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Effective Communication at Work

Started on Friday, February 1, 2019, 12:51

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Finished in Friday, February 1, 2019, 1:19 p.m.

Time spent 28 minutes 24 seconds

Points 16.0/20.0

Rating 8.0 out of 10.0 ( 80 %)

Question 1
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Question text

The engineer Pedro is supervising a construction site, he intends to

speak with Víctor, one of his workers, about a delicate situation that he
has been told about. When he arrives with Víctor, he begins to talk to
him, using a raised tone of voice because there is too much noise from
the machines that are in operation. Despite this, he continues talking
and begins to get annoyed because Víctor does not seem to pay
attention to him, since he is wearing his safety earplugs, so he hears
only part of what Pedro has mentioned to him. What are the physical
barriers that arise in the previous case?

Select one:
C A. Raised tone of voice and bad attitude
C B. The lack of communication between both participants in the
conversation C C. Lack of attention in conversation and the use of earplugs
"D. The noise of the machines and the inadequate place to carry out the
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The noise of the machines and the inappropriate
place to carry out the conversation
Question 2
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Question text
What are the approaches in which organizational communication can be
Select one:

“ TO. Social process, discipline, of techniques and activities

andb. Internal, external, social
c c. Integrated, controlled, investment
andd. Regulatory, self-directed, administrative
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Social process, discipline, techniques and activities
Question 3
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Question text
It is essential to learn to modulate our vocal frequency, which is also
known as:
Select one:
c TO. diction
c b. fluency
c c. volume

(• d. tone
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: tone
Question 4
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Question text
Study of what we communicate through the use we make of space,
refers to:
Select one:

" TO. proxemics

C B. paralinguistics
C C. kinesis
C D. interactive
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: proxemics
Question 5
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Question text
Approach to organizational communication where strategies aimed at
facilitating the flow of messages are applied.
Select one:

" TO. Of techniques and activities

C B. Corporate
C C. Social process
C D. Organizational
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Of techniques and activities
Question 6
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Question text
The ____________ work is used for an employee to get to know a
potential employee in order to see if he or she meets the requirements
of the vacancy.
Select one:
and A. proxemics
C B. expression
C C. kinesis

“D. interview
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: interview
Question 7
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Question text
The children Javier and Iván are playing with their walkie-talkies in the
field. At first the transmission is excellent, but as they move further
away from each other, the communication begins to worsen until the
moment arrives when it is not understood what they want to

This communication problem is a clear example of the model:

Select one:
c TO. of the schoolinvisible
andb. of Shannon -Weaver
6 c. of Harold D. Laswell
c d. Aristotelian
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: by Shannon - Weaver
Question 8
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Question text
An elementary mathematics teacher decided to teach her class in the
schoolyard so that the students would feel more relaxed and learn the
most complex concepts better. Unfortunately, he realized that the topic
he explained was not understood even by the most diligent students.

The teacher did not achieve her goal because:

Select one:
C A. the attitude of the students was apathetic
C B. did not explain the topic clearly
"C. as issuer did not take into account physical factors for delivery

of the message
C D. students learn best in the classroom
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: as the sender he did not take into account the
physical factors for the delivery of the message.
Question 9
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Question text
It is one of the main functions of formal communication. Select one:

" TO. Promotes motivation

and b. Present new business strategies
C C. Eliminate rumors
e D. Create a better work environment
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Promotes motivation
Question 10

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Question text
What is the main objective of informal communication networks?
Select one:
C A. Promote interpersonal relationships at work
and b. Reduce rumors
C C. Inform company personnel about matters of importance
“D. Exchange of information for socialization purposes
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Exchange of information for socialization purposes
Question 11
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Question text
A university professor tells one of his students that his behavior in the
classroom does not allow him to attend the class properly and that,
furthermore, it seems disrespectful to his classmates who are interested
in paying attention.

