Sampa Lhundrup Tsok Set Chinese

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Hung ༔ örgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam ༔ pema gesar dongpo la ༔

HŪṂ ༔ On the northwest border of the country of Uḍḍiyāna, ༔ on the anthers of a lotus flower, ༔

吽 鄔金 域吉 努將燦 貝瑪 給薩 董波拉

吽 鄔金淨土西北隅 蓮花花莖蓮胚上
yamtsen choggi ngödrub nyé ༔ pema jungné shyesu drak ༔

You attained the marvelous supreme siddhi, ༔ renowned as the Lotus Born. ༔

揚參 秋嘰 哦祝涅 貝瑪 炯內 協蘇札
證得殊勝妙成就 世知盛名蓮花生

khordu khadro mangpö kor ༔ khyé kyi jesu dag drub kyi ༔

Surrounded by a retinue of many ḍākinῑs, ༔ following you, I will reach accomplishment. ༔

扣篤 康卓 芒杯夠 切計 杰蘇 達祝計
空行眷屬眾圍繞 我隨學您而修持

jingyi lab chir shek su sol ༔ guru pema siddhi hung ༔

Please come and bestow your blessings. ༔ GURU PADMA SIDDHI HŪṂ* ༔

津吉 拉企 謝蘇梭 咕汝 貝瑪 悉地 吽
為賜加持祈降臨 咕汝貝瑪悉地吽。

Kunzang dorsem supplication
kunzang dorsem garab shri sing
Samantabhadra, Vajrasattva, Garab Dorjé, and Shri Singha,
昆桑 朵森 嘎饒 師利僧

padma kara jebang nyishu nga

Padmakara, King, and twenty-five disciples

貝瑪 嘎饒 杰滂 尼蘇阿

so zur nub nyang tertön gya tsa sok
So, Zur, Nub, Nyang, the hundred tertöns and others,
梭素 努娘 迭敦 架雜梭

kater lama nam la solwa deb
All gurus of kama and terma, I supplicate you.
嘎迭 喇嘛 南拉 梭哇迭


These are the words of Longchenpa. 此為龍欽巴之語。

Brilliant Sunlight of Threefold Devotion
Name-list supplication to the root and lineage gurus of the Chokling Tersar


dam dzin namtrul chokgyur dechen ling

Manifestation of Damdzin, Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa,
但津 南處 卻究 迭千林

bi ma ngö jön jamyang khyentsé wang
Vimalamitra in person, Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo;

毗瑪 哦炯 蔣揚 欽哲旺

bai ro ngö nang lodrö tayé dé
Vairotsana really manifest, Lodrö Tayé;

貝若 哦囊 羅追 泰耶迭

chenrezik wang khakhyab dorje tsal
Mighty Avalokiteśhvara, Khakhyab Dorjé Tsal;

堅惹 習旺 喀恰 多傑雜

gyalpo dza yi gyutrul tsewang drak
Magical display of King Jah, Tsewang Drakpa;

嘉波 雜宜 究處 策旺札


yu dré trulpa tsewang norbü dé
Incarnation of Yudra Nyingpo, Tsewang Norbu;

玉這 楚巴 策旺 諾布迭

shyitsö yangtrul khenchen ratna jé
Reincarnation of Śhantaraskshita, lord Mahapandita Ratna;
習措 揚楚 堪千 惹納杰

nam nying rol gar dharma ratné shyab
Display of Namkhé Nyingpo, venerable Dharma Ratna;
南寧 若噶 達瑪 惹內俠

tsogyal tsalnang sukha dharma dang
Display of Yeshe Tsogyal, Sukha Dharma;

措嘉 雜囊 蘇喀 達瑪檔

pakmé jinlab ratna shri dang
Blessed by Noble Tārā, Ratna Śhri;

帕美 津臘 熱納 師利當

bi ma ngö nang samten gyatsö
Vimalamitra appearing in person, venerable Samten

毗瑪 哦囊 桑滇 嘉措俠


nang shyi tarchin chimé dorje tsal
Perfector of the four visions, Chimé Dorje Tsal;

囊習 踏慶 企美 多傑雜

zungjuk drubpa sang ngak rinpoche
Siddha of union, Sang-ngak Rinpoche;
宋句 祝巴 桑阿 仁波切

wang chok dorje namtrul tsewang tsen
Miraculous display of Wangchuk Dorje, with the name Tsewang;
旺秋 多吉 南處 策旺參

jam gön lamé jezung khyentsé ö
Accepted by Jamgön Lama, Khyentsé Özer (Kyabjé Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche);
蔣貢 喇美 杰宋 欽哲哦

慈怙上師攝受欽哲哦 (怙主顶果钦哲仁波切)
neluk ngön gyur orgyen tsewang drub
Actualizer of the natural state, Urgyen Tsewang Chokdrub (Kyabjé Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche);
內路 哦就 鄔堅 策旺祝

現證實相烏金策旺祝 (怙主祖古鄔金仁波切)
Tsa gyü lama ser ri trengwa la
With undivided devotion, I supplicate one-pointedly
雜究 喇嘛 瑟日 稱哇拉


Miché güpé tsechik soldeb na

this garland of gold mountains, the root and lineage gurus.

