost the ject poverty. He was out to change duce, manufacturers and dealers of included failure to choose fertile finance agriculture.
sector. The figure represents the that, he vowed. all equipment and inputs; the police arable land, inability to assess soil Mr Mofosi said they were already
largest amount ever allocated to the He said he had given agriculture and army, as well as commercial quality, choosing wrong seeds for in negotiations with commercial
agric sector. minister, Mr Mofosi, the tough task banks have come together to work the soil as well as the incapacity to banks to offer affordable loans to
The launch of the winter crop- of “…. attaining sustainable food towards improved food production use advanced agricultural machin- farmers. He urged the private sec-
ping season comes hot on the heels production for Basotho and eco- and security in the country,” Mr ery, assess depths at which soil is tor to help farmers with more so-
of Minister of Agriculture, Food Se- nomic growth through agriculture”. Matekane said. turned, and not setting ploughs and phisticated machinery.


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8 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Mohalenyane Phakela

LLEGED fraud mastermind, Lehlo-
honolo Selate, can loosely be termed as
Selate: Lesotho’s very
own Thabo Bester
Lesotho’s very own Thabo Bester based
on his very chequered alleged criminal re-
cord. Selate has allegedly stolen millions from
the government and different other entities
since 2012 until 2021 when he was incarcer-
So far, the police investigations reveal that
Selate has stolen over M100 million from the
government and other organisations through
his accounting and forgery skills.
He made a brief court appearance before
Senior Resident Magistrate Thamae Thamae
on Tuesday for a routine remand in connec-
tion with the M460 000 he allegedly defrauded
Standard Lesotho Bank in 2018. He was or-
dered to reappear before the same court on
23 May 2023.
He remains in remand prison while await-
ing the outcome of his bail petition which is
still pending before the High Court.
Bester is a notorious South African con-
victed criminal who escaped from Mangaung
prison after faking his death in his prison cell
in 2022. He was rearrested in Arusha, Tanza-
nia, on 8 April 2023 after being on the run for
almost a year. Bester was sentenced to life im-
prisonment in 2012 in connection with rape
and murder charges. He has also defrauded
many South Africans of millions through on-
line scams using pseudonyms Tom Motsepe
and TK Nkwana. Upon rearrest, it was dis-
covered Bester did not have a South African
Much like Bester, Selate has in the past fled
the country into South Africa without using a
passport. However, he has two official pass-
ports – one in which he appears to be born in
1981 and another which states he was born in
According to the police, Selate is a chartered
accountant. Apart from that he has done short
courses on document examination which
equipped him with skills to forge signatures.
He also has good knowledge of different pay-
ment systems.
The Lesotho Times investigations have re-
vealed that Selate’s crimes date back to 2012
when he worked for the Water and Sewage LEHLOHONOLO Selate.
Company (WASCO) as an auditor. There, he al-
legedly stole between M3 to M5 million at var-
ious intervals. He later resigned after investi- Selate made headlines in 2021 when he However, the police officers investigat- Mokone Bereng, businessmen Makhetha
gations were launched into his alleged thefts. appeared to be the mastermind of Lesotho’s ing his horde of alleged criminal cases were Thaele, Thabiso Mapetla and Qetella Abiel
In 2013 again, he allegedly defrauded M1 fraud of a lifetime. He allegedly mastermind- already waiting for him at a Lesotho Correc- Moletsane who had worked for Standard Le-
381 720 from a National Manpower Devel- ed the theft of over M50 million from the Min- tional Service (LCS) facility in Maseru when sotho Bank before.
opment Secretariat (NMDS) account held at istry of Finance. he was released on that afternoon of 31 March In the M50 million fraud case, he worked
Standard Lesotho Bank and again M400 000 It was for this M50 million case that he was 2023. They then rearrested him and hauled with Ministry of Finance employees to help
in 2017. arrested in November 2021 and has since then him before court for the new charge of de- him facilitate fraud by purporting to pay com-
In the same year, 2017, he allegedly stole been in remand prison. frauding Standard Lesotho Bank M460 000 in panies which they fraudulently presented as
M1 697 865 from the then Ministry of Forestry. He was charged alongside Ntseliseng Law- 2018. if they had provided services to different gov-
The following year he orchestrated another rence, Mookho Rafono, Tlali Mokoaleli, Tha- The lead investigator of Selate’s string of ernment ministries and departments.
hit on NMDS’s Standard Lesotho Bank account bang Nkoe, Hlabathe Phafoli, Thithili Makhe- cases, Senior Superintendent (SSP) Piti Khut- “He recruited many people to process the
of over M10 million – half of which was recov- si, Maqoboto Lepolesa, Fako Molefe and Kara- lang, told the Lesotho Times that their investi- transactions so that each of them would not
ered in South African banks. belo Makara. His two wives, whose names are gations had revealed that Selate was a “fraud realise that they were transferring huge
In 2018 he moved the scales higher and unknown to this publication, were later on expert”. amounts of monies to him. Each of these civil
allegedly stole M17 million from the govern- also roped in. “Here we are dealing with someone who is servants thought he or she was alone in a deal
ment’s sub-accountancy bank accounts held Selate tasted a few seconds of freedom on very intelligent. He is a chartered accountant with Selate and that was their best kept se-
at Standard Lesotho Bank. In the same year 31 March 2023 when Central Chief Magis- who majored in auditing. While investigat- cret. They only discovered they had all been
he allegedly made a false representation to trate ‘Matankiso Nthunya released him from ing him, we discovered that he also did short working for him after being arrested. They
Standard Lesotho Bank to solicit a M460 000 prison for being incarcerated for a long time courses on document or signature examina- did not steal the M50 million at once but in in-
loan through Omega Ntsoele and Lisemelo without being prosecuted. tion and payment systems among others,” SSP tervals and police investigations have this far
Tśoaeli whom he falsely represented as per- He had invoked section 4 of the Speedy Khutlang said. traced over M60 million instead of the pub-
manent employees of Limomonane Logistics Courts Trials Act on 31 March which states “We can say he is more of a handwriting ex- licly known M50 million. Investigations are
Company and who were eligible for loans. that a person shall not be in remand prison pert and therefore started by stealing through still ongoing and likely to reveal more stolen
Two years down the line, he allegedly for a period exceeding 60 days without trial. cheques in 2012. He adapted the technological public funds,” the highly placed prosecution
forged documents to defraud Standard Leso- This then forced Magistrate Nthunya to re- developments and then moved to digital pay- service source said.
tho Bank in Butha-Buthe of M1 381 700. lease him. ment systems as a form of defrauding mon- “Selate has been arrested numerous times
ies. He has several shell companies which he since he was first arrested for defrauding
moves money into before withdrawing it and WASCO in 2012. However, he has not been
transferring it to various personal accounts. tried for even a single case as the magistrates’
COMPANY NOTICE “He does not work alone but recruits in- court would inexplicably grant him repeated
ternal employees of institutions he intends to bails even though he would have failed to
THIS ADVERTISEMENT SERVES NOTICE THAT, rob. In most cases, if not all, majority of the obey previous bail conditions,” the prosecu-
monies stolen are transferred to South Afri- tion service source added, suggesting that
U-SAVE SUPERMARKETS (PTY) LTD – REG. NO I2003/432 Selate’s tentacles reach far and wide. “Apart
can banks. He also invested in property both
here at home and in South Africa. Well, I can- from that, his case files would mysteriously
HAS CHANGED ITS REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS AND PHYSICAL ADDRESS TO: not go into details of these cases, lest I tamper disappear, thus, crippling the cases from be-
2nd Floor Metropolitan Life Building, Kingsway, Maseru, 100, Lesotho. with evidence. I can safely say investigations ing prosecuted.
into his horde of crimes are still ongoing.” “He skipped the country in 2018 when his
To prove that Selate always has inside accomplices in the M17 million saga were
FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACT: people when orchestrating a hit, the Lesotho arrested and a warrant of arrest was issued
Times discovered from highly placed national against him. Selate was eventually arrested in
prosecution sources that in the M17 million November 2021 through a sting operation. Ms
PAMELA BUBB / BONGUMUSA KHUMALO saga, he is accused alongside former Stand- Lawrence had withdrawn some of the cash
ard Lesotho Bank employees who then gave from their illicit activities and was delivering
WEBBER NEWDIGATE ATTORNEYS him access to the government’s sub accounts it to Selate in Maputsoe… They had agreed
from which he made transfers to different that he would cross from South Africa via
TEL: 2231 3916 / 2231 5811 shell companies, purporting to pay them for Ficksburg, pick his loot and return…. But that
FAX: 2231 0066 providing services to the government. He also was not to be.” To be fair on Selate, he, un-
worked with a police officer whose main duty like Bester, has not been convicted of rape and
was to tamper with evidence or suppress the murder. In fact, he has not even been convict-
2ND FLOOR case should they be caught. There were also ed of any crime despite the myriad allegations
METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING business people who were supposed to use against him. But it seems when it comes to
KINGSWAY their companies to launder money. playing the system to avoid the clutches of jail
MASERU Those accomplices are ‘Mamothibeli Titi and making a living out of others, he certainly
LESOTHO and Joel Lerotholi who were then Standard knows his game. In that regard, he is the clos-
Lesotho Bank employees, Police Constable est, if not Lesotho’s very own Thabo Bester.
May 11 -17 2023 Lesotho Times Advertisement 9
10 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

IEC rejects criticism over M3.1 million tender

“On the 28th September, 2022, ap- quest seemed to have been driven by ed in the preceding paragraphs Mr
plicant (Print Nest) wrote to 1st re- the pressure that applicant needed to Leseli’s conclusions are flawed; the
spondent (IEC) acknowledging that settle some bank loan…… contract terminated by effluxion of
the contract as extended was due to “On 19 October, 2022, the 1st re- time and applicant did not deliver as
MPAIPHELE expire on that day. In the same letter, spondent (IEC) replied in writing required by the contract,” Advocate
Maqutu. applicant requested a further exten- to the applicant (Print Nest) and re- Maqutu states. In any event, Mr Le-
sion and proposed to deliver a cer- minded the applicant that the con- seli had no authority or jurisdiction
tain portion of the merchandise on tract has terminated by effluxion of to consider an appeal that is not re-
29 September, 2022, and deliver the time and that in any event, applicant lated to the procurement process.
remaining balance of the items on 4 had failed to perform under the con- Advocate Maqutu also rejects sug-
October, 2022….,” Advocate Maqutu tract and is guilty of breach of the gestions by Print Nest that the IEC
submits. said contract. The 1st respondent delayed in issuing logos to be printed
The IEC opted to indulge Print (IEC) went further and stated as fol- on the T-shirts, thereby causing the
Nest despite its failures. It wrote to lows (to Print Nest): ‘while we may company to delay its own production
the company on 29 September, 2022, have compassion for your situation, processes. “That information was
and informed Print Nest that it was as the IEC we are unfortunately available to him the moment he got
being given “an opportunity to sup- bound by the Public Procurement access to the tender document….,” he
ply and deliver all 22 000 t-shirts as Laws of Lesotho and we do not have states.
per the tender specifications and ap- the discretion to deviate from them Delivering the T-shirts just two
proved sample on or before Monday notwithstanding your unfortunate days before the elections, meant that
the 3rd October, 2022’”. circumstances that necessitated the the IEC would not have had ample
The IEC had then informed Print late delivery.’ time to deliver the uniform to all
Nest that the ‘IEC will not accept Advocate Maqutu said he had its staff at polling stations across
partial delivery or any delivery after stated in further correspondence Lesotho, especially considering the
Monday 3rd October 2022’. that Print Nest’s suggestion that the treacherous terrain which character-
“Again, applicant failed to deliver uniforms be used for local govern- ises the country. It would have forced
the 22 000 T-shirts on 3rd October, ment elections was untenable. The the electoral body to seek helicopter
2022, in breach of the agreement….,” procurement of the uniform had and canoe service, as it is virtually
Advocate Maqutu states. specifically been in relation to the impossible to reach many places in
“Effectively, the contract between 2022 National Assembly Elections the country by car.
applicant (Print Nest) and 1st re- with the specific branding to that ef- Advocate Maqutu’s very lucid affi-
spondent (IEC) terminated by efflux- fect. There was no scope to use the davit is likely to leave egg on the face
ion of time on the 3rd of October, uniform in any other elections and of Mr Ranyali and his Print Nest. The
2022, and applicant had not per- the IEC regarded the whole saga as a businessman seems to be axiomatic
formed under the contract. failed contract. of Basotho entrepreneurs who be-
“On 10 0ctober, 2022, applicant Advocate Maqutu acknowledges lieve they have a birth right to be al-
(Print Nest) wrote to 1st respond- that Print Nest had appealed to the located government tenders despite
. . . from page 5 2022, Print Nest wrote to the IEC ask- ent (IEC) acknowledging that ap- Ministry of Finance wherein Mr Le- their financial and technical where-
ing for a further extension of 6 days. plicant had failed to perform under seli (acting for the Principal Secre- withal to deliver on projects.
or before 28th September, 2022. “However, the 1st respondent re- the contract. In that letter, applicant tary of the Finance ministry) had in- Mr Ranyali’s seems to have now
“From the reading of the letter, it sponded in writing and informed the also requested 1st respondent (IEC) deed expressed the view that the IEC exposed himself to questions about
becomes clear that applicant was applicant that delivery of the mer- to, despite breach of the contract by had unreasonably terminated the how he won the tender in the first
requesting an extension of the du- chandise should without failure be applicant, accept the belated delivery contract because the consignment place yet as it now seems, he did not
ration of the contract to be (from) 9 made on 28 September, 2022,” Advo- of the voting uniform and suggested was delayed by only one day and that have the capacity to produce the T-
September, 2022, to 28 September, cate Maqutu states, while attaching that the 1st respondent could utilise applicant was not given first and sec- shirts locally, in this textile driven
2022,” Advocate Maqutu states. copies of all the exchanges between that voting uniform during the 2023 ond warning before the contract was economy, and had to subcontract to
Still on the 26th of September, the IEC and Print Nest. local government elections; the re- terminated. “Given the facts narrat- a South African supplier?

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12 Leader May 11 - 17 2023


What a tragedy
HE all too important but much delayed reforms process
seems to have fallen victim to the whims and caprices of
our rapacious political class again.
This week the opposition leaders in parliament met with
Prime Minister Sam Matekane’s government for a consulta-
tive meeting conveniently titled Implementation of the Na-
tional Reforms Process, which sadly did not bear fruit as the
two sides, key stakeholders in the process, failed to agree on
a way forward.
It is disheartening, yet again, to realise that the government
and the opposition in parliament cannot agree on the direc-
tion of the critical reforms process simply because one side is
not willing to accommodate the other. It makes no sense that
the implementation of the reforms process has stalled again
simply because politicians are more interested in political
point scoring.
These are the very reforms that all parties politicked and
campaigned over in the run up to the October 7, 2022, general
elections. We all heard how most of these politicians prom-
ised to prioritise the reforms process once they assumed
government power. How soon things change? It seems the
reforms process is not that much of a priority any longer. In-
stead we are now subjected too political showboating by poli-
ticians more interested in defending their partisan interests.
Government says it wants to take the piecemeal approach
in the implementation of the reforms by splitting the all-en-
compassing Omnibus Constitutional Bill into three thematic
The Omnibus Bill had been unanimously approved by the
Upcoming elections in Zimbabwe and DRC a
10th Parliament but the process of its passage was nullified by
the Constitutional Court. bellwether for SADC and African democracy
The themes proposed by government, are namely laws that

require simple majority, those that need a two-thirds major- ETWEEN now and the end of 2024, online, and formally on 28 March in Lu-
ity and those that must be subjected to a referendum for ap- no fewer than 22 national elections saka, Zambia, the second edition of an
The government argues that it is in violation of the constitu-
are scheduled in Africa, nine of
them in SADC nations. Election observ-
John Stremlau election assessment manual. The 332-
page manual, first published in 2014,
tion of Lesotho, to submit to His Majesty the King, laws that ers have served, and must continue to initially began as a 2006 project that
require a referendum before subjecting them to that process. serve, to prevent and mitigate violent tional Election Observation. Since then, stitched together a global group of legal
Government says it would rather hold the Omnibus Bill in conflict and the abuse of the rights of the signatory groups have increased to scholars, representatives of internation-
abeyance until after an actual referendum has been conduct- citizens to hold their rulers to account. 55. al organisations and civic organisations
ed. Simply put, the government’s argument is based on some In the era of democratic decline, signs And in 2010, the Global Network of that shared a common belief that demo-
legal technicalities. of hope persist. One example in our re- Domestic Election Monitors (GNDEM) cratic elections as credible assessments
On the other hand, the opposition parties in parliament are gion is the Electoral Support Network was formed with the encouragement of citizen concerns could promote peace,
adamant that the Omnibus Bill must be revived and passed at – Southern Africa (ESN-SA) which com- of, and associated with the international equality and human rights.
the stage it was when the life of the 10th Parliament ceased. prises domestic civic organisations of the observer groups. GNDEM currently com- To do so, however, electoral obser-
They further threaten to withhold their numbers and not sup- 16 SADC states. prises 251 member organisations in 89 vation, no less than the democracies it
port government when the time comes to pass Bills requiring Non-partisan observers must be al- countries and territories, and nine re- seeks to sustain, must adapt to new re-
a two-thirds majority vote, as government does not have the lowed to hold governments accountable gional networks with members in Africa, alities. Several notable ones are evident
numbers to pass such laws on its own. It can only go as far for holding periodic credible elections, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America in the second edition of Election Obliga-
as passing simple majority laws, hence the opposition is dan- as prescribed by the African Charter for and the Caribbean, and the Middle East/ tions and Standards. They include tech-
gling its numbers in the government’s face. This has instead Democracy, Elections and Governance. North Africa. nological changes and access.
become a tit for tat war. Representatives of ESN-SA gathered Domestic electoral monitoring groups Many have been beneficial, others less
Is that not tragic? Evidently the opposition is uncomfort- in Johannesburg from 20-21 April 2023, are increasingly potent and essential so. Social media and privacy issues are
able with allowing government to get away with dismantling with representatives of the Carter Cent- in emergent civil societies so essential vulnerable to mis- and disinformation.
the Bill, probably because they suspect that should they cave er, to discuss the prospects for observing for sustainable democracies of varying Violence against women in politics has
in, Mr Matekane and his cohorts could easily sneak into or re- the next election in Zimbabwe later this types. But many still depend on foreign escalated and proliferated along with
move from the Omnibus Bill, clauses that are not to their ad- year. No one was naïve. Several partici- donors. other threats to democracy — Covid,
vantage. The sad reality about Lesotho is that most laws that pants have undertaken to observe Zim- SADC in many ways encompasses the corruption and climate change have ex-
have been passed to date by successive parliaments, were babwean elections since the 1980s. complexities of global electoral politics. acerbated inequality, poverty and unem-
made to deal with individuals and sectorial interests, and not In 2013 I tried to get accreditation It contains a diversity of ethnic identi- ployment in many of Africa’s fledgling
in the interests of this nation. The Omnibus Bill is an excep- for Carter Center observers, but it was ties within and among its 16 states. All democracies.
tion. It tries to anchor the reforms process in a way that will reportedly vetoed by the ruling party, SADC governments claim legitimacy and Election observers are human rights
prove governance and hopefully foster stability in the end. Zanu-PF. And most of us have seen the authority rooted in the free will of their defenders
With that said, perhaps it is time for both government and recent investigative reporting by Al Ja- people. A telling reminder of the rising risks to
the opposition, to go on a journey of self-introspection, for zeera, in the new documentary series But regimes vary widely, from South election observers was a reiteration on
each party to stop being selfish and start honouring the prom- Mafia Gold, about high-level internation- Africa’s relatively large population pledg- 27 October 2022 of election observers as
ises made to Basotho ahead of last year’s polls. al money laundering of Zimbabwean ing allegiance to an advanced constitu- human rights defenders, in a statement
Mr Matekane must know that when dealing with an oppo- gold sales for personal gain and to buy tional democracy, to its small monarchi- that declared:
sition that has bargaining tools, he must be smart and stra- electoral support for Zanu-PF. cal neighbour Eswatini, to the autocratic “Both national and international ob-
tegic. He must know that while the opposition are behaving ESN-SA believes the people of Zimba- democracy of Zimbabwe, and the barely servers have reported a significant es-
like spoilt brats, they also have legitimate concerns. And as bwe and all other SADC nations deserve integrated resource-rich “state-nation” of calation in the severity and scale of at-
the head of the government, the onus is on him to take the the dignity and rights of all people eve- the DRC. tacks against them, ranging from harass-
opposition into his confidence and convince them of the ad- rywhere, and that shared commitment Yet all claim to be democracies and all ment, false accusations, defamation and
vantages of buying whatever it is that he is selling. He must more than justifies the hard and some- hold periodic national elections, subject threats; to infringement on their right
continue reaching out to the opposition leadership to try and times dangerous work of monitoring to some degree of domestic and interna- to free movement, detention, expulsion
establish a good rapport and understanding on how to push and assessing voting in Zimbabwe and tional observation. and physical violence.”
the reforms. throughout the SADC region. When monitoring elections in SADC Observers can, of course, only operate
The opposition also, must realise that while they might Between now and the end of 2024 in nations, domestic and international ob- once they have been accredited by a host
think they have the upper hand, time has a way of stripping Africa, no fewer than 22 national elec- servers now have several authoritative country’s electoral management body.
people of their bargaining powers. It is never a good thing to tions are scheduled, nine of them in standards to invoke as they negotiate If successful, then they must be allowed
be inflexible in politics. As such, the opposition must use their SADC nations. Two later this year are mutually acceptable terms with national mutually agreed access and protections
bargaining tools, not for their own political point scoring, but Zimbabwe sometime in July/August and electoral management authorities. from dangers cited by the UNHCR. Elec-
for the good of Basotho to whom the reforms belong. the DRC in December. SADC country The most immediate reference is their tion observers have served and must
In a nutshell, government and the opposition must do away votes in 2024 include Botswana, Mada- own SADC Principles and Guidelines continue to serve to prevent and miti-
with their arrogance. Basotho are expecting them to engage gascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Governing Democratic Elections that gate violent conflict and the abuse of the
each other earnestly and honestly because time is moving fast Namibia and South Africa. were adopted by the SADC Summit in rights of citizens to hold their rulers to
with little progress recorded in completing the reforms. Key Similar regional groups have formed Mauritius in 2004. Another more general account.
stakeholders like the Southern African Development Com- elsewhere in Africa. Most face varying reference is the Guidelines for African Bellwether for democracy
munity (SADC), development partners and the international degrees of political challenges nation- Union Electoral Observation and Moni- SADC can continue to serve as a bell-
community who poured substantial funds to get the reforms ally, imposed by official electoral man- toring Missions. wether of indigenous democratic gov-
process off the ground, are watching with keen interest from agement bodies, often dominated by the Election obligations and standards ernance, abetted by domestic and inter-
a distance as things unfold. They are inevitably enraged at partisan interests of incumbent regimes. Election obligations and standards national election observation. The first
the slow pace of the reforms. Electoral principles and code of con- have been broadened and deepened and perhaps most important test of this
Both the government and the opposition must know that duct over the last three decades. A courageous will occur before 1 August in Zimba-
when the patience of those who have been assisting wears In 2005, a group of 23 international and resilient transnational community bwe’s 2023 national election.
thin, there would be no way of regaining it. Lesotho’s politi- observer groups – non-governmental, of domestic and international election The second could also be a harbinger
cians have held this country hostage to their whims and ca- governmental and multilateral, includ- monitors has emerged. Today they can for peaceful and productive national, re-
prices for far too long. It is high time they started putting this ing the African Union – came together at draw upon an extensive array of elec- gional and even global cooperation and
country and the interests of its poor citizens first. We don’t the United Nations headquarters in New toral obligations and standards, based on development — December’s elections in
hold our breaths, however. It seems the long-delayed reforms York to approve a Declaration of Prin- extensive research and analysis. the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
process is now in for even more delays. How tragic. ciples and Code of Conduct for Interna- The Carter Center recently released — DM
May 11 -17 2023 Lesotho Times Advertisement 13
14 News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

