The Graveyard Land

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Cemetery soil and its use in spells is a controversial topic.

It is
associated withblack magic rituals butcan also beused perfectly well
inwhite magic spells,love ormoney rituals.
In this article you will find that, if you do not wish to do evil but good,
that you can usecemetery soil in many rituals and magic spells, if you
overcome your prejudices associated with death and give it a
chance tobenefit you with good results.
Cemetery soil in spells
Some important considerations
We usually associate cemetery landwith very dark things, with works
and witchcraft, because in our western culture the vision of death is
very negative.
Mostpeople believe thata handful of cemeterysoil is enoughto cause
damage, many people worrywhen they find some soil on their doorstep
and say"surely it is cemetery soil" "they have done me a damage, a
Strictly speaking,cemetery soil itselfproducesvirtuallyno harm,
andcertainly (because of our cultural interpretation of death)
cemetery soil has a negative charge,but it takes a lot more for a spell
with this soil tohave any power.
The importance of the tomb
Traditionally in magic, the cemetery soil used in a ritualmust
correspond to a particular grave, it must be associated with adead
person,a spirit. This is the one who will actually playthe important
role in the spell.
It is also very important whether the cemetery soil that is taken from
a gravecorresponds to the head, the feet, or the middle part of the vital
organs. And another important detail according to the ancient
tradition is that thespirit must be "paid", usually with a silver coin.
We have then that the factof going through a cemetery and
simplygathering some soil, has practicallyno effect.
Certainly these are rituals and spells thatI do not advise practicing at
all, with the rareexception of those that are associated with white
magic and that may have the purpose of casting a spell to getmoney
or conquer alove.
What type of grave to choose to obtain cemetery soil?
The grave of the dead person you choose must correspond to a
spiritassociated with what you want to do. For example, those who
decide tocast revenge spells will have to choose the grave of a
personwho was murdered or who may have beenunjustly
condemned to deathwhile innocent.
It is assumed thatthis spirit cries out for vengeance and its powerwill
help in the ritual being practiced. Asoldier's grave could be chosen,
for example, for spells that have to do with making a person docile,
disciplined, to comply with the orders given to him.
The fact ofpaying with a silvercoin to the spirit, or with common
coins,or symbolically with flowers, represents theexchange of a
service and makes it clear that one is not enslaving or using the
spirit.thespirit is not being enslaved or used, there is a barter andthis
is not a minor step to be taken into account by those who practice
rituals or spells with cemetery soil.
There are basically three types of rituals and spells that are done with
cemetery soil:

 Protection and defense rituals

 Rituals against an enemy, to cause harm or take revenge
 White magic rituals for love or money.

In rituals against an enemy, in order to cause harm or take revenge,

one must clearly choose the grave of a spiritthat "died badly".
Graveyard dirt has been used by many people for the purpose
ofcausing unnaturaldiseases to their enemies. People familiar with
these matters tell us thatcemetery dirt and powdered sulfur have
beenmixed withan enemy's hair orbodily substances.
Then they put the mixture in a bottle with9 pins, 9 needles and 9 nails,
andbury the bottleunder the enemy's door when themoon is waning
in order to harm them or make them decay.
Others claim to have put cemetery dirton an enemy's shoes and then
mark a pathfrom the victim's home to the nearest cemetery, sprinkling
some of the dirt at each crossroads along the way tolead the enemy
to take that path.
Bad ingredients used for mixing:
These are some of the harmful ingredients with which cemetery soil
is often mixed to cause harm, disease, death or ruin:

 Sulfur powder
 Salt
 Powdered snakeheads
 Snakeskin scales
 Red and black pepper
 Powdered animal or human bones
 Insects or powdered snails
 Grayish herbs such as mullein or sage
 Anvil dust (black iron powder found around a blacksmith's anvil)
 Magnetic sand

Other important elements associated with cemetery soil

In some spells cemetery soil is usedwith intent to do harm by
symbolizing the death of the enemy, for example those in whicha doll
representing the enemyis used,placed in a miniaturecoffinand buried
in a cemetery, or burning ablack candle symbolizing the enemyand
turning it upside down and abruptly extinguishing it in a saucer
containing cemetery soil.
The feet
The feet are a part of the body widely used in magic. Many rituals are
done with powders or substances thatare placed on the feet or shoes,
or dispersed in placeswhere the person walks, since the idea is
tocarry thespellon the feet orwith the feet,(In this article you will find a
lot of information about it).
Thereforeto break or deactivate this type of foot spells, so negative
and that of course I absolutely advise against doing,you also use that
which has to do with the feet, or with the ground that is where the feet
travel, so the effective way to combat them, (or if for example you
find cemetery dirt on your door),is to do bucket cleanings or, rinsing,
sweeping or simplysprinkling salt and then sweeping andplacing salt
in the corners and nooks of your house is also something very
We have already seen in many articleshow salt is a primordial
ingredientin all magic work,since it is used for evil and for good, being
effective in both cases, so if you findcemetery dirt on your door,
simplythrow a handful of salt and throw it out into the street, or
prepare water with salt in a bucket and proceed with the cleaning. It
goes without saying thatyou should not touch the cemetery soil you
findwith your feet or hands.
Cemetery soil used as protection
In the same way cemetery soil can be used asprotection for a home
or business, this should be doneby sprinkling soil from a grave that
belonged to apoliceman, fireman, doctor, holy man and any other
type of spirit who was a good person in life.
In our culture this type of protection spells are practically not
performed,due to the aversion we have not only to the cemetery land,
but to death itself. But in fact theyare used in many cultures with total
naturalness, being partof the white magic this type of protection
Love and money spells with graveyard dirt

Cemetery earth can be used perfectlyfor white magic and here you
will find somerituals for love and money that you can do with total
peace of mind:
White spells with cemetery soil
Money spells with cemetery soil
If we talk about money spells with cemetery earth, there are many
things that can be done.
For example,if you have to distribute the inheritance of a deceased
person, and if youwant it to be done in a fair and equitable manner for
all the heirs,you take a photograph of each of the heirs, write the full
name and date of birth on the back and wrap it in a low
denomination bill, such as a dollar.If you want it to be done in a fair
and equitable manner for all the heirs, you take a photograph ofeach
of the heirs, write their full name and date of birth on the back
andwrap it in a low denominationbill, such as a dollar.
All the wrappings are placed in circlesand sprinkled with cemetery
soil from the grave of the deceased personwho has left the heirloom.
In the case that in addition to money,land or property is inherited,
half and half grave landand property land should be mixed.
Taking cemetery soil from a grave is not done arbitrarily,you "ask
permission" by talking to the deceased andhaving his or her
approval, and of coursepaying the favor either the old fashioned way
with a silver coin, leaving it on the grave, orwith common coins or
Love spells with soil from cemeteries
As for love spells made with cemetery soil,one should choose the soil
from a grave corresponding toa person we have loved very much, a
relative or a friend, or a former partner. Some magical
practitionersprefer cemeterysoil from thegrave of a child or baby, as
these represent innocence and pure love.
Whatever the case may be,a simple love spell that is reputed to be
very powerful performed with cemetery soil,is to take a green paper,
write the name ofthe loved one, addvalerian leavesand powderedrose
petals and a handful of thecemetery soil.
Fold the paper into a bundle, tie it with red thread and place itunder
the bed of the person you want to get love from.
In order not to make longer this already lengthy article, we will leave
in abeyancea second installment where we will continue talking about
myths and truths about spells and rituals performed with cemetery
soil. See you soon!

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