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NARRATOR: Jesus and his disciples were gathered in the room where he had
Heli had prepared. The Paschal lamb was smoking on an E-
shaped table without the middle pole, the Nazarene indicated that
the sacrifice could begin.

The apostles lay down on the beds that surrounded the table on
the outside; the servants served supper on the inside.

Jesus took the chair in the center. John, the favorite and generous-
hearted disciple, sat at his right hand. Next to John sat James the
elder, son of Zebedee and brother of John; James, Jesus' cousin
on his mother's side; Bartholomew and Thomas the unbeliever,
who did not believe in Jesus' wounds until he touched them.

Shortly after, Judas the traitor, the son of the village of Iscarioth,
was to sit next to Thomas.

On the opposite side sat next to Jesus, Andrew, Judas Thaddaeus,

the most faithful disciple; then Simon, Matthew, and lastly, Philip,
who did not expect anything good from the Nazarene.

There were only three plates on the table. The one in the center
contained the Passover lamb. On the right a plate of bitter herbs,
on the left a plate of sweet herbs.

Heli had begun to carve the lamb, for he was serving at table in
honor of his guests, when Judas, embarrassed and like the man
who is closely pursued by remorse, entered the supper, Jesus
gave a sweet look to the disciple who had just turned him, and
Judas, not daring to look at the divine Master, went to sit at one
end of the table, beside tomas .

Jesus gave a look of gentleness to the disciple who had just turned
him, and Judas, not daring to look at the divine Master, went to sit
at one end of the table, next to the unbeliever's table, and took his
seat. Jesus touched with his lips the wine that Heli had just served
him and then prayed softly the Our Father who art in heaven....

After Holy Communion began, the future martyr was sad. From
time to time his painful gaze was fixed with loving gentleness on
that group of beings who must have suffered so much for him.

Judas did not take his eyes off the plate, terrified to meet his
master's gaze. At last Jesus exhaled a painful sigh and broke the
silence, saying:

JESUS: Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.

The disciples looked at each other, expressing their amazement at
the words of their Master. Those glances, full of deep sadness, of
universal astonishment were mute questions that were addressed.
Those pure hearts could not comprehend such wickedness.
Selling Christ, selling your Master...!

It was possible, Juan was the first to stand up and say:

JUAN: Master, am I, unfortunately, the wretch you say?

NARRATOR: Jesus answered simply:

JESUS: You are not.

NARRATOR: Pedro then asked:

PEDRO: Is it me? Does this misfortune belong to me? Will I be that
infamous one?

NARRATOR: Judas, sunk in his revenge, ate and kept silent, Jesus continued:

JESUS: The one who sticks his hand in the dish with me is the one who

NARRATOR: As Jesus said these words, his hands were on the plate.
of three disciples. The three looked at each other with rapt
attention; but at that moment only one forehead blushed; that of
Judas Iscariot.

NARRATOR: Christ contemplated for a moment the trepidation of the betrayer

and the
astonishment of the loyalists, and said with his never disavowed

JESUS: The son of man is to be delivered up, as it is written; but

There is he for whom I will be delivered up; it would be better for
him if he had never been born!

NARRATOR: All eyes were fixed on Judas the traitor, because he was the only
one who had not asked Jesus any questions. The Iscariot knew
that it was necessary to say something that would satisfy those
looks that contained a mute counterclaim. He regained his
composure and, sitting up on the table, asked in a full voice:

JUDAS: Is it me by chance, Master?

NARRATOR: The Nazarene stopped for a moment his gentle gaze on the
frowning and threatening forehead of his disciple. A tear appeared
in his sweet and loving eyes and with a voice that resounded even
in the innermost souls of his disciples, he said simply:

JESUS: You said it, Judas you are.

NARRATOR: And Jesus gave the traitor a piece of bread, symbol of

reconciliation. Then Judas threw him forcefully to the ground.

she rushed out of the room, tearing her hair out and screaming:

JUDAS: I am miserable! I am miserable! I am miserable!

NARRATOR: There was a moment's pause. That scene moved the

disciples. Jesus, calm, and forgetting the danger that Judas' rage
announced to him, broke the bread and distributing it among his
disciples, he said to them:

JESUS: Take and eat this is my body.

