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1 - a systematic comparison of the linguistic systems of two or more languages


3 - *they are used by a considerable number of bi-or multilingual speakers, *a substantial amount of
'linguistic output' (text, discourse) is translated from one language into the other


5 - A linguistic universal is a pattern that occurs systematically across natural languages, potentially true
for all of them. For example, All languages have nouns and verbs, or If a language is spoken, it has
consonants and vowels.


7 - Congruent constructions are not only equivalent but also consist of the same number of words arranged in
the same order, for example: John kissed Mary - Jan pocałował Marię.


9 I – affixation

II – compounding

III – Clipping

IV – blending

V - acronymization

10 I - Suffixation is addition of a bound morpheme, a suffix, to the end of the base: happIER, szczęśliwSZY

II - Prefixation is addition of a bound morpheme, a prefix, to the beginning of the base, e.g., UNhappy,

III - Interfixation is addition of a bound morpheme, an interfix between two morphemes: speedOmeter,
mileOmeter, językOznawstwo, listOnosz, dusIgrosz , męczYdusza


a) unhappy – Affixation - Prefixation

b) szczęśliwszy Affixation - Suffixation

c) schoolboy - COMPOUNDING

d) domofon - BLENDING

e) ad – CLIPPING - Back-clipping, example: ad from advertisement

f) komp

g) klucha - INTERNAL MODIFICATION - consonant-modification,

h) albloodymighty – AFFIXATION - Infixation

i) flu – CLIPPING - Simultaneous back- and fore-clipping, example: flu from influenza

j) nieszczęśliwy - Affixation - Prefixation

k) old-fashioned - COMPIUNDING

l) unibloodyversity - AFFIXATION - Infixation

m) aids – ACRONYMS - letter-words,

n) językoznawstwo – AFFIXATION - Interfixation

o) polepszyć – AFFIXATION - Circumfixation

p) coffee pot - COMPOUNDING

q) phone – CLIPPING - Fore-clipping

r) samolot - COMPOUNDING

s) motel - BLENDING

t) spoko - CLIPPING - Fore-clipping


a) It’s not economic/economical to produce goods in small quantities.

b) Many doctors believe that box/boxing is too dangerous and should be banned.

c) At 12.30 pm the bearer party will place the coffin in the hearse/caravan and five minutes later the
procession will leave for Windsor

d) She studied music at Oxford but after a year switched to politics, philosophy and economy/economics.

e) Hamlet is the classic/classical example of a tragedy.

f) The parents are being consistent/consequent and firm in their reactions.

g) The wick/knot of the candle is either made of a braided or twisted plant fibre which is the safest to burn.

h) I feel that this is a historic/historical moment for our country.

i) These small companies now have their own discreet/ discrete identity.

13 - artist, doctor, criminal, teacher, sierota, gaduła, skarżypyta


a-kabel- Masculine inanimate

c-pies- masculine animate

d-krowa- feminine

e-artysta- masculine personal

15 -.. chłopię, and augmented forms, e.g. babsko are all of neuter gender.









17 -nouns that appear only in the plural form trousers, scissors, glasses, grabie, nożyce , skrzypce, spodnie.

18- nouns that appear only in singular form iron, sand, butter, mosiądz, ryż, powietrze zawiść, duma, uznanie,

20. - True

21. - False

22. - True

23. - Plural

24 I. pieniądz vs pieniądze- abstract concrete

II. oil vs light oils-substance kind

III. damage vs damages- an altogether change in meaning:

IV. srebro vs srebra-mass substance product

V. kawa vs dwie kawy -substance portion

25 -

26 -

27 - Concord is a relationship between grammatical elements whereby the subordinate element must assume a
form which agrees in a particular feature or features, for example, number and person, with superior word.

a-a notional

b-grammatical concord

29 - false

30 - true

31 - the principle of proximity

32 – true

30. Choose the correct forms of the verbs:

1) Either the professor or the students is/are right.
2) Even ten miles is/are not a long way to walk when you are fit.
3) Neither the pupils nor the school is/are to blame.
4) The majority of workers find/finds it quite hard to live on the amount of money they earn.
5) Bacon and eggs is /are staple for breakfast in England.
6) A lot of students enroll/enrolls in his classes every year.
7) Over half of the children live/lives in one-parent families.

34) What are deictic expressions?

Terms (forms) of address by way of which the speaker addresses his/her interlocutor

35) The meaning of ty/Pani is close communicative distance.

36) Give an example of a situation in which ty is negatively evaluated

when it denies respect due to the interlocutor who should be referred to as pan(i)
Jak jeździsz? (said to a stranger on the road)

37) What is non-reciprocal use of terms of address? Can you give an example?
an exchange of non-equivalent forms of addresss. Non-reciprocity may be realised through a referential
address form (last name) by a lower status speaker and a familiar form (first name) by a higher status speaker

38) What is sexist language? Can you give an example?

Sexist language is language which excludes one sex or the other, or which suggests that one sex is
superior to the other.
39) What is the generic use of man or he?

referring to both male and female

40) Sexist language discriminates only against women, not men. TRUE FALSE

41) To make your language non-biased, use plural pronouns and nouns whenever possible. TRUE FALSE

42) Rewrite each sentence to remove the bias.

A. Every pilot must inspect the outside of his plane before he gets into the cockpit.

All pilots must inspect the outside of their planes before he gets into the cockpit.

B. Throughout the history of mankind, war has been the main way countries have obtained additional land.

Throughout the history of humankind, war has been the main way countries have obtained additional land.

C. In my opinion, a person cannot be a good doctor if he is not caring, concerned, and competent.

In my opinion, people cannot be good doctors if they are not caring, concerned, and competent.

D. Every student has been tested at least once in his life.

All students have been tested at least once in their lifes.

E. I would also ask if a professor is biased about his students.

I would also ask if a professor is biased about the students.

F. A parent must use her love and understanding when she and her child disagree.

Parents must use their love and understanding when they and their child disagree.
G. Early man used a system of gestures to communicate

Early human used a system of gestures to communicate

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