‘Marafaele Mohloboli
MISA blasts Anglican church over
HE Media Institute of Southern Afri-
ca (MISA)- Lesotho Chapter has criti-
cised the Anglican Church in Lesotho
over its decision to drop popular current
affairs programmes on its ACL radio station
and suspend three prominent presenters
cancellation of radio programmes
deemed to be anti-government.
Reverend Vicentia Kgabe, the head of the
Anglican diocese in Lesotho, had announced
the suspension of the programme as well as
and suspension of presenters
their three presenters Messrs Sebuti Moy-
eye, Lebohang Maketa and Lebese Molati.
Rev Kgabe announced the decision on
but RFP welcomes the move, saying it was being
May 5 2023, two days after Lesotho’s media
joined the rest of the world in commemo-
rating World Press Freedom Day. The day unfairly criticised by the presenters . . .
is marked every 3 May to acknowledge the
role of a free Press in promoting democracy.
MISA said it was ironic and unfortunate programme and Molati, who anchored the
that the Anglican Church had taken the dra- ‘Khotla’ programme, have been placed on
conian decision at a time the country and suspension.
the world were honouring the need for a An official at the station told the Lesotho
free and independent Press. Times that Messrs Maketa, Moyeye and Mo-
The RFP has nonetheless welcomed the lati had turned the RFP into their project of
Anglican Church’s decision, accusing the derision using the church’s radio station.
three presenters of unfairly demonising the They were constantly criticising the party in
ruling party. an unprofessional and demeaning fashion,
Bishop Kgabe announced that from Sat- the official said.
urday 6 May 2023, only Anglican Church re- “They seem to question everything that
lated content would be broadcast on its sta- the government is doing, especially the
tion, threatening to close the station down RFP leader and his cabinet. The three don’t
completely if it ventured into non-church seem to have anything good to say about
related content. this party and we know very well that they
The suspension of the three presenters fol- are being used by the opposition. Several
lowed criticisms that they were anti-Prime complaints had been lodged against their
Minister Sam Matekane and were using the behaviour….,” the official said on condition
current affairs programme to besmirch the of anonymity because he is not authorised
premier and his Revolution for Prosperity to speak to the media.
(RFP). “We respect the media, but then again,
One of the presenters, Mr Maketa, has can’t sit back and watch when known poli-
since resigned and confirmed his decision ticians masquerading as journalists are out
to the Lesotho Times. to destroy us. We had to use our powers to
MISA-Lesotho said the suspension of the defend our interests as a church.
three programmes and their presenters On the criticism by Misa, the official said:
amounted to blatant censorship and an at- “Those who feel suppressed by this decision
tack on free speech and the freedom of the should just take water and chill.”
media. Rev Kgabe said in her statement that the
MISA-Lesotho chairperson, Kananelo Bo- three presenters had been asked to desist
loetse, said it was unacceptable to limit free from their “unprofessional behaviour”
speech in this critical period of national re- but had not done so, thereby putting the
forms when Basotho should be engaged church’s name into ill repute.
in robust debates about the nature “The Diocesan Council re-
of the country they want. solved that all current
Reverend Kgabe an- affairs (programs)
nounced that the board would cease to be
of the radio station, broadcast with
the church’s Diocesan immediate effect,
Council had resolved meaning that
to suspend all ACL Ra- the last pro-
dio’s current affairs grammes were
programmes because on air for the
their presenters were last time on For the next three months, Rev Kgabe to mind my other commitments, includ-
constantly attacking Friday 5 May said, the radio station would be undergoing ing being a Diocesan Council member… If
the government. 2023. The radio a restructuring process to ensure it promot- I had stayed on, I would be very conflicted
Mr Maketa, a staunch programmes ed the interests of the Anglican Diocese of because I also feel that the management (of
member of the Demo- as of 6 May will Lesotho. the station) itself needs to be restructured,”
cratic Congress (DC), who comprise only of If the station persisted in putting the Mr Maphalla said.
hosted a morning show Anglican Church name of the Diocese into disrepute, it will be The station manager, Ms ’Mantolo Mo-
program called ‘Li theoha related programs closed down. The station had been set up by hale, could not be reached for comment.
kalana’ has since quit the and news,” she with the hard-earned monies of the faithful Mr Moyeye said he had nothing to say on
station. Messrs Moyeye, said. in the diocese. It should therefore serve the the matter because he was still undergoing
who hosted the interests of the church, he said. training and getting paid and “nothing has
‘Sika la thole,’ Rev Kgabe also announced the resigna- been communicated to me.”
tion of one radio station board member, Mr Maketa confirmed his resignation to
Sello Maphalla. Mr Maphalla however de- the Lesotho Times while Mr Molati said: “I
clined to state whether or not his decision have a lot to say but not now as I am still
to quit had been induced by the decision to trying to understand what is happening and
ban the programmes. the matter has not been communicated to
“I decided to resign be- me officially.”
cause I wouldn’t get my- RFP spokesperson Mokhethi Shelile, said
self to dwell on things while his party was not part of the church’s
that consumed my decision to axe the programmes and sus-
energy for no good pend the presenters, it stood “in full support
reason. I decided of the stance taken by the church”.
“As RFP we have been gravely
concerned about the manner in
KANANELO which the radio station has been
Boloetse. conducting itself when handling
government related issues, inclu-
sive of the station manager who
has given us an attitude each time
we presented our case.
It seemed like the church had some
hidden agenda against us,” Mr Shelile
“All the same, we have nothing to do
with the decision to close or cut such
programmes. Needless to say, we stand
in full support of the stance taken by the
church. We don’t want
to censor the media.
We respect the inde-
pendence of the me-
dia, but also believe
in accurate and true
reporting of issues
without fear or fa-
May 11 -17 2023 Lesotho Times Advertisement 15
16 Advertisement Lesotho Times May 11 -17 2023
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Lesotho Times January
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Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Currencies 11USD
USD ==14.
14.04 Maloti1 GBP
80Maloti 1 GBP= =
18.768 Maloti1 Euro
18.850 1 Euro= 16.063 Maloti
= 15.890 1 Japanese
Maloti YenYen
1 Japanese = 0.131 Maloti
= 0.130 1 Kenyan
Maloti Shilling
1 Kanyen = 0.141
Shelling Maloti
= 0.140

El Niño looms, boding ill for SA

numbers had recovered,” the study pointed-
ly noted. So, herds that may have finally re-

Masianokeng Lifestyle Centre opens March

covered to their pre-El Niño numbers could

Mamoth unveils opulent medical aid product

be culled again.
The other thing to keep in mind is that in

agriculture and food inflation

Staff Writer
Bereng Mpaki development of the Elite Magenta concerned as there is more in the goody
April, the temperature of the world’s ocean
surface scaled record highs since satellite
records began, according to the US National
Oceanic in their
and neighbourhood”.
Atmospheric Administration.
people livingsurface
and working in Ma-
The average ocean temperature

ONSTRUCTION is almost complete Medical for first Aid Option, which does not bag. So, we are starting off the year by
used for livestock is around 11.3 million livestock farmers were hard-hit by the last El sianokeng reached 21.1°C,and its surroundings have to travel
beating the previous to

Ed Stoddard launching the EliteNiño,Magenta product,
phase of theEmployee
Masianokeng Benefi ts discriminate
Lifestyle Centre, tonnes, the frequency
according withto which
the Agricultural Busi- driving up the price of meat, a trend the of 21°C
Maseru setCBD
in 2016 — during
for shopping the adding
malls, last El to
client is hospitalised. ThisofisSA.because because we believe also we have a lot more

a sprawlingweeknew
N unusually launched
stubborn a mall
com-Lain the
Niña has with ness Chamber fuelled by the yellow maize shortage. already El Niño, of course,
existing is a consequence of high
traffic congestion.
ern outskirts of Maseru.medical aid cover it comes unlimited hospitalisation
So, an El Niño could switch South Africato do to provide healthcare access
Small-scale to our
farmers in the former home- eastern Pacificeconomic
“The positive surface temperatures.
impact of the shopping
ended after a three-year run benefi and the t thatfrom
will give themaize as many topeople.
client exporter ”
which comes
Expected with
to an
start annual
operating M2,by 7
tropical Pacific is in an Enso-neutral mil-
the March this a net a net maize im- lands, for whom cattle is a coveted source of “We
centre is just
alreadyhad the
being eight
felt bywarmest years on-
ordinary Basotho
lion cover
year, the per hospitalisation.
centre willNiño
serve hospitalisations
Ma- porter, as and
possiblewhountilknows theywhat She the said the name
rand-dol- of the
wealth, product
were devastated. record,
even before even though we
its completion, ” Mrhad a cooling
Mphana said. La
state (neither El norresidents
La Niña), from accord-
The tonew
sianokeng Elite
and Magenta medical
surrounding areas aid
such as recover.
Ha-Ma-” lar exchange rate will be then? comes from
If it’s much one of One the academic
company’s study published in 2020 Niña for the past
“An estimated 120 three years
direct jobs and
have thiscreated
been acted
ing the Geneva-based World Meteorologi-
tala, adds
Ha-Paki, to the
cal Organization (WMO). company’s
Ha-’Nelese, existing
Makhoakhoeng, For her part, Mamoth
weaker than chief operations
current levels corporate
above R18 colours,
to the magenta,
in the which
African is a
Journal of Range and Forage as
sincea temporary
the construction brake on
began global
and temperature
“There namely
is a 60Primary,
Lithabaneng chance foroffi
and Standard,
percent Ha-Mapetla a cer
dollar, Phomane
the spectre said the shade
of surging foodofinflation
pink and purple. Science found that such livestock farmers 150 increase.
permanent Thejobsdevelopment
are anticipatedof an El Niño
to be will
created in
sition Plus,
others. fromand Elite.
Enso-neutral to El Niñocompany during iswould strivingagain
to design healthcare
stalk the land. “We started focusing in Msingaon magenta
in KwaZulu-Natal lost 43 percent the mostpostlikely lead to aphase
construction new whenspikethe
in global heat-
centre starts
Thenew high-end
May-July 2023, and product,
this willisShopping
increaseCentre products
to about is that compete with the best in three years ago to of theirout
bring cattle herd to the last El Niño and 29 operations,
its true ing and increase
” he added. the chance of breaking tem-
for clients
owned bywith
percent non-
Lesego communicable
Holdings — aand and
80 percent
consortium theofindustry
Ba- while creating
Livestock valuefarmers meaning as a transformationery
for the hard-hit percent of their colour; goats. perature
The project records,” said the
also sourced WMO
services likesecretary-
often July and
chronic illnessSeptember.”
whothem needSam their clients. And it’s not just grain crops that
a are
colour a source
that aids harmony “Three and years
balance after the drought, cattle general, Petteri Taalas.
sotho businesses, among Mphana and ing, architectural design, quantity surveying, prop-
high This
‘Matokelo costs taken
Seturumane. from care of. WMO is the “Today
the latest is of another
Among others, to inSouth everyAfricanaspect of numbers remained depressed, whereas goat erty—development
life, physically, DM168/OBP
and various consulting services
The a range
The current of
comes with forecasters
work continue
ts first phase
is the changing the narrative as far as mentally, emotionally and spiritually. creating further employment in the value chain.
like who
the two predict an El Niño
phased development. accessthis in year.localThebusinesses are concerned. We are a “As we are in the healthcare sector, we Nedbank managing director Nkau Matete said
private hospitals haveboth been
in and increasing
The 4 650 m shopping centre is located along
the growing
and the local brand and we are working are ensuring that we provide healthcare TH
their involvement was proof of their commitment
country. shortening. This may
the Main South I Road, which links the Maseru City
have hard
serious to ensure CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
that we represent access to our members to ensure that to uplifting Lesotho’s economy.
It alsowith
Centre an for
hasRoma, annual South
Morija, M20Africa’s
Moshoeshoe 000 I battered
Basotho businesses well.
Interna- their mental and physical health is in “Nedbank’s participation in the project is an in-


tional Airportfornotablyother the
andchronic agricultural
southern sector
“We are professionals and we are order.
districts outside dication of its commitment to uplifting Lesotho’s
and to
Maseru. food bothprices,
vehicle as and
El Niño — triggered
helicopter just asbygood as the big international “Magenta also Shopping
promotesCentre compassion, economy through support to local entrepreneurs
ARTIST impression of the Masianokeng Lifestyle
ambulances among
the of surface
anchorother temperatures
tenants ts. grocerybrands
are in thethat operate in Lesotho. It is support and kindness and encourages a
retailer and improving the quality of life of Basotho,” Mr
“Wen have
Pay andPacific
come Ocean
to — typically
understand that time
Cashbuild. heralds that insurance
Basotho recognise
About in
brokers Usthe good which
the country sense of self-respect
opened and contentment
in much-needed in
convenience for2.shoppers
Seniorfrom Manager-Office
the Matete said. of Academic Services-Ref
drought in southern Africa. Ocean work surface that 2006.
local entrepreneurs dooffers
Botho University by not (BU)those
is an who
ISOuse it. It area
9001:2015 can assist
organization.” Ms23OVC010MSU
approach is funded by Nedbank
to healthcare is toLesotho to The company insurance products as and its surroundings, Seturumane said The second phase comprising of the Motor City
temperatures in April reached recordonly highs. in and desire to 1997
the tune ofeither
combine M54 million surgery to open seeing
and is expected
therapeutic its well usas worthy as a established
risk Itanalysis
was sustainable
and management. Botswana in
It employs thisreality,
and week. ” Phomane
has become a leading Qualifications/Experience is already being planned. Just like the Shopping
The prolonged La Niña, caused bybusiness a cool- but being up there nationals. said.
as viable high-quality
multi-disciplinary tertiary education provider. Botho
ordoors in March
pharmacotherapy 2020. with lifestyle
ing of the same waters, was one of business
the few partner especially
(16) Basotho She added that “over time, it•should have a pos-
Master/PhD Degree from a Motor
Centre, the recognizedCity isUniversity
expected preferably
to create and
modifiMs cation,
bright Seturumane,
spotstofor Souththe Africa’s
maximise majority
the health shareholder
economy as it Likewise,University
Mr Mphana was
in hasone of the
the first localEmployee
many business tertiary institutions
inter- Benefitsoninisthe
itive impact Botswana
a current traffic congestion
from IT in sustain jobs in the economy while contributing
to be accredited by the
outcomes of our clients,
brings Risk
drenching Solutions,
” Botha rains is
Tiheli, healthcareests
in Lesotho, PickHuman
including the firstsubsidiary Resources
n Payofstore
the MamothMaseru Development
centralwhich Council
business district asShould
more people to the development and enhancement of Ma-
“We have a new product(HRDC). andBotho University
weitsare Lesotho
locally is thecompany
owned first international
founded in campus • have strong knowledge and experience of ERP systems
Mamoth’s business
business woman in her
And it delivered, with bumper harvests for own right. Tha- in Maseru which opened doors from Masianokeng and surroundingused areasinchoose sianokeng
Educational as a regional node and providing new
which is registered with the Ministry of Education and Training.
many cropsRisk Solutions
said. and dams ranks among the
brimming with
top threeabout“Masianokeng
it. We will be sharing
Lifestylea lotCentre2003.
will The
thealso tooperates
stay andMamothe
shop in the most convenient
• Shouldshopping
have a services
minimumwithin of 15a single
years space to improveinlives.
of experience ERP
“This serves as a motivation for the of information as far asAll newprogrammes
products are offered by Botho
Funeral University
Services are accredited by the‘MANTHATI Phomane.
as its subsidiary. Systems, training and administration at reputed tertiary
South Africa’s maize haul for 2023, accord- Council on Higher Education Lesotho (CHE).
ing to the latest forecast from the govern- institutions.
ment’s Crop Estimates Committee (CEC), is • Should have a minimum of 10 years of experience at leadership
Botho University is a dynamic University implementing new positions performing the role of students’ data management,
expected to be just shy of 15.9 million tonnes, programmes that are new and relevant to the Country. The administration, assessments, quality assurance, Management
compared with 15.57 million tonnes in 2022. University’s mission is to provide quality education and produce Information Systems (MIS) and student support services.
In 2021 it reached 16.35 million tonnes. globally employable and entrepreneurial graduates.
This represents a trio on the trot of stout Main Responsibilities:
harvests in the face of challenges such as • Person will be responsible for all ERP systems such as student
power shortages and soaring input costs. 1. Senior Education Manager-Ref 23OVC009MSU information system, Management
The record maize crop in 2017 was 16.82 mil- • Information systems (MIS), Assessment management systems,

Call for Applications

lion tonnes. Location: Maseru, Lesotho Learning Management systems,
Dam levels have also reaped the rewards • IT infrastructure Management and Library Information systems
Help Lesotho alumni are invited to a reunion
Qualifications/Experience required:
of La Niña. According to the latest State of management.
• A minimum of Master/PhD Degree from a recognized University. • Shall be responsible for assessment administration and
the Dams report by the Department of Wa-
ter and Sanitation, four provinces — Mpu- • A minimum experience of 15 years in Administration, Teaching,
Training and Quality Assurance at reputed Tertiary Institutions.to celebrate and share success!•
academic honesty
Human resource management of Academic services
Youth Leaders-in-Training Program
malanga, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Free
• Should have worked in Academic leadership Position (Manager, departments.

State — have average dam levels above 90 HOD) or above at Tertiary Institutions for a minimum of 10 years. • Overall responsibility for Quality Management Systems.
percent. Limpopo, North West and Northern • Should have a sound understanding and experience of Quality • Overall administration of library services.
Cape are above the 80 percent mark, with Assurance and Quality Management Systems preferably ISO. • Overall administration of IT infrastructure.
Eastern Cape at 76.7 percent and Western

• Should have experience in working for programme accreditation • Shall be responsible for academic support services for students.
Cape Lesotho’s
relatively dry Leaders-in-Training
at 52.9 percent. (LIT) Program graduates are strong,
and implementation of required regulatory standards for tertiary
resilient critical thinkers who become peer-to-peer Institutions.
agents of change in their Skills and Competencies required:
communities. Food inflation receive life skills, leadership
The expected return of El Niño, especially if
is intense,and
willprofessional development.
evaporate much of La Niña’s
• Should have experience
for existing and new programmes
in reviewing and designing curriculum

Leadership and management skills
Good communication skills
Critical thinking skills
legacy at a time when food price inflation • Information systems management skills
Main Responsibilities: • Data management skills
should be slowing.
Program dates: 25 th
February to 3 rd
April 2020 (6
• weeks)
The ATM located at Nutri Foods Building at
Overall administration of all academic activities • Budgeting and cost management skills
Indeed, despite the bounty produced by • Administering teaching, learning and student support services
LaLocation: Hlotse,
Niña’s rains — aidedLeribe* – Help Lesotho
by advancements in Seotlong •
Ensuring quality, timely and smooth conduct of assessments To apply for this vacancy please follow the link below:
agricultural technology such as GPS-guided
“precision criteria:— South African food

Khubetsoana has been fully operational from
Demonstrating strong academic administrative leadership skills
Developing new programmes in line with the need of the
The closing date for this vacancy is May 19, 2023.
inflation has been galloping because of the
 Be between the ages of 18-27 years;
power shortages and global factors such as
 invasion
Minimum qualification

22 January 2020. We thank you for your patience
Promoting research, consultancy and innovation
of COSC/LGSCE; • Promoting community engagement and internationalization
Please note that only applications submitted through the JazzHR
link will be accepted. Short-listing of candidates will be based on
Russia’s of Ukraine. Food inflation academic qualifications, relevant experience and general disposition.
in South
 Africa
Strongraceddesireto to
a 14-year
14.4 percent in March. At a time of declin-
high of model and
a role • lead

during the period of disruption.
by example;
Planning, monitoring and evaluating all academic activities
Monitoring and evaluation of teaching excellence
Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.
 Fluent in written and oral
ing wages and rising interest rates to contain English and Sesotho.
• Quality assurance and implementation BOTSWANA Gaborone Campus: Tel: +267 391 9999 Fax: +267 3187858 | Botho Education
inflation, the “cost-of-living” crisis is only • Managing Human resources for effective running of academic Park, Kgale, Gaborone, Botswana
worsening. who make their own arrangements to stay in Hlotse
activities to attend the
training generally expect
are encouraged the wider
to apply. Note in- For more information, contact the Customer Contact
that no financial
Skillssupport will be provided.
and Competencies required:
LESOTHO Maseru Campus: Tel: +266 2224 7500 / 6231 3521 Fax: +266 2231 3521 Maseru
Mall, West Wing,
Thetsane, Lesotho
flation rate — 7.1 percent in March — along
Centre (CCC) on +266 2221 2221 or 8002 2221 toll free. ESWATINI Manzini Campus: Tel: +268 2505 2288 Fax: +268 2505 2299 Riverstone Mall,

Saturday, February 15, 2020

with food prices to abate soon. But El Niño • Strong understanding of Botho Vision and Mission, policies,
could scorch those prospects as the year un- procedures and guidelines
First Floor, Manzini, Eswatini

folds and
1. farmers
Request begin planting for the
an application formnextby email and • submit
Critical the completed
analytical and problem solving skills with excellent NAMIBIA Ongwediva Campus : Tel: +264 65 230227 / 230228
RF3296, Mandume Ndemufayo Street, Maroela Mall, Ongwediva, Namibia
summer grain season. Their “intentions to written and verbal communication skills
form through LIT@helplesotho.org;
plant” will inform the CEC’s estimates about
OR • Competency on the curriculum design and development
2.of Obtain
the size the areaatohard copy and
be seeded of the
will infer from that the potential size of the
application form and
traders submit
to develop
newin quality
and work towards the Help Lesotho Seotlong Centre, Hlotse
GHANA Campus : P. O. Box KA 16158, Kotoka international
Airport, Accra Ghana Email: Bughana@bothouniversity.ac.bw

next grain crop.
HL Seotlong Centre in Hlotse (next to • Linare Football Pitch)
Excellent IT skills, ability to deliver results and meet deadlines BLENDED & DISTANCE LEARNING CAMPUS
using the support of technology Botho University, Gaborone, Botswana I
 HLare
A few things Seotlong Centre in
worth keeping in mind
Pitseng (Ha Raphoka)
• Hands-on experience in using tools such asHL ERP,Alumni Programs:
CampusNexus, CSP, Leadership Camp, LIT/YAH/HLYDL,
Tel: +267 3635 477 / 459
about the increasingly likely reappearance
 HL office in Maseru
of El Niño. The first is that the last one, in(Lenyora House, opposite
Smart Palace
Exam, of Justice)
Blackboard etc.
2015-16 — with a “very strong” rating — was
• Sound understanding of MIS is an added advantage St. Mary’s, Computers and Life Skills, Young Mothers,
• Must have worked as a Head of the Department at any reputed
ruinous. In 2016, South Africa’s maize crop
Friday 31 January 2020
st University/College for minimum 10 years YES/Anti-AIDS Clubs, BGLC
was onlyDeadline
around 7.8for submission:
million tonnes, about • Highly motivated, dedicated person with proven track records
half of what is apply.
Ts & Cs being sent to silos now.
*Only those selected
Bank be
in academics and leadership roles.
contacted. Help Lesotho Reunion 2020 –
Africa’s consumption
Forward of of
is a trademark theThe staple of South Africa Limited. StandardLesothoBank @StandardLSBank +266 51968466
@Standard Lesotho Bank
white maize and the yellow variety mostly Leaders Never Give Up!
18 Katleho Markets Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Capital markets, a bridge to the other side supervision and enforcement.

