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The Socio-Economic Background of Nazi Antisemitism

Author(s): Herman Hausheer

Source: Social Forces , Mar., 1936, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Mar., 1936), pp. 341-354
Published by: Oxford University Press

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Social Forces

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Lamoni, Iowa

T HOSE who have written on the inconsistency in the enumeration of the

Jewish question, which has been virtues of the Jew. There is little ob-
for the last two milleniums a most jectivity, absence of apology and diatribe
vexata quaestio of mankind, have been for in their works. In many respects they are
the most part infected with racial and talking past each other. It is particularly
confessional prejudices. If the antisemitic painful to plow through the writings of
literature is enormous, the defensive litera- the antisemites. Even so, however, the
ture of the Jews is quite considerable. writings in question can still be useful
Unfortunately, by far the greater part of sources of information. There is factual
the voluminous literature relating to the truth on both sides.
Jewish question is unmistakably conten- According to the last German census
tious. It arouses such strong feeling that for which figures are available, June 6,
those who write about it are wont either, I9Z5, 5 84, 3 79 were Jews or nine-tenth of
like Chamberlain, Ford, Fritsch, Hitler, i per cent of the total population. The
and Rosenberg, to take violent sides anti-Jewish measures of the Nazis, how-
against the Jews, or, like Hertz, Kahn, ever, affect not only those listed as Jews,
and Zollschan, to espouse the Jewish but also a newly created class of "non-
cause with passion. The perusal of the Aryans." By prescribed definition a non-
voluminous antisemitic literature is for Aryan is a fourth part of non-Aryan blood;
the most part a punishment. Neither a person descended in particular from
are the refutations a constant pleasure to Jewish parents and grandparents. It suf-
peruse. A perpetual war with accusations fices if one parent or grandparent is non-
and defenses, justifications and falsifica- Aryan. It is estimated that this category
tions, corrections and doctored statistics comprises approximately two million Ger-
has to date been fought between anti- mans, making a total of about two and a
semites and philosemites. That the vic- half millions in the Reich who, according
tims try to defend themselves is only to Nazi standards, are classified as Jews.
natural, but it cannot be said that their Although the Jews in Germany only
spokesmen always do so successfully. number about one million, they exercised
Many of them let themselves be stirred an influence upon the character of national
into an aggressive combat, where coolness culture which is much greater than was
and silence would be more effective. To warranted by their number.
phrase statements so that both the assim- The present anti-Jewish outbreak in
ilated and the Zionistic Jews, the fanatic Germany marks the greatest ebullition of
of race and the fanatic of environment, antisemitism in modern times. It also
may agree, is probably an insuperable symbolizes the passing of a great economic
task. Antisemitism and philosemitism epoch in Jewish history, an epoch which
represent exaggerations. The former is began with the nineteenth century and
inconsistent in its accusations against the came to a close with the World War.
Jew, while the latter displays considerable The nineteenth century was indubitably

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the century of the greatest progress and the most illustrious names of German
advancement for the Jews. Aside from culture were Jewish. In no other country
ushering in the great Jewish emancipation, had the Jews ever before achieved what
with its political, religious, and in some they were able to do in Germany.
instances also social, equality, the nine- Nazi antisemitism is intimately linked
teenth century will go down into history with the growing revolt of the German
as the one having the greatest Jewish middle classes, which the events of the
prosperity as far as the Western World is post-war years have left poor in pocket as
concerned. For centuries past the Jews well as in morale. The World War and
had engaged in occupations which the new the inflation having ruined them almost
economic order needed and valued most. to the point of annihilation, with their
While one may not agree with W. Sombart old social and economic positions de-
that the Jews were the originators of stroyed and threatened, and fearing being
capitalism, yet they had at least a good proletarianized and losing their cultural
start not only in the knowledge and ex- status, they rose in revolt, being willing
perience of the mechanisms of trade and to give their support to any one who
commerce, but in the possession of quali- promised a desirable change. Thus
ties and mental equipment essential for Nazism derived its real strength neither
the capitalistic world of production for from the believers in hereditary aristoc-
sale. Thus when modern capitalism set racy nor from the great capitalists, but
in they were by reason of their previous from the large section of the national
economy in the vanguard. community which, in the modern world,
The nineteenth century was chiefly one stands between the directors of capitalist
of individual enterprise and competition. enterprise and the main body of the work-
The Jews excelled in both these aspects ing class. It recruited its supporters
through centuries of persecution and con- mainly from the urban middle classes.
sequent need of adjustment to adverse Side by side with the older lower bour-
circumstances. The economic life of the geoisie which depended upon small-scale
age was in the direction which favored production and exchange for its survival,
the Jews. there had grown up within modern cap-
No student of the Jewish problem can italism a new class, composed of tech-
overlook the marvellous record of Jewish nicians, salary-earners, and various kinds
achievement and prosperity during the of consultants. The incomes and social
nineteenth century. True, in Eastern status of these men depend upon the evolu-
Europe, the great mass of the Jews was tion of modern industrial technique. The
living in the main below decent levels of industrial workers are, in Germany and
subsistence. In Western Europe, how- other advanced countries, a shrinking
ever, emancipation, even if restricted and factor of the population, while the clerks,
defined both by law and traditions, opened the disrtibutors, and those who render
the door to achievement. IndividualJews various kinds of service increased greatly
amassed and spent fabulous fortunes. in relative numbers with every technical
They reached unexcelled heights in learn- advance.
ing, philosophy, science, art, literature, Then too, ever since the unavoidably
in journalism, on the stage, and in the growing concentration and relative dif-
professions. The Jewish boycott in Nazi fusion of capital during the period begin-
Germany (1934) disclosed that many of ning with I890 until the World War, the