NARRATOR: Then Jesus took the chalice, applied his lips to it and gave it to
disciples saying:

JESUS: Take and drink of it all of you, for this is my blood of the new
testament that will be poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

NARRATOR: The disciples drank. When they finished Jesus made a

second libation, and then offered the cup to his disciples. Jesus
then came down from the table and, taking off the cloak that was
holding up his arms, walked with a calm step to one end of the
room where he saw a linen towel, two copper amphorae and a
basin of the same metal.

Two of Heli's servants handed the towel to Jesus, who wrapped it

around his waist, leaving one end hanging like an apron. The
Nazarene approached Peter, and said:

JESUS: Beloved Peter, I am going to wash your feet.

NARRATOR: Pedro answered:

PEDRO: Are you going to wash my feet, master...?

NARRATOR: And Jesus answered him:
JESUS: When the Holy Spirit sends the light of intelligence you will know
why I do this. Whoever does not obey me will be excluded from
the number of my sheep.

NARRATOR: Peter, who loved Christ dearly, allowed himself to have his feet
washed, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples one by one. Then,
leaving the canvas in its place and placing the gray cloak over his
shoulders, he sat down again at the table and said thus:

My beloved, what I have done for you, you must do for your
brethren to gain the kingdom of heaven. Truly I say to you: the
deer is not greater than his master, nor is the one sent greater
than the one who sent him: if you do this, you will understand the
need for man to humble himself before his fellow men, however
small they may be; blessed are you if you have done so.

My children, I will remain with you even for a few hours; but then
you will seek me and will not find me, because where I go you
cannot come. A new commandment I give you, never forget it:
love one another as I have loved you. Do not separate charity
from your heart, for in this I will know you from above by my
disciples, never give greed an entrance into your heart: treat other
men as you would have them treat you, always be brothers, all of

NARRATOR: Jesus paused, leaned his radiant forehead on his chest and a sigh
escaped his lips. Pedro, whose character was noble and
impetuous, was not satisfied with the separation that the teacher
had just announced to him, and taking advantage of that short
pause, he exclaimed:

PEDRO: Lord, you have said that where you go I cannot follow you. Why
can't I follow you? My life is yours, dispose of it, don't think I fear
danger. What greater glory than to die for you?
NARRATOR: Jesus gazed lovingly at Peter and said to him,
sending him a smile full of tenderness.
JESUS: What will you give your life for me? Truly I tell you that the cock
will not crow tonight without you denying me three times. Peace I
leave with you and peace I give you. Let not our hearts be
troubled, neither let them be dismayed. All of you, my beloved
disciples, will suffer much tonight for my sake, because it is
written: I will strike the shepherd's sheep, my death is near, but
when I rise again I will show you the way.

NARRATOR: The sadness of the disciples was immense. Jesus, the loving
father, saw the terrible moment of separation approaching and
tears welled up in his eyes. Finally he made an effort and, getting
up from the bed, he said to his disciples in a full voice:

JESUS: Come on, the time is approaching...

Part One
NARRATOR: Jesus and his disciples left Jerusalem through the Doria gate,
and crossing the cedron stream, they took the narrow path leading
to the mount of olives. It would be ten o'clock at night. The wind
blew cold, impetuous, like nature's harsh lament, breaking on the
rocks of the valley of the cedars.

The owls sang their lyrical song from the tomb of the prophets.
The moon, sad and pale as ever, was beginning to rise in front of
him over the backs of the black mountain. Thick storm clouds
were gathering in the sky, heralding a coming storm.

They had walked about a thousand paces from the brook Cedron
when Jesus stopped in front of a farm called Gethsemane, then
Jesus said:
Simon, Bartholomew, Thaddaeus, Philip, Thomas, Andrew,
Matthew, and James the younger; stay here in this hedge: I will
pray there (and he stretched out his arm in the direction of the

NARRATOR: He then repeated.

JESUS: Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation, and you,
Peter, James and John, follow me.

NARRATOR: Jesus, followed by his three favorite disciples, entered through a

hole in the earthen wall that enclosed the garden. Then they
walked about sixty paces. A moonbeam fell on the master's
forehead. The Galilean paused again, and said:

JESUS: You who have followed me everywhere, you alone can see my
weakness without hesitation. Wait for me here in these olive trees,
the oldest on the mountain, they will serve as your tent tonight.

