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Technology Management - Course Assignment - IT Plan

JONAS - Management technologies

This technologies focus on the basic day-to-day operation of any business, from customer relationship management to resource planning. Management technologies are those tools that facilitate the everyday running of a business, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Project Management (PM), Human Resouces (HR) and Finance & Accounting (F&A). These tools all fall within the umbrella of ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning, as tools for managing information, both on an internal and on an external level.

Market research:
What options are already present in the market. What conceptual differences are between them. There are a vast variety of softwares available which carry out ERP tasks. Some are designed for specific uses (for instance, dedicated PM Software), while others embrace several of the management tools that fall within ERP. These software options encompass a host of different tools and capabilities, often offering quite varied solutions between them. Wikipedia, for example, provides an exhaustive comparison table of numerous Project Management software platforms and their respective tools and properties: ERP software packages can be broadly divided into three categories: proprietary (also called legacy) ERP packages, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions and free open-source platforms. These differ in the manner that users pay for using the software: either with a licence fee, periodical (monthly, yearly, etc) subscription charge or free to use (albeit often with surplus charges for premium editions, etc) respectively. Another important distinction between the disparate ERP solutions available is that while some are installed locally to be run off the users own computer or network, others are web-based and are accessible only over the internet. A considerable number of ERP software packages are also more geared towards manufacturing industries, offering tools such as warehouse management, electronic point of sale, etc. As a service provider and for our sector (design and construction), we believe the the most interesting and useful ERP components/modules would be PM, CRM and F&A. Amongst the numerous ERP options available, a few have caught our attention: - ProjectOpen: an open-source tool that seems to be fairly comprehensive in the tools it provides, with include PM, CRM, HR and financial and timesheet management. It is available in numerous languages and can be freely downloaded, although the web-based solution does have a SaaS monthly hosting fee. - ProjectNet: another open-source solution that is available for free. It does, however, require an Oracle database to run, which is a proprietart commercial product with an associated licence fee. It has gotten good reviews from both technical and educational publications. - 37 Signals Suite: a suite of web-based software solutions from 37 Signals, comprising Basecamp HQ (for project management), Highrise (for contact-management), Backpack (an information sharing tool) and Campfire (a chat and online collaboration tool). Although not strictly an ERP solution, it

combines several related tools in a very user-friendly and aesthetically pleasant interface. It also has a CloudHQ extension for synchronization with Google Docs and Dropbox which could be interesting, and can be accessed on a mobile. The suite costs $99 per month for the most basic option. - OpenBravo: a commercial but open-source ERP provider, it is an award-winning web-based software solution. It has three editions: a free community edition, a basic and a professional edition (prices vary, as do the available modules and capabilities). It also boasts a network of partners for implementation and IT support. It has good compatibility and synchronization options with other tools and formats.

How are you going to pay your IT? Will it require strong investments? Of what type? (equipment, licenses, training, maintenance, development...) How will you finance it? The free open-source options also have attached costs to them - such as premium versions, support charges, etc. Proprietary options have an upfront license fee. Saas has a monthly charge. Moste options include modules that can be bought separately. Web-based options could mean more flexibility and less cost for hardware. By choosig open-source or Saas, we would be avoiding large capital costs and instead more manageable monthly fees. Our chosen option should have the possibility of upgrading, expanding and scalability options in future when more users and customers are anticipated. So to start with we might have smaller costs, but these would increase as our business and needs expand. ROI comes from greater information database to allow more effective and fruitful customer service, as well as possibly BI to allow for strategic decisions to be facilitated and business opportunities to be analyzed.

What technologies do you choose and why. We are inclined to opt for an all-in-one ERP solution (one software package that include whatever features we feel are necessary), to allow for easier use and implementation; more straight-forward learning of the new tool and its capabilities and also as a time and money saver - having many crossreferenced databases and tools rather than a multitude of applications running in parallel. Because our partners are spread out internationally, we are also keen to choose a web-based option fo allow all of us to access it from anywhere on-the-go. Although this means we are reliant on an internet connection to access the software, and also mean we have to spend less on hardware (but we will rely on having a good Internet connection). Would also be interesting for the software to have some business intelligence capabilities, to help us make strategic decisions for the company. Coupling BI capabilities with ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems can be a challenge. The integration is most easily achieved if you have a single ERP system working across your organization; with this consistency, less customization needed in order to accommodate the data, schema and reporting idiosyncrasies that are inevitable with multiple ERP implementations. (

In terms of Open-source options, from a quick scan Openbravo looks quite good. It is web-based, linked with google docs (as well as having facebook, twitter widgets) and the interface is quite userfriendly compared to some of the others. Ive been playing around with the demo, it seems fairly

intuitive and customizable. Costs $365 for the basic option (max 3 concurrent users) other: ProjectOpen, ProjectNet (free, only fee for hosting but requires Orcale), WebERP (free)

Implementation Plan:
Who is going to lead the implementation? Will you outsource that service or will you, for instance, develop your own web page? Implementation should be straightforward to start, just sign-up and personalize the tool a bit within the available options. Initially some migration of stored contacts and data from other sources, plus data-entry. Maybe some training required, and more updates, add-ons and customization as time goes by.

with other services and systems: How will you make all your systems work together? Is that possible? ERP options can be integrated with phone/fax/email systems. Data can be migrated from existing databases and formats. Can also be linked with collaboration and communication tools, version control of documents, etc.