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rise of a rentier class,aggressive

of small and
nationalism they middling
were able to
investors had come to characterize German marshal behind them the otherwise in-
social life. These small investors con- articulate and unorganized forces of the
stituted the social sphere from which small traders, the peasants, and the youth-
ful unemployed intellectuals. Being not
were recruited the lower and middle ranks
of the civil service, the more highly paid versed in politics, in order to help them-
employees, the elementary and high school selves they placed their faith in the ex-
teachers. The German middle class, a clusive leadership of an individual who
highly differentiated world in itself, can- dared. Reinforced by those elements from
not be counted as a part of the employer the old aristocracy and the upper bour-
or capitalistic class. Subject as the mid- geoisie which had been anxious to throw
dle class groups were as consumers to the their weight on the side of any force
price policy of cartels and trusts, they strong enough to smash the growth of
nevertheless supported the capitalistic social radicalism, and by the unemployed
order because part of their income was from the lower strata of the population,
linked up with it. Through the dis- all these elements became under the pecul-
turbance of the industrial capitalistic order
iar conditions of post-war Europe, strong
by the World War the middle class groups enough to take the whole power of the
were wrecked. In contrast to the work- state into their hands, and use it to sup-
ers, the salaried employees received mini- press every articulate form of opposition.
mal wage increases. The civil service was But dictatorships have only recently
reduced in numbers, loaded with addi- become Fascist in nature. The main
tional work and undernourished. The differential factor of Nazism is its eco-
incomes of the small investors from mort-
nomic program, aiming at rehabilitating
gages, government securities and war the middle classes. Awakened by their
loans suffered from depreciation in value. painful experiences since the World War
The middle class groups ceased to be able to the evils of unrestrained competition
to live in the accustomed style. Smalland uncontrolled production of the cap-
wonder that they came to feel themselves
italistic system they have sought to escape
economically and socially degraded. their troubles through economic planning
Moreover, the middle class groups, being within a self-sufficing state. By reason
depressed in social status, ceased to be the of their economic discontent they are
goal of the social aspirations of the work- groping for an overturn within the frame-
ers. Toward the end of the war the work of capitalism, intent upon retaining
nouveaux riches were confronted by the property rights and profits. The various
nouveaux paiuvres. This contrast became phases of economic life are to be co6r-
accentuated with the progress of the war, dinated so as to raise the standard of
intensifying the economic resentment andliving of all. This is still an item of the
envy between those who possess and those distant future. Nazism was the only
who do not. vehicle for the political radicalization of
The leadership of the Nazi movement the middle class, which offered the oppor-
was assumed largely by men who belongedtunity for the destruction of laissez-faire
to the technically progressive middle class capitalism without the concurrent anni-
group. These men were for the most part hilation of the middle class. Hence the
energetic individuals; they had drive and Third Reich rests upon economic national-
were hard-boiled. Under the banner of ism, seeking to eliminate social and


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economic waste, and saving the best in state to playing the role of a dispenser of
capitalism, and discarding the worst of it. aid (Fuersorgestaat), by surrenderinrg its
It represents a revival of feudal economic integrity to internationalism, yielding to
ideas, adapted. to modern conditions. all foreign political, economic, and cul-
In aiming to smash Marxism because it tural forces, while financial capitalism
alienated the workers from the ideals of through its international connections de-
a German national state and a German liberately menaced the weakened eco-
national economy by seeking to repress nomic structure of the German nation in
individual initiative, to abolish private favor of a small group of individuals.
property, and to foster international class The state became the slave of international
interests; in aiming to crush international economy. To reestablish the lost su-
financial capitalism, because the large premacy of the state, the government had
financial capitalists sought to control the to become a government of deeds. It
economic life of the entire nation for their must be executive, not legislative. It
own ends by speculative uses of their must exert authority over economic life by
capital, the Nazi party and later the Nazi organizing its production, distribution,
government unavoidably became the rally- and consumption so as not to endanger its
ing force for all latent antisemitic tend- supremacy.
encies, as individual Jews had taken a The new state is different from the
prominent part in both the socialistic liberal state of the nineteenth century
movements and in international finance. which was mainly concerned with the
Politically insignificant antisemitic se- maintenance of order, law, and national
cret organizations flourished during the defense. The corporative state is pri-
duration of the belated German Republic. marily concerned with economic and social
There were no less than sixty-two patriotic matters. Its agencies must make decisions
organizations, which, while violently quickly and act even more quickly. It
opposed to each other, were yet unani- places national ends above individual and
mously antisemitic in their objectives. group interests, balanced order above
The Hitler movement and party became liberty, invention above tradition, and
their political expression. The growing practical necessities above constitutional
misery of the middle classes rendered guarantees. It tends to be administrative
plausible the view that they had always rather than parliamentary, and is in-
been the particular favorite of the state's different to the traditional division of
care throughout the last century, because powers. It develops a whole series of
they had always been in danger of being governmental proprietary corporations,
ground to dust between the upper mill- which tie the state into the economic
stone of international capitalism, often structure of the country.
Jewish capitalism, and the nether mill- Nazism places no premium upon in-
tellectuality. Rational knowledge at its
stone of proletarianism,, often Marxian
socialism. best is harmful according to the Nazis.
Nazism is thus both anti-capitalistic Intellectual comprehension of facts, they
and anti-socialistic in the sense that it say, disables the individual to make fresh
contends that Marxism and international and quick decisions. Nazism hates in-
financial capitalism deliberately tended totellectualism because it mimicked sym-
disrupt the integrity of the political state.pathy for Bolshevism, which effectively
Marxism, Nazism contends, degraded the changed the social economy. It identifies