Why Capital Markets?

Leonard Nyambuya ty, and Well-developed capital markets are a driver
of economic growth, and thereby yield posi-

APITAL markets match long-term in- • the nature and scale of the interventions tive effects on employment. There is a strong
vestments with long-term capital. They used by governments to support the economy correlation between capital market develop-
serve as a gauge for corporate perfor- which, while necessary, might have limited ment and economic growth. Capital markets
mance hence a market for corporate con- the viability of different capital markets solu- mobilise additional savings into the economy,
trol and a barometer for broader economic tions, at least in the short to medium term. making more capital available to companies,
growth. The main functions of capital markets which may then in turn create jobs and facili-
include economic growth, capital formation, That said, this does not alter the funda- cial instruments described above are sold by tate real-wage growth. At the same time, capi-
liquidity, savings and proper price discovery mental premise that it is important to develop their issuers (governments, companies, col- tal markets are associated with higher pro-
through enhanced market transparency. alternative finance mechanisms for key stra- lective investment schemes, special purpose ductivity levels as the allocation of resources
The COVID-19 pandemic, its aftermath, the tegic sectors. Rather, if anything, the need for vehicles) to the investors, and a secondary becomes more efficient — including through
current geopolitical tensions in eastern Eu- capital markets solutions is more critical than market, where already-issued securities are better information, mechanisms to control
rope and as the American­led order in place ever given the much more limited space that traded between investors. Securities can be good governance, and the provision of capital
since 1945 fragments and economic decou- governments —and potentially also banks issued via private placements or public offer- to innovative projects.
pling accelerates, all these have added to the — will have going forward to support new ings. Overall private placements are restricted On a micro-level, well-developed capital
already existing challenges to the develop- financing. Capital markets refer to a segment to institutional and other sophisticated inves- markets constitute an important source of
ment of capital markets in many countries. of the financial system aimed at channelling tors and have limited price disclosure and financing for corporations. For businesses
However, like any challenge they also created the savings of an economy to those in need of trading activity. that already enjoy access to banking finance,
a window of opportunity for countries to criti- capital. Securities issued under a public offering capital markets can provide an attractive al-
cally think of developing local capital markets. These transfers of capital are undertaken are accessible by all, including retail investors, ternative as they can give companies access to
through financial instruments and securities. and are traded on regulated markets with larger volumes of funding, longer maturities
For many developing economies these chal- These can include money market assets, sov- sufficient pre- and post-trade price transpar- and, potentially, better economic terms, thus
lenges have intensified as a result of: ereign and non-sovereign bonds, securitised ency. Capital markets rely on professional in- reducing overall funding costs.
• the deterioration in the macroeconomic en- assets, participations in collective investment termediaries, and require a series of market This funding can be a crucial source for
vironment, including the contraction of the schemes such as mutual funds, and company infrastructures, including trading platforms, companies seeking to expand their business.
economies, and larger fiscal deficits, equity. In contrast to deposits, investors bear clearing houses and central securities deposi- In addition, capital markets allow companies
the risk of such investments. Capital markets tories, and a capital markets-specific legal and to diversify their funding sources, which can
• reduced investor appetite due to uncertain- consist of a primary market, where the finan- regulatory framework backed by government become particularly critical in times of dis-
tress in the banking sector, as a retrenchment
in banks’ lending activities could leave compa-
The Examinations Council of Lesotho [ECoL] invites expressions of interest from nies without the financing needed to continue
suitably qualified local candidates for the following position; functioning.
Capital markets can also fund riskier and
more collateral-scarce businesses and activi-
DIRECTOR ties that would not traditionally be served by
the banking sector as they bring to the table
investors with higher risk profiles. Equity
– ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION markets in particular have been found to be
key to the financing of new businesses, par-
RESPONSIBLE TO : CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ticularly those relying on intangibles, R&D
TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT : 5 YEAR CONTRACT and human capital. In this way, capital mar-
kets can also support innovation. For gov-
ernments, the capital markets are a crucial
JOB OPPORTUNITY source to finance their fiscal deficits, including
expenditures for social services and job crea-
JOB SUMMARY: tion. As government bond markets deepen,
Under the general supervision of the Chief Executive Officer, the incumbent in this job is expected to assist the Council in their funding costs are likely to decrease as
achieving its vision and mission of providing quality assessments for the basic education system. The Director Assessment and well. From the investors’ perspective, capital
Evaluation coordinates all institutional assessment functions; manages the development, maintenance, and evaluation of markets offer investment opportunities and
national assessments, public examinations, assessment packages, and review processes. The Director is responsible for the risk management tools. First, capital markets
continuous research and evaluation to improve credible and relevant assessments conducted by ECoL. can offer more attractive investing opportuni-
The Director is further accountable for the overall planning, budgeting, organising and coordinating ECoL assessment activities. ties in terms of their return than bank depos-
its, albeit with a higher risk.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Further, if a wide range of instruments ex-
1. Development of Policies & Procedures 4. Question Paper Production ist, then capital markets can provide investors
• Provides direction, leadership and advice to the ECoL, Assessment • Oversees question paper production for different assessments with a diversified portfolio, which contrib-
and Evaluation staff on the design, implementation and maintenance (National Assessment, End of Level Tests and Continuous utes to risk management. This is of particular
of basic education assessment processes. Assessment Packages).
importance to pension funds and insurance
• Develops policies and other relevant standards in the production of • Oversees item development and improvement.
assessment products. • Oversees the development of quality question papers. companies because higher rates of return
• Develops and implements a strategy for continuous improvement of • Oversees the timely development of assessment manuscripts. are necessary to ensure an adequate pay-out
the Assessment and Evaluation department. • Supervises the moderation of assessment manuscripts. in the future. Finally, well-developed capital
• Ensures the security of manuscripts.
2. Maintenance of Standards • Coordinates the typesetting of manuscripts to ensure high-quality
markets also provide risk management tools
• Determines performance standards for the Assessment and products. through the derivatives markets.
Evaluation Standards staff and measures their performance • Prepares and submits assessment reports. Besides economic growth, well-regulated
accordingly. • Develops and coordinates ECoL item bank and e-marking systems. and supervised capital markets may enhance
• Links ECoL with the National Curriculum Development Centre on
curriculum and assessment activities. 5. Research financial stability. Domestic capital markets
• Safeguards the performance standards and ensures they are • Designs a framework for research to support assessment,
provide access to long-term, local currency
upheld over time. accreditation and benchmarking. financing that helps companies, governments
• Ensures that marking and grading standards are maintained from • Coordinates the administration of various standardised national and investors to manage inflation, foreign ex-
year to year.
• Supervises and holds staff under his/her supervision accountable.
assessment, instruments and ensure that reports and results are change risks and maturity mismatches. Fur-
disseminated institution-wide.
• Supervises the technical aspect of national assessment surveys, ther, there is empirical evidence that equity
3. Planning & Reporting including the design of databases, data collection and analysis of markets can reduce corporate leverage and
• Oversees and leads annual departmental budgeting and planning. data related to the assessment plan. curb insolvency risks, while bond markets can
• Reports regularly on all activities related to Assessment and • Coordinates and works with stakeholders in education to provide
Evaluation department.
serve as a “spare tyre” in times of banking dis-
researched information for developing sustainable education
• Supports ECoL with all relevant data to inform the Ministry of interventions. tress. Yet this is not to say that capital markets
Education about the required improvements for the quality of basic • Provides examination results analysis bi-annually. come without risk.
education assessments in Lesotho. For example, any new financial instrument
• Aligns the departmental plans with the strategic plan.
• Plans relevant training for personnel involved in the Assessment carries risks that market participants will
and Evaluation Department. need to understand throughout boom and
• Prepares Directorate’s quarterly and annual reports bust cycles to ensure that they provide suit-
able advice to investors and appropriately
REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES manage their own financial positions. Simi-
To perform this job successfully, an individual must be results oriented and be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements below represent the required larly, changes in the local and global macro-
knowledge, skills, and abilities.
economic conditions could trigger sudden
• Demonstrated knowledge of the rules, regulations and principles of the • Skill in working effectively in a team environment with various stakeholders.
stops and reversals in cash flows that, if not
Council regarding assessment development, student assessments and • Proficient in using e-mail, Microsoft Office, spreadsheets, databases,
well managed, could take a significant toll on
results publications. presentation software and the Internet to access data, maintain records,
economic growth. However, these challenges
• Demonstrated knowledge of the policy development, planning, generate reports, and communicate with others.
do not outweigh the benefits capital markets
implementation and monitoring of budgets in an assessment environment. • Ability to plan, organise, and analyse assessment reports and results.
• Demonstrated excellent supervisory, administrative, communication, • Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid
can have, rather these challenge are a call for
interpersonal and leadership skills. conclusions.
good regulation and supervision.
• Demonstrated skill in proofreading and maintaining accuracy in all • Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, including
assessment documents related to curricula and assessments. presentations to internal and external stakeholders and the Governing Board. Until next week enjoy making money on
• Demonstrated organisational skills in handling and directing multiple and • Be sensitive to issues of assessment and certificate fraud. capital markets. Thinking of raising capital
complex assessment research and projects. (issuing shares or bonds), listing shares on
the securities market, buying or discounting
Education and Work Experience Requirements: bonds, Treasury bills, equity trading and capi-
To perform this job successfully, an individual must possess the minimum education and experience requirements listed below. tal markets news and information? Contact us
• Master’s degree from an accredited college or university in Educational Assessment/ Measurement and Evaluation or a related field. today.
• Minimum of five (5) years of managerial experience in the management of examinations. Psychometric knowledge will be an added advantage.
• A Degree in Education (Assessment/ Measurement and Evaluation) or equivalent plus at least 7 years’ managerial experience in the management of examinations
Katleho Securities, (Member of Maseru
Address your application, with a covering letter explaining interest,
The closing date for the submission of applications is
Securities Market)
and a detailed résumé showing three contactable referees to:
Wednesday, 31st May, 2023 at 16:00. Correspondence will only +266 27002418, 53230700, 68730055
email : hr@examscouncil.org.ls be done with short listed candidates. lnyambuya@katleho.co.ls, securities@
The Human Resource Manager katleho.co.ls, www.katleho.co.ls
Examinations Council of Lesotho leonardnyambuya@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 507 Plot Number 12292-972 Mabelebele Street,
Maseru 100
Katlehong, Maseru, Lesotho

New cases 0
Cumulative Cases 34,490
Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023 Cumulative Deaths 706

consequences come with these deficiencies

The importance of making

because that means they do not have the nec-
essary motors to bring them there.”
Nutrition is a pivotal aspect of maintaining
good health; however, it often gets overlooked
in our fast-paced lives.

nutritious choices Keizer, posed an important question:

“Whether we give nutrition the attention it de-
serves in our daily lives?”
It can be incredibly challenging to make
healthy food choices, especially when con-

OOD insecurity and inflation have caused venience is a factor. This issue is particularly
a significant nutritional deficiency, affect- prevalent in South Africa, where families may
ing the overall physical health and psy- lack the financial resources to prepare whole-
chosocial development of the country’s people. some meals.
Shockingly, this lack of essential nutrients “The result of this is a steady decline in the
has been linked to behavioural and sleep prob- health and well-being of the population. It’s
lems in children and the emergence of chronic imperative to prioritise nutrition to ensure
health concerns like cardiovascular disease that our bodies receive the essential nutrients
and high cholesterol. required for optimal function.”
In a recent interview with IOL Lifestyle, She went on to say: “It doesn’t have to be a
Leanne Keizer, Corporate Affairs Manager at complete redo of our diets, that becomes very
Danone Southern Africa, emphasised the sig- overwhelming very quickly and becomes very
nificance of examining micro-nutrient defi- difficult to implement. But there are certain
ciencies in the South African population and things that you can do to close that nutrition
the indispensability of closing this micro-nu- gap.”
trient gap. “We need to start looking at snacking very
“It is more crucial than ever to guarantee differently: snacking particularly for kids but
that people have access to essential nutrients also for adults is an important moment for nu-
for optimal physical and emotional health trition intervention. People need to intention-
because the availability of inexpensive and ally choose a snack that is nutrient dense.”
healthy food options is fast diminishing. Ad- But unfortunately, today, our snacking hab-
dressing this health epidemic and encourag- its are more convenient and ‘flavour based’,
ing good eating among all South Africans are i.e. packets of chips that are high in calories
essential,” said Keizer in conversation. and low in nutrients which are not adding
Keizer further notes that there are three anything substantial to your body.
crucial nutrients that the South African popu- So rather substitute your snack at that mo-
lation is currently struggling to obtain through ment for a fruit or vegetable or a product that
their diets. That being Vitamin A, Iron, and has added nutrients in them. For example,
Zinc. FOOD insecurity and inflation have caused a significant nutritional deficiency, affecting the Nutriday produces yoghurt and dairy snacks
According to her, these micro-nutrients are overall physical health and psychosocial development of the country’s people. fortified with nutrients we know consum-
essential in supporting a child’s overall well- ers need. Dairy is intrinsically good for your
being. awareness and promote healthy eating habits pede brain development, ultimately affecting health. It has a lot of benefits, said Keizer.
Children are often the group closely studied for optimal health for all South Africans. a child’s ability to concentrate and learn. But over and above that, it means we’ve
as their micro-deficiency levels provide an in- Studies indicate that 40 percent of South “It is important to ensure that children have looked at the context of South Africa and iden-
dicator of the overall picture of the population. African children are deficient in vitamin A, a access to these nutrients, as they are vital for tified nutrients that are lacking and added
She explains that measuring micro-deficien- nutrient vital for strong immunity and healthy optimal physical and cognitive growth. Nutri- those nutrients intentionally to help close that
cies in children helps to gain a better under- eye health. Furthermore, 40 percent of chil- ent-rich foods and supplements are an essen- nutrient gap.
standing of the nutritional needs of the entire dren suffer from a zinc deficiency, a micro- tial component of a healthy diet, especially for “These are small intentional changes that
population and how they can be addressed ef- nutrient closely linked with supporting a children,” she said. will, in turn, make a huge difference in the nu-
fectively. While research often focuses on chil- strong immune system. Iron is also a nutrient “And so, in circumstances where we see trient intake and close that gap. As food manu-
dren for this reason, it is important to explore of concern as one in ten children experience a these micro-nutrient gaps, it means that chil- facturers, we have a responsibility to produce
the dietary habits of all individuals to create deficiency, which can hinder growth and im- dren and people are not developing. And some foods that address consumer needs.” — IOL

Why exercise recovery

is an essential part of
any fitness routine
XERCISE recovery is an es- efficient.
sential part of any fitness Stretching: Stretching and foam
routine. It refers to the pe- What should we know about rolling can help improve circula-
riod after a workout when your exercise recovery? tion and reduce muscle soreness,
body repairs and strengthens it- There are several things you which can help speed up recovery.
self. should keep in mind when it
Recovery time can vary depend- comes to exercise recovery: Listen to your body: If you’re
ing on the intensity and duration feeling tired or sore, take a break
of your workout and your overall Rest is important: Your body from exercise or reduce the inten-
fitness level. Proper recovery can needs time to recover after a sity of your workouts.
help prevent injuries, improve workout. Make sure to take rest Pushing yourself too hard can lead
performance and promote overall days and get enough sleep to allow to injury and slow down your re-
wellness. your body to heal and recharge. covery.
Exercise puts stress on your Exercise is an essential aspect of
body, which can cause damage Nutrition is key: Eating a bal- a healthy lifestyle, whether you’re
to your muscles and tissues. Re- anced diet that includes plenty trying to lose weight, build mus-
covery time allows your body to of protein, carbohydrates and cle, or improve your overall well-
repair this damage and build new healthy fats can help your body being.
muscle tissue. It also allows your recover more quickly. Make sure In addition to physical benefits,
body to rest and replenish its en- to eat within 30 minutes after a exercise recovery is also impor-
ergy stores, which are depleted workout to replenish your energy tant for mental health. Taking
during exercise. stores and promote muscle recov- time to rest and recharge can re-
Proper recovery can help pre- ery. duce stress levels and improve
vent injuries by allowing your overall well-being.
body to heal and strengthen itself. Hydration is essential: Drinking By prioritising rest, nutrition,
It can also improve your perfor- plenty of water before, during, stretching, hydration and active
mance by allowing your body to and after exercise can help pre- recovery, you can optimise your
PROPER recovery can help prevent injuries by allowing your body to heal and adapt to the stresses of exercise vent dehydration and promote exercise recovery and achieve
strengthen itself. and become stronger and more recovery. your fitness goals. — IOL
20 Advertisement Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Advertisement 21

Youth & Entrepreneurship

Recognizing the need to empower the youth to start and run own businesses
Health Education
Partnering to ensure a healthy generation Partnering to support digital, inclusive and tech-

M8.3m +M10.8m
nology based education ensuring Basotho youth
get world class education to prepare them for the
1. Partnership with Global Entrepreneurship Network and BAM Consultancy - + 1. M-M ama emergency transport system to reduce

300 youth received entrepreneurial training and support for businesses with infant mortality
top 10 receiving funding in excess of M500k 2. Seboche Hospital Disaster relief
2. Entrepreneurship Development and support to local contractors 3. Cancer Hospice support
3. LDF Boot Camp 4. Morija Scott Hospital Maternity ward support
1. Vodacom STEM Bursary and Scholarships 20 tertiary fully funded

Access & inclusion

2. Keeping the girl child in school – dignity campaign through
reusable menstrual products in partnership with World Vision and
Rutanang foundation to 850 young girls
Ensuring that the disabled are given equal and inclusive 3. Schools connectivity and schools ICT labs (Tsehla Primary school
access to education with assistive devicesensuring that the & Malea-lea Community) curated with the “learning platform”
disabled are given equal and inclusive access to education 4. Code Like a Girl – driving coding skills among school going girls
with assistive devices in partnership with UNICEF +- 1500 young girls trained

Social Protection
1. Support to the visually impaired
2. National Library Insight Centre
3. Resource Centre for the Blind
4. Support for schools for the deaf with assistive devices
and ICT tools with appropriate assistive tools
Eradicating and supporting victims of GBV

5. Support for Thuso e Tla Tsoa Kae Centre for the
intellectually disabled with assistive devices
6. Special tertiary scholarships for the disabled.

1. GBV Help line -Nokaneng App in partnership with GIZ and SheHive

Sports and
2. Support for Lapeng Safety Centres for victims of GBV in partner-
ship with Department of Gender and the LMPS Gender Protection
Greening Lesotho Unit

Entertainment 786k
3. Advocacy programmes with Worldvision Lesotho, UNICEF ands
Ministry of Gender

1. Lesotho Premier League soccer
1. Tree Planting +20k trees
planted in Thaba Bosiu and
2. Tennis
3. Social & Entertainment
▪ Annual Maletsunyane Braai festival
▪ Cleketseng festival of music
▪ All White Music & Fashion festival

Vodacom invests +- M40 Million to improve the lives of Basotho.

M40m spent on social initiatives in our strive to “Connect for a better future, Change lives and Connect for good”. Vodacom connects Basotho and Lesotho as Lesotho’s best
network with over 80% coverage ensuring ease of communication and through VCL Financial Services M-Pesa has become Basotho’s currency of choice ensuring financial
inclusion and changing the lives of Basotho.

Through the Foundation and CSI initiatives we have ensured a healthy generation with access to quality education through our bursaries, sponsorships and driving digital skills for
young girls, inclusive education. Youth Entrepreneurship is the bedrock of any economy and we continue to support youth development to empower the future generation.