Management and use:

Who is going to use that IT? Who is going to manage and maintain it? Needs to become an everyday tool used by all, to input all information (however trivial) for access by all and to facilitate future decision-making and retrospective analysis. Some tools can be shared with external sources, clients, etc for collaboration.

MARIA - Collaboration, Communication technologies

Focus on the benefit from IT for collaborating across different locations, projects and constraints. Outside (joint venture, client and outsourcing) collaboration must be considered as well. Focus on internal and external exchange of information. From email service to web marketing.

Market research: After a deep research about this topic, I would like to introduce you first to what is the meaning of COLLABORATION SOFTWARES, AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES. It is the term used to describe a range of software applications designed TO ALLOW multiple users to collaborate on related tasks on either local or remote servers.

The world is changing, AND THE METHODOLOGY of working with it. As enterprises become more diffuse, COLLABORATION between the different

teams and employees could become a real challenge. It is necessary to implement a new platform in our business , implement technologies that easily, allow us to COMMUNICATE with the rest of our team, in real time, if it is possible. Because Seedlab is placed across different locations, projects and constraints we need to focus on the benefit from IT for collaborating each others, from USA, to Spain, Brazil and London. We need to work together to reach a single goal, share knowledge and information, as fast as possible. We are looking for a software that allow us to work simultaneously on the same set of data. The key is to IMPROVE our COMMUNICATION. You could click on the appendix, to compare the different softwares and prices that we took in consideration, then name a few. Teambox, twiki, Activ collab, Zimbra, Basecamp, Writeboard, Google docs, Stixy, Project2manage, Project Pier, Skype, Boardvantage, Sciforma, Proworkflow, project viewer, teamdesk, Inflectra, Jive, Aceproject, Zoho projects, Central desktop, Bird view, Easyprojects, Hyperoffice, IBM softwareetc We know that our first constraint is money, but we prefer to save in other issues and invest in a good platform, because our first challenge in seedlab is to have a fluid communication. Between those, we have chosen BOARDVANTAGE.

Each of us have an ipad to be 24 hours


connected, the laptop, to

be 24 hours connected, is too big and the phone is too small, so the best size that work for us, in hour 24h CONNECTION, is the ipad. Apart from that one, we would have other devices, but all of us, would have the ipad.

The leading provider of secure board portals for the browser and the iPad is BoardVantage.

With this platform TEAM, TASK AND TIME, are now control in seedlab.

This collaboration platform delivers for SEEDLAB the security of a board portal and the ease-of-use of a modern social network. Funding: As you can find above, in seedlab the key of success, because we are all around the world, is the communication between us. We know there are several platforms that would be free or cheaper, but the storage they offer is not enough for us, and they offer a minimum in projects or in users. We are able to pay till 99$ a month, for a professional service to cover our necessities and for us is really important to have the team spaces and the videoconferencing, apart from the shared calendars and other features. It is a guarantee for us that the leading provider of secure board portals for the browser and the iPad is BoardVantage.

Decisions: We have decided that a good device for us for what we call the 24h CONNECTION, would be the ipad because is really thin and easy to use, you could bring it everywhere. Implementation Plan: One of the partners in the team, will lead and control the implementation carefully. We are going to offer boardvantage to have one month free to start using it. We will pay for one day training course in order to know all the features that its offer. Also boardvantage offer a support team that would help us during the implementation of the software and a service of consulting solution. Integration This platform is perfectly compatible with the other software used in seedlab, it would be really well integrated in our ipad and would allow us to be always located. Management and use: All of us, the four partners would use it continuously, if we expand our team or we think it is necessary to add anyone in our platform, like a special client or any supplier or consultant, We will have a discussion between us to see if we introduce them in our collaborative team, maybe during the short-long period of each project.

CRISTOBAL - Design and production technologies

Apart from CAD applications, focus on different tools that can help with increased productivity and control over design. From version control to information reusability.

Market research:
What options are already present in the market. What conceptual differences are between them.