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intellectualism with parliamentarism and privileged classes, theJews naturally favor

hollow talk. It accepts Sorel's theory of democracy and socialism. It was the
the indecision of talkers and intellectuals. proletariat which constituted in pre-war
But one finds nowhere as much Schoen- days the organized center of social dis-
rednerei, as the Germans term excessive satisfaction and of revolutionary explo-
forensics, than in the Nazi camp. It was sives. Jewish intellectuals, restricted in
by means of beautiful speeches that the pre-war days in the exercise of the pro-
Nazis succeeded in corrupting the various fessions and in the attainment of civil
organized economic and social groups. positions, were hindered from climbing
Contrary to Nazi theory, however, the into those positions in which they would
most decisive changes since the World War have risen by reason of their ability if
have been made by intellectuals. Nazism they had not been Jews. They thus be-
surreptitiously argues that modern society came the best soil for revolutionary tend-
suffers from an excessive number of in- encies. As among non-Jews the number
tellectuals. As a consequence of the over- of dissatisfied intellectuals is mtich smaller
abundance of persons offering their than among the Jews, and as the prole-
knowledge in the market an intellectual tariat has in its political rise need of
proletariat arose. This is always a path- intellectual leaders, it was natui!al that
ological condition caused by an in- the Jews became strongly represented.
tellectual over-estimation of formal But that the Jew is by reason of race in-
education, and by the stoppage in the clined toward revolutions is best refuted
consumption of intellectual commodities by the fact that the rich Jewish merchants
due to the general impoverishment; by the and industrialists in Central and Western
industrial technological unemployment, Europe and in America are the pillars of
which forces them usually into civil the existing political and social order. It
service or the liberal professions, both of is, however, a fact that the Jews are gen-
which are overmanned. Only a very erally less nationalistic than the Gentiles,
small percentage of intellectual prole- because they live in many different coun-
tarians is due to ruined careers. Having tries, travel and migrate more than the
been unable to find a place at the govern- non-Jews, and are probably less addicted
ment troughs, the intellectual proletarians to being distrustful and hostile towards
become the sworn enemies of the existing aliens.
political regime. It is thus not by chance In their attitude toward the pre-Nazi
that the Jews have furnished a large quota German state and German culture the
of socialistic and financial leaders in all Jews could be divided roughly into four
countries. Their pariah position within groups. The Zionists regarded them-
the respective national states explains their selves as a real national minority. They
comparaive innocence and irresponsibility looked to Palestine as their real father-
toward the national traditions, of the land. Numerically they were insignifi-
peoples among whom they live; their cant. At the other extreme was a small
resentment and aggressive drive against group which continually stressed the
the existing social order, if they do not German national spirit. This group was
attain recognition by way of finance, and opposed to the immigration of Eastern
their willingness to overthrow the social European Jews into Germany; for, like the
order that represses them. German nationalists, it saw therein a
Not recognizing among themselves any danger to German culture. The great