米切 規貝 則計 梭迭拿

Tukjé jin lob drub nyi ngön gyur shok
Bless me with your compassion, may the two siddhis be actualized!

圖杰 津洛 祝匿 哦就秀


ogmin chö kyi ying kyi podrang né Dü sum sangye kün gyi ngowo nyi
In the dharmadhatu palace of Akaniṣhṭa, I supplicate at the feet of the root guru,

哦敏 卻計 因計 頗章涅 杜孫 桑傑 袞計 哦沃尼

密嚴剎土法界宮殿中 三世諸佛總集本性
Rangsem chöku ngönsum tön dzepa Tsawé lamé shyab la solwa deb
The essence of all the buddhas of the three times who directly shows my mind as dharmakāya.
讓森 卻固 溫孫 敦則巴 雜威 喇美 俠拉 梭哇迭

現前演示自心即法身 根本上師足前虔祈請

© Copyright 2013 by Phakchok Rinpoche.

This text may be freely reproduced when not for commercial purposes.
Verses accompanied by a star * were translated by Rangjung Yeshe Translations.
Remaining text was translated by Lhasey Lotsawa Translations.

敦珠貝瑪南嘉 恭譯為華文,願吉祥!




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Vajradhātu Maṇdala Aspiration (Chokchu Düshyi)

金剛界壇城願文. 蓮花生大士〈十方四時〉願文

NAMO GURU ༔ On the tenth day of the monkey month of Rawa in the year of the Monkey, ༔ on the second floor of Samye, in the

shrineroom called Yushel, when performing the Vajradhātu mandala, Padmākara composed this aspiration, which was
performed regularly for the lord and all his subjects. ༔ Later generations should practice this one-pointedly. ༔


chokchu düshyi gyalwa sedang ché ༔

Victorious ones throughout the ten directions and four times, together with your sons, ༔
措初 度西 嘉瓦 些當且

lama yidam khandro chökyong tsok ༔

Host of gurus, yidams, ḍākinīs, and dharmapālas, ༔
喇嘛 伊旦 康卓 卻炯措

malü shing gi dülnyé sheksu sol ༔

As many budda fields of you as there are atoms, all of you without exception, please approach ༔
瑪呂 星幾 度涅 些素梭

dün gyi namkhar pedé denla shyug ༔

And be seated on a lotus-moon seat in the space in front. ༔
敦幾 南卡 別爹 電拉述

lü ngag yisum güpé chaktsal lo ༔ chinang sangwa deshyin nyikyi chö ༔

We prostrate respectfully with body, speech, and mind. ༔ We make the outer, inner, secret, and suchness
offerings. ༔
呂阿 伊孫 谷別 洽叉洛 企囊 桑瓦 爹新 尼幾卻
以身語意恭敬而頂禮 外內秘密真如為供養

tenchok deshek namkyi chen ngaru ༔ ngöngyi digpé tsok la dag nong shing ༔
In the presence of the sugatas, the supreme beings, ༔ we feel remorse for our host of previous evil deeds. ༔

殿措 爹些 南幾 千阿如 哦幾 迪別 措拉 達農辛
殊勝所依諸善逝尊前 於諸往昔罪聚我羞愧
danta migé gyöpé rabtu shak ༔ chinché delé dogchir daggi dam ༔
Regretting present unvirtuous actions, we make complete confession. ༔Henceforth we vow to reverse these. ༔
旦爹 密給 絕別 腊度沙 親且 爹列 多齊 達幾旦
懊悔現今不善盡懺悔 往後退捨彼罪我自律

sönam getsok künla yirang ngo ༔ gyalwé tsoknam nyangen mida war ༔
We rejoice in all merit and virtue. ༔ We request the host of victorious ones not to pass into nirvāṇa ༔
梭南 給措 昆拉 伊朗哦 嘉威 措南 雅恩 密達瓦
隨喜一切福德善資糧 諸佛勝者眾會莫涅槃

denö sumdang lamé chökhor kor ༔ getsok malü drowé gyüla ngo ༔
And to turn the wheel of the tripiṭaka and the unsurpassable teachings. ༔ We dedicate the accumulation of
virtue to all beings without exception. ༔
爹略 孫當 拉咩 卻廓果 給措 瑪呂 卓威 聚拉哦
三藏以及無上法輪轉 無餘善聚迴向眾生續

dronam lamé tarpé sarchin shok ༔ sangye seché dagla gongsu sol ༔
May beings arrive at the bhūmi of unsurpassable liberation. ༔ Buddhas, together with your sons, please
consider us. ༔
卓南 拉咩 他別 灑親索 桑借 些且 達拉 工素梭
眾生願詣無上解脫地 諸佛菩薩於我祈垂念

daggi tsampé mönlam rabzang di ༔ gyalwa küntu zang dang desé dang ༔
These excellent aspirations that we have begin to practice— ༔ just as they were realized by victorious
Samantabhadra and his sons ༔
達幾 暫別 門藍 腊桑地 嘉瓦 昆度 桑當 爹些當
我所作此上善妙祈願 猶如勝者普賢與其子

