Picnictable Assignment 2023

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Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical)


Assignment 2: Measure and Draw an Existng Object (The Picnic Table)

Due: As shown in Course Moodle Site

Learning Outcomes:

1. Understand the stages of the design process

2. Understand and apply the principles, standards, and techniques of design and drawing
used in engineering contexts.

3. Use models and drawings to meet given briefs and communicate outcomes of solutions.

Percentage of Total Mark: 25%

Aim of this Assessment:

To accurately measure and record the dimensions of an existing object.

To identify and record the materials and construction of an existing object.
To research and apply recognised drawing standards.
To create a set of drawings of an existing object to recognised standards suitable for the
manufacture of the object.


To measure, draw and document an existing object.

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Your Task

A marquee client, Charlotte Perriand, on visiting Wintec Rotokauri has decided to

manufacture copies of the Wintec picnic tables. She has asked you to accurately measure
up one of the tables, produce a set of industry standard CAD dimensioned plans including a
plan view, standard elevations and an isometric or 3D view, a materials/cutting list, a
schedule of quantities, an itemised schedule of the approximate manufacturing cost per
table and a sales brochure for promotional purposes. Charlotte is planning to sell the tables
with a 15% markup on the cost of manufacture. She will also require an invoice for your
work measuring, drawing and reporting back to her.

Charlotte requires that all works associated with the job including field notes, diagrams,
research notes, checked draft plans, the invoice etc. to be uploaded to a dropbox nominated
by her agent Maurice.ONeill@wintec.ac.nz in a pdf format under a covering letter before
the due date.

Assessment: Note this is an individual assignment all work must be unique to each
student and noticeably different to every other student.

Measure Up

 A set of hand drawn diagrams detailing all of the measurements and details of the
existing picnic table. Ideally these would be done on a “Your Company” Calculation
Sheet. They might include marked up photographs of the table.
 Notes on the types of material and method of manufacture may be included.

Draw Plans

 CAD Plans should include but not be limited to dimensioned plan views,
dimensioned elevations and isometric and/or 3D views.
 All materials should be identified on the plans.
 Reference to standards including drawing standards is required to ensure that the
CAD plans produced meet with recognised best practice.
 Including copies of or references to the relevant standard material is advised.
 Plans should be on a suitable “Your Company” plan form or template and include a
Title Plan listing all the plans in the planset.

Materials/Cutting List, Schedule of Quantities, Schedule of Costs

 Schedules and lists should be done in a digital spreadsheet format

 Costs should be researched and supported with evidence where possible.

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Sales Brochure

 A sales brochure is required detailing the benefits a consumer would get from
purchasing the table and include a price per table based on a 15% mark up on the
cost of manufacture.


 Your invoice should account for all of your chargeable time spent on the various
aspects of the project and all costs associated with the production of the outputs,
printing, travel etc.

Covering Letter

 A formal letter to your client detailing the important aspects of the project, listing
the outputs and presenting your invoice for the work you have done.

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Marking Schedule

Criteria Mark
Hand drawn diagrams are legible and understandable with appropriate notes 1
Hand drawn diagrams are consistent and presented on a Calculation Sheet 1
Dimensions on hand drawn diagrams are correct and consistent 1
All table features are documented 1
Notes on materials and methods of manufacture are present 1
A Plan Title has been used with details of all the CAD plans in the planset 1
A consistent Plan form with title blocks has been used for all plans and the
appropriate signatures have been obtained
The CAD plans follow recognised industry standards 1
The CAD plans are clear and correct 3
The CAD Elevations are clear, correct and positioned according to recognised
The CAD Isometric or 3D plan is clear and correct 2
Evidence of plans having been checked is presented in the form of at least one set of
marked up draft plans highlighting both correct data and incorrect data and amended 1
CAD plans are consistent throughout the dataset. Fonts and Layout are appropriate
and visually appealing
The Materials/Cutting List is clear and correct 1
The Schedule of Quantities is clear and correct 1
The Schedule of Costs is clear and correct 1
The schedules and tables are consistent and visually appealing 1
The sales brochure is correct and fit for purpose. 1
The invoice is correct clear, appropriate and fit for purpose. 1
The covering letter is clear, appropriate and fit for purpose. 1
Total 25

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