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majority of the German Jews took their came to mean as being directed primarily
stand somewhere between these two ex- against the Jewish companies which specu-
tremes. They regarded themselves as Ger- late in land.
man citizens, but tried to tmaintain, to a The contradictions between these vari-
certain extent, the Jewish tradition. A ous socialistic proposals and the Nazi
fourth group of uncertain size consisted of obligations to financial interests was
those Jews who sought complete assimila- cleverly smoothed over by a convenient
tion, and who attempted to hide or deny distinction which the Nazi theorists made
their Jewish ancestry. between creative and acquisitive capital.
Nazism provided the impoverished mid- The former which was said to keep the
dle classes, the backbone of German wheels of industry running, was accepted
cultural and national life, with an outlet and supported, while the latter, represent-
for their pent-up feelings, by making the ing capital invested in business and bank-
Jews responsible for all their miseries. ing, was accused of reaping big profits,
The middle class had been in pre-war subtracting thereby from the national
Germnany the main support of laissez-faire wealth. This differentiation, although a
capitalism. The leadership of opposition purely verbal one, applies to no real
against capitalism for exclusively private economic dissimilarity between the vari-
gain passed after the close of the World ous forms of capital. It was simply an
War from the workers to the middle class. essential part of Nazi romantic reasoning
Antisemitism received a fresh impetus which they presented to their proletarian
from the economic impoverishment of followers. The injection of the pseudo-
Germany through the World War and the scientific racial factor into an analysis of
inflationary period of I9 2-23. The ha- economic processes vitiates the validity of
tred of the masses against the war and Nazi economic theory. Cognizant of the
inflation profiteers was much greater thanfact that a Jewish proletariat, a Jewish
their hatred against inherited wealth. wage earning class, is practically non-
Catering to the demands of the impover- existent in Germany, the Nazis made use
ished middle class groups, the socalistic of the anti-capitalistic feeling among the
proposals of the Nazi party called for the majority of the workers and the middle
abolition of incomes unearned by work, class discontents by sidetracking it into an
the ruthless confiscation of war profits, antagonism against foreign and Jewish
the nationalization of all trusts, profit- capitalism.
sharing in wholesale trade, old age pen- It is not true that international capital
sions, the municipalization of large de- and international industry are exclusively
partment stores and their leasing out at in Jewish hands as the fanatics among the
low rates to small merchants, the Xdeath Nazis have so glibly claimed. There is,
penalty for usurers and profiteers, pre- for instance, a very small amount of
vention of speculation in land, abolition of Jewish capital involved in the huge cor-
interest on land mortgages and confisca- porations of the metal industry, partic-
tion of land for community purposes ularly in the field of heavy industry.
(Points ii-i8). Mass hatred against in- However, the statement by W. Sombart
herited wealth came to political expres- and Friedrich L. Nussbaum that in Ger-
sion in the Nazi demand for the expropria-
many before the war, I3.3 per cent of the
tion of the large estates, which in the directors of industrial enterprises were
interests of political opportunism soon Jewish, although the Jews formed only

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about i per cent- of the total population; inflation. Havenstein, Hellferich, and
the statements that in i928 fifteen Jews Stinnes were the three men most respon-
shared 7I8 directorships of German com- sible for the inflation, apart from the
terrific pressure exerted by the Allies to
panies, and that in J93 I nearly 89 per cent
of Berlin's stockholders were Jewish, force impossibly large payments of rep-
offer a partial explanation of the rage of arations. Hugo Stinnes, a Gentile, was
the Nazis. the most prominent World War and in-
The envy of the many poor and im- flation profiteer. Moreover, German in-
poverished against the few old rich and dustry was only to a small percentage in
the new rich created towards the close the hands of the Jews. The large estates
of the World War a general anti-capital- were almost exclusively in the hands of
istic resentment. In order to stem this the Gentiles. Then too, on the whole,
wave, which tended to point to dreaded the Jews had lost more as a result of the
Bolshevism, the leaders of the right soon World War than they had gained.
recognized the necessity of transferring the But all these facts were deliberately
general hatred against and jealousy of the ignored. The public is primarily guided
rich into an antisemitic movement against by phrases and slogans, not by full-orbed
the rich Jews. information and logic. Hence the Jews
The relatively large number of Jewish as a group were simply identified with the
new rich, of Jewish war and inflation war and inflation profiteers, the capitalists
profiteers, rendered the desired transference
and smugglers. There is some truth in
on the part of reactionary, nationalistic the Nazi charge that the Jews actually
groups, easy. A comparatively larger benefited from the inflation as it offered
number of European giant fortunes are in extraordinary opportunities for persons
the hands of Jews. As in past wars the skillful in financial affairs. The large-
majority of the army purveyors were Jews scale industrialists and the Jews, with
during the World War. All army pur- their superior business links with foreign
veyors of past and present wars had been countries had a great time buying up
without exception rich. Constituting a German property with worthless cur-
rency. There is no doubt that, when
very small fraction of the total population,
during the inflation the moment had come
the Jews owned ten or more per cent of the
entire national wealth. Moreover, as a in which monetary matters became a
minority group they were successful in mystery for ordinary men, an opportunity
maintaining their economic leadership. arose for those who were well versed in
The deflection of the general hatred the esoteric doctrines of finance. The
against capitalists and big industrialists power and the importance of the banks
upon theJews was successful in spite of thewhich in Central Europe were controlled
fact that a series of facts argued against and guided, for the most part, by in-
the antisemitic thesis. A considerable dividual Jews, rose to dizzy heights. A
part of the blame for Germany's failure well
to known Jewish financial writer ad-
mitted that the inflation had been very
stop the inflation before it got beyond all
bounds must be placed on the industrial good business for all the Jewish owned
and commercial capitalists of the day, banks. There was just enough truth in
rather than on the government alone. the Nazi accusations to prove that Hitler,
The large-scale industrialists were the in making them, was a master in the art of
major beneficiaries from the progressive propaganda. He knew what the public