We continue to be the largest supporter of Soccer and the entertainment industry in Lesotho. Through the merchant exchange Mpesa continues to change lives by connecting
small businesses with customers to promote economic activity. The majority of the businesses are youth owned which is where the future lies. The future is in our hands.
Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

I June could bring significant

NFLATION is hitting South Africans from
all angles at the moment, but there could be
some relief for motorists at the beginning of

petrol and diesel price cuts

Granted, we’re only 10 days into the month
and much could change in the coming weeks,
but if oil prices hold at current levels, and there
are no major currency shocks, then significant
petrol and diesel price cuts could be on the cards
for June.
The latest daily snapshot from the Central En-
ergy Fund, released on May 10, shows a signifi-
cant over-recovery for both fuel types.
The month average is currently pointing to a
reduction of R1.16 for 95 Unleaded Petrol and
R1.12 for 93 Unleaded, and the latest daily stats
are even further into the green, suggesting those
aforementioned figures could grow.
On the diesel front, the data is currently point-
ing to a reduction of around R1.50 per litre for
both grades.
This month saw diesel prices decrease by be-
tween 47 cents (50ppm) and 73 cents (500ppm),
while both grades of petrol increased by 37
95 Unleaded currently costs R22.62 at the
coast and R23.34 in the inland regions, where 93
Unleaded retails at R23.01.
International oil prices have fallen in the past
month, with Brent Crude trading at $77.44 on
Tuesday, down from around $85 a month ago.
However, the US Energy Administration
warns that a seasonal rise in oil consumption
and a drop in OPEC crude oil output could
put upward pressure on prices in the coming

Petrol still historically high

Petrol prices have risen significantly in the past
two years, considering that 95 Unleaded cost
R18.89 at the beginning of 2022 and R14.16 in
January 2021.
The wholesale price of 500ppm diesel has
risen by around R5 in the past two years, and
the current cycle of decreases could help to slow
down general inflation.
“Diesel is a big input cost in major sectors such
as agriculture, mining and manufacturing and
an increase here often contributes to increased
prices of basic commodities,” the Automobile
Association said.
However, it could take some time for this to
filter through to consumer prices.
— IOL Motoring EARLY indications are that fuel prices could come down significantly in June.

These were the world’s best-selling cars in 2022

estimated sales of 1 016 000, albeit a 10
ping 66 percent year-on-year to 7.37
percent drop from last year. This insight
million units. JATO global analyst Felipe
is based on JATO’s own data for 53 mar-Munoz believes that the EV boom is set
kets as well as further research and esti-
to continue in the coming years.
mations for 95 other markets. “Governments in the developed
The Toyota Corolla Sedan came sec- world have continued to offer gener-
ond with 992K units, but if you includeous incentives, encouraging consum-
ers to make the switch away from ICE
the Corolla Cross, which was listed sepa-
vehicles, while average prices have
rately in 8th place with 530K sales, then
decreased thanks to the introduction of
the Corolla nameplate as a whole is still
the world’s most popular, accounting more affordable models by OEMs.”
for over 1.5 million sales. Sadly none of this has happened in
The Toyota Camry also made the top South Africa as yet, notwithstanding
five at 673K, but it was beaten by the the lack of a stable power grid, although
Honda CR-V (733K) and Tesla Model Y GWM could partially solve the afford-
ability problem here later this year —
(747K). See the Top 10 list below, round-
ed off to the nearest thousand: more on that here.
Overall global vehicle sales declined
World’s best-sellers, 2022: JATO Dynam- by 2 percent last year, JATO reported,
ics and this is attributed to the well-publi-
1. Toyota RAV4 – 1 016 000 cised supply chain disruptions that Cov-
2. Toyota Corolla Sedan – 992 000 id caused as well as the Russia-Ukraine
3. Tesla Model Y – 747 000 war.
4. Honda CR-V – 733 000 However, the African continent saw
5. Toyota Camry – 673 000 a 5.5 percent increase in 2022, and
6. Toyota Hilux – 632 000 this was largely thanks to South Af-
7. Nissan Sentra – 566 000 rica, which saw a 14 percent increase
8. Toyota Corolla Cross – 530 000 year-on-year. While we remain a small
9. Ford F-150 – 525 000 player in global terms, South Africa still
10. Tesla Model 3 – 482 000 accounts for 44 percent of African vehi-
TOYOTA RAV4. cle sales.
If ever you need evidence that electric On the South African sales charts, the

Y now we’re quite familiar with frequently? Information specialist JATO month being an exception that worked car sales are surging in other markets, Toyota Hilux topped the list with 32 203
the cars that dominate the South Dynamics set out to answer that ques- in the favour of Ford’s Ranger), the ven- consider that the Tesla Model Y crosso- sales last year. The Volkswagen Polo
African market, but essentially tion — and it’s certainly no mean feat erable bakkie range only managed sixth ver was the third best-selling vehicle Vivo was the country’s top-selling pas-
we make up less than 1 percent of the considering that just under 80 million place in the global ranking, with a total in the entire world last year, while the senger car with 20 866 sales, followed
world’s market. vehicles were sold across the globe last of 632 000. Model 3 sedan made 10th place. by the Suzuki Swift, with 17 282. See the
But what vehicles are our counter- year. While the Toyota Hilux dominates Toyota’s RAV4 took top honours as the According to JATO, global sales of ful- Top 10 list for cars and SUVs here.
parts around the globe buying most the South African market (with last world’s top-selling vehicle in 2022, with ly-electric vehicles increased by a whop- — IOL Motoring
Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

DJ Maphorisa
granted R4 000 bail
as Thuli drops assault case . . .
J Maphorisa’s case has been re- case. According to National Prosecuting so that we could talk about our argument
manded to 14 June for him to lodge Authority (NPA) spokesperson Phindi that happened the previous night during
representations to the NPA after the Mjonondwane on Sunday, the award- his gig… He held me and took me to the
complainant filed a withdrawal statement. winning DJ allegedly hit his girlfriend balcony, and grabbed me aggressively by
Themba Sonnyboy Sekowe, affectionately with open hands and strangled her after my neck,” Thuli said as quoted by the pub-
known as DJ Maphorisa, was granted R4 she confronted him about an incident that lication.
000 bail by the Randburg Magistrates happened the previous night where he The paper also quoted a source that re-
Court on Monday after his girlfriend, was booked to perform. vealed this was not the first time the cou-
former Generations: The Thuli laid a charge at the Sandton Police ple argued.
Legacy star Station and was arrested Maphorisa im- “They had a fight in early December af-
T h u l i mediately. ter accusations of infidelity. They had an-
Phongolo, During proceedings, she then filed a other fight last month but it never got to
dropped withdrawal in which she agreed for the the police station.”
THULI the as- accused to be released on bail.
Phongolo. sault “The case was remanded to 14 June for Their relationship
Sekowe to lodge representations to the Thuli has previously denied being in a re-
NPA in light of the withdrawal statement lationship with the DJ. The pair sparked
that has been filed by the com- dating rumours in 2021 when a video of
plainant.” them dancing intimately made rounds
City Press reported on social media. As people continued to
that the actress opened speculate that they were romantically in-
a case and shared the volved, Thuli took to her Twitter page to
details of the incident shut down the rumours.
in a statement seen by “Y’all stop. We’re not dating! I’m so done
the publication. with you guys! And the truth remains, I’m
“I confronted him single,” she wrote.
Previously, the actress has also been ru-
moured to be dating other DJs, including
the Jerusalema hitmaker Master KG
and Mr. Jazziq.
“I mean ‘respect me’ as in
stop spreading baseless ru-
mours! Hayibo nina, an-
gisadlali!” She wrote
denying Master KG‘s
— The Citizen

DJ Maphorisa.
24 Entertainment Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Cryptic Crossword Last Week Solution

Across Down
5 Some domestic leverets, by 1 Extremely depleted bag, ie
no means hare-brained (6) awfully bad result of rabbiting?
6 Rabbit’s friend finally gave (8)
the okay to enter home (6) 2 Satisfied with strain in neck
9 Rabbit’s retreat from beach, reduced? Not like hands and
going back into vessel (6) feet (6)
10 eg scorpion in car had run 3 He’s taken on terrible combat,
amok (8) making great sacrifice (8)
11 Divine female among she- 4 From which rabbits may
rabbits, a variety of hare (4) emerge — often with tails
12 American rabbit time after behind? (3,3)
time found in strange location 5 Caught and destroyed, like
(10) hare at start of spring? (6)
13 Cheesy offering for poor 7 Conclusion reached by judge
performer in red jersey (5,6) on lawful extract (6)
18 VIP’s moving appearances in 8 Seasonal deliverer of eggs,
public (10) but mostly in Queens etc (6,5)
21 Raise something that may 14 Kind of rabbit from south of
be brought up by latecomers European peninsula (8)
(4) 15 Doctor getting into hot
22 Article’s lacking in water (8)
inspiration regarding name for 16 Writer about cunning rabbit
fellow believers (8) in part of Scottish island (6)
23 Old marketplace importing 17 Architect’s taken over
new kind of yarn (6) interior of barn for Peter’s
24 Fluctuate in encounter, with home (6)
tense change in second half (6) 19 Small violin and half of score
25 Punished author who for one of Hazel’s family (6)
supposedly prioritised catching 20 Second animal rather like
hare, we hear (6) rabbit, right? Not hog (6)

Andy Capp Hagar the Horrible

Quick Crossword Last Week Solution

Across Down
1 Magical and wonderful (10) 1 Two-wheeler with a small
7 Less full (7) engine (5)
8 How scary! (5) 2 Damage beyond repair (4)
10 Assistant (4) 3 Scene of frenetic or noisy
11 Drought-stricken US activity (informal) (6)
region from Texas to 4 Complete outfits of
Nebraska in the 1930s (4,4) clothing and accessories for
13 Cavalryman (6) new babies (8)
15 Without generosity (6) 5 x, y, or z? (7)
17 Winner of the 1921 Nobel 6 Small group of soldiers (10)
Prize for physics (8) 9 Foolish person (informal)
18 Three wise men (4) (5,5)
21 For all instruments to 12 Three wickets taken in
play (5) three consecutive deliveries
22 Having a run of good at cricket (3,5)
fortune (2,1,4) 14 Ol’ Blue Eyes (7)
23 Like an ambiguous 16 Kiwi expression of thanks
compliment? (10) (3,3)
19 Duck (5)
20 South African currency
unit (4)

Sudoku Last Week Solution

How to solve

Fill in the grid so

that every row,
every column
and every 3x3
grid contains the
digits from 1 to 9
with no repeats.
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times World View 25

T Worlds apart? The complex

HE anti-migration sentiments promoted by
right-wing political parties and integrated
into the policy space of several countries in
Europe have further worsened the conditions of

dynamics of Africa-EU migration

undocumented migrants and exposed them to
institutional discrimination.
Between January and March this year, about
441 African migrants died in the Mediterranean
Sea while attempting to cross into Europe. Around tic of changes in population. It is natural and has
the same period in 2017, 750 migrants lost their nothing to do with social and economic status.
lives in similar incidents. Since 2014, more than Discussions reflected on the role and perspec-
20,700 Africans have either died or gone missing tives of European civil society and noted that Eu-
in their bid to make it to Europe. ropean debates about immigration are increas-
Despite the “efforts” of both African and Euro- ingly state-centric, critical and sometimes racial.
pean actors to address the push factors of migra- The meeting reinforced the reasons why Afri-
tion, thousands of Africans continue to flee the can migrants continue to move to Europe through
continent for several reasons, including to escape illegal routes, such as the central Mediterranean
from violent conflict. Many risk their lives while Sea, and argued for the expansion of legal path-
trying to flee through illegal routes. ways to provide more opportunities for people on
The Sahel region has become a theatre of the move to use legal routes.
violence, insurgency and terrorism. The current
Sudanese conflict, driven by two antagonistic Remittance, migration and development
and power-hungry army generals, has led to the Remittances, which have dominated the conver-
deaths of 528 people, with 4,500 wounded. Thou- sation on international migration, were located
sands of people have been displaced. in proper contexts. Remittances sent from the
In Nigeria, Boko Haram’s reign of terror and EU accounted for 11 percent of the total flows re-
the farmers-herders conflict have displaced more ceived by low and middle-income countries and
than 3.1 million people as of June 2022. benefited about 105 million people in the origin
In Libya, many migrants have accepted so- countries.
called assisted returns to their countries of ori- Remittance is the most obvious link between
gin — not voluntarily, but by compulsion – due migration and development. It enhances Africa’s
to dehumanising detention conditions, including quest for economic development and should also
threats of torture, extortion and sexual violence. be seen as an urgent save-our-soul intervention
Others are commonly at the mercy of sex and la- from the African diaspora. Remittances should
bour traffickers. not be conflated with capital flight, but are funds
that are earned through hard labour. Migrants
Hardship and uncertainty have supported their societies and home govern-
They are confronted with hardships in African ments by constructing schools, hospitals and sta-
transit countries and uncertainties about what diums.
awaits them in Europe. African migrants send remittances, not from a
Those who make it to Europe have testified to standpoint of affluence, but mostly through pain
further ill-treatment. Anti-migration sentiments A LIBYAN coast guardsman stands on a boat during the rescue of 147 illegal immigrants and resilience; thus, a further downward review
(promoted by right-wing political parties) are attempting to reach Europe off the coastal town of Zawiyah, 45km west of the capital of charges on money transfers and removal of
being integrated into the policy space of several Tripoli. several gridlocks that impede remittances are de-
countries in Europe, further worsening the con- sirable.
ditions of undocumented migrants and exposing Both Swedish departments are co-chairing Data released by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation It is also imperative for Africa to explore the use
them to institutional discrimination. a working group of the European Council, the and Africa-Europe Foundation revealed that in- of remittances not only for family consumption,
Since the 2015 European migration crisis, mi- “Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum tra-African migrations since 2010 have increased but for the creation of productive opportunities
gration has been a dominant theme in domestic and Migration”, in charge of deliberations on ex- by around 43.6 percent compared with 26 per- for national and regional economic development.
politics in most European countries. While the ternal aspects of EU migration policy. cent for Africa-Europe migrations. The meeting offered a platform for rethinking
European Union (EU) and Africa celebrate their The launch was co-hosted by the Swedish gov- The speakers engaged the notion that African migration governance in Europe and argued for
close relations, policymakers from both conti- ernment and the Sweden-based Nordic Africa and European perspectives on migration govern- the depoliticisation and desecuritisation of mi-
nents have divergent perspectives on the issue of Institute (NAI), in collaboration with the Institute ance are “worlds apart”, as reflected in the title of gration, and the implementation of sustainable
migration. for Pan-African Thought and Conversation at the book. Clearly, discourse on Africa-EU migra- policy templates that would address the voices
While African actors see migration as natural, the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. tion is dominated by EU narratives and driven by of African migrants. Realistically, border policing
developmental and mutually beneficial, EU poli- The meeting was chaired by the Director of NAI, the asymmetrical power relations between Africa does not necessarily reduce migration. It is impor-
cymakers conceive it from the standpoints of poli- Therese Sjömander Magnusson. Both editors of and Europe. tant to humanise migration policy and partner to
ticking, security and control. the book, Anna Knoll and Amanda Bisong of the As reinforced during the meeting, migration build a more developed Africa through support in
A lively discussion took place at the recent European Centre for Development Policy Man- is the means to achieve a goal. Panelists interro- human capacity-building and other needs as de-
launch of the edited volume titled, Worlds Apart? agement in Maastricht, the Netherlands, were gated the weakness of the European emphasis on termined by Africans.
Perspectives of Africa-EU Migration, by this writer speakers. addressing the root causes of African migration The meeting advocated for the establishment
and Jesper Bjarnesen. and interrogated the EU’s attempt to drastically re- of an Africa-EU taskforce to implement and pro-
As the Swedish EU Presidency winds up next Myths duce irregular migration through the EU’s invest- mote a mutually beneficial Africa-EU migration
month, the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Min- As highlighted in the book, the meeting contended ments in African socioeconomic development governance. — DM
istry for Foreign Affairs invited policymakers on with some of the myths about Africa-EU migra- and peacebuilding.
migration from the 27 EU member states to the tion. Indeed, more Africans travel through legal Many of these interventions do not reduce mi- Dr Adeoye O Akinola is Head of Research
launch of the book in Brussels, Belgium, on 2 May, channels than illegal routes such as the Mediter- gration, but enhance movements. People migrate and Teaching at the Institute for Pan-African
at the offices of the Swedish Permanent Represen- ranean Sea, and intra-African migration exceeds for several reasons. Migration, which is some- Thought and Conversations at the University
tation to the EU. Africa’s movement to other regions. times forced in Africa, is a significant characteris- of Johannesburg.

way into the Guinness World Records

Forfeit and forget – suddenly no cadres can for the highest number of court ap-
pearances by a septuagenarian in the
history of court systems. Those were

remember currying favour with the Guptas the days, man, when ANC deployees
went to bed with one eye open to keep
tabs on the news for a possible Cabi-
net reshuffle.
Mr Styles places to disclose their encounters key state decisions and appointments. awaiting extradition. Or not. The man really kept his comrades
with the Guptas. A bemused public It came to a point where even I, a Believing that the Guptas will ever on their toes with his midnight Cabi-

HOSE were the Guptas’ heyday was entertained by tales of how sen- stylish child of the soil with no links to be brought to justice in this country net reshuffle announcements. That
— when they could summon ior and not-so-senior ANC cadres had the ruling party elite, had a recurring they allegedly looted and semi-con- was rather cruel. Imagine being fired
and be serviced by the feckless been summoned like scholars to the nightmare in which I was serenaded trolled with the aid of high-ranking in the dead of night. You go to bed a
ANC cabal that flocked to their Joburg infamous Gupta mansion in Johan- by sari-clad maidens in a sensual ANC cadres is like harbouring hopes minister with all the wonderful ben-
mansion. Yet now it’s hard to find a nesburg’s leafy Saxonwold suburb to Oriental dance while being hosted at that we could one day see Steve efits — a driver, bodyguards, a shiny
single party member who even re- be wined, dined and curried by the Saxonwold. Hofmeyr as EFF president. state vehicle fuelled by the taxpayer.
members them. enterprising family. One of the Gupta brothers, I can’t Bringing the Guptas back to face The next morning you wake to find
Time really flies. And with its pass- It seemed like a competition of sorts remember which one, then offered justice for their alleged role in State that you have to hail a taxi to buy the
ing, we forget what should, in real- — comrades scrambling to outdo one me the position of chairperson of the Capture would not be in the best in- morning papers reporting about your
ity, be unforgettable. Well, perhaps another with stories of their encoun- Anti-Stylish People’s Organisation. terests of the ruling party. It would late-night dismissal, with all the privi-
there’s just too much going on in this ters with the brothers from Mumbai. Just imagine that… be like the convicted fraudster, rapist leges of being a minister suddenly
republic of Mzansi for us to have Read more in Daily Maverick: Mes- Well, being a patriotic citizen deep- and murderer Thabo Bester forcing withdrawn.
enough time to digest it all. sage for the Moegoe from Moscow: SA ly committed to the stylish agenda of his corrupt prison warden buddies to Even the security guards who you
Take the case of the Guptas, for in- takes a stand against global tsotsis this Mzansihood, I turned down the testify for the prosecution in his latest used to force to lick your boots each
stance. It was only because of revela- Bollywood scriptwriters would no offerWe are now in a very strange case. time you made your way into your
tions this past week that Gupta crony doubt have found compelling materi- period in which not any of these ANC The best we can hope for if we state property no longer care to salute
Mosebenzi Zwane has been slapped al for a hit film with How We Stole an cadres dare speak about these won- are really serious about meting out or even greet you, because you have
with some form of punishment for African Country as the working title. derful hosts, who served them some some form of punishment to them now become just another ordinary
his links to their corrupt deeds that It was all just too much. Some spoke of the finest cuisine Mumbai had to is to gather the country’s best brains redeployed cadre.
some of us remembered we once had about the tasty curry dishes served offer while threatening them with in witchcraft circles and cast deadly We have even forgotten that the
a problem with that family. during such encounters. Others spoke dire action if they didn’t follow their spells on them. But jail time or trial in man who ruled over us and is now
Remember a time, not so long ago, of being offered positions in Cabi- orders. It’s like they are now all suf- Mzansi, hayi khona… in line for a possible entry into the
when the Guptas were the subject of net or state-owned enterprises, right fering from a high degree of collective Guinness World Records did some jail
every news bulletin? Even kids play- there in that mansion. memory loss. Nobody even seems to Short memories time for defying a commission of in-
ing football in the streets, buoyed by One visitor, who was at the time remember that the Mumbai trio ever The reality is that we are people with quiry that he himself had set up. Ai…
the constant mention of this name the longest-serving premier in the lived here. such short memories that we have al- — DM168
in the media, nicknamed themselves country, was even reported to have It’s even more startling how it ap- most forgotten about the Guptas and
Guptas. That was a time when ANC made a dashing 400km drive from pears that no one knows exactly the assistant thieves who paved the Mr Styles is the former president
politicians, their consciences tempo- Bloemfontein after being summoned where the Guptas are. One moment way for their looting of state resources of the Organisation for Stylish Peo-
rarily restored by the possibility of to Saxonwold by the Guptas. By then, they were living it up in a Gulf state and coffers. We have even forgotten ple of South Africa (Osposa). He is
ending up on the wrong side of prison we were told, they were some sort of that’s got no extradition treaties with that, not so long ago, we were ruled by against anything and anyone un-
bars, crept out of all manner of dodgy super-Cabinet structure that made South Africa, the next they were in jail a man who now threatens to make his stylish.
26 Regional News Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

R South Africa is following

EADING the letter from Zim-
babwe from Cathy Buckle in
the paper today, there will be
those who shake their heads about
the collapse of a once-thriving

in Zimbabwe’s footsteps
country and will mutter something
about South Africa heading in that
same direction.

But, wait. Read it again.

Dire conditions
For you will see that, in many re-
spects, our country is already there.
There are already many people sell-
ing things from makeshift spaza
shops on our streets.
There are already gridlocked
traffic jams at intersections where
the traffic lights don’t work — and
where volunteers (often homeless
people in the case of Johannesburg)
step in and impose order on the ve-
hicular chaos.
We, as South Africans, are al-
ready filling the gaps left by our
failed electricity network — wheth-
er through solar power or other al-
Many of us are also looking to
the future and sinking boreholes to
provide our households with wa-
ter. We are already a failed state – if
you define a failed state as a place
where citizens have to take care of
themselves because their govern-
ment cannot do what it should be

And, while we in South Africa may
not be as far down the road of col-
lapse as our neighbours to the
north, more and more services are
not being delivered by the state.
And, as more and more citizens
fall “off the grid”, either through
design or circumstance, we are
going to start seeing negative spin-
offs which will tighten the spiral of
decline – like the decline in tax rev-
enue, which will parallel the mush-
rooming informal sector.
The positive of this is, looking
at things north of our border, that
people on this continent are both
resourceful and resilient and that
they can survive despite what their
politicians do to them. The negative
is that a country goes from a devel-
oping nation to a deteriorating one.
— The Citizen THE group protested against the alleged human rights violations taking place in Zimbabwe. — file pic.