NARRATOR: The apostles asked:

APOSTLES: So what, you leave us sir?

NARRATOR: Jesus stretched out his arm in the direction of a grotto whose
entrance was half hidden by undergrowth.

JESUS: I go there.

Jesus was praying with his forehead sunk in the dust when the
sound of a trumpet resounded in the grottoes. The vaults
shuddered, as the echo of the trumpet was lost in the realms of the
grotto, a powerful voice was heard to say:

ANGEL MALO: Son of men, listen to the voice of him who holds the key to eternity;
hear the word of him who confronts the fury of the seas and turns
the devastating breath of the hurricane into soft zephyr; listen to
the accent of him who gives light to the sun, fruit to the fields, scent
to the flowers; hear the word of the infinite being who lends flames
to hell and power to death.And if under the blue immensity there is
a creature who wants to die for the human race, if there is a man
who dares to endure the most painful death suffered by any being
since the righteous Abel until the present, if there is a creature who
wants to appear in the presence of God, let it correspond, the
eternal one awaits him.

Lord, my body is ready for sacrifice, may my flesh perish in pieces,
if my painful death will save the human race.

NARRATOR: Then the vault of the grotto opened as if to give way to the words
of the future martyr. A ray of splendorous light descended from the
heavens. That light bathed with its divine rays the body of Jesus
who remained praying with his face heavy to the earth. That ray of
heavenly light filled Jesus' heart with courage. He stood up and
said in a calm accent:

JESUS: Let what emanates from above be fulfilled: I am willing.

NARRATOR: Then the earth opened and there appeared in the grotto the
tempting archangel wearing the white garment of the Essenes and
the ironic smile of the reprobate shone on his lips.

ANGEL MALO: Here we are, for the second time we come to offer you our
protection: your hour is near, are you determined to die to save the
iniquities of the human race?

NARRATOR: He replied calmly.

JESUS: Yes, my blood will wash away the nefarious sin of humanity and
his cross will be the key to redemption.

ANGEL MALO: Are you going to take the crime of Cain on your shoulders?

JESUS: Yes, I will bear all the crimes of humanity.

ANGEL MALO: Listen then to the bloody history of that race you want to save with
your innocent blood and then tell me if it is worthy of such a heroic
sacrifice. Let us cross without stopping by an immense sea of
blood that covers the gigantic waves of the universal flood and the
whole history is full of crimes, temptations, homicides, robberies,
adulteries, wars and hatreds. The blood of men has stained all the
places of the earth with Thy blood, O Jesus! The summit of
Golgotha will soon be stained and, because of this race of

incestuous, of fratricides, of executioners and designs are you
going to sacrifice yourself? (they let out a terrible laugh).
NARRATOR: On the forehead of Jesus there was a drop of sweat that drop was
red, the Nazarene was sweating blood, he raised his eyes to
heaven and clasped his hands together in supplication and
murmured this phrase:

JESUS: My God, your will be done, Lord! Do as you wish!

BAD ANGELS: And you don't despise that race?

A SOUND VOICE: Jerusalem, Jerusalem, prepare to witness the death of the

righteous. His pain will be immense, his agony painful, his
death cruel, but his blood will purify the human race.

NARRATOR: Jesus fell on his knees and began to pray. A third drop of
blood sweat stained his forehead. The vault of the grotto opened
again. The cross of heaven bathes the martyr's body for the
second time.

GOOD ANGELS: Your sublime pain, your blood will give peace to the universe.
Glory to Jesus on earth! Glory to the Lord in the heavens!

(Here a chant is sung)

Part Two
NARRATOR: Let's go back a few hours. Let's take the narrative from the
Judas threw the bread that Jesus had given him and desperately
left the cenacle tearing his hair and shouting I am a wretch as we
have said the house of Heli was only about 200 steps away from
the palace of Anas, where the judges had gathered to wait for the
traitor in the hall were some soldiers warming themselves around
a large bracero.

A long corridor was illuminated by resinous cloths placed on iron
brackets on the walls. Then, lifting a heavy drapery, one entered
the ceremonial hall of the pontiff Anas.

Judas threw himself on the bench, biting his lips with rage until he
finally got off the bench and, turning to the Malchus, said to him:

JUDAS: It's time, let's go.