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needed before the public knew it. The In the field of public ethics the belated
speculators became rich; but, alas! many German Republic, like all other countries
of them lost everything a little later. after the close of the World War, registered
But no notice of this fact was taken. a terrific slump, which it however did not
The discontented and impoverished masses create. Public life in pre-war Germany
were told that the Jew Hilferding was had been indeed remarkably free from
responsible for the inflation. A. Hugen- crass corruption. The seeds of peculation
berg, the arch nationalist, also one of the were planted during the war. The public
principal profiteers from the inflation, morals collapsed entirely when, under the
had the audacity to assert in I93I that the blockade of food, rations ran thin and
inflation had been the result of Marxian hunger became general. There occurred
and Jewish politics. The lightning rod an excessive number of scandals, involving
had thus been found. The nationalistic high officials and millions of dollars.
press, which in part was in the possession Most of the criminals were Gentiles.
of non-Jewish industry, deflected the pop- The gigantic swindles of a dozen or so
ular hatred against the capitalists upon Jews, largely of Eastern European origin,
the banks, as the citadels of Jewish furnished the Nazis with fresh antisemitic
wealth. But it did not inform its readers material that brought them thousands of
that the banks are a necessary element young and receptive recruits. The older
in the capitalistic economy. generation of the lower middle class
The economic difficulties of post-war could not understand. The Germany of
Europe, which destroyed and drastically their youth had been so excessively strict
reduced the financial resources of millions and fromm that the pendulum inevitably
of the middle classes, however, hit the swung too far the other way. They
Jews, with a relatively large number of looked to Hitler, a vegetarian, a tee-
individual exceptions, equally hard or totaler, a non-smoker, and as far as one
harder than the non-Jews, because their could see, a man who has no fun of any
capital was mainly invested in money kind, to save Germany's morals. Hitler,
values. -It was particularly the small the legend grew, was going to lead the
Jewish merchants who suffered a lot nation back to a simpler and saner life,
identical with the rest of the middle and to put an end to Kultur Bolschewismus,
classes. It is a little known fact that the which filled the bookshops with erotic
Jews are much more directly affected by literature. And since the great majority
the economic oscillations of international of doctors were Jews, the middle class
economy than the Gentiles, because they readily believed that the Jews were trying
have a larger interest in those branches of to contaminate the moral health of their
business which are particularly exposed to children.
large price oscillations and frequent mar- It is quite true that under the new
ket crises in the grain, fur, metal, jewelry, regime of post-war Germany Jews had
pearl, stock and bond trades, and because come into prominence. They had been
the mail order houses, chain and depart- the acknowledged leaders of the socialistic
ment stores have come to a large extent parties before the outbreak of the war,
into their control, since the Jews were the and thus inevitably quite a number of
first to introduce them in many countries, them rose to political leadership, both in
improving their organization, and thus the federal and provincial governmental
revolutionizing retail trade. departments of the Republic. Until about

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I930 their numbers inThen

thetoo, the Jews had invaded
leading the
of the civil service seemed on the increase. professions in ever increasing numbers in
The civil officials, it must be remembered, post-war Germany, thus intensifying their
comprise a far greater. proportion of the struggle for existence and that of their
population in Germany than in any other Gentile fellow-professionals. The Nazi
country of the world, with the exception charge that in medicine, law, the press,
of Soviet Russia. It includes all state and music, art, the theater, education, bank-
local officials as well as those directly ing, in retail and wholesale trade, the
under the central government. Nearly all Jews occupied a position completely out of
hospitals, all schools and universities are proportion to the ratio of the Jewish
public; the banks and railroads are state- population was statistically true. The
controlled. The Jewish professionals, fact that the majority of the Jews were
however, won their places fairly in com- massed in the professional fields in the
petition with the non-Jews. It was large urban centers is ample proof that
an understandable clannishness which they were financially better off than the
brought it about that large and important non-Jews, enabling them to send their
services came almost entirely into Jewish children to pursue studies at the univer-
hands, because the chiefs chose their sities and technical schools.
assistants from among young Jews. This During the period of economic depres-
control of positions by the Jews was in sion, as unemployment rose on a fantastic
part due to the fact that the Jew had at scale, professional competition assumed
last a chance to favor his own people, unheard of proportions. The Gentile
and used it imprudently. But the leading middle class, having been hit severely by
men in the government were not Jews. the economic catastrophies of the post-war
Some of the most outstanding among them
period, felt that the disproportionate num-
were murdered within the first two years
ber of Jewish professionals must be drasti-
of the Republic. cally reduced if they, as well as their
The reason so many Jews rose to com- cherished traditional status, were to sur-
manding position during the fourteen vive. Hence to satisfy the large number
years of the Weimar Republic is that the of unemployed academically trained pro-
Jews were among her staunchest support- fessionals and the lower middle class, the
ers. Moreover, the long tradition of Hitler regime, as promised, eliminated
antisemitism, which was semi-official be- "Jewish influence" from all phases of
fore I9I8, had developed among the Jews German life. The most important meas-
a solidarity which led to some job favorit- ure concerning the Jews which has been
ism. In business, too, the democratic enacted by the Hitler regime has been the
liberation stressed an international out- law for the "restoration of the professional
look so essential to the recovery of post- civil service," going into effect April 7,
war Germany. The Jews, cosmopolitan 1933. The decree applies to the regular
by contact and tradition, thus often took civil servants, to the employees in semi-
precedence over the nationalistic financier public enterprises, to employees in the
and industrialist. However, the largest social services, to judges, all court officials,
proportion of the Jews still found its waynotaries, teachers and professors, members
into commerce and industry, although of the old and the new army, the police
many more than formerly entered the forces of the state, including officers, army
public administration. doctors and veterinarians, to elected mu-