Zimbabwe author Tsitsi Dangarembga

has conviction for protest overturned
IMBABWEAN author and activist by magistrates last year. Her lawyer Chris paigners, which included the arrest of the
Tsitsi Dangarembga has had her Mhike said the court did not find evidence investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono.
conviction for inciting violence by of any wrongdoing, but the full judgment is Chin’ono, who was arrested three times be-
staging a peaceful protest overturned. yet to be released. tween 2020 and 2021 after accusing the gov-
The critically acclaimed writer was given “Eventually, justice prevailed in this case. ernment of corruption, told the Guardian
a six-month suspended sentence and fined It is most unfortunate that it took so long for the pair were being persecuted for standing
70,000 Zimbabwean dollars (£170) in Sep- Tsitsi and Julie to be set free. Be that as it up to “tyranny, corruption and the abuse of
tember 2022 for staging a protest calling for may, this vindication from the high court is the rule of law”.
political reform. During the 2020 protest, most welcome,” Mhike said. “The acquittal of Tsitsi Dangarembga and
alongside fellow activist Julie Barnes, Dan- Human rights organisations including Julie Barnes is another testimony of how the
garembga held a placard inscribed: “We Amnesty International and the writers’ as- rule of law has broken down in the magis-
want better. Reform our institu- sociation Pen International had called for trates court,” said Chin’ono.
tions.” the charges against Dangarembga to be Dangarembga, whose novel This Mourna-
On Monday, the high dropped. ble Body was longlisted for the Booker prize
court in Harare over- Dangarembga, a longtime in 2020, has been a fierce critic of Emmer-
turned the verdict critic of the ruling Zanu-PF son Mnangagwa’s government, which has
handed down party, which has been in faced allegations of corruption and human
power since 1980, said her rights violations.
conviction was a “miscarriage Zimbabwe holds a presidential election
of justice”. this year and there are growing fears that
“The high court ruling overturning freedom of expression could be curtailed.
the magistrate court verdict shows that jus- Critics say the democratic space is shrink-
tice was not served in the magistrates court. ing.
TSITSI I am most encouraged that the high court Opposition politician and activist Job
Dangarembga. shows respect for the law of Zimbabwe as it Sikhala has been in prison for nearly a year
is codified and I pray the high court contin- on charges of inciting violence, while, two
ues to serve the people of Zimbabwe by do- weeks ago, another opposition leader, Jacob
ing so,” Dangarembga said in a statement. Ngarivhume, was jailed for four years for
She went on to accuse Zanu-PF of using inciting public violence by calling on Twit-
the magistrates courts to weaponise the law ter for anti-corruption protests in 2020.
against its “opponents or threats to its ap- One of Zimbabwe’s most vocal opposi-
parent project of hijacking all political tion politicians, Fadzayi Mahere, last month
power in Zimbabwe”. avoided a prison sentence after being con-
Dangarembga was ar- victed of “communicating falsehoods” in
rested amid a crack- 2021. Mahere, the spokesperson for the
down by security main opposition party, Citizens Coalition for
agencies on hu- Change, was fined US$500 (£400).
man rights cam- — The Guardian
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Africa 27

Sudan’s potentially expansive war closed it at the start of the clashes.

The border with CAR remains open.
Both countries have also already

poses severe risks for Chad and CAR

started experiencing an influx
of refugees and returnees. Chad
has recorded between 10,000 and
20,000 refugees in Koufroune, 320
Sudanese soldiers fleeing hostilities

PPONENTS in Sudan’s deadly and more than 300 Chadian return-
clashes seem determined ees.
to continue fighting despite In mid-April, the United Nations
repeated calls from neighbouring warned it wouldn’t be able to feed
countries, the African Union and the 600,000 refugees in Chad from
United Nations for a ceasefire. The May onwards if it didn’t receive
stalemate is worrying for Sudan’s emergency international funding.
neighbours, particularly Chad and In CAR, the border city of Am Dafok
the Central African Republic (CAR), in the north has already taken in
which have previously felt the dev- more than 6,240 Sudanese refugees
astating impact of deadly conflicts and over 3,460 CAR returnees since
in the country. the conflict began.
More than 500 people have been The economic impact of Sudan’s
killed and over 4,000 injured in war will also be felt by its western
the bloodshed that broke out on 15 neighbours. Although Chad and
April between the Sudanese Armed CAR depend mainly on Cameroon
Forces (SAF) under General Abdel for their exports and imports, east-
Fattah al-Burhan and the Rapid Sup- ern Chadian provinces and north-
port Forces (RSF) led by General Mo- eastern CAR prefectures trade with
hamed Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti). Sudan and so could be affected. In
Chad shares a long 1,300 km the Vakaga localities, the price of
boundary with Sudan. Border- basic foodstuffs has risen since the
ing Darfur in western Sudan, the fighting began.
eastern regions of Chad and CAR’s CAR and Chad should urgently
northeast have suffered from the step-up measures to contain pos-
fighting that started in that region BOTH countries have also already started experiencing an influx of refugees and returnees. sible spillovers. Engaging with
in around 2003. In Chad, Janja- leaders of transborder communi-
weed militias have caused several ties could help prevent community
hundred deaths in the Wadi Fira, munity and others. private Russian company Wagner. allies the Zaghawa, who are at log- members from joining the fighting.
Ouaddai and Sila provinces. In Some states have used militias, The Vakaga prefecture, for exam- gerheads with Hemedti. The princi- For those working on regional
CAR, the prefectures of Vakaga and warriors and weapons in these ple, is a regular theatre for attacks ple is well known: the friend of your political and diplomatic solutions
Haute-Kotto have felt the atrocities border areas to fuel insecurity. Un- by rebel groups run by Noureddine enemy may easily become your en- to Sudan’s conflict, the security con-
of these militias. Both countries der Idriss Déby Itno and Omar al- Adam and Ali Darassa. Due to these emy. How these cross-border com- cerns of CAR and Chad in relation to
have hosted Sudanese refugees. Bashir, Chad and Sudan supported rebellions, Sudan closed its border munities position themselves in the this crisis must also be considered.
Chad, CAR and Sudan have in destabilisation efforts in both coun- with CAR earlier this year. war will be important. Humanitarian agencies in all
common a group of communities tries. When the Seleka started gain- In Sudan’s current conflict, com- In Chad, for example, power has three countries need financial sup-
whose movement has never been ing ground in CAR’s northeast, fin- munity members belonging to cer- been held by Déby’s son for the past port to deal with new refugees,
stopped by administrative bounda- gers were pointed at Khartoum and tain tribes and ethnic groups could two years, following his father’s internally displaced persons and
ries. These include the Rounga, N’Djamena. aggravate the fragility of countries three decades as president. The rul- returnees. It is vital that the inter-
various Arab tribes, Zaghawa, Tama Darfur’s major conflicts over to the west. Indeed, Hemedti’s RSF ing family belongs to the Zaghawa national community and the Afri-
and Massalit. In past clashes, they the past two decades have turned is a fundamentally Arab entity. And ethnic group, while several senior can Union’s African Humanitarian
were mobilised by multiple rebel- regional. That makes Sudan’s cur- while they were still the Janjaweed members of the Chadian transition Agency are mobilised in all affected
lions and other militias, regardless rent impasse worrying for Chad operating in Darfur, these paramili- belong to the Arab community. In countries. — DM
of nationality. and CAR, which are in fragile politi- taries alienated communities like CAR, some rebels now stationed in
The Janjaweed in all three coun- cal and security situations. Chad is the Zaghawa. the country’s north also belong to Remadji Hoinathy, Senior Re-
tries has mainly mobilised Arab undergoing a contested transition, While the SAF seems representa- the Arab community. searcher, Central Africa and
communities. Rebel groups in Dar- with security risks still acute in tive of Sudan’s populations, al- Despite their posture of neutral- Great Lakes, Institute for Securi-
fur, such as Khalil Ibrahim’s Jus- parts of the country, including the Burhan had earlier allied with for- ity, both countries could become ty Studies (ISS) and Dr Yamingué
tice and Equality Movement, were east. mer leaders of the Zaghawa militias embroiled in the Sudan conflict be- Bétinbaye, Director of Research,
predominantly Zaghawa. CAR’s Se- CAR is still trying to gain control in Darfur, notably Suliman Arcua cause of these cross-border commu- Centre de recherches en anthro-
leka rebellion also mobilised groups of its entire territory despite mili- Minnawi, the current Darfur gover- nity dynamics. Chad sent additional pologie et sciences humaines,
such as the Rounga, the Arab com- tary support from Rwanda and the nor. So al-Burhan counts among his troops to its border with Sudan and N’Djaména, Chad.

HE Financial Times’ Africa’s Fastest
Growing Companies 2023 list of 100
reveals that sectors such as fintech, re-
List of Africa’s 100 fastest-growing
newable energy, construction and healthcare
grew their businesses over the past year,
shaking off the pandemic and gearing for the
companies includes more than 40 from SA
Among the top performers in South Africa crease in sales over the past financial year,
are IT companies, a mining house and a re- which it says is driven by affordability, invest-
seller of second-hand luxury goods, which ment potential, sustainability concerns and
has been named the fastest growing retail availability.
company in Africa and is 37th overall — beat- Company co-founder Michael Zahariev
ing the growth of more established giants Syg- says that with luxury brands like Hermès,
nia, Naspers, Purple Group and others. Chanel and Louis Vuitton increasing their
That’s not to say the companies are on an prices in some instances by as much as 25
equal footing when it comes to revenue: the percent, Luxity has seen a boom in sales be-
list merely provides an overview of a compa- cause it offers customers the opportunity to
ny’s growth. And some are motoring ahead. purchase high-end items at a fraction of the
The FT ranking notes that in the fastest- original cost.
growing companies list’s inaugural year, “These price increases also allow people to
Covid-19 had accelerated the move online, sell their items at higher prices, allowing for
and companies providing digital services more supply to the market.”
in finance, payments, trade facilitation and The list was once again compiled with the
healthcare were all making headway. research company Statista, which ranked
“It also seems to have been the time in companies by their compound annual growth
which Silicon Valley investors, as well as rate in revenue between 2018 and 2021.
those in Asia and Europe, discovered poten- By researching public information, Statista
tial in the African startup scene, particularly identified companies in Africa as potential
in the tech hubs of Lagos, Cape Town, Johan- candidates for the FT ranking, which were
nesburg, Nairobi and Cairo.” then invited to participate.
Quoting Steve Beck, the cofounder of No- To be included in the list, companies had to
vastar Ventures, a Nairobi venture capital generate revenue of at least $100,000 in 2018
firm, the report said African tech startups had BM GEORGINA grow. and $1.5-million in 2021, and have their head-
raised $5.2-billion in 2021, three times more quarters in Africa.
than in 2020. Many fast-growing companies are private-
which topped the list last year. The e-com- the Congo and Sierra Leone. ly held, the FT notes, so they do not publicly
Top of the list merce company helps small traders to ac- Forty-one South African companies are in- disclose detailed financial data.
Two Nigerian companies top the latest list of cess inventory through more efficient supply cluded in the list, with Deimos Cloud, which “That makes a ranking like this an exercise
the continent’s fastest-growing companies. chains in seven African countries. grew by 177 percent and attained revenue of in approximation and the list does not claim
Abuja-based Afex Commodities Exchange, a Startups dominate, but do not monopolise, $9.5-million during the period at number six, to be definitive. But the screening process…
commodities brokerage for maize, sorghum, the list, which also features metals and min- whereas mining giant Northam Platinum, at which also requires senior executives to sign
cocoa and rice, is in first position with a com- ing, telecoms, healthcare, food and beverages, 23, grew by just under 63 percent and made off on the figures submitted by their compa-
pound annual growth rate over the past three and construction companies. $2.12-billion — less than No 29, Implats (at nies, means, we hope, that the ranking offers
years of 505.3 percent. It was founded in 2014. The list includes a Namibian table grape $8.4-billion), which grew by 53.46 percent. a helpful guide to the companies and sectors
In second place is Moniepoint from Lagos, producer — Silverlands, in the Aussenkehr At No 37 on the list is Luxity, which grew that are managing to do business in a com-
which offers banking for small businesses. It Valley along the Orange River — a Kenyan by 48.8 percent and generated $1.9-million in plex and fast-changing environment.”
has grown by 321 percent over the past three fish farm, a South African company that con- 2021. Future years, the authors say, will reveal
years. ducts remote hearing tests, and renewable Luxity is South Africa’s biggest pre-owned just how enduring their business models
In third place is Sokowatch from Kenya, energy companies in Democratic Republic of luxury reseller, boasting a 75 percent in- were. — DM168
28 International Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Russian missiles
USSIAN cruise missiles exploded in the
air over Kyiv as Vladimir Putin marked
the anniversary of victory over the Na-
zis with a fresh overnight attack on Ukraine.
Speaking at the 78th annual celebration
of the defeat of Nazi Germany in Moscow’s
Red Square, the Russian president said the

downed over Kyiv

“survival of the Russian people” depended on
the war in Ukraine as he used his Victory Day
speech to defend his invasion of the country.
“Today, civilisation is again at a decisive,
turning point, a real war has been unleashed
against us again,” Putin said as he delivered
an angry speech in which he drew false par-
allels between today’s fight with Ukraine’s
“criminal regime” and the defeat of Nazi Ger-
many in 1945.
“We are proud of the participants of the
special military operation. The future of our
as Putin marks Victory Day in combative style . . .
people depends on you,” he said, standing on
the Red Square podium. boost on Monday when the heads of Kazakh-
Putin also blamed the west for “destroy- stan, Uzbekistan and Armenia — three post-
ing traditional values” and propagandising a Soviet countries that Moscow strives to keep
“system of robbery and violence”. in its orbit — announced they would attend
“The goal of our enemies, and there is noth- the military parade on Red Square alongside
ing new here, is to achieve the disintegration Putin.
and destruction of our country,” the president Putin’s speech came hours after his country
said, striking a largely familiar tone and fram- launched a fresh barrage of cruise missiles on
ing the war in Ukraine as a defensive battle Ukraine. Kyiv said its air defences shot down
unleashed on Russia. 23 of 25 missiles, fired chiefly at the capital,
“Here is to our victory!,” the Russian presi- Kyiv, and there were no reported casualties.
dent exclaimed before leaving the podium. “Overnight into the ‘sacred’ May 9, [they]
Victory Day, when Russians celebrate the launched an attack on the territory of
end of what they call the “great patriotic war” Ukraine,” Ukraine’s air force said on its Tel-
against Nazi Germany in 1945, has emerged egram messaging app.
as the centrepiece of Putin’s vision of Russian Sergei Popko, the head of the Kyiv city mili-
identity over his 23 years in charge. tary administration, said the Russians were
ecurity concerns cast a shadow on this trying to kill civilians.
year’s Victory Day celebrations across Rus- He added: “As at the front, the plans of the
sia after two drones attacked the Kremlin last aggressor failed.”
week. More than 20 cities across the country Russia’s latest missile barrage came as both
had scrapped their parades, including those sides appeared to be preparing for a widely
several thousands of miles from the front- expected Ukrainian offensive Kyiv hopes will
lines. help recapture territory lost since the start of
The traditional flyover in Moscow and St the war.
Petersburg was cancelled on Monday and As Putin sought to rally his country through
the parade in the Russian capital was shorter the memory of the second world war, the
than in previous years. Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy,
Observers also noticed that this year’s pa- on Monday said that “all the old evil that mod-
rade featured significantly less heavy modern ern Russia is bringing back will be defeated
equipment than in years past — including just as Nazism was defeated”.
only one Soviet-era tank — a clear sign that On Tuesday, the European Commission
the war in Ukraine has inflicted a heavy toll president, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in
on the country’s military. Kyiv for talks with the Ukranian leader.
More than 500 Russian soldiers who fought “Good to be back in Kyiv,” Von der Leyen
in Ukraine were present at the parade, ac- said on Twitter. “Where the values we hold
cording to state media. dear are defended everyday.”
The Russian president did receive a late PR — The Guardian VLADIMIR Putin delivers his speech during the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

EU leaders set out hopes for post-

An influential House of Lords
committee recently urged the gov-
ernment to start working with EU

Brexit relations with Britain

capitals to remove Brexit barriers
that block musicians, young people
and professionals from working
easily in Europe.
The UK’s Europe minister, Leo

U leaders have signalled their Docherty, told the EU European
desire to reset relations with affairs committee that it was fre-
the UK, seven turbulent years quently the first topic of discussion
on from the seismic Brexit vote. in his visits to EU capitals.
Representatives from all 27 mem- EU school visits collapsed after
ber states said on Monday that they Brexit owing to a new rule imposed
wanted to “develop further ties be- by the UK that all visitors from the
tween the EU and the UK” after a bloc had to have a passport rather
deal sealed on Brexit trade arrange- than an ID card. This has proved
ments for Northern Ireland. a challenge for schools across the
A little more than two months continent where ID cards, not pass-
after the Windsor framework was ports, are the official identity docu-
agreed between Rishi Sunak and ments of choice.
the European Commission chief, EU leaders chose Europe Day
Ursula von der Leyen, they stressed because of a resonance they see
the value of being “valuable part- between the joint effort to protect
ners with each other”. Europe from Russia and the day in
In an article written for the Guard- 1950 when Robert Schuman, the
ian to mark Europe Day on Tuesday, foreign minister of France, pro-
ambassadors and high commission- posed the creation of an economic
ers of all the EU member states say: union to bind countries in the post-
“Rediscovery of common interests war era.
and concerns have thus led to the The ambassadors note that “the
Windsor framework and to a much EU has become a bulwark of de-
welcome and necessary regain in mocracy and promotes security,
trust in EU–UK relations. economic development, human
“The task ahead is therefore to rights and fundamental freedoms
build on this re-engagement and to throughout the world” — objectives
develop further the ties between the that are shared by the UK.
EU and the UK. “Nowhere is this more evident
“A strong UK and a strong EU are than in our common response to the
valuable partners for each other. RISHI Sunak and Ursula von der Leyen at a joint press conference in Windsor after securing a outbreak of war on the European
To our mutual advantage we have breakthrough deal to regulate trade in Northern Ireland. continent,” they add.
the solid relations between our so- In relation to cross-border travel
cieties, our business and academic curity, and foreign policy arrange- cards, with talks reopening recently Brexit deal. for schools, Charles Hay, chair of the
communities, and the need to en- ments could be high on the list of on the UK’s participation in Horizon The letter comes less than year Lords European affairs committee,
sure they continue engaging with new partnership talks after the EU Europe, the EU’s €95.5bn (£83.3bn) after relations broke down between said it behoved the liberal democ-
and enriching each other in a mutu- leaders praised the leading role the science and research programme. the UK and the EU when the then racies of Europe to unite despite
ally profitable and respectful man- UK has played in the Ukraine-Russia Fundamental issues such as a prime minister, Liz Truss, tabled Brexit. “We think we can do better
ner.” conflict. re-entry to the single market or the the Northern Ireland protocol bill and we must do better, and we have
The article is not specific about A deal on science and satellite customs union will not be up for — which threatened to unilater- the mechanics to do better,” he said.
the ties, but talks about future se- communications is already on the discussion, as this would reopen the ally tear up parts of the withdrawal — The Guardian
Jobs &Tenders Lesotho Times
May 11 - 17 2023

T Man discovered that happy

HE link between employee wellbeing
and productivity is all the rage these
days in the world of work.
Recent studies around the world have

workers are more productive

found that employees who are happy, are
paid well and have healthy working environ-
ments, are more productive.
The studies include trials by the organisa-
tion 4 Day Week Global, which claims work-
ing fewer hours equals more productivity
and better mental health for workers.
In fact, a pioneering pilot programme is
currently being carried out in South Africa
by the local branch of the non-profit organi-
However, the idea of higher productivity in
healthier workspaces is not a novel one.
It was discovered and applied over 200
years ago by Robert Owen, a Welsh entrepre-
neur and social reformer.
Owen was born into a working-class family
in 1771.
When he was 10 years old he was was sent
to work in a drapery and textiles factory. This
experience at a very young age shaped his be-
liefs and ideals for the rest of his life.
Owen’s ideas cannot be divorced from his
politics. He is considered the father of British
Among other things, he sought to create a
socialist utopia.
A self-educated man, he aimed to establish
a community where everyone worked for the
common good and there was equality among
As the owner of a cotton mill, Owen sup-
ported youth education and early childcare,
free education for workers, and incentives for
work produced by labourers.
He was also instrumental in raising de-
mand for an eight-hour work day, at a time
when most people, including children,
worked more than 13 hours a day. RECENT studies around the world have found that employees who are happy, are paid well and have healthy working environments,
— IOL are more productive.

Vacancy Announcement
Chief Executive Officer
The Road Fund is seeking a highly skilled Chief Executive Officer to join the team at the Head Office. The successful candidate will be responsible
for the overall stewardship and leadership of the Road Fund, through effective Strategy development and implementation, and taking overall
responsibility for the operations of the Road Fund.

Job Purpose:
The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and executing the Organisational Strategy and Annual Business Plans, ensuring business
operational continuity, managing all Road Fund operations, preparing and monitoring the budget, overseeing the management of all employees,
ensuring compliance with all legal and statutory rules and regulations, and upholding the image of Road Fund through stakeholder management.

Qualifications, Working Experience and Knowledge:

• Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) or equivalent plus ten (10) years of working experience at a Managerial level; OR
• Masters degree in Engineering or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with a professional Engineering certification plus ten (10) years
of working experience at a Managerial level.
• Background knowledge of Corporate Governance.

Salary will be in accordance with the Road Fund scales of remuneration, which are competitive and market-related.

Requirements further include:

• Certified copies of qualifications
• Two reference letters

Closing Date: Friday 19th May 2023 at 12:00hrs (Mid-day).

If you meet the requirements of this role, please send your CV to: recruitment@roadfund.org.ls
Post delivery to: The Chairperson of the Board, Road Fund, P.O. Box 14644, Maseru 100
Hand deliver to: Ground Floor Reception Office of the Road Fund Secretariat, Corner Senate and Moshoeshoe Roads, Industrial Area, Maseru.

Only candidates who succeed in the short-listing stage will be contacted. The Road Fund reserves the right not to appoint if no suitable candidate is identified.
For further details on the Chief Executive Officer’s job profile please visit the Road Fund website: www.roadfund.org.ls.
30 Jobs & Tenders Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

LES/ IEC/TEN/PAN/ 2023-2024/10
The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) invites tenders from interested companies for the supply and delivery of
1300 Collapsible Polling Booths to be used in the coming 2023 Local Government Elec�ons.