NARRATOR: Malco entered the room and said to Anas:

MALCO: Judas says it is time.

ELDERLY: Tie him up and go get him.

MALCO: I'm going to tie you up.


MALCO: Yes, to you! What do you miss?

JUDAS: That's a breach of the deal, that's a betrayal.

MALCO: Hey! Fewer voices, my illustrious master, do not fail to keep your
promises. I have
said that when Jesus of Nazareth is in our power you will be free,
but until then you do not answer for him.

NARRATOR: Judas, knowing that all resistance would be useless, stops.

Since some were already beginning to threaten him with spears,
he allowed himself to be tied up. The nocturnal party that carried
the shameful commission of seizing to seize, left the palace of
Anas. In front was Judas tied and Malchus holding the cords in his
right hand. Then followed four servants of the pontiff with lighted
torches and strong clubs in their hands.

CENTURION: What is happening?

JUDAS: There I see the man we are looking for, untie me, so that I may
can bring me closer to him.

CENTURION: But there I see two men, which one is it?

JUDAS: Whoever I give a kiss on the cheek is the one, learn him.

NARRATOR: Malco untied Judas and he advanced a few steps. Jesus was
he stood up as if to wait for him. The traitorous apostle reached his
master and said to him with an affectionate accent.

JUDAS: God keep you master.

JESUS: My friend, why have you come here?

NARRATOR: Judas wrapped his arms around the neck of Jesus and stamped a
affectionate kiss on the cheek of the man he had just sold so

JESUS: Judas, do you betray the son of man with a kiss?

NARRATOR: Jesus, seeing the approaching crowd, asked affectionately, "What
are you doing?
JESUS: Who are you looking for?

NARRATOR: Malco and some elders answered him.

MALCO: To Jesus the Nazarene.

NARRATOR: Christ said with majesty, taking a step forward.

JESUS: I am.

NARRATOR: The soldiers recoiled as if that voice had mortally wounded him in
the chest.

JESUS: Who are you looking for?

MALCO: To Jesus of Nazareth.

NARRATOR: Jesus took another step forward and said:

JESUS: I have told you that I am he, if you seek me, leave these.

NARRATOR: At this moment, Malchus with the cords in his left hand
approached Jesus and he put his left hand on his shoulder. Pedro
couldn't stand the audacity of that wretch and, drawing his sword,
he gave Malco a terrible stab wound. Some soldiers appealed to
flee, fearing, no doubt, that the others would take part in the fray.
The Roman centurion bared his sword and said at the top of his

CENTURION: You are soldiers of Tiberius and run away in front of a man, you
cowards! Woe to him who does not do his duty! The death penalty
will fall on their backs.

NARRATOR: This threat stopped the fugitives, who grouped themselves around
of the centurion. In the meantime, Jesus had said to Peter:
JESUS: Return your sword to the scabbard, the chalice that my Father has
given me, perhaps I will not drink it, and remember that he who
kills with iron dies with iron.

NARRATOR: Then he bent down to the ground, put his hand on Malco's wound
and said:

Stand up. Like a thief you have come to seize me with swords and
clubs, and when I was with you teaching in the temple, you did not
seize me. But the scriptures must be fulfilled.

NARRATOR: Caiaphas performed the functions of the anus of the death of
of the high priest of Jerusalem, but out of deference to his father-
in-law Annas, whose age was very advanced, it was agreed that
as soon as Jesus fell into the hands of his persecutors he should
be taken to the latter's house. Anas, because he was waiting for
the Galilean, and the dignity of the supreme pontiff with which he
was clothed that night, gave him the right to ask anything he
thought fit in the matter of the false prophet. A temple sacrificer
who had gone with the retinue, named Esau, entered the hall

ESAU: Here he comes, here he comes! That man undoubtedly is a

prophet, for at his words men fall, when he complains, the thunder
responds to his lamentations.

ANAS: Hey! Throw that madman away, that he may not trouble me with
his follies, and
if he is sold to the Galileo, let him be flogged after the feast of
unleavened bread.