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nicipal officials, office employees and The strength of antisemitism depends

workers in public enterprises. to no small degree upon whether economic
As there were too many Jewish pro- conditions in the various countries ad-
fessors, a numerus clausus became the ob- vance or retrogress. The more a country
vious means of purging the universities. advances economically, the more anti-
Besides, the overfilling of the universities semitism decreases in intensity. The more
and of the academic labor market had a country declines economically, the more
reached an extent out of all proportion to antisemitism grows. It is always in times
the economic strength of the vocational of political and economic upheaval that it
world. Where the Aryan paragraph did reaches its height. Antisemitism is weak-
not apply directly to the university pro- est where the number of Jews is small,
fessors and to the teachers in other schools, where their economic competition is less
the provisions in regard to political un- felt, where equality of Jews has been in
reliability were often invoked. In the operation for generations, and where Jews
no longer appear as parvenus, as has been
middle of April, I933, the university pro-
fessors known to have been dismissed by the case in England, Italy, and the Scan-
the Nazis numbered about i25, and a dinavian countries.
month later the number was estimated to Probably the most positive achievement
be twice as large. emerging out of the suffering of the Jews
The thoroughness with which the Nazis during the last two years of Nazi rule, is
have acted in economic life is not quite so that they and their fellow-Jews the world
marked as in the professions. While the over have become painfully aware of the
measures taken in regard to business have weakness of their economic position.
been far-reaching, there are some indica- Jewish economy has always been the most
tions that concern over the grave economic vulnerable point in Jewish life and the
situation has tempered Nazi ardor to one most exposed to the furies of anti-
cleanse business, a tacit acknowledgment semitism. Always after a violent out-
of the Jewish business acumen. If a Jew burst of antisemitism, the most advanced
is a powerful banker or broker his race is Jewish thinkers have looked to their
forgiven him. On September 2.7, 1933, economy as the point that needed most
Dr. Kurt Schmitt, Minister of Economics, defense.
and some months ago Dr. H. Schacht, his The fatal weakness of Jewish economy
successor, declared emphatically that dis- is tied up with a non-productive social
crimination between Aryan and non-Aryan class. Western European Jews have made
business establishments hampered eco- trading, shop-keeping, finance, and the
nomic recovery and should therefore be professions their chief occupations, and
discountenanced. the middle class their main stay. In
Since Easter, 1933, the number of Jews other words they had chosen the weakest
admitted to the higher institutions of positions in the capitalistic system, the
learning has been drastically restricted. identical positions which persecution and
In order to equalize the percentage of Jews discrimination had forced upon them be-
in the professions with their percentage in fore the emancipation. As seen in per-
the total population, the law stipulates spective the Jews failed singularly in the
that the maximum percentage of Jews field of economic assimilation, while they
allowed to enter college and university is mixed very eagerly and very successfully
to be i.5 per cent of all resident Jews inin the cultural, social, and religious
the Reich. spheres. They assimilated at the top, but

