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EXPEDIENTE __________



_______________________________________, ambos mexicanos,

casados entre sí, la primera de ____ años de edad, dedicada al hogar, con
estudios de _____________________, con domicilio en
__________________________________; y el segundo de
_______________ años de edad, _____________________ (nivel de
estudios), ___________ (oficio), con domicilio en calle xxxx núBoth of
them indicating as domicile to hear and receive notifications the one located
at xxxx street number xxxx of this City, authorizing the Lawyers
xxxxxxxxxxx to receive them on our behalf in terms of article __________
of the Code of Civil Procedures of the State, with due respect we expose:

By means of this writing in terms of the provisions of article _____

section __________ of the Civil Code of the State, by means of a special
proceeding, we present a request for voluntary divorce and the agreement
we have reached, so that by means of the sentence to be issued, the
marriage bond that unites us is declared dissolved.

Our request is based on the following considerations of:


1.- On xxxx date, we contracted a civil marriage under the marital

partnership regime, in this city of ___________________, as we justify it
with the certified copy of the marriage certificate that we exhibited.

2.- During our marriage we procreated ____ children named
_________________________ with the last name ____________, who are
minors at three and one year and six months old respectively.

The foregoing is supported by the certified copies of the birth

certificates that we exhibited.

Our marital domicile has been established in this Municipality of

_______________ for more than _______ years, precisely in the house
located at ____________________________, __________________, and
since we celebrated the marriage, more than the necessary term has
elapsed to file for divorce by mutual consent, as we do, because it is
already impossible to continue our marital life.

We comply with the provisions of article ____ of the Civil Code of the
State, presenting the agreement under the following:


FIRST.- We agree that the custody of our minor children

___________________ with surnames ________________ , both during
the procedure and after the divorce is finalized, will be in charge of the
undersigned ______________________.

SECOND.- Mr. _______________ will be able to live with our minor

children ___________ with the surname _______________, of course as
long as it does not interfere with their educational activities, or harm their
healthy development under the following conditions:


A) The cohabitation of Mr. ___________________________ with our

minor children will be on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays of each week, of
course going to pick them up at the address located at
__________________________________________________________ of
this City, on Fridays from 10:00 a.m. and is obliged to return them to said
address no later than 8:00 p.m. on Sunday.

B) The undersigned may, of course, take vacations with our children
outside of this City, either within the national territory or outside of it,
having to grant the corresponding permission or authorization, said
vacations will take place of course as long as it does not interfere with their
educational activities, nor harm their healthy development. Likewise, we
are obliged to notify the time, place and address where our minor children
are staying during the vacations as well as to provide the necessary
information to be in contact with them.

THIRD. Both parties state that both during the divorce proceeding and
once it is decreed, the parental authority of our minor children will be
exercised by both of us, however, the decision regarding the place where
our minor children will study will be made by Mrs.
___________________________, always taking into consideration the
emotional stability and the best and adequate academic instruction of our
minor children.

FOURTH.- The parties are obliged to give notice to the other

immediately and by suitable means, in case of serious illness or accident
suffered by our minor children.

FIFTH. The maintenance needs of our minor children will be covered

by Mr. _____________________, by means of the payment of a monthly
amount, for the moment of ________________, (TAKING INTO ACCOUNT
THE MINORS) which will be covered by means of the deposits to be made
monthly on the first day or the following working day of each month in the
bank account indicated in this respect, without the need for any judicial or
extrajudicial requirement, amount that will increase each time and in the
same proportion in which it is increased in the same proportion in which it
is increased.This amount shall be increased each time and in the same
proportion in which both the minimum wage and the national consumer
price index or the analogous or similar instrument that may replace the
latter is increased.

SIXTH.- During the procedure as well as after the execution of the

divorce sentence, the house located at ___________________________,
________________ of this Municipality; and for
____________________________en xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of this City of

Aguascalientes will serve as the house of residence for the undersigned
______________________________and our minor children.

SEVENTH.- Both petitioners are exempted from the obligation to

provide alimony to each other both during the proceeding and after the
divorce decree has been executed.

EIGHTH.- We acquired during the marriage some movable goods that

conform the household goods of the house in which the conjugal domicile
was constituted located in
_________________________________________ of this Municipality,
being said furniture in benefit of ____________.

In addition, it was acquired during the marriage

____________________________ (DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY),
which for purposes of liquidating the marital partnership will be sold and
the proceeds will be divided and delivered to each of the undersigned in
equal parts.


This claim is based on the provisions of articles _____ section

______, _____, and other relative and applicable articles of the Civil Code
of the State, and procedurally, articles ____ to ___ of the Code of Civil
Procedures of the State are applicable.

For the foregoing reasons, we kindly request:

FIRST.- We are deemed to have been presented in the terms of this

document requesting the dissolution of the marriage bond that unites us by
means of voluntary divorce, so that the sentence to be issued declares it

SECOND.- The attached documents are deemed to be exhibited and it

is ordered to send an official letter to the Mediation Center of the Judicial
Branch; and if appropriate, the Public Prosecutor's Office is informed so that
it may express its conformity with respect to the request and agreement.

THIRD.- In due course, the request and agreement for voluntary
divorce is approved and a date and time is set for the hearing to be held as
provided in Article _____ of the Code of Civil Procedures of the State and
the marital bond is declared dissolved and we are ordered to comply with
the agreement.

FOURTH.- It is ordered to give effect to the provisions of article ____

of the aforementioned ordinance.

________________________ (MUNICIPALITY AND EDO.), on June 13,



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