Tender document is obtainable from Procurement Unit 2nd Floor at MGC Park during working hours from 09:00am to
The Roads Directorate (RD) was established through the Roads Directorate Act 2010 16:00 hours. Bidders must purchase a copy of tender document at a NON-Refundable fee of M2 200.00 (two thousand,
as aRoads
bodyDirectorate invites
corporate with applica�ons
perpetual from suitably
succession as a qualifi ed candidates
non-profit for theinstitution
making public following
The Addendum Serves to inform Only Category
posi� on: by the Board of Directors. The Roads Directorate manages road infrastructure
two hundred Malo�). The procedure for obtaining the Tender document is as follows: Payment of bid document must
be made at 2nd floor MGC Park, Accounts sec�on. The receipt issued must be taken to the office of Procurement
where document will be issued.
and ensures that existing roads and access QUALIFICATION
comprehensively and regularly
A Electrical Contractors From LEC are Eligible
maintained and rehabilitated when required, upgraded and extended in an efficient EVALUATION CRITERIA
manner to meet the needs of the economy for the nation. The main functions of the
in this Tender of Maintenance and Repair of
• Lead �me
Roads Directorate are Road Network Planning, Development and Maintenance; Quality • Price
Applicants must
assurance as well as construction andhave the following:
maintenance of footbridges.
• Financial capabili�es; - Current bank statement for three months and a le�er from the bank as an assurance

Kingsway Ar�ficial Road Ligh�ng.

Qualifica�ons and Experience
• University Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized ins�tu�on.
that the supplier will be financed for incapable suppliers.
OR - Tenderers own current financial statements together with an audit opinion from a qualified
The Roads Directorate wishes to invite all interested Lesotho bidders who did not register independent Auditor.
• Postgraduate Degree in Civil Engineering or related fields/ or • Specifica�ons
with Roads Directorate in 2021 registration,
Project Management/to register
or MBA vehicles, and
will be an those
added who registered
advantage. • IEC is not bound to lowest price.
but Director
want to Road
add their • plantTenand
(10)equipment for hire.inAll vehicles, plant andinfrastructure
The Dates for Pre-Tender Mee�ng has been
be registered in Lesotho.
Development RD/
years’ experience management of road
maintenance especially in road and bridge maintenance,

The price should be VAT inclusive for suppliers who qualify to collect VAT (a�ach VAT registra�on cer�ficate).
Price should be quoted in Malo� currency.
postponed to 13 , October,2022 Because
upgradingth and rehabilita�on plus five (5) years’ experience in the
management of road and/or bridge technology and maintenance

A�ach valid and relevant Traders License / Business Iden�ty Card.
A�ach valid and relevant copy of Tax Clearance Cer�ficate.

the 4 , October 2022 is the Holiday. The

th at a senior level within Government or private sector. • A�ach Share Cer�ficate of shareholders from Registrar of companies (Not Company extract).
1. 2016 make and later• models (this applies
Demonstrated to 4X4 double
experience in changecabs only)
management within both • The specifica�ons should be wri�en in full on the quota�on.
2. Proof of Equipment & Plant Ownership
Government andand/or Vehicle
private sectorRegistration
will be a dis�Certificate/blue
nct advantage. card • The bonafide cer�ficate should be filled and signed by company’s authorised representa�ve (failure will
submission also has changed to Thursday,
3. A valid certified copy• of owner’s
4. A valid copy of Tax Clearance
Identification document
of both project
is mandatory
management and contracts
(certified at source)

lead to rejec�on) and the total cost should be wri�en on the cer�ficate.
Provide unreturnable samples as per provided specifica�ons.

27 ,October,2022.
5. A valid copy of Trader’s Demonstrate
• License knowledge
construc�on disputes
and experience in management of
at source)
• Bidders are informed that 5% and 10% source tax will be deducted from payments for local and foreign
companies respec�vely.
• Electronic bidding shall not be permi�ed.
Plant and equipment to be registered: • Companies are not allowed to use IEC logo without being authorised.

For further details please contact:

• Payment will be done a�er delivery of goods.
Graders, Excavators, TLB, Water Tankers, Water Pumps, Water Bowsers, Air • Bidders are informed that IEC will no longer be a signatory to any bank confirma�on le�er OR any le�er
from a Financial Ins�tu�on with regards to payment terms.
Compressors, Concrete
are to Mixers, Pedestrian, Smooth andAnPad FootonRollers, Plate
The Procurement Manager, Roads
of Educa�Mechanical
onal Cer�ficates
submit the
following documents:
Asphalt cutters,Concrete
and transcripts,
Curriculum Vitae and
le�er; Cer�
3m3, 6m3,
Low beds and Tractors. We will also register Sets of Plant and Equipment.
• Bid validity period shall be 90 days.

Sealed bids bearing no iden�fica�on of the suppliers should be deposited in the tender box at the IEC 2nd Floor MGC
cer� ficate (if any).
NB:Directorate at email addresses:
Applica�onswill should
be frombe th
May 2022
17submi� ed totothe 02nd June
thefollowing 2022(only),
email in all ten
no districts
hardcopiesat Roads
will be
On or before 12:30pm Thursday 22nd June 2023 and will be opened on the same date at 14:30hours. Envelopes should
be clearly marked: “SUPPLY OF POLLING BOOTHS” .For further informa�on, rela�ng to the above informa�on please

Directorate ntlhakanam@rd.org.ls
allowed:Offices from 09:00am to 17:00pm.
The Procurement Unit
Independent Electoral Commission

Dateline for submission isFor
find detailed
Procurement job descrip�
May 2023.
26thfurther details please contact:
Roads onDirectorate
on Roads Directorate website and facebook page
at email addresses:ntlhakanam@rd.org.ls/
2nd Floor MGC PARK
Corner Pope John Paull II Road & Mpilo Boulevard

Tel: (+266) 22323024/ 22323029/ 52229000

Maseru, Lesotho
mahiritonaf@rd.org.ls Quality Roads, Improving Connec�vity Tel: +266 – 22 314991/22323362
Tel: (+266) 22323024/ 22323029/ 52229000 Fax: +266 – 22 310398
E-mail: tenders@iec.org.ls
website: h�https://www.rd.org.ls
ps://www.rd.org.ls The Independent Electoral Commission of Lesotho reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders.
website: and Streams
Roads, Improving vityProsperity ________________
Conquering Mountains and Streams for Prosperity
Procurement Unit-IEC

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Directors Directors
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Jobs & Tenders 31


Job Summary
Tholo Energy is looking for an HR Administrator to support our Human Resources The bi-national Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), of the Kingdom of Lesotho (KOL) and the Republic of South Africa
(RSA) is aimed at harnessing the water resources of the highlands of Lesotho for the mutual advantage of Lesotho and the
department. The incumbent will act as the first point of contact for HR-related Republic of South Africa.
queries from employees and external partners.
The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) was set up to implement and operate that part of the LHWP that falls
The candidate must have knowledge of the HR procedures and juggle around various within the borders of Lesotho. LHDA is to embark on Phase II of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP), a multi-billion-
administrative tasks in a timely manner, should be able to ensure our HR department rand Phase involving large-scale civil engineering and socio-environmental aspects. In ensuring that it achieves its mandate,
the LHDA places emphasis on its values of caring, professionalism, execution, teamwork, communication, and customer
supports our employees while conforming to labor laws. focus. If you are a Lesotho National espousing the above values and interested in progressing your career to the next level,
please submit your application for the following position tenable at the LHDA, for a contract duration of five (5) years.

Roles and Responsibilities

• Assist in developing and implementing the HR strategy for the company DIVISION/
• Administer the recruitment and selection process Degree in Human Resources

• Administer training and development as well as the performance Management, Industrial Psychology or
A Post-Graduate Degree in Human
management for the company Resources
• Update internal databases e.g Leaves and staff register To develop and maintain a Human
Resources Branch that, within the
Management/ Industrial Psychology/
MBA, or equivalent will be an added
• Prepare HR documents, e.g employment contracts and new hire guides strategic focus and policies of LHDA, advantage.

• Liaise with external partners, e.g insurance vendors and ensure legal
sets out the Human Resources Policies
and Procedures and creates an Minimum Experience
Human Human Resources D4 Paterson employee-centric organisation that Ten (10) years of relevant professional
compliance Resources Manager – HR/ Grading not only values employees but also experience in a similar/large
• Create regular reports and presentations on HR metrics (e.g. turnover rates) Branch HRM/14A/05/23 System ensures a stable and disciplined work organisation, five (5) of which should
be at strategic managerial level.
• Answer employees queries about HR-related issues environment.
Demonstrated experience in Staff Care
and Wellbeing, including Occupational
• Assist in preparing payroll preparation by providing relevant employee Health and Safety for large operations is
a requirement.
information (e.g. leaves of absence, sick days and work schedules)
• Assist in issues of corporate social responsibility or investment Must have considerable experience in
designing and facilitating medium to
• Knowledge of health and Safety process. large scale OD and change management
initiatives, as an HR professional.
CLOSING DATE: 26 May 2023
Application Forms are obtainable on the Ground Floor, LHDA Tower Building or at
Education Requirements and skills www.lhda.org.ls. Application Forms, Curriculum Vitae’s and certified copies of academic
• Degree or Diploma in Business Administration/Human Resources, or certificates, identification and two (2) reference letters are to be hand delivered to the Ground
Floor, LHDA Tower Building, Maseru or posted to the Chief Executive, Lesotho Highlands
relevant field Instruction
Development Authority, P. O. Box 7332, MASERU 100, Lesotho or alternatively e-mailed in read

• Proven work experience as an Administrative Assistant or other related only PDF format files not exceeding 4 MB to recruitment@lhda.org.ls. For further information
that may be required about any of the positions, please visit the Human Resources Branch, on
the 4th Floor, LHDA Tower Building, Kingsway, Maseru, or view the advertisements on the website
special projects. www.lhda.org.ls.
• Experience with HR software, like HRIS or HRMS & Pastel Payroll  Only applications received on or before the closing date and in the prescribed format will
be considered.
• Computer literacy (MS Office applications, in particular)  Applicants must use the LHDA Application Form.

• Thorough knowledge of labor laws


• Excellent organizational skills, with an ability to prioritize important projects Disclaimers

 Attach Curriculum Vitae (CV), certified copies of certificates and valid manual
transmission Motor Vehicle Driver’s Licence.
• Good communication skills 

Correspondence will only be conducted with short-listed candidates.
Selection interviews for short-listed candidates will be at a date, time and place determined
by LHDA.
 Short-listed candidates will be required to authenticate information provided in the
The Closing date for submission of applications is Friday the 19th May 2023. All 
Curriculum Vitae (CV).
LHDA reserves the right to leave an advertised position unfilled if no suitable candidate
applications should be hand delivered to Tholo Energy Office at Matanki House is identified.
 The employment of successful candidates is subject to positive security clearance and
2nd Floor. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. other requirements as may be stipulated by the LHDA

Request for Bids

Plant, Design, Supply and Installation
(Without Prequalification)
Employer: Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd
Project: Lesotho Renewable Energy and Energy Access Project (LREEAP)
Contract title: Upgrading of Substation at Tikoe Industrial Area in Maseru, from 20MVA to 40MVA.
Country: Lesotho
Credit No.: 6532-LS
RFB No: LS-LEC-340836-CW-RFB
Issued on: 4th May, 2023
1. The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Lesotho Renewable Energy and Energy Access Project (LREEAP) and intends to
apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the Contract for Upgrading of Substation at Tikoe Industrial Area in Maseru, from 20MVA to 40MVA.
2. The Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Upgrading of Substation at Tikoe Industrial Area in Maseru, from 20MVA to 40MVA. The works
comprise of:
Design, supply, deliver, offloading, installation and commissioning of 2 x 20 MVA Power Transformers including:
i) Civil Works
• Assess the current civil works infrastructure and propose rehabilitation procedure.
• Decommissioning of existing 2 x 10 MVA Transformers and store them on the concrete slab.
ii) Electrical Works
• Modification of SCADA system to ensure full functionality.
• Carry out all the necessary substation internal wiring or connections
• Design, supply and installation of 11kV NECRT’s
• Testing and Commissioning of all the newly installed equipment
• Prepare As-built drawings, manuals and hand-over to LEC

3. Bidding will be conducted through national competitive procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers World
Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 updated November 2020 (Fourth Edition) (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the
Procurement Regulations.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the Lesotho Electricity Company (Pty) Ltd, Mr. Mokheseng Mokuoane, Project Manager LREEAP LEC email: makhabanel@lec.
co.ls Cc mokhesengmokuoane@gmail.com and inspect the bidding document during office hours 08H00 to 1700 hours at the address given below.
5. The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee
of LSL3,000.00 (Three Thousand Lesotho Loti). The method of payment will be direct deposit into the below shown banking details and sending proof of payment to the email address shown
below. The document will be sent by email.
Account Holder: SREP Grant (TF-1681) Lesotho Electricity Company
Bank: Nedbank
Account Number: 11990115232
Branch Code: 390161
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 13th June, 2023 at 10H00. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the
presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 13th June, 2023 at 10H30.
7. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid-Securing Declaration using the form provided in the bidding document.
8. Attention is drawn to the Procurement Regulations requiring the Borrower to disclose information on the successful bidder’s beneficial ownership, as part of the Contract Award Notice, using
the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form as included in the bidding document.
9. The address referred to above is:
Lesotho Renewable Energy and Energy Access Project (LREEAP) LEC
Mr. Mokheseng Mokuoane
120 Lancers Road, Opposite New State House,
Maseru West, Lesotho
Email: makhabanel@lec.co.ls Cc. mokhesengmokuoane@gmail.com
32 Jobs & Tenders Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023



The Petroleum Fund is a statutory organisation under the Ministry of Finance, which CBA is a non-governmental organisation whose mandate is to assist the Le-
was established through the Legal Notice No. 96 of 1997 under the Finance Order of sotho Government on five thematic areas HIV and AIDS, Livelihoods, Eco-
1988. The purpose of the Fund is to collect revenue that is utilised for ensuring that nomic Empowerment, Food Security and Humanitarian Relief.
there is security of supply of the Petroleum Products (including LPG) in the country.
The organisation is further delegated, under the Fuel and Services Control (Delegation With support from the Global Fund (GF) CBA is implementing TB/HIV , SRH
Notice) Number 32 of 2021, the powers to set the price and time at which Petroleum
Interventions in the following 8 districts Mafeteng, Mohale’sHoek, Quthing,
Products may be adjusted. It is managed by the Board through the Secretariat which
Qachas’Nek, Thaba-Tseka, Mokhotlong, Butha-Buthe and Berea with the fo-
is headed by the Chief Executive Officer, and its operations are guided by the Lesotho
(Petroleum Fund) Regulations of 2021.
cus on Key Populations ( Female Sex workers, MSM and IDUs) .

In light of the above, the Fund seeks to appoint a suitable Consultant to conduct Applications are invited from the suitably qualified candidates to fill the
Market Assessment for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in Lesotho. The objective of this following positions based at Maseru:
assignment is to assess and analyse the current status; including players, trends, and
future outlook and evaluate the existing Regulatory Framework governing the trade/ 1. NURSE:
business, handling, transportation, storage, and use of LPG in the country. Responsibilities include but limited to:
The Nurse will be responsible for providing a minimum package of HIV pre-
Interested eligible bidders may obtain the Terms of Reference upon payment of a non- vention services through support and integration of TB/HIV/SRH including
refundable fee of M1000.00 into the Fund’s bank account: PrEP, to eligible persons in Mokhotlong at designated Drop in Centres (DICs)
Bank Name: – Nedbank or supported hotspots. The incumbent will also frequently travel to support
Account Holder: – Petroleum Fund outreach services in hotspots and community settings. There will be close
Account No: 021000028317 collaboration with the Ministry of Health facilities responsible for the catch-
Branch: Kingsway ment areas being targeted. The incumbent reports directly to the District
Bidders should present the confirmation/proof of payment to the Fund offices for the
purchase of bidding documents. Documents will be available from Monday the 8th May
2023 from 9:00hrs to 15:00hrs. The proposals must be hand-delivered to the address
below on or before Wednesday 24th May 2023 at 12:00 noon and shall be followed by a
Responsibilities include but limited to:
public opening of Technical Proposals at 12:15 pm on the same day. Submissions should The Data Clerk will be responsible for capturing completed data, will ensure
be addressed to: accuracy and completeness of the records captured, working in line with
The Human Resources and Administration Manager the data quality, integrity, safety and security requirements. The incumbent
LCCI Building will also be responsible for implementing daily data management activities
Orpen Road, Old Europa including proper filing, data backup and safe keeping of datasets.
Maseru 100
Tel. 22312137 NOTE: For further information please refer to Selibeng.

Worried about where you can

Location: Kao Mine
get your favourite newspaper?
Salary: Negotiable on experience

SITE WORX (PTY) LTD invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of Health and Safety Officer


a) To establish Health and safety management system, • Implement HACCP program for the site.
inclusive of food safety, and ensure compliance to • Conduct supplier’s audits, respectively fill the
legislative requirements and best codes of practices supplier audit reports, and evaluate suppliers.
in the hospitality industry.
b) To undertake food safety inspections / health & GENERAL:
safety inspections / to initiate remedial action. o To undertake any other duties as requested by

c) To ensure the timely and thorough investigation of all the Director, commensurate with the skills and

complaints allocated.
To investigate incidents / accidents / infectious o
experience of the post holder.
Ensure that emergency procedures are practiced and Introducing the...
disease outbreaks to identify root causes and enforced to provide for the security and safety of
determine appropriate preventative and corrective guests and employees.
actions. o Plan and conduct HSE audits, participate in external
e) Maintaining of a site risk register advice on the best audits and make recommendations to management
methods to manage health and safety risks. in terms of HSE legal and other requirements.
f) Monitor refrigeration and food storage, preparation o To have responsibility for the Health, Safety and
and serving practices and provide technical direction Welfare of self and others and to always comply
on all health and safety decisions. with the requirement of the Health and Safety
g) Ensuring all staff receive the proper training on the regulations.
correct food safety practices. o Ensure that fire prevention and emergency
h) Ensuring that fire prevention and emergency procedures are formulated.
procedures are formulated and implemented. o Comply with food service policies.

Available online
i) Ensuring all internal practices and processes are o To always ensure confidentiality, only releasing
aligned with client requirements and best practices. confidential information obtained during
employment to those acting in an official capacity.
• Be responsible for maintaining the highest level of
Food Hygiene and Safety standards. • Sound Knowledge of the food industry
• Work mostly in the production areas, monitoring that standards HACCP, ISO 22000:2005, ISO
food safety procedures are being followed. 45001:2018.
• Ensure proper documentation and records are • Analytical skills.
completed by the responsible parties. • Flexibility and agility.
• Problem solving as relates to food and safety issues. • Able to work in a highly pressurized
• Ensure compliance to the ISO 22000:2005 and ISO environment.
45001:2018 standards in all areas of food production
and all areas involved in the Food chain.
• Assist with enforcing food safety program and QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIANCE
procedures, company policy and personal hygiene
policies. • Tertiary qualification in Environmental Health, Hard copy available every

Raise awareness on health and safety matters.
Responsible for quality and safety checks for all raw •
Food Science, Food Quality and Safety.
Related qualification advantageous. Thursday in leading shops

and prepared food products.
Verify and communicate to appropriate departments
• Proficiency in Microsoft and Computer
programs. and service stations
any findings as it relates to food safety and/or quality

3 Years minimum experience.
Demonstrate experience of inspection of all around Maseru
• Report and assist with correcting any unsanitary risk category food premises and evaluation of
conditions in food preparation and food storage/ HACCP systems.
receiving area.
• Report any required maintenance /replacement of How to apply: Applications with curriculum vitae,
food preparation equipment, surfaces and tools. certified copies of certificates & transcripts, names and
• Assist to maintain, and update all records, manuals, telephones of three(3) contactable referees should
training procedures, product specification books. be sent to the following email address: siteworx@
• Assist with preparation for all food safety audits. stormmountaindiamonds.com, on or before the 29th May
• Maintain cleanliness and sanitation of all food 2023. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Jobs & Tenders 33

Contact our
Marketing team
220A Lower Thetsane
No. 12282-235, Lancers Road,

WITH US Maseru 100, Lesotho

Maseru West, Maseru, Lesotho
Tel: +266 2231 5356, Tel: +266 5250 0600
Lesotho Times news without fear or favour
Tel: +266 2231 5356
YOUR BUSINESS Tel: +266 2231 5335
News editor@lestimes.co.ls
Advertising sales@lestimes.co.ls
Distribution circulation@lestimes.co.ls