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not at the bottom. They embraced the lives on the producer, the shop-keeper and
culture of their neighbors most thor- financier are at the present stage of in-
oughly, but retained their own economy. dustry the least productive, and they are
They intermarried largely with the higher in all possibility the most parasitic ele-
social classes, but failed to mingle with ments of society. Now if a people en-
the people. It is not at all improbable gages in these occupations to the practical
that if the Jewish economic assimilation exclusion of all other forms of work, if a
were as thorough as the cultural; if half people who do so manage on the whole to
the Jews in Germany were engaged in live better than the average working
factories and on the land instead of in population around them-exemplifying
business; if instead of practically every Veblen's theory of "conspicuous con-
aristocratic family having Jewish blood sumption" -, if they dress better, occupy
in it, this blood had mingled with the better homes, ride in motor cars and take
laboring people, there would have been up the best seats in the theaters, cafes
no anti-Jewish campaign in Germany, and cabarets, and have the greater com-
and there would have been no Jewish forts of life, the outburst of antipathy is,
problem at all as recent experience in to say the least, understandable. It is an
Soviet Russia leads us to believe. At any easy and comparatively small matter for
rate the anti-Jewish feeling would not the whole civilized world to denounce and
disprove the psychopathic Nazi theories
have been so intense and bitter as it now is.
It is now evident that the Jewish trouble
of mythological Aryanism and the vile
in Germany is primarily economic in persecution of the Jews based upon racial-
origin. The Nazi clamor of Nordic supe- ism, but it has been very difficult to
riority is merely a pseudo-scientific sub- condemn completely the Nazi acts directed
terfuge and camouflage of the economic against the eccentricities of the Jewish
causes. The ludicrous "grandmother" economic positions in Germany.
theory of racial superiority will disappear Progressive Jewish leadership has
under the continued contempt and ridicule sought to remedy this root evil for the
of enlightened world opinion. It would last half century. The Jewish coloniza-
not have had a chance if it had not been tion schemes in Russia, Argentine, Pales-
backed by the valid facts of the abnormal tine, and the United States were so many
economic position of German Jewry, as efforts to alter the entire Jewish economy
revealed by their preponderance in busi- in the direction the dynamic element of the
ness and trading, and in the medical and antisemitic groups and movements pointed
legal professions. In spite of the valid to. The weakness of these experiments
apologies that are made for such a situa- was that they were exclusively confined to
tion and in spite of the correct explanation the Jewish proletarian masses of Eastern
of its origin, the fact remains that until Europe. The Western Jews supported
i9Z5 as many as 49.3 per cent of all Jews them financially. It never dawned in
in Germany were engaged in trading, their minds that they, too, were in need
finance, in exchange of things instead of of a similar economic revolution, that it
the production of them. would be well for them to change their
Both philosemites and antisemites agree trading and professions to agriculture and
on this, while they interpret it from their industry. They felt they were secure in
respective biases. From the point of view the economic positions they now occupied.
of the relative values of exchange and But the ferocious anti-Jewish outbreak in
production in modern society, the trader Nazi Germany has made them very con-

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scious of the radical need of an economic The new movement in solving the
revolution. The sadistic brutality of the economic basis of the Jewish problem is
anti-Jewish antipathy of the Nazi regime, already crossing the frontiers of Nazi
the uncanny depth of anti-Jewish feeling Germany, and is penetrating the Jewish
which they revealed, and the speed with communities of Europe and America.
which the achievements of a century and The Anglo-Jewish Chronicle of Great Brit-
a half of Jewish emancipation have been ain has launched a crusade against "the
swept aside, have wrought a revolution in disorderly mob-attack of Jewish youth
their thought and social life, the same upon the professions."
type of revolution which the Czarist The importance of this new manifesta-
pogroms ushered in among Russian Jews. tion or reaction to the Nazi revolt against
A new movement has sprung up among the Jews can easily be exaggerated. This
German Jews today. It is prosaically new movement does not by itself solve the
termed Berufs Umschichtung (occupational Jewish problem. There are evidences that
change). It is by far the most con- as the movement stands at present in Nazi
structive Jewish answer to Nazi violence. Germany and other countries it is doomed
It ought to prove to be the greatest com- to fail as it failed in the Argentine and
pensation to the Jews for the griefs and Palestine.
disappointments of the last two years. The Nazi government, being primarily
The new movement consists of a deliberate a retrogressive, counter-revolutionary so-
group effort on the part of Jews to abandon cial force, mediaevalistic in mentality,
their former occupations and professions, its presumptive solution of the Jewish
and adopt more productive, even if simpler problem is sterile. Instead of driving the
means of earning a living. Hundreds of Jew forward, to new and progressive eco-
former Jewish lawyers, physicians, den- nomic forms, they are driving him back
tists, and notaries are training to become to his old occupations of the Middle
mechanics, builders, plumbers, and elec- Ages. This means the perpetuation of the
tricians; former shop-keepers, traders, and Jews in business, finance, and in a few
peddlers are learning to be bricklayers, professions. The basis for this deliberate
carpenters, chauffeurs, and similar work-Nazi policy is a misconception of Jewish
ers. mentality. If the Nazi were a progressive,
Because of its group character, because revolutionary force, they could have trans-
it is the outcome of national suffering, this
formed Jewish life in Germany as thor-
movement is accompanied by profound oughly and constructively as it has been
emotional changes and a new vision of the done in Soviet Russia.
Jewish position in the world that is tan- The Nazi treatment of the Jews dis-
tamount to a profound mental revolution. closes a strangely perverse policy. It has
The vision has come with the suddenness been a policy of stern suppression of every-
of a revelation. It is not a species of thing socially useful and productive in
Zionism as the movement proceeds on the Jewish life. But what is worse, it has ap-
assumption that the home of theJews is notparently been a policy of tolerance toward
Palestine, but in those countries where everything which is economically pro-
they live. Zionism was a solution of the ductive and socially parasitic in Jewry.
Jewish problem on the part of the Eastern While Jewish professional workers and
European Jews. The Jews in Germany employees have been ruthlessly dismissed
are evolving another solution of the from their positions and deprived of every
Jewish problem. means of livelihood, Jewish business has