NARRATOR: Poor Esau was dragged out of the room in a bad manner by the
servants of the pontiff. When order was somewhat restored, Anas
commanded Jesus to be led into his presence. Anas was an old
man in his seventies, extremely skinny and as pale as a corpse.
His depressed forehead, long face, pointed white beard, gave him
a look of cruelty. His eyes were small and a light, ugly blue. The
cries of "Make way! Jesus, false prophet, the trickster, the
sorcerer! And a thousand other insults that the servants of the
pontiff's father-in-law paid to the Nazarene at the door of the
street, suddenly ceased as soon as one of the servants of Anas

came forward to say that his master was waiting for the prisoner.

present fixed their rancorous gaze on the meek lamb before them.
Jesus' face was naked, his robe in tatters, his purest turban
stained with blood. Anas, seeing the future martyr, was filled with

ANAS: Are you Jesus of Nazareth?

JESUS: Why are you asking me? Ask those who have heard me what I
have taught them; they know well what I have said to them.

NARRATOR: No sooner had Jesus' sweet voice uttered the above words than
the wretched Malchus, who was standing beside him, raised his
hand and gave him a terrible slap. Jesus fell to the ground; Jesus
arose and spoke these words, whose meekness cannot exalt
them to the height they deserve, addressing the executioner.

JESUS: If I have spoken wrong show me in what, but if I have only spoken
right tell me why do you hit me?

NARRATOR: The humility of Jesus so irritated Anas that, rising from his seat
and forgetting the composure imposed on him by the office he
held, he began to shout:

ANAS: Take him, take him to the house of Caiaphas! There the court is
assembled, there the witnesses who accuse him are waiting. I do
not want to see that wretch in my presence.

MALCO: Come on false prophet, and watch your tongue in the presence of
the pontiff, if you don't want my hand to caress your cheek a
second time.

NARRATOR: Then a soldier placed a reed in Jesus' hands, passing it

barbarously through the cords that held his wrists.

MALCO: He already has a scepter; let's go to the pontiff to put the crown on
(bursting out laughing).

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, in the house of Caiaphas, possessed with a petty

passion for revenge, a multitude of elders, scribes, priests and
Pharisees were gathered together. Nicodemus was also in that
assembly, he was waiting for the Nazarene, of whom he had
secretly appointed himself defender, from time to time the eyes of
Caiaphas met with the impassive figure of Nicodemus. False
witnesses were also there. The Nazarene finally arrived at the
house of the pontiff Caiaphas, two disciples entered also confused
in the crowd. At this point Nicodemus looked around the room for a
friend who would take Jesus' side. Joseph of Arimathea, who had
just arrived, although he had not been summoned, raised the end
of his cloak, making at the same time a sign of intelligence. Those
two men had understood each other, said Nicodemus in a low
voice to Joseph of Arimathea....

NICODEMUS: An infamy is about to be committed here.

JOSE: Such I believe and am prepared to defend.

NICODEMUS: My friend, I think it will all be in vain!...

NARRATOR: The crowd surrounding the pontiff's house was immense. It was
going to
judge a prophet, a God; this was curious. Caiaphas fixed his black
eyes on Jesus, the high priest, who was about forty years of age,
and whose extremely pronounced features had something of
ferocity about them, wore a white robe and a wide Hyacinth-
colored robe with gold stripes covering his back. On his chest
shone the Ephad of the priest and on his head rested the tiara of
the Pontiff. He was the third power in Jerusalem, governor after
Pilate, Tetrarch after Herod.

CAIFAS: Bring me closer to this trickster.

NARRATOR: The soldiers obeyed.

Hear me, false prophet, and answer me without being disturbed.
Speak as you did in the synagogues and in Galilee, I detest
NARRATOR: Nicodemus, irritated by the barbarous treatment he was giving
Jesus, advanced two steps with a haughty gesture, and said:

Caiaphas, this man is accused but not convicted. Command your
servants to respect him, to untie him, to grant him the right to
defend himself freely; otherwise, the law of our elders will be
trampled tonight at the feet of those wretches.

NARRATOR: Joseph of Arimathea also went forward, and said with dignity:

JOSE: I ask the same as my colleague Nicodemus.

NARRATOR: A murmur of approval rose in the hall. Among the spectators there
were some voices in favor of Jesus. The pontiff imposed silence
and ordered the soldiers to stand six paces away from the
accused. Then he sat down with a haughty gesture. The panther
was preparing for the fight, he turned his eyes around, looking for
the miserable witnesses who should help him; a moment of
silence reigned, Jesus was standing in front of the tyrant, pale,
with his gaze sweetly fixed on a spot in the room where his two
favorite disciples, Peter and John. Caiaphas called the witnesses.
Caiaphas called the witnesses and some men appeared before
the court. Nicodemus, on seeing those men, could not restrain the
indignation it inspired in him, and advancing a step forward said....