Digital Platforms webmaster@lestimes.co.ls

Career Opportunities
Partners In Health-Lesotho has vacancies for the following positions: sustainability of patient treatment and management.
• Inspects patients’ charts daily to determine the inclusion of necessary documentation for communication with other
1) Job title: Ward Attendant health services about the patient’s progress.
Reporting to: Nursing Assistant/Nursing Sister • Consult and coordinate with healthcare team members about whole patient care plans.
Number of positions: Two (2) • Deliver regular updates to doctors, patients, and their family members.
Duty station: Botsabelo MDR-TB Hospital • Give psychological support to patients and their immediate families.
JOB SUMMARY • Assist physicians with procedures such as bronchoscopy, endoscopy, endotracheal intubation, and elective
Responsibilities include maintenance of basic hygiene; clients/patients’ comfort and good nutritional status; infection, prevention, cardioversion.
and control plus control of linen. • Liaises with patients’ relatives and other relevant agencies/departments to assist patients in the process of recovery.
Main duties include but are not limited to:
Maintaining of basic hygiene practices in the Ward/Unit 2.4 Supervision
• Gives daily bed baths, and oral and nail care to very ill patients, and gives the bedridden water to wash by the • Direct and supervise nursing/health care personnel, a particular unit on one shift to patient’s response and
bedside. conditions.
• Take care of the patient’s hair to prevent infection. • Supervises the nursing sisters in the implementation of the nursing process for support and motivation.
• Turn bedridden patients and attends to their pressure parts regularly to prevent pressure sores. • Assesses cleanliness of the wards for the prevention of hospital-based infection.
• Does damp dusting of the beds and bedside lockers to maintain a healthy environment.
• Keeps the patient’s dishes clean to avoid the breeding of flies and cockroaches. 3. JOB SPECIFICATION
Patients’ comfort • Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery
• Does bed making and changing of linen daily and when the need arises to absence a clean and crease-free bed. OR
• Conducts regular bedpan parades and avails bedpans in between as and when necessary. Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery
Prevention of cross infection • At least 5 years’ experience as an ICU nurse or Critical care unit.
• Sluices and disinfects sputum mugs, urinals bedpans, and soiled linen to destroy bacteria.
• Airs and disinfect the mattress and bed after providing the last services to a client who has either passed away or been MUST be registered with the Lesotho Nursing Council (LNC) and renewed the subscription.
discharged. • Good understanding of health information structures and technology.
Monitoring of bed linen • Available to work 12-hour day and night shifts.
• Counts and records movement of bed linen pajamas, and gowns to and from the laundry in the linen book which is • Demonstrate brilliant empathy and communication skills.
countersigned by the laundress. • Ability to work in a stressful and emotional environment.
Maintaining patients’ good nutrition • Relevant training and/or certifications as an ICU Nurse.
• Feeds the patients who require assistance with their meals as prescribed to sustain their optimal nutritional status.
Other assistive duties include 4. SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES:
• Takes specimens to the laboratory and collects results for review and maintenance of the patient’s management. • Analytic mindset
• Labels and registers patients’ belongings in the kit book and locks them away on admission. • Excellent Communication
• Accompanies patients to the X-ray department, Operating Theatre, Mortuary, etc. in the absence of Porters. • Interpersonal skills
Job specification • Empathetic
• Pass in C.O.S.C / G.C.E
3) Title: Medical Officer
2) Title: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Nurse                                                                                               
Responsible to: ICU nurse Manager Reports to: MDR-TB Program Lead
Number of positions: Two (2) Duty station: Botsabelo MDR-TB Hospital
Duty Station: Botsabelo MDR-TB Hospital   
Job responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
1. JOB SUMMARY: • Ensure quality of treatment, prescription, and initiation, and clinical follow-up during treatment based on
We are searching for a dedicated intensive care unit (ICU) nurse to join our team and deliver vital care to seriously ill patients national treatment guidelines
in our ICU department at Botsabelo Hospital. As a specialized nurse, she/ he will perform a range of tasks including performing • To provide day-to-day high quality patients’ care for inpatients and out patients.
diagnostic tests, evaluating the patient’s conditions, administering treatment, and providing constant support during recovery. • Conduct daily ward round to review the in patients
Conducting follow-up visits, and responding to medical emergencies. • Participate in hospital call rotations
• Participate actively in the weekly clinical meetings to review clinical operations and get all updates on new
2. DUTIES findings in the MDR TB field
2.1 Patient Nursing Care: • Supervise and train clinical staff
• Evaluate and monitor the patient’s progress. • Support MDR-TB fellowship program and PIH-Boston volunteer specialists
• Identify sudden or subtle changes in a patient’s medical condition. • Support and participate in all trainings organized by PIH-Lesotho for the health care workers within the
• Administer medications per Doctor’s prescription as well providing constant support throughout recovery country and from other countries
time. • Support and be actively involved in all studies
• Perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation in case of emergencies. • Conduct care and treatment services to MDRTB patients at clinics in districts
• Perform a physical assessment of assigned patients in HDU/ICU. • Conduct district supervisory visits
• Continuous monitoring of vital signs and reporting any deviation from normal to the team leader. • Participate in different health campaigns especially during the annual world TB day
• Provide respiratory support to patients who are in need including mechanical ventilator support. • Monitor outpatients for problems that may arise during treatment, e.g., side effects, adherence problems, etc.
• Monitoring the fluid balance status of the patient as well as electrolytes balance.
• Carry out various procedures such as intubation, assisting with CVC insertion and ICDT insertion, etc. Preferred Skills
• Develop and implement effective nursing care plans. • Medical degree (MD)
• Modify patient treatment plans as indicated by the patient’s response and conditions. • Minimum two (2) years’ clinical experience, MDR-TB clinical management will be an added advantage.
• Assess the patient’s pain levels and sedation requirements. • Current registration in good standing with the Lesotho Medical Council
• If necessary, respond to a medical emergency and alert the appropriate doctors. • Demonstrate a dedication to serving marginalized groups, such as TB patients
• Care for patient needs throughout their recovery in the ICU unit. • Able to function effectively in a team setting;
• Complete all necessary paperwork before transferring a patient. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as strong interpersonal skills
• Maintain patient records. • Proficiency in English and Sesotho (verbal and written)

2.2 Organizations of nursing services within a Ward/unit Commitment to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment:
• Draws up daily/monthly work schedules for nurses and non-nursing personnel to ensure the right mix of staff at any At Partners in Health, we are committed to ensuring that those who benefit from our work- including our patients, families and
time by the duty roster. community members – as well as our staff are treated with dignity and respect and protected from sexual exploitation, abuse and
• Identifies training needs for improvement of nursing care. sexual harassment. A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Partners in Health’s PSEAH policy.
• Order, interpret, and evaluate diagnostics tests to identify and assess the patient’s condition. Partners in Health will request information from applicants’ previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual
• Ensure that equipment or devices are clean and properly stored after use. abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment.
• Identify and report malfunctioning equipment or devices. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.
• Provides orientation to all newly employed staff on policies, protocols, and /or guidelines for proper taking off of
work in the ward. How to apply:
• Participates in clinical teaching of nursing students to correlate theory with practice. Interested candidates should e-mail their applications (subject line should be the position being applied for) and detailed CV’s
including three names of traceable referees with valid telephone numbers and email addresses to: lesothorecruitment@pih.org
2.3 Co-ordination of nursing services with other health services not later than 24th May 2023. The referees should include the most recent supervisor/s. Hand delivered applications will not be
• Works with the Pharmacy department to ensure the availability of drugs and supplies at all times for the accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Manager Business Continuity (job advert) half-page.pdf 1 10/05/2023 5:24:44 pm
34 Jobs & Tenders Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Nedbank Careers

Manager Business Continuity

and Information Risk
Location: Head Office, Maseru
Reports to: Head Enterprise-Wide Risk Management

Purpose of the Job

To oversee bank-wide business continuity management and information risk in line with regulatory and group requirements, to lead and provide advisory support to the
bank on risk management programs for the improved control environment and alignment of objectives to Nedbank strategy, values, and code of ethics. To identify,
assess, mitigate, monitor, and report risks across the bank to enable achievement of business objectives.

Outputs required Competencies ( Technical )

Design and rollout business continuity management and cyber risk management programs Proficiency in Microsoft office suite including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
including simulations and staff training. Proficiency in Data analysis
Proficiency in Project Management
Implement proactive information risk programs that drive detection and prevention of cyber risks. Report writing skills
Knowledge of Lesotho Laws and regulatory requirements impacting Risk
Undertake risk assessments to ascertain business continuity and information security risks and
Competencies ( Behavioral )
produce quality reports to aid in remedial management actions.
Empathy Systems thinker
Demonstrate ethical conduct in the use of the bank’s information assets as well as knowledge of the Emotional intelligence Accountable
banks frameworks, policies, processes, procedures, and other guiding governance requirements Project and change management Strategic Thinker
around information security management. Change champion Ethical
Effective Stakeholder engagement and management
Engage with Group stakeholders to ensure that the system developments, changes, and upgrades Closing Date: 25 May 2023
bear required controls to limit opportunity for information security breaches.
Interested candidates should submit their Motivation Letter, together with
Qualifications and Experience their CVs & certified copies of certificates, and copy of Passport or ID to

Required Qualifications Preferred Qualifications jobsonoffer@nedbank.co.ls

Bachelor’s Degree- Computer science, Information Postgraduate Qualifications in Information
Systems, Electronics Engineering or Related Field. Systems, Electronics Engineering or Related NB: On subject line please reference “ Manager Business Continuity and
Type of Exposure Filed. Information Risk”
Experience in Business Continuity Management, Cyber
3-7 years Risk related experience Applications recieved after the closing date will not be considered. Only
Security Risk Management, Information Systems, Risk
Management, Regulatory compliance, and auditing /Working Experience Preferred. shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Nedbank Lesotho Limited Reg No I92/191. Authorised financial institution and credit provider.
Manager Credit and Market Risk (job advert) half-page.pdf 1 10/05/2023 5:24:02 pm

Nedbank Careers

Manager Credit and Market Risk

Location: Head Office, Maseru
Reports to: Head Enterprise-Wide Risk Management

Purpose of the Job

To oversee bank-wide credit and market risk in line with regulatory and group requirements.
To lead and provide advisory support to the bank on risk management programs for the improved control environment and alignment of objectives to Nedbank strategy,
values, and code of ethics, To identify, assess, mitigate, monitor, and report risks across the bank to enable achievement of business objectives.

Outputs required Competencies ( Technical )

Undertake independent assurance on credit and market risks by driving and monitoring the Proficiency in Microsoft office suite including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
development of the risk universe, RCSAs, KRIs, Risk Register, Key Issues Control Log, CRMPs, Risk Proficiency in Data analysis
Appetite and other tools necessary for effective risk management. Proficiency in Project Management
Report writing skills
Ensure that the bank’s frameworks, policies, internal rules, methodologies, and processes are Knowledge of Lesotho Laws and regulatory requirements impacting Risk
reviewed and kept up to date in line with internal, group, Regulatory and international standards for Management
effective risk management.
Competencies ( Behavioral )
Prepare and present credit and market risk oversight reports to Enterpise wide Risk Commitee, Empathy Systems thinker
Board and Group governance review. Emotional intelligence Accountable
Project and change management Strategic Thinker
Lead internal stakeholder engagements to ensure proactive management of risks including credit, Change champion Ethical
market risk, operational risk, financial crime, transformation, change, regulatory compliance, Effective Stakeholder engagement and management
governance, third party, and others risks and ensure regular reports for relevant stakeholders and Closing Date: 25 May 2023
governance forums carry sufficient risk coverage.
Interested candidates should submit their Motivation Letter, together with
Qualifications and Experience their CVs & certified copies of certificates, and copy of Passport or ID to

Required Qualifications jobsonoffer@nedbank.co.ls

Bachelor’s Degree- Risk Management, Investment, Business 3-7 years Risk related experience
Management, Economics, Statistics, or related field. NB: On subject line please reference “ Manager Credit and Market Risk ”
/Working Experience Preferred.
Preferred Qualifications
Postgraduate qualifications in risk management, Business Applications recieved after the closing date will not be considered. Only
management, investment management, economics or related filed shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Nedbank Lesotho Limited Reg No I92/191. Authorised financial institution and credit provider.
Manager OHS and Fraud & (job advert) half-page.pdf 1 10/05/2023 5:24:12 pm
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Jobs & Tenders 35

Nedbank Careers

Manager OHS and Fraud &

Investigations Risk
Location: Head Office, Maseru
Reports to: Chief Risk Officer (CRO)

Purpose of the Job

To lead and provide advisory support to the bank on financial crime risk management programs (Particularly OHS, Corruption, Fraud & Investigations, and other financial
crime) for the improved control environment and alignment of objectives to Nedbank strategy, values, and code of ethics Assess and monitor threats to the bank’s
business from internal and external sources and implement remedial actions in line with regulatory and bank’s requirements. Collaborate with key internal and external
stakeholders to enhance controls to prevent opportunities for financial crimes.
Outputs required Competencies ( Technical )
Identify, Monitor, and lodge requirements for Financial Crime, OHS and other risks related projects to Proficiency in Microsoft office suite including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
ensure delivery of key expected outcomes. Proficiency in Data analysis
Proficiency in Project Management
Ensure that change management program is developed and executed on all Financial Crime and Report writing skills
OHS projects and initiatives Knowledge of Lesotho Laws and regulatory requirements impacting Risk
Undertake investigations and produce quality reports to aid in remedial management actions by
Competencies ( Behavioral )
providing ongoing progress for internal governance structures.
Empathy Artistic in building connections
Conduct risk assessments on strategic initiatives including role of new products, partnerships, Emotional intelligence Accountable
vendors, and delivery channels Project and change management Strategic Thinker
Change champion Ethical
Ensure appropriate action is taken to mitigate fraud impact within operational risk appetite. Effective Stakeholder engagement and management
Closing Date: 25 May 2023
Demonstrate ethical conduct in the conduct on investigations and participate in industry and
group initiatives aimed at curbing financial crime. Interested candidates should submit their Motivation Letter, together with
Qualifications and Experience their CVs & certified copies of certificates, and copy of Passport or ID to

Required Qualifications Experience jobsonoffer@nedbank.co.ls

Bachelor’s Degree- Forensic investigations, Fraud & Risk 3-7 years Risk related experience
Management, Auditing, Economics, Commerce, Finance, /Working Experience Preferred. NB: On subject line please reference “ Manager OHS and Fraud & Investigations
Business Analysis, Risk Management, or related field. Risk”
Preferred Qualifications Applications recieved after the closing date will not be considered. Only
Postgraduate qualifications in Risk Management, Forensic Investigations, shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Business Management or related filed

Nedbank Lesotho Limited Reg No I92/191. Authorised financial institution and credit provider.

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ARE LOOKING TO SELL OR RENT OUT. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply for a certified copy of a registered
Title Deed/ Lease to immovable property registered (Notice in terms of Sec.68 (5) of the Administration of Estates Proclamation No.19 of 1935)
Every right or interest on and to the building(s) and other developments Informing all heirs, Legatees and Creditors of the deceased that the first and final Liquidation
express or implied in certain Plot No. 19223-887 situated at HA RAMONAHENG and Distribution Account of the above mentioned deceased estate shall lie for inspection
As held by Chief Surveyor. and comments with the Master of The High Court in the district of Maseru from the date of
Publication for twenty one (21) days.
All persons having objection to the issue of the said copy are requested to
lodge such in writing to the Land Registrar within three weeks from the last

publication of the notice. EXECUTOR
Land Registrar
c/o Du Preez Liebetrau & Co.
5 Bowker Road
Land Administration Authority TEYATEYANENG 200
Maseru 100 CONTACT NUMBERS: 59160666 DATED AT MASERU THIS 04th DAY OF MAY, 2023.

PLEASE CONTACT : +266 22324606 EMAIL

ADDRESS : itumelengmaliba@gmail.com
and ramakongoanak@gmail.com
In the matter between: HELD AT MASERU CIV/ T/224/2020
In the matter between:
AND change its registered office address from 83 A Caledon Road, Maseru West, Maseru, Lesotho
and P.O. Box 373, Maseru 100.
To the new registered office; Ground Floor Sekhametsi Place, Kingsway Road Maseru, Lesotho
LEBOHANG MOTSEARE 3RD DEFENDANT and P.O. Box 12852, Maseru 100.
AMENDED NOTICE OF APPLICATION PHOMANE MOTSEARE 4TH DEFENDANT After the third publication of this notice, an application to have the said registered office address
MOSASE MOTSEARE 5TH DEFENDANT changed will be lodged with the Registrar of companies.
KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT an application will be made on behalf of Applicant therein on the 29th of MOFANA LEPHOSA 6TH DEFENDANT All persons having objections to the envisioned change are requested to lodge such objections
May, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. or so soon thereafter as counsel for applicant may conveniently be heard for NOTICE OF SET DOWN in writing with the Registrar of Companies within THREE (3) weeks from the last publication of
an order as follows: TO: THE REGISTRAR AND TO: MOSASE MOTSEARE this Notice.
1. Leave of Court to publicize application in the newspaper for service of any next of keen HIGH COURT
to the late Lebeko Molapo or anyone who might be an heir in the estate of the late THABA TSEKA PRISON
MASERU 100 Notice by: Adv. Thato Mosethe
Lebeko Molapo. THABA TSEKA Company Secretary
2. Directing and ordering the estate of late Lebeko Molapo to perform and fulfill the
AND TO: V. MOKALOBA & CO. Sekhametsi Investment Consortium Limited.
agreement of sale between Applicant and the late Lebeko Molapo. C/O KAO-THEOHA CHAMBERS
3. Granting applicant leave to sign papers for consent and transfer in the case of no 2ND, 3RD AND 4TH DEFENDANTS’ ATTORNEYS
person who is next of keen in the estate of the late Khomo Molapo after publication in 2ND FLOOR KINGSWAY MALL, ROOM15 ESTATE NOTICE
the newspaper of this main application. MASERU 100
4. Cost of suit in the event of opposition SIRS,
5. Granting application such further and/or alternative relief KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT the abovementioned matter has been set down for Hearing on the 26th and 27th day of OCTOBER 2022 at 9:30 a.m.
FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT an affidavit of Khotso Lebakeng will be used in support of this application Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34 of the Administration of Estates
or so soon thereafter as the matter may conveniently be heard before the above Honourable Court.
hereof. Proclamation No. 19 of 1935 calling upon all heirs, legatees, and creditors of the
deceased to attend before the office of the office the Master of the High Court
ALSO FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT applicant has appointed the below mentioned as the address
of service where all processes will be accepted for service in these proceedings. ALSO FURTHER
Leribe on the 16th May 2023 at 0900 a.m. for the purpose of:
TAKE NOTICE THAT if you intend to oppose this application, you are required to (a) notify Applicant’s PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS Proposing some person/persons to be appointed by the office of the Master of
Attorney in writing on or before the 28th March, 2023 and within fourteen days if such notification, to MASERU 100 the High Court as executor.
file your answering affidavits if any; and further take notice that you are required to appoint in such ______________________________
notification an address within 5 kilometers of the Registrar at which you will accept notice an service Instr. L.L.M. CHAMBERS
of all documents in these proceedings. PLAINTIFF’S COUNSEL
If no such notice of intention to oppose be given, the application will be made on the day of 4th April, CARLTON CENTRE, Master of the High Court
2023 a.m. 2ND FLOOR, ROOM 219 Tsifalimali
Ref. MM/DMG/K-455/LL
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Sport 37

FTER the silence, the explosion. It was
the biggest game this city has seen in
two decades, and if there was a certain
restraint to the emotions at full time it was only
Inter hold advantage after early
the knowledge that next week’s will be bigger
still. Yet after 90 minutes we have a clear fa-
vourite: Simone Inzaghi’s flawed but fearless
Inter Milan, who claimed the spoils in a star-
Edin Dzeko strike against Milan
tling opening burst and then held off their bit-
ter rivals through gritted teeth, and against an
atmosphere that shook the senses.
Even on their home turf this was an away
game for Inter, and as pre-match nerves gave
way to open hostility, they produced a per-
formance to stand alongside any in the club’s
recent European history. Edin Dzeko and Hen-
rikh Mkhitaryan claimed the goals, but in re-
ality this was a triumph of leadership: not so
much from Inzaghi himself but from the big-
game players who did their jobs, won their du-
els, sensed and sniffed their way through the
sort of game for which no team talk or training
can really prepare you.
For AC Milan, the only small mercy is that
there is still a semi-final to salvage. This is a
club steeped in the heritage of the European
Cup, who have played beyond themselves to
reach this point and will back themselves to
do the same next Tuesday. But there comes a
point when tradition and institutional mem-
ory run up against the hard-edged necessities
of, you know, being able to clear the ball from
your own penalty area. And on some level
perhaps Milan were simply disoriented by the
size of the occasion, rattled by the noise, blown
out of their comfort zone.
But before the explosion, there was silence.
Silence on the metro, silence in the piazzas and
silence in the cafes. Milan was a siege city in
the hours before this game, gripped by the sort
of fretful and sullen anxiety that defines all the
world’s great derbies. Milan and Inter are not
neighbours. They are the same blood. They
live and work in the same neighbourhoods,
sit in the same bars and metro carriages: an INTER Milan’s Edin Dzeko (right) celebrates after scoring his side’s opening goal during the Champions League semifinal first leg
intimacy that on nights like these breeds an against AC Milan.
almost suffocating tension. This thing is only
fun if you win. came from pressure down the left: first Dzeko irrepressible Lautaro Martínez won a penalty thing: a distinctively Italian song of pure hun-
And yet for all the portents of a guarded and extending his leg like a periscope to hook Ha- that was overturned on review. In midfield ger and pure longing, a screaming and a plead-
grizzled game, this was a more vivid and enter- kan Calhanoglu’s corner into the net with Da- Sandro Tonali ran and ran until his studs ing, pyrotechnics that rattled the ribcages, the
prising spectacle than we had any right to ex- vide Calabria a helpless prisoner in his grasp. were blunt, trying to plug the gaps that were sort of roar that forces coaches to talk in sign
pect. Inter were more compact, more physical, Next Calabria was burned by Federico Dima- opening everywhere like quicksand. From language.
more experienced — almost three years older rco, whose clever cut-back was converted by the plush seats Paolo Maldini and Andriy A grand finish? That, of course, is still to
on average — and seized their advantage by Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Shevchenko sat in stony-faced judgment, a re- come. There was little of note to distinguish
moving the game on to their own terms. They Not even the most rose-tinted nerazzurro minder that whatever happens in the remain- the closing stages, as both coaches rattled
knew, of course, that even without Rafael Leão could have dreamed of a start like this. A flare ing 90 minutes, this is still a club with more through their substitutions and tried to win
(injured), Milan can kill you down the flanks. went off in the Curva Nord and the delirious past than future. cheap free-kicks. Romelu Lukaku ran around
So their back five put Milan’s wingers in a le- Inter fans danced around its hot pink glare As half-time came and went, Milan had at a bit. The noise dropped a little.
thal pincer, forcing them to play through the like it was the first fire they had ever seen in least managed to stem the bleeding. Brahim And Inter prevailed; albeit with the knowl-
centre where they were weaker, and weaker their lives. Díaz, moved to the centre to replace Bennac- edge that next week will not be the victory pa-
still after Ismaël Bennacer was forced off early. Milan were utterly lost in those early stages. er, was getting some joy in the No 10 position. rade it initially promised to be. Six days. We
By which point Inter could really have fin- Calhanoglu rattled the post. A harmless long Tonali rattled a shot against the outside of the go again.
ished the tie off. Those two early goals both throw was missed by Fikayo Tomori and the post. The noise in the stadium was a godly — The Guardian