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been less molested. And this is partic- has always been their lot because they
ularly true of Jewish bankers and finan- are Jews, and which is the core of the
ciers. The Jews have been excluded from Jewish problem. The Soviet regime must
every kind of creative work, in the arts, be given credit for having evolved a solu-
science, the professions and even in manual tion of the Jewish problem.
work; but they have, in many instances, The occupational aspirations and am-
been permitted to remain in business. Es- bitions of the Jews in Russia have changed
pecially the bigger Jewish business men as have their occupations. Gone is the
have suffered least from Nazi antisem- famous urge for business, - the restless
itism. search to excel in trading, the pathological
The Nazi policy regarding the Jews is in desire of the parent to bring up his off-
keeping with their philosophy of a return spring as a doctor or lawyer. At the
to the mediaeval forms of life. In the higher schools the Jews study chiefly
mediaeval world the Jew was occupied as mechanics and engineering. They are
a trader and money lender. Hence the attaining the reputation of being the best
new movement of the Jews toward hum- factory workers.
bler, productive economic occupations runs The Jews are susceptible to the influence
counter to Nazi views, and is thus doomed and example of the society in which they
to abject failure unless the power of the live. Because they lived for centuries as a
Nazis is broken by a socialistic revolt. threatened minority in the midst of a
In fact, the new occupational change hostile majority, they have developed an
among German Jews is already encoun- unusual adaptability to the wishes and
tering all sorts of official suppressions and
desires of the majority. The tendency to
prohibitions. Jewish youth is prohibited emulate the ruling majority is a typical
from working on farms or as skilled Jewish trait. They thus make the best
workers. Hence the Jewish societies are nationalists in Germany, the greatest
sending their lads to training centers in liberals in England, the most pronounced
Poland, Lithuania, and other foreign Babbitts in the United States, and the most
countries. ardent communists in Russia.
The Soviet Union is the only country The Jewish problem can be solved only
where the experiment of changing the in conjunction with the larger social and
Jewish economy from trading to produc- economic problem of the world. Western
tion has succeeded. In the seventeen European Jews are realizing that their
former exclusive association with the
years since the Revolution, 350,000 Jews,
out of a Jewish population of a little over middle class is no longer possible. Polit-
two and a half millions, have settled on ical and economic pressures forced them
the land; about a half million are in largely to abandon their present occupa-
factories, workshops, heavy industries. tions and to make new economic adjust-
Jewish trading has been completely abol- ments and affiliations. The golden age of
ished and the rush into the commercialized Jewish liberalism is passed. They either
professions stopped. Once one of the will be driven back, as in Nazi Germany,
most antisemitic countries, Russia is now to the mediaeval ghetto, economically,
practically free from that scourge. Jews, and to the greatest isolation in its history,
like their fellow-Russians, may endure or forward, as in Russia, to a social and
many hardships, but they are, for the economic equality, such as they have
first time in their history, free from that never yet known.
particular handicap and suffering which Nazism leaves the Jew no choice today

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but to seek the solution of his problem which was that the entire Jewish people
according to the model of Soviet Russia. threw itself wholeheartedly into the rev-
He must work for a revolutionary eco- olutionary movement, the results of which
nomic reconstruction of his own and that were momentous for the Russian Revolu-
of the general society around him. This is tion, so the anti-Jewish hatred of Nazi
his new destiny from which there is no Germany will have a similar effect in the
escape except in becoming a pariah people, history of the future. Its results will be
a new class of European untouchables. probably still greater and more compre-
Just as the dying Czarist regime staved hensive. It will do away- with the
off imminent collapse in I903 by organiz- scourge of antisemitism that has plagued
ing ferocious Jewish pogroms, the effect of the race for milleniums.


University of California, Berkeley

present moment the only data available for

an inquiry of the sort here proposed,
W E CANNOT continue forever in which at the same time are fairly com-
ignorance of the amount of plete and reliable, are found in biograph-
talent present in a population ical dictionaries and encyclopedias.
any more than we can remain in ignorance Although fame or success depends in
of the oil reserves of a country, for ex- general upon other facts than those of
ample. In fact, it is more important to inherited ability and knowledge, a study
know the extent of the reserves of human of famous men does produce a rough es-
talent than the quantity of fuel still in the timate of how many able men there are in
earth, for the former is the original of all a population who could perform great
culture and civilization. It is for this works if the occasion for doing so were
reason that I wish to set down a few present. By finding out how many in-
observations on the problem of the con- dividuals achieve fame in successive his-
servation of human energies from the torical periods, and comparing the number
point of view of the relationship of social produced in one period with those of
origin to achievment or fame. another (after corrections have been made
There may be some objection to my for changes in the size of the population),
statement of the problem of the conserva- we can say with some degree of certainty
tion of human energies in terms of the that one age made better use of the human
relationship of social origin to fame, on energies available than another. Thus,
the ground that fame is not an adequate while we are compelled by the nature of
index of the amount of talent available in things to treat only of the accomplish-
a population at any one time and the ments of men in the upper levels of human
extent to which it is being employed. To achievement, we can get a pretty accu-
this objection the reply may be made, that rate measure of the amount of talent
there exists no other way by which the available in a population, and also how
problem may be approached. At the certain facts connected with the existence

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