pagpa jampal yang kyi khyenpa tar ༔ dedag küngyi jesu dag lob shok ༔
And Ārya Mañjuśhrī— ༔ so also may we realize them, following their examples. ༔
帕巴 暫巴 央幾 千巴塔 爹達 昆幾 借素 達洛索
以及聖者文殊所了知 彼等一切願我隨修學

tenpé palgyur lama rinchen nam ༔ namkha shyindu künla khyabpar shok ༔
Precious gurus, who are the glory of the teachings, ༔ may you pervade everywhere, like the sky; ༔
電別 巴就 喇嘛 林千南 南卡 辛度 昆拉 洽巴索
教法尊長大寶上師眾 願如虛空週遍盡所有

nyida shyindu künla selwar shok ༔ riwo shyindu tagdu tenpar shok ༔
Shine everywhere, like the sun and moon; ༔ and be always firm, like a mountain. ༔
尼達 辛度 昆拉 灑哇索 利窩 辛度 達度 電巴索
願如日月照亮於一切 願如山峰恆久永堅固

tenpé shyima gendün rinpoche ༔ tuktün trim tsang labsum gyi chuk shok ༔
May the precious saṇgha, the foundation of the teachings, ༔ be harmonious and be rich in the three trainings
and pure discipline. ༔
電別 西瑪 根敦 林波且 吐吞 親倉 腊孫 幾出索
聖教根基大寶僧伽眾 祈願同心淨戒富三學

tenpé nyingpo sang ngag drubpé dé ༔ damtsik den shying kyedzog tarchin shok ༔
May the practitioners of the secret mantra, the heart of the teachings, ༔ keep samaya and reach perfect
utpatti and sampannakrama. ༔
電別 寧波 桑阿 竹別爹 旦齊 電星 給作 他親索
聖教心要密咒修持眾 祈具誓言生圓達究竟

tenpé jindag chökyong gyalpo yang ༔ chabsi gyeshing tenla menpar shok ༔
May the patron of the teachings, the dharmapāla king, ༔ propagate his kingdom and benefit the teachings. ༔
電別 津達 卻炯 嘉波央 恰西 借星 電拉 面巴索
復次聖教施主護法君 祈願國政增勝利法教

tenpé shyabdeg gyalrig lönpo yang ༔ lodrö rabpel tsaldang denpar shok ༔
The royal ministers, who serve the teachings— ༔ may their intellect increase and may they be skillful. ༔
電別 沙爹 嘉力 隆波央 洛卓 腊撇 雜當 電巴索
侍奉聖教王族諸大臣 祈願智慧增長具力量

tenpé söjé khyimdag jorden nam ༔ longchö den shying nyertsé mepar shok ༔
May the wealthy householders who provide for the teachings ༔ have prosperity and be without difficulties. ༔
電別 索借 親達 左電南 隆卻 電星 涅且 咩巴索
護持聖教長者具資眾 祈願受用增長無災害

tenla depé yangpé gyalkham kün ༔ dekyi den shying barché shyiwar shok ༔
May all kingdoms in which faith in the teachings abounds ༔ have happiness, and may their obstacles be
pacified. ༔
電拉 爹別 央別 嘉堪昆 爹幾 電星 巴且 西瓦索
信仰聖教廣大諸國度 祈願安樂具足障礙息

lamla nepé naljor dagnyi kyang ༔ damtsik minyam sampa drubpar shok ༔
May yogins treading on the path, even we, ༔ have uncorrupted samaya and therefore accomplish our wishes. ༔
藍拉 涅別 腦覺 達尼將 旦齊 密雅 三巴 竹巴索
復次住道瑜伽士本人 祈願誓言不退心願成

dagla zang ngen lekyi drelgyur gang ༔ nekab tartug gyalwé jedzin shok ༔
May whoever has a karmic connection with us, either good or bad, ༔ be accepted by the victorious ones
temporarily and ultimately. ༔
達拉 桑恩 列幾 借究剛 涅噶 他吐 嘉威 借津索
任誰與我締結善惡緣 現前究竟勝者願隨持

dronam lamé tekpé gor shyug né ༔ künzang gyalsi chenpo tobpar shok ༔
May beings, having entered the gate of the unsurpassable yāna, ༔ attain the great kingdom of
Samantabhadra. ༔
卓南 拉咩 鐵別 果述涅 昆桑 嘉西 千波 托巴索
眾生得入無上乘門已 祈願獲證普賢大權位

Exert yourself in this aspiration during the six times of the day. ༔ Sealed with “SAMAYA.” ༔


The great treasure discoverer Choggyur Dechen Lingpa, an emanation of Prince Murup, discovered this text publicly, written with Shurma script

in Tibetan by the hand of Yeshe Tsogyal using Vairochana’s silken outer monk’s robe as paper, at the supreme place Kongmo Ogma on Precious

Rocky Mountain, which is on the right side of Great Lion Sky Boulder. Immediately thereupon, Pema Karwang Lodrö Thaye copied this properly.

May virtue increase!


Aspiration for Chokgyur Lingpa’s Activity to Flourish By Jamyang
Khyentse Wangpo

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