HORTLY after the post World
Cup resumption Pep Guardiola
made some comments about
Kevin De Bruyne; sighing a little, look-
De Bruyne finds key hard, but found little joy.
And City’s night was heading one
way by the time Gündogan did some
bits, some stuff, some jinks and feints
ing sad, bemoaning by sly implication
the physical state of his champion mid-
. as Real Madrid are locked down in their to make space for what he seemed to
know would come next. Gündogan
nudged the ball into the space in front
As motivational obiter dicta go it of De Bruyne, calculating the angle of
was brutally effective. The Belgian has
been sublime on the current winning
super - prison . . . the run, the space, the distance to goal.
There is a kind of networked thinking
run. This has been late imperial De in moments like these, an air-drop of
Bruyne, a resurgent wave, buried a lit- ideas. De Bruyne took two quick steps
tle behind the cold, hard numbers of and struck the ball with a lovely sever-
Erling Haaland playing (and this is no ity, snapping down on it with the out-
coincidence) just ahead of him. side of his foot, like a pistol hammer
It was De Bruyne who pulled him- dropping, and sending the ball always
self up to his full height at the Berna- into the same space, hard and low and
béu; and who seemed, with a single skimming past Thibaut Courtois’s all
moment of brilliance, to cause a shift consuming grasp and into the corner.
of the narrative pressure in this ongo- In that moment something seemed
ing two hander. to break, to become a little less heavy.
City needed it, too. By the time the De Bruyne was already having a fine
ball was rolled back to De Bruyne by game. There were shots, crosses, drib-
Ilkay Gündogan with 67 minutes gone bles. Haaland’s impact has been stun-
the Bernabéu had already begun to ning. But this is still City’s best, most
seethe and purr with a familiar self- forceful, most alluring creative player.
generating triumphalism. Manchester There is a sense with De Bruyne of a
City had spent much of the game to footballer entering the dog days of his
that point chasing ghosts, had gone to prime. He will be 32 in the summer.
half-time at 1-0 down, and seemed to This is not your Identikit snake-hipped
be losing themselves once again in the KEVIN De Bruyne fires home from just outside the area to equalise for Manchester City. elite athlete. On his off days De Bruyne
white zone. looks like a very fit geography teacher
Pep Guardiola’s team had strangled more urgently, seeing shapes, premo- Madrid had been a lovely soft sum- coronational stuff, the swirling white who does hill walking and enjoys real
Madrid for long periods early on. Ma- nitions, ghosts, flickers of disaster. mery place at kick-off, a powder blue scarves, the sense of self-celebration, ale.
drid took their punishment, held their And of course Madrid scored. Ed- sky fading to grey above in the small pomp, flash. No other venue in sport At his best he still has that rare mix
lines. City’s poise, their endless stitching uardo Camavinga made it, surging hole between those towering steel performs quite like this. It is both ab- of bullocking power and the feet of a
in midfield came to nothing. This was forward from left-back, rolling the ball struts. The Bernabéu is a Franken- surd and strangely jolly. fine point artist, the designated free
like watching an idea come up against to Vinícius Júnior, who let it run across stein’s monster of a super-ground, still Guardiola had picked his best team, radical in this team, and the closest
an emotion – systems play, clean lines, his body then shot so fiercely into the half-built, bandages swinging in the but also a team geared for control. Jack thing in City’s squad to a Madrid-style
grooved movements, planned phases top left hand corner that even with full breeze, a glimpse of gleaming steel sub Grealish and Bernardo Silva have one player.
– versus a kind of sporting dieu et mon view of the ball and the striking leg shell peeking through here and there. goal between them in the Champions City will now be narrow favourites
droit. Ederson could only flail at fresh air. Inside it is both hugely impressive League this season. Their presence at the Etihad. It felt fitting that it should
Towards half time Guardiola, Half-time came like a glorious break- and brutally functional, like watch- isolated Haaland just a little more, par- be De Bruyne and a single piece of
dressed for the occasion in a skinny-fit ing wave around the home stands. ing football inside a super-prison, or ing him back even more starkly as the brilliance, Madrid-ball in Madrid, that
undertaker’s suit, had begun to point City were being dragged into that a planetary-scale shipping container. chief goal threat. Haaland is 22. This made the difference.
and gesture and revolve his arms place again. There were the usual devotional songs, was his first game here. He worked — The Guardian
38 Sport Lesotho Times May 11 - 17 2023

Bantu only needs four

Leemisa Thuseho

ODACOM Premier League (VPL) log
leaders Bantu are just four points
away from winning the 2022/23 title

points to be champions
race. This after they beat relegation threat-
ened Galaxy 2- 0 at Mohale’s Hoek District
Football Association (DiFA) Stadium on Sun-
day: thanks to Litšepe Marabe and Maloisane
Ramasimong’s goals.
As it stands, the Mafeteng based outfit,
Bantu, are sitting at the summit of the log
with 62 points from 28 games played. They
therefore just need four points to mathemati-
cally wrap up the 2022/23 title. That means a
win and a draw will be enough for them to
win the title with a tally of 66 points.
As per the standings, LDF who are on third
position have 59 points from 28 games. They
are left with three games and their maxi-
mum reach is 65 points.
Third placed Linare are on 57 points from
28 games. Their maximum reach from the
two remaining games is 63 points, provided
they win them all.

If Bantu can collect four points in the last

games, they will have 66 points. That will be
out of reach for the other two teams (Linare
and LDF) in the title race.
Bantu’s remaining games will see them
face off with LCS on 13 May 2023 at the LCS
Ground, Maseru, and Lifofane at the Mo-
hale’s Hoek DiFA Stadium on 20 May 2023.
The other game played on Sunday saw
Linare outplay CCX by thrashing them 5-0 at
Maputsoe DiFA Stadium in Leribe.
Tšepang Sefali, Norman Kumatse, Retha-
bile Rasethuntša, Michael Mireku and Junior
Sephooana, each scored a goal in that match.
Other games which were supposed to be
played on Sunday were deferred to yester-
day (Wednesday) by the Premier League
Management Committee (PLMC) due to
heavy rains on Saturday and Sunday that left
most of the playgrounds waterlogged and
Meanwhile, if Bantu wins the league, they
will have won two trophies this season. They
have already bagged the recent People’s Cup
soccer tournament. They won the cup after
beating Lioli 2-1 at Setsoto Stadium on 30
April 2023. BANTU players celebrate victory in the recent People's Cup at Setsoto Stadium.

New winner for MGC Monthly Mug

Leemisa Thuseho

KUEBE Letsie has joined the list of win-
ners of this year’s Maseru Golf Club (MGC)
Monthly Mug competition after winning
the May edition of the event over the weekend.
The competition was played on Sunday at the
MGC course and Letsie emerged the winner top-
ping the score card with a net score of 76 points.
As the new winner, Letsie joins the other five
previous winners for this year’s edition.
The previous months’ winners include Masuh-
la Leteka who won the January edition by a score
of 71.
He was followed by Motlatsi Ramafole who be-
came the winner in February after a score of 71
as well.
In March the winner was Khotso Mothebesoane
with the same score (71). Last month (April), saw
Sa Li win the mug with 68 points.
The competition is held on the first Sunday of
each month and is sponsored by Vodacom Le-
sotho. MGC captain, Thabang Khabo, said the
weekend competition was played in inclement
He said due to the bad weather, the April win-
ner, Sa Li, had not showed up to defend his title.
“It is a tradition that previous winners show up
to defend their titles. however due to the inclem-
ent weather, the April winner (Sa Li) did not show
up,” Khabo said.
However, the rain did not stop others who
wanted to put their hands on the mug from show-
ing up. A golf game could only be stopped by se-
vere lightning and thunder for the safety of mem-
bers or heavy rains that can waterlog the course.
Khabo said the winner of this month, Letsie,
had a tough time winning due to the bad weather.
“The winner had a tough time getting his hands
on the mug. The average score for the previous
edition was 71 and the fact that this month’s win-
ning score came at 76 reflects the difficulties with
the course because of the rain and wind. Wind
and rain are some of the elements that play a crit-
VODACOM Lesotho representative Tšepo Ntaopane (right) hands over the mug to MGC Monthly Mug winner Nkuebe Letsie on ical role in the level of a winning score,” Khabo
Sunday. said.
May 11 - 17 2023 Lesotho Times Sport 39

Stage set for Nedbank

Leemisa Thuseho

HE stage is now set for the
2023 A Division Nedbank
Top 8 soccer tournament
semi-finals at the Bambatha Tšita

Top 8 semi-finals
Sport Arena Ground in Maseru on
The semi-final fixtures are now
confirmed after the successful
completion of the tournament’s
quarterfinal matches over the
Sehene-hene and Likhopo were
the last two teams to book places
in the semi-finals after winning
their respective quarterfinal
matches on Sunday at the Bamba-
tha Tšita Sport Arena Ground.
Sehene-hene progressed after
they saw off Majantja 2-1 while
Likhopo are in the semi-finals af-
ter their 4-2 victory over Lilemela.
Quthing LMPS were the first to
book a spot in the semi-finals after
they thrashed Mzamane by three
goals to nil on Saturday at the LCS
Ground, Maseru.
The second side to advance to
the last four was ACE Maseru who
beat Limkokwing University (LU)
2-1 on Saturday, still at the LCS
The first semi-final match on
Saturday will therefore see Ace
Maseru and Senehe-hene face off
in a bid to secure a place in the fi-
That match will be followed by
the second semi-final between
Quthing LMPS and Likhopo.
The final will be played on Sun-
day and will be preceded by a
match of the losing semi-finalists
at Bambatha Tšita Sport Arena
The top four finishers from each
of the two streams of the A Divi-
sion League, namely the Southern
Stream and Northern Stream, par-
ticipate in the tournament.
The top 8 tournament will be
followed by the Nedbank Cham-
pion of Champions final in which
the 2022/23 A Division League
champions from the Southern
Stream (Ace Maseru) will take on
the Northern Steam champions
(LU). ACE Maseru beat Limkokwing University (LU) 2-1 to advance to the last four on Saturday.
This is meant to determine the
overall winner of the A Division (Champions of Champions and with M20 000 while the losers the runners-up will take home The teams (LU, Lilemela, Mza-
League this season. Top 8 tournament). will be consoled with M15 000. M20 000. Third and fourth placed mane and Majantja) that have
Nedbank has injected a total The winner of the champion of The winner of the Top 8 com- teams will get M15 000 and M13 been knocked out in the quarter-
of M250 000 in the two events champions duel will walk away petition will get M25 000 while 000 respectively. finals will each get M10 000.

Makatile takes World

Champs preps to France
Leemisa Thuseho Cycling Federation of Lesotho (CFL) pub-
lic relations officer, Malefane Morie, who is

ATIONAL road cycling champion, Ka- also one of the national team coaches con-
belo Makatile, will jet out of the coun- firmed Makatile’s trip to France.
try on Monday for a one-month train- He said the camp was expected to end on
ing camp in Brittany, France. 16 or 17 June this year.
Makatile is attending the camp as one of “Makatile is preparing to leave for France
the beneficiaries of the International Cycling next week Monday for a one-month camp as
Federation (UCI) and the Association of Na- part of his early preparations for the 2025
tional Olympic Committees of Africa (ANO- World Championships,” Morie told the Leso-
CA) training programme for African riders. tho Times this week.
He is the only Lesotho rider, who was in “We hope this camp will help him a lot
February 2023, selected for this training pro- and improve his level of experience and
gramme by the UCI’s World Cycling Centre competitiveness. This is because he will (in
(WCC) in Africa. France) be training with more competitive
The programme was initiated by the riders from all over the world and highly ex-
above-mentioned bodies in June 2022 to perienced coaches.”
help prepare African countries’ road cyclists He said they wished the rider could secure
for the 2025 UCI World Road Racing Cham- more competitive training camp opportuni-
pionships. ties abroad because he did not get enough
The championships will be held in Kigali, competition at home.
Rwanda, in 2025 (the exact dates are yet to “Since he has been going for these train-
be set). This will be the first time the champi- ing camps, his standard has improved and
onships are held on African soil. when he is here at home, one sees that he is
The programme targets juniors and un- not getting enough competition. So, regular
der-23 riders. It is also aimed at increasing camps and competitions outside the country
podium chances for African nations at the can help him a lot,” Morie said.
2028 Summer Olympic Games in Los Ange- Makatile is the Lesotho 2023 roach cycling
les from 14 July to 30 July that year. and criterium national champion. He was
Under the same programme, Makatile even the only rider representing Lesotho at
camped at the World Cycling Center in Paarl, the recent African Road Cycling Champion-
South Africa from 27 February to 31 March ships held in Accra, Ghana from 8 to 17 Feb-
2023. ruary this year. KABELO Makatile.
Makepe, Mohapi
Stage set appointed to the Likuena fold P39
Matlama notfor Nedbank
under Top
any pressure -8 semi-finals
Manda P31 P31

Lesotho Times
January 23 Times
- 29 2020
January 16 - 22 2020
May 11 - 17 2023

LMPS wallop Liphakoe
LDF dismiss Kick4Life
returns to Lioli
Leemisa Thuseho against Matlama last month.
LDF assistant coach Malefetsane

DF fought back from a goal down Pheko said he was happy with the win
to register their first win of 2020 but he said their plans were disrupted
when they beat Kick4life 3-1 at Set- by Toloane’s suspension since the rul-
soto Stadium yesterday afternoon. ing was announced just a day before
The game started on a low tempo the game.
with no scoring opportunities created “We played very well and winning a
on both ends side until in the 41st min- game under such circumstances where
ute when Kick4Life were awarded a we were forced to drop a player that we
penalty. Tanki Seoli made no mistake had prepared to use is a good thing,”
Moorosi Tsiane and thrust his side in front. Pheko said.
The Old Europa side was hoping to “I was forced to drop one of the strik-

OUTH African Morena Ramorebodi has re- bounce back to winning ways after ers to the midfield but after conceding, I
turned to Lioli and has immediately been a 0-5 Sunday drubbing at the hands brought in another striker Mojela Letsie
tasked with ensuring that the club finishes of leaders Bantu. However, the hopes and paired him with Rabi. That worked
ourth when the season ends. soon disappeared on 71 minutes when for us and we equalised.”
Ramorebodi was this week handed a six months Thabang Rabi levelled the matters. LDF face off with Bantu on Saturday
contract with an option to renew and is expected to The game seemed destined for a and Pheko believes the win will moti-
start his duties this weekend. draw until veteran striker Mojela Letsie vate him in that game.
He joins Lioli from GLADAfrica Championship headed home to put his side in front “This is good motivation. Our last
side- Royal Eagles- where he was appointed coach in after he was picked by an inch-perfect game was in the Top4 finals and we
MORENA Ramorebodi played well. If we have maintained that
ast September. He however, resigned a month later. Morena Moloi pass.
The no-nonsense coach had a short spell with Kick4Life failed to respond in the dy- standard, that shows progress. We are
Lioli from January to June 2018 and returns to suc- ing minutes of the game and Rabi con- playing Bantu next and we will take
ceed Thabile Secker who also left the team late last nected with a Tšeliso Phera corner to their game like any other.”
year after a short stint. complete his brace. He added that they are looking for-
Lioli general manager Hlalele Matobako con- The loss saw Katiso Mojakhomo’s ward to winning the last three games of
firmed the appointment. charges continue its winless streak hav- the first round.
“We have agreed the terms with Morena and he ing last won last October after edging On the other hand, Mojakhomo said
s expected to start his duties after LDF match on Lijabatho 1-2. after the defeat to Bantu contributed to
Wednesday (yesterday),” Matobako said. The side went into yesterday’s game yesterday’s result despite having pre-
Matobako said Ramorebodi’s mandate is to en- sitting ninth in the table and a win pared their players mentally.
sure that the team finishes in the top four teams and would have left them one place better “It appears that our players get into
qualify for the Independence cup. off. Mojakhomo’s side has won only a game with certain expectations and
“A coaching contract is performance based and three, lost five and drawn four. if they are not satisfied, they give up.
his is not different, so he has been mandated to en- On the other hand, LDF leapfrogged They lack a fighting spirit,” Mojakhomo
sure that the team finishes inside the top four this Liphakoe and Sefotha-fotha and nes- said.
season,” Matobako said. tled on 10th, two places better after 10 After winning only three games
“We believe that is achievable because when you games. The side failed to play last Sun- since joining Kick4Life at the beginning
ook at the log standings now, should we win against day after its tie against Liphakoe was of the season, pressure is mounting on
LDF tomorrow (yesterday) we will shoot to third. postponed due to poor pitch condi- Mojakhomo although he says his em-
“So, it is doable.” tions. ployers are patient.
Asked if Ramorebodi would this time around stay Yesterday the army side was without “My employers are not giving me any
beyond six months, Matobako said things were dif- star midfielder Tšepo Toloane, who is pressure but I am ambitious. Therefore,
erent now. suspended after the Premier League that is giving me pressure.
“So many things were happening back then and Management Committee (PLMC) “By the look of things, I am forced to
hat made itstriker Tšeliso
difficult Botsane
for him to stay.(left) takes we
However, on LDF
are found him guilty after he refused to reinforce the squad because even those
past thatMoabi Tsie at
stage now Setsoto
and Stadium
we hope thingsyesterday.
will go our take the man of the match award in the players I trusted would do well are not
way because we want positive results.” hotly contested Independence Top4 tie performing well,” Mojakhomo said.
During his time at Lioli, Ramorebodi’s finished
LIPHAKOE’S Katiso Thamae (right) blocks the way for LMPS’s Bokang Tatai during the Vodacom Premier League match at LCS Ground yesterday.
only second to Bantu and for the first time in five
seasons, the Teyateyaneng outfit ended the season
without any silverware. intentions as they opened the scoring as early ane for Machitje Mokobocho. On his part, LMPS coach, Tiisetso Molete,

PLMC suspends Mohapi

Leemisa Thuseho
as in the 8th minute. That was after Tšoarelo In an effort to refresh its striking force, said he was happy for the three points as that

MPS collected maximum points yester- Mokoaleli cleverly tapped in a cross from his LMPS further introduced Mohanoe Sheleng had lifted them up into the top four teams on
HE Premier League Management Com-
after beating LiphakoeLDF 0-3 in a Voda- teammate Bokang Tatai from the right side of for Katleho Koaeana. the log standings.

mittee has suspended coach,
com Premier League (VPL) match at LCS the pitch. On the 54th minute a chance fell for Lipha- After yesterday win, LMPS moved from po-
Motheo Maseru.
Ground, Mohapi for five games for assaulting Thereafter LMPS continued their domi- koe but Manosa Mapheelle opted for a low sition six to four with 55 points.
match prior
was to initially
his team’sset Independence
for Sunday at nance while Liphakoe struggled to pull one shot from inside the box. It was easily collect- “We are back from a long break and resum-
op4theCup thirdvenue,
same place play-off
but it was against Bantu to
deferred lastyes- back to level matters. ed by LMPS goalkeeper, Sekhoane Moerane. ing our games with a 0-3 is commendable,”
terday by the Premier League Management TheOn
onth. the 32nd minute Liphakoe coach Kabe-
punishment is in relation to the case in already
Ntobo doubled the lead for LMPS on the Molete said.
He said itthe
unfortunate thattowards
the PLMC’s ruling
Mohapi assaulted
Committee a security
(PLMC) dueofficial
to heavymanningrainsthethat lo Tšukulu opted for fresh legs as he turnedting 80th served
minutethe one-match
before suspension
Tšepang Makapa after sit-
scored “With heading the end
left Stadium
tsoto the pitchgateswaterlogged.
after they were denied ac- against
which LDF
to his abandoned
bench and calleda Top4 semi-final
in Yuken matchfor the
Kanguite out of yesterday’s
last goal in thetie against
dying minutes of the game were
Kick4Life. it is coming
good towhilealwaysthey
heading into apoints.
maximum crucial
ss to Yesterday’s
the stadium on match
for the two teams re- Katleho
breakto allow
protesting the referee’s decision
stroke of half disputed
time,goal stand. wereakatsa
to seal Public
a 0-3 victory forOfficer
the rulings
coach M193.20
LMPS. Moeketsi Ram- tie
and made
(Tšukulu) said athe
early our
are very
chancesalso of
at Setsoto
he was in
this on
the topnot
four.to have
the five to action
games, twoafter
havea been
created to accommodate
Cup soccer tournament.
the recent People’s
n condition that Mohapi is not found guilty of ballfielder
LDF man down
did not cross
disputed thetheir
the Rammoneng
goal experienced
was given
goal line. The referee
arguing that the
had and
league teams
Per 5L
a first abide
regulations of the frustrated
half red
by card
his players against
“The arace
the received
on fighting
is notifying
letter not yet over,
and seethe
him despite what
of the we have
we claiming
to keep
get at thetoendhaveof
similar offence
Before in the nextgame,
yesterday’s six months.
Liphakoe Thehad
sus-lastbo Kolokotoane
marching orders. This toafter he brought down and LMPSteams had capitalised
to adhere toon thethat. theit.season.”
ension is effective from 17 January 2020 and
athisLeso-afterLMPS striker
was forced
abandon the match
rules and regu- sent Other charged parties, namely Toloane and
played on 15 April 2023 against CCX the LDF players refused to return the pitch.thelations“We conceded
of football andan earlyavoid
always andtarnishing
got one man the the At team thereceived
same venue (LCS)cause
their show Manonyane
letters andbeat
tie Agricultural
against Kick4Life was his
College (LAC)lastGround,
game before box and denied him a clear goal scoring op- down. That demoralised FREE
my players and Machokha 2-1. In other matches played yes-
Tšepo Toloane was named the man of the good image of our sport,” Ramakatsa said. sponded.
e starts servingthey
ibe where the punishment.
(Liphakoe) won Mohapi 1-0.has also match portunity. The referee, Samson Molelekoa, LMPS capitalised on that,” Tšukuku said. terday, Swallows lost 0-1 to Lifofane at Morija
not that fixture
hesitate tobut he refused
issue to take the
him (Rammoneng) Mohapi
“One confirmed
other thing receiving
is that the
we PLMC’s
are backverdict “I only got
from Ground, the judgment
Maseru before
whileBUILDING getting
Lijabatho theLCS
held show to
een ordered
As fortoLMPS,
write an apology
their last to the sponsors
game of
was against
on Tuesday but said they were awaiting advice cause letter… I do not understand what TRUST
Machokha on
within protest.
a red card. a long break and were not training well due a goalless draw at the same venue.
e tournament. The16letter
Aprilmustat the Police Training
be submitted on

We at DLM Complex, Khubetsoana, Maseru

He was after
therefore, found guilty
LMPSand the PLMCRele-from their lawyers on the matters raised.we will go I intendLDFtobeat writeNaughty
to the PLMC enquiring whether or
before (PTC)
Friday. HeGround,
has also Maseru.
been fined LMPS 000, 3-1ruled Just
M10 won the break, sacrificed to financial challenges. However, Boys 5-1 at Ratjomose
in that match. that he
bohile forfeitsfor
Makepe theMohale
prize. Toloane
Lipha- back“We just received
to the the rulings
drawing board yesterday
be prepared (Tues-for not it is just also
Ground, to comein up with a judgement
Maseru. without
At Teyateyaneng
alf of which has been suspended for one year. He
Yesterday, LMPS were quick to show theirwaskoe
expected to pay the fine by the end of February.
slapped withby introducing
a two-matchTšepo Mokher-day)
suspension. next
the matters is in the hands of our lawyers,” giving Ground, me Berea, Lioli edged
opportunity Matlama
to respond to the2-1.
Tel: +266 2233 2224
However, | was
one match +266 5343
suspended. 0741
Toloane | Email:
has Mohapi said. SalesTMFLesotho@gmail.com
tions,” Mohapi said.

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