We use BIM technology Autodesk Revit Architecture because we strongly believe it is the future in architecture and the design-build industry, it facilitates the design team collaboration from start to finish, with everyone working in a 3D model. We also make use of the free open source softwares available in the net, for example: in regards a CAD system, we use DrafSight - A professional grade open product that let us create edit and view DWG file. (This is a 2D tool very similar to AutoCAD)-; for photo editing we use gimp -for photo editing-; foxit -for viewing, editing and printing PDFs-; open office - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, graphics, databases-; Fast Stone image viewer - as an image browser, converter and editor-; and Google earth -for satellite imagery, maps and terrain.- For a more experimental and strategic design work, we relay on the Plug-in for Rhino

called Grasshopper (parametric design), combining with other collaborative online tools for Rendering, 3D printing and CNC printing. Funding:
How are you going to pay your IT? Will it require strong investments? Of what type? (equipment, licenses, training, maintenance, development...) How will you finance it?

By using some free open source software for some of the software packages used more as secondary tool, for example, instead of purchasing licenses for Photoshop, Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, ACDC, Acrobat, etc. We can concentrate big part of our savings by spending it on a strong BIM package, which is use more in a day-by-day base; other tools that we use but on less daily basis that are easy to use, handy and free are: PDF Tools, Team viewer, Google Maps, and although SketchUP and Rhino are not free softwares theyre relatively inexpensive and very strong for conceptual design stage.

What technologies do you choose and why.

Working the majority of the times in BIM had allow us to be better, faster and more cost effective because the whole project trade coordination runs significantly better than with CAD. We still have the necessity of working in CAD but mainly for 2D and very specific details, or for converting files and checking drawings from some of our collaborators. We relay a lot in the early stage of our work in conceptual tools like Sketch Up, Rhino, Grasshopper, and in a more advance stage importing this to our BIM platform. Implementation Plan:
Who is going to lead the implementation? Will you outsource that service or will you, for instance, develop your own web page?

We together with a team of expertise in the fields of information technologies, research development and computational design, will create an individual and personalize interface engine for each of their clients' projects, using the latest technology and making it reachable and friendly to use to our client / viewer / and collaborators. This virtual platform serves for all the different agents to collaborate in an open manner and work towards common goal.

with other services and systems: How will you make all your systems work together? Is that possible?

All the tools were using have been integrated 24/7 working as an extension

of our body, thanks to the so fast and everyday growing mobile technology. Were taking advantage of its many uses aside of being just a communication tool, as a small and quick design tool, like a portable first aid kit. We can be on a meeting, far from our office desk, in any part of the word, and communicate with our partners, view drawings in AutoCAD, edit pictures with Photoshop, create Sketches, measure distance in a picture, show 3D models or any type of presentation to a client, and many other tools with just a click in our mobile device.

JON - IT Infrastructure
Focus on the nuts and bolts of your IT Plan. What equipment, connection and devices will you use? The term IT infrastructure is defined as a combined set of hardware, software, networks, facilities, etc. (including all of the information technology), in order to develop, test, deliver, monitor, control or support IT services. source: ITIL v3

Market research:
What options are already present in the market. What conceptual differences are between them. EQUIPMENT IT equipment covers these sets of products: -Computers (both desktops and notebooks) -Imaging equipment (printers, scanners and MFDs) -Telephones -Software INTERNET CONNECTION Regarding Internet connection we have considered products marketed with the term "broadband". This term means a provision of high data rate access to the Internet (256 kbit/s or greater) and includes a broad range of technologies: DSL (ADSL/SDSL/VDSL) DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) provides a connection through the telephone network. DSL can operate using a single phone line without preventing normal use of the telephone line for phone calls. VDSL is the newest and most advanced standard of digital subscriber line (DSL) broadband wireline communications. Designed to support the wide deployment of triple play services such as voice, video, data, high definition television (HDTV) and interactive gaming. WiFi Wi-Fi is the standard method to connect a high-speed local area network via wireless transmitter/receiver. WiFi is convenient for mobile Internet users and can bring service to areas where wiring would be costly. WiMax WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) it also transmits information via airwaves, but it handles network traffic more efficiently. Cable modem Cable Modem transmits data via airwaves on the cable television infrastructure. Cables have low interference, high speeds, and allow television use, but with a high cost of bringing service into an area.

Satellite Data is transmitted via satellite. There are many factors that affect the reception of the Internet using this technology, including wind, rain, and trees. However, it is ideal for those living in isolated rural areas. Cellphones Cellular broadband is wireless high-speed internet access through a portable telephone or cellular device. Information is transmitted through cellular towers. Fiber-optic Fiber optic wires convert electrical signals carrying data into light, and send this light through tiny transparent glass fibers. Is extremely fast and has little interference. It is a expensive method to deploy. Power-line internet Power-line Internet technology uses power lines to send and receive radio signals. Because of the extensive power line infrastructure it is ideal for those living in rural and low population areas with little cost in terms of equipment, cables or wires. T-lines In T-line internet access data is carried over fiber optic lines or copper lines. They are fast but highly regulated and generally intended for business use.

