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Made by: Diego Sánchez

Competence: Innovation and creativity


Steve Jobs is a film that tells, in great detail, the life of Steve Jobs, the co-
founder and executive president of the American multinational Apple. This story
tells us from when he was just a rebellious young man, to the moment he
changed the world when he founded Apple with Steve Wozniak, whom Jobs
met in 1971.

In our time, who does not have an iPod, iPad, iPhone, without a doubt, Steve
Jobs, founder of Apple, revolutionized the world of computing and technology in
particular and our way of working in general thanks to his perfect combination of
design, utility and above all, its accessibility. That is why it is not surprising that
after Jobs' death in 2011 due to cancer, his figure began to be mythologized.


The film brings us closer to the most important circumstances in Jobs' life,
always pointing out the people who were always by his side in his most difficult
decisions. This biographical film reflects the personality and entrepreneurial
character of Steve Jobs and, in summary, a strict portrait of his personal life is

This film is about a young university student without any life plan. He began to
manufacture his own computer parts. When he saw that his project was
prospering from the garage of his home, he decided to create his own mini
company, which he called APPLE. He gave his first computer to be known at a
science and technology exhibition, there APPLE 1 was unveiled,

In 1976, college dropout Steve Jobs, along with his friend, technology whiz
Steve Wozniak, started a revolution in personal computers with the invention of
the Apple 1. Built in Jobs' foster parents' garage, the Apple 1 and the formation
of Apple Inc.
As time went by, he began to look for a sponsor, but no businessman was
interested in his project. One afternoon in the garage of his house, during the
meeting with his team of workers, he received a visit from a businessman who
was very interested in his project.

Job liked the idea of the businessman, so with the businessman and his entire
mini work team, they created the APPLE company, which was very successful
for some years, a group of businessmen realized that the young STEVEN JOBS
was wasting the productions. of the company, they decide to take over his
company and take it away from him.

He had many problems with the council, especially because of the Lissa project,
in honor of his daughter and the Macintosh, the council decided to raise the
prices of the equipment but Jobs did not agree.

Despite being seen as a visionary, Steve Jobs' tenure as leader of Apple was
complicated, they had many setbacks and arguments with the board, so he
eventually had to leave.

At that moment in his life this man found himself again with what he does now,
now that what he had worked so hard for was no longer there, and that was
what made it very easy not to give up and continue working.

Many times we experience things that make us suffer, despair and feel like
failures but we must not allow those situations to defeat us, on the contrary we
must take this to get the necessary courage to move forward and start again,
we must see the changes in life as an opportunity to improve and start over and
this is something that Steve Jobs is very clear about

During that time he lived with his family, wife and children, one day he received
a visit from the director and returned as a consultant, then he was offered the
position of advisor helping the design team.

It should be noted that Steve Jobs had the creative spark, the gift of opportunity
and the capitalization of the productive forces of his friends, which cannot hide
the criticism about the ungrateful treatment that his collaborators have received
or the discarding of the relationships when they did not mean something
beneficial for the objective that was underway. There was something of “the end
justifies the means” in Jobs. Because the end was an ideal, a point that would
revolutionize his life and the lives of people.

Jobs' ability to take advantage of other people's ideas, to make a dream

possible and carry it out did not leave him time to support a family, to maintain a
few hours of leisure with his friends. The obsession focused on the next step
that would lead him to differentiate himself and surpass the competition. So
much so that I didn't want to be a few steps ahead, I wanted to overcome it from
an innate essence.

Complicated, intelligent, frustrating and unmissable, that is “Steve Jobs”, this

film represents one of the most loved and revered men of the 21st century.

For many of us, Steve Jobs was the genius behind the products that have made
our lives easier for more than a decade, but as users we only saw the charisma
and passion of this man in his speeches, especially in each presentation of a
new product. In this film he shows us the complicated life of this technological

The film shows us what was happening behind each change in Steve Jobs'
work life, and it does so through these product launches. Each step in his
career caused monumental changes in his family life, work life and his friends,
and we can see all this in a very interesting way.
This movie “Steve Jobs” presents us with the man behind the machine,
humanizing the genius that we all know, the relationships feel very real, and yes
there are moments when it makes you anxious because of how intense the
emotions are, it has many comical details. that remind you that this is life, and
that even though things can go very wrong (or very well) everything must

For people who knew Steve Jobs, he is calm, cold and narcissistic;
manipulative to a degree that surprises you with the intelligence and vision he
must have had to achieve it.
It is not presented as an action movie, nor is it shown as a drama, but
depending on how I see it, I will simply be amazed to discover everything that
happens behind a technological change as big as the one caused by Steve

Jobs”, the most revolutionary visionary of computing, as well as the work

incontinence that characterized him and that has taken him to the technology
hall of fame. Jobs was not satisfied with just that. He claimed to be a pioneer,
that is the plus with which he has managed to recruit his followers, his most
loyal fans. “Create” also has a double meaning in Jobs' universe: to innovate
from a technical point of view and to achieve the perfection of a work of art.

Steve Jobs was a marketing and sales man, obsessed with the product. For him
the product was everything “authentic passion for the product.” Steve Jobs
wanted to take responsibility for the entire user experience, and not to make
money but to “create great products.” This obsession was the driving force
behind Jobs' performance in his successful style of management, creativity,
design and communication.
Steve Jobs says that we must love what we do to have a job that we like and
that makes us happy and if not, if you have not found a job that makes you
happy, keep looking until you find it and stop living the lives of others and stop
to take importance to what others think.

Ask yourself every day; If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do
what I'm going to do?

And if the answer is no for several days in a row, something is wrong and you
need to change it. If we did this, I think we would be happier people and less
satisfied with what we have, we would go in search of what we really want and
what makes us happy.
“The important thing is the path, not the goal” This phrase was one of the
many that characterized Steve Jobs as an icon in society for his mentality
and the way he conceived of life.

In life it is very important to have a balance, a balance between work and

personal life, this is basic to being a successful person and a happy human

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