In this situation:
Select one:

" TO. the sender expresses his thoughts and observations

C B. the sender expresses his feelings and needs
C C. the receiver does not receive the message properly
C D. the message is not clear and that is why the receiver does not
understand it
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: the sender expresses his thoughts and observations
Question 12
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Question text
To avoid having problems when expressing our messages, what action
allows us to identify what we want to communicate and to whom?

Select one:
and A. Plan the objective
"B. Identify our recipient
C C. Correctly select our messages
C D. Act assertively
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: Plan the objective
Question 13
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What is the social distance we unconsciously use when we interact with
Select one:
C A. 0 - 45cm

“B. 3.65 - 6m
C C. 25 - 120cm
C D. 1.2 - 3.65m
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 1.2 - 3.65 m
Question 14
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Question text
Identify in which of the following cases an Ascending communication
takes place.
Select one:
" TO. In the company, weekly planning meetings organized by managers
are held, where a representative from each area of the organization is
invited to participate and both the current problem and the strategies
to follow to resolve it are discussed.

and b. At the end-of-year meeting, the department manager talks only

with those of the same hierarchical rank
C C. There is a suggestion box in the Human Resources department only
for managers and deputy directors.
C D. The project manager knows the new work guidelines, but does not
communicate them to his subordinates because he considers that it is
confidential information
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: In the company, weekly planning meetings
organized by managers are held, where a representative from each
area of the organization is invited to participate and both the current
problem and the strategies to follow to resolve it are discussed.

Question 15
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Question text
A person comes to request clarification of a procedure in a department,
when explaining the problem to the manager, he appears indifferent
and despotic, and also tries to rush the person to explain the case,
because he claims to be in a hurry.
What type of communication barrier is manifested in this case?
Select one:
C A. Physiological barrier
and b. Administrative barrier
C C. Academic barrier
"D. Psychological barrier
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Psychological barrier
Question 16
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Question text
These are some basic principles for effectively writing any document
Select one:
C A. The reader must be able to understand the message in the sense that
the sender gives it.

“B. the editor can omit words in the preparation of the writing
C C. the reader should spend a minimum of time reading and
understanding the message
e D. the message has to capture the interest and keep the reader's
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: the editor can omit words in the preparation of the
Question 17
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Question text
He ____________ comes from the conviction that the material will be
beneficial for the public and to do so we must adjust the topic to the
interests or needs of the recipients.
Select one:
C A. fear
and b. speaker
C C. receiver
("D. enthusiasm
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: enthusiasm
Question 18
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Question text
Administrative documents are also made up of headings, the parts that
divide them are:

1. Body
2. Headboard
3. Addressee
4. Conclusions
5. General data
6. References
7. Qualification

Select one:
C A. 3, 4, 6, 7

"B. 1, 3, 5, 6
C C. 2, 3, 5, 7
C D. 1, 2, 4, 5
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: 2, 3, 5, 7
Question 19
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Question text
Rhetoric also called________________, study the shape and
properties of a____________.
Select one:
c TO. pragmatics- extralinguistic
andb. syntactic - syntax
c c. feedback - message
d. oratory - speech
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: oratory - speech
Question 20
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Question text
From the following options, select the one that represents the
Leadership competency.
Select one:
C A. The Accounting Manager receives congratulations from the General
Management of the company, and only extends it to one of his
collaborators with whom he maintains a friendly relationship.
"B. For the next audit of the department, the Accounting Manager will have
to go out of town, so he has delegated his tasks among the members of
his team, depositing with them the

confidence and the support they need to be successful in it

C C. The Accounting Manager receives an instruction from his immediate
boss, this task must be carried out in the next 5 days, however, he has
to attend a conference and leaves his team with pending work and
without any support
e D. The Accounting Manager invites the members of his department to
breakfast every Friday
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: For the next department audit, the Accounting
Manager will have to go out of town, so he has delegated his tasks
among his team members, placing in them the trust and support they
need to be successful. in the same

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