WEB PRESENCE The most important piece of any business web presence is probably the website. However, in addition to the website, there are a number of alternatives to enhance the web presence on the Internet: newsletters, social and professional networks, blogs, apps... There are several free blog hosting platforms in the market: Joomla, Tumblr, Wordpress, Drupal, Blogger...All of them offer professional and fully customizable templates, bookmarklets, photos, mobile apps, and social networks.

How are you going to pay your IT? Will it require strong investments? Of what type? (equipment, licenses, training, maintenance, development...) How will you finance it? EQUIPMENT Currently, every member of the practice is provided with his own equipment so we consider that additional investment will not be required. As most of the practice do, our plan is to outsource printing large sets of plans, 3D models and laser cuttings. INTERNET CONNECTION It will be necessary to make an investment to upgrade our current fixed connections to a more powerful one, which is VSDL2. However, in the case of the connection for the portable devices the whole team already works with 3G/UMTS technology. WEB PRESENCE There are different affordable options to develop our web presence. The web hosting for the website we need can be achieved with a reasonable investment of 100$/year. Blogs and social and professional networks registration is free. However, apps development could become very costly and unaffordable for a small start-up like ours. Apps are getting more and more popular and gaining ground so it will be interesting to take them into account, but we think is better to wait until the practice will increase and expand to the point that the cost of the app will not take most of the budget.

What technologies do you choose and why. EQUIPMENT

Being a practice spread throughout the world is everyones decision to choose the particular details of his equipment and devices. Nevertheless, due to the huge separation between us, effective communication is vital, therefore, in order to be constantly available for any requirement we choose to use smart-phones and portable devices with 3G/UMTS technology which allow a synchronously communication when possible and asynchronously communication always. INTERNET CONNECTION Newer technologies in use such as VDSL2 uses 4 channels for data transmission, two for download and two for upload, therefore power transmit increases. And, in the case of mobiles and portable devices, 3G (UMTS) technology. WEB PRESENCE Due to the benefits that a large web presence generates it is our aim to be as spread as possible over the net by existing in networks, both social and professional, blogs, websites... We will focus on our blog for three reasons: one, because of its ease of set up, to host, to customize and to publish. Secondly, due to its scalability, blogs can be extended with plug-ins and specific developments as needed. And thirdly, because they are SEO optimized by design thus content freshness helps a lot. As free blog hosting platforms roughly offer the same alternatives we decided to chose the one we were most familiarised with: Blogger.

Implementation Plan:
Who is going to lead the implementation? Will you outsource that service or will you, for instance, develop your own web page? EQUIPMENT Plans printings, 3D printing and laser cuttings will be outsourced to specialised companies like cadventure in the UK ( or stereoprint in Spain ( INTERNET CONNECTION Internet connection service will be provided by different telecommunication operators on based countries, i.e. Spain: Telefnica VDSL2 offer consists of a 30Mbit/s access with an upload capacity of 1Mbit/s. Jazztel VDSL2 offer consist of a 30Mbit/s with an upstream rate of 3.5Mbit/s. WEB PRESENCE As we are not intending a very complex website it will be developed by ourselves probably using a web hosting open source.

with other services and systems: How will you make all your systems work together? Is that possible? EQUIPMENT Our content management system can be used and updated with different browsers (Mobile, Touch, Desktop). WEB PRESENCE The practises web will be integrated by links from the blog and the social networks content. Our plan is to start with a simple web which could be easily manage using a blog as a an open source CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. We choose to have a CMS to properly exploit our content, it has the multiple language possibility, keeps the content profiled and has a more intuitive editing. In addition, blogs design support media elements, linking and social features. At the same time, by linking our website content inside our social page, social networks enhance web presence.

Management and use:

Who is going to use that IT? Who is going to manage and maintain it?

As our practice is mainly based on a professional networking, it is our plan to receive professional assistance by some of our collaborators in return for our service provided. This could be easily implemented using special software like TeamViewer. EQUIPMENT In addition to ours collaborators help, we can ask for some assistance to the manufacturer or other technical assistance service. INTERNET CONNECTION In addition to ours collaborators support, we can ask for some assistance to the telecommunication operators assistance service. WEB PRESENCE The web presence will be managed by ourselves through the use of our blog as a Content Management System. Besides, it will be supported by the periodical content updates from the social networks. Blogging platforms are easy to maintain, which is a great feature for web publishing.

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