NICODEMUS: Caiaphas, give us credit to these men, think that Jesus, instead of
being a false prophet, may be an envoy of our God, a chosen one
of the Holy of Holies.

CAIFAS: Nothing good will come out of Galilee, the scriptures have said,
and Jesus is a Galilean.
Yes, but Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and the scripture says:
there shall come forth a prophet of the race of David and of the
city of David....

CAIFAS; Are you a supporter of this man?

NICODEMUS: I am a Pharisee, I respect the law. If Jesus is guilty, measure him

with the same measure as other men. The law must be straight as
the tower of David. Firm as the rocks of Sinai.

NARRATOR: Caiaphas overcome with anger, stood up for the second time

CAIFAS: What do you know about this trickster?

WITNESSES: We have heard it said, I will destroy the temple of Jerusalem

made with the hands of men, and in three days I will build another
not made with the hands of men.

CAIFAS: Do you not respond to what they testify against you?

Let him speak, let him defend himself... (They all shout at the
same time).

CAIFAS: Are you the blessed son of God?

I am. And truly I tell you, one day you will see the son of man
sitting at the right hand of the power of God and you will see him
coming from the clouds of heaven.

CAIFAS: He has blasphemed, he has blasphemed! Why do we need
witnesses, you have heard the blasphemy, what do you think?
VILLAGE: He is a death row inmate! He is a death row inmate!

CAIFAS: Take him to Pilate's presence and let him condemn him, I must
stain me with their sin.
NARRATOR: Let's back up. The sun had just risen, its pure rays falling like a
shower of gold on the polished marble of the Antonia Citadel and
the cylindrical Tower of David. Pontius Pilate was pacing
restlessly, at this moment a door opened and a young and
beautiful woman appeared....

PONCIO: Are you Claudia? To what do I owe the good fortune of seeing you
so early, (Pontius takes one of his wife's hands) you are moved,
pale, what is it?

CLAUDIA: Ah! Pontius I had a horrible, frightful dream, but the most
particular, the strangest thing is that I dreamt while awake.

PILATES: Cast away your fears, my wife (smiling) I well know that this sad
city of Jerusalem is not to your liking, but what do you want? Your
kinsman Tiberius says he needs a man like me to represent him in
Israel, and we must be content to live in this desert until the day
he takes pity on us.

CLAUDIA: It's not that, Pontius. What is shocking me at this moment, what
distresses me, is a sacrilege, a sin, a horrible, dreadful thing that
the priests are going to commit and that I do not want you to
sanction with your approval.

PILATES: My Claudia, your words amaze me; I beg you, then, to explain

CLAUDIA: Do you know Jesus of Nazareth?
PILATES: Ah! yes, that Galilean who goes through the tribes healing the
sick, that extraordinary man who preaches a new law, the one
who says that men are brothers, that the last shall be first in the
kingdom of his father and I don't know how many other things.
Whose meaning I do not understand, but what has that man to do
with your shock?

CLAUDIA: Well, Jesus has been imprisoned tonight by your soldiers and no
man has ever been so cruelly mistreated. Since when did the sons
of Tiberius spit in the face and pluck the beards of their helpless

PILATES: How do you know this? Have you even left the citadel?

CLAUDIA: No, I told you I had a horrible dream (Pilate smiles).

CLAUDIA: Do you doubt my words?

PILATES: I don't believe in dreams, dear Claudia.

CLAUDIA: I have seen through the walls of my chamber a horde of fierce

men armed with spears and clubs leap through the water gate at
twelve o'clock these men of counsel. They came to the Mount of
Olives. There Jesus was praying, as usual. When they saw him,
they threw themselves on him like hungry wolves, Jesus, with his
unshakable meekness, let his hands be tied behind his back, then
they led him into the city to the pontiff's house, along the way, the
bloody mockery and cruel blows were lavished with criminal
luxury. Jesus suffered it all, saying with his most sweet voice
"forgive them, my Father, they know not what they do". Pontius,
Pontius! A dreadful crime is about to be committed in Jerusalem.
The blood of the innocent Galileo will fall on your name, staining
him eternally. You are a judge

Roman, you alone have the right of life and death over the Jews; I
come to beg you not to be an accomplice to such a nefarious

PILATES: Discard your fears. You have said it, all that is nothing but a
dream, but if this dream were a reality, I swear to you that I would
defend Jesus so that there would be no conspiracy against

CLAUDIA: Don't forget that I have your word.

