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The present contract is executed in Cuenca, ____ of ________ of 2016.

The agreement is entered into for the service of "DJ" being represented by Mr.
____________________________________ CI. __________________ Who hereinafter
will be referred to as the "DJ" and on the other hand, the "DJ" will be referred to as the
Mr/Mrs. ___________________________________ CI.____________________
hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Party" who has his/her home address at:
___________________________________ Contacto:_________________

The representative of "DJ" agrees to provide his services for a period of ______ hours...,
This performance will begin on: ______ month__________ time________.
and end the day: ______ month__________ time________.

2._"The Contracting Party" agrees to pay the "DJ" the amount of: $___________ for the
presentation of his services.
Being paid in advance in the amount of: $ _______ in cash: $___ in cash, pending. The
same shall be cancelled on the day agreed upon in clause 1.

The "Contracting Party" undertakes to provide the necessary assistance for the physical
safety of the "DJ" and if they should be disturbed, endangering their safety, the
performance of the "DJ" may be suspended.

If before, during or after the party or event the "DJ" suffers damages to his person or
equipment, due to disturbances caused by the attendees of the party or event "the
contracting party" shall be responsible for paying the damages caused to the "DJ".

Both parties being in agreement on the content of each and every one of the clauses and the
fulfillment of the obligations that are the object of the present contract, we proceed to sign in

___________________________ ______________________________
Mr. Mr/Mrs.

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