Trust the sentence of Jesus, if it does not turn out to be an enemy
of the empire, it will not be signed, and in proof of this I give you
my ring.
NARRATOR: Pilate removed a thick ring from his finger, on the stone of which
was engraved the head of Tiberius and an eagle with spread
wings, and handed it to his wife.

PILATES: Are you happy?

CLAUDIA: Oh yes, my Pontius, I am happy! Because I'm going to spare you

an infamy...

NARRATOR: Claudia, observing that her husband was smiling, continued...

CLAUDIA: Do you still doubt the reality of my dreams?

PILATES: You have always had a sonorous imagination.

NARRATOR: No sooner had Pontius Pilate said these words when Gaius
Appius, centurion of the Praetorian Guard, entered the dressing
room. Gaius Appius was a Spaniard, like Pilate and the two sons
of Tarragona. The governor had in Gaius a loyal friend and a
faithful subject.

PONCIO: What's going on, Caius?

CENTURION: Lord, the priests bring a prisoner to you for judgment.

CLAUDIA: That one who is coming is Jesus of Nazareth; my dream was a


NARRATOR: At this moment, the confused voices of the

people, who demanded justice from the square.

PONCIO: Key! Open all the doors of the palace. Bring in those

NARRATOR: Gaius ran to execute the orders of his master, Claudia came out of
The shouting continued with double fury, but she reminded her
husband that he had given his word to respect the life of Jesus.

CENTURION: The judges of the Sanhedrin, the priests and the Pharisees,
refuse to enter the palace; for they do not want to stain their
conscience by entering on Passover day into the house of a man
who worships the gods of Olympus.

Wretched hypocrites, despicable and vile race, who blow the
trumpets to give a miserable copper denarius to the needy, and
steal in silence a Hebrew talent from him who has none.

NARRATOR: As at that moment the shouts of "Justice, let the governor come
out! Let Pontius Pilate behold! They came loudly to his ears, he

PONCIO: All right, they don't want to come to me, I'll come to them, Gaius,
form my praetorian guard on the steps of the palace, my throne.
traveling under the first portico, y put two
standard-bearers; at the foot of those rabid dogs.

NARRATOR: Gaius obeyed his master, those soldiers, grave

The menacing men with the leopard skin on their backs, the
burnished breastplate and the standard with the imperial eagle,
inspired respect. News soon spread that the Roman judge was
going to be represented. Jesus, meanwhile, was in the middle of
the square, suffering the insults and blows of the mob. At last
Pilate appeared under the porticoes of his palace, seated. In a rich
golden armchair, driven by four slaves. Pontius Pilate stretched
out across the square a small golden staff which he held in his
hand, as if to indicate that he wished to speak. A deep silence
spread across the square. The governor looked at the crowd with
a look of contempt and then turned a look of compassion to the
prisoner. He said in a timeless, sonorous voice:

PONCIO: People who come to interrupt the sweet sleep of the morning to
your judge, what do you want?

VILLAGE: Justice! The cross for Jesus of Nazareth! (exclaimed a thousand

voices at the same time)

PONCIO: Of what crime do you accuse this man? But I warn you that I do
not want all of you to speak at the same time; let one of you speak
and the others keep silent.

NARRATOR: Among the priests there was a moment of hesitation, looking for
the one who was to expose before the judge the imaginary crimes
of the Nazarene. At last they chose the man who lent himself to
such a degrading commission.

ANAS: Roman judge, the people ask for justice and expect it from you,
because you alone have the right of life and death over the
subjects of the illustrious Tiberius. This man is the son of the
carpenter Joseph and Mary, we all know him perfectly well. He
says, however, that he is the King of Judah, son of God and I don't
know how many other sacrileges that are not decorous to
remember. For the past three years, he has been
He does not respect the law of our elders and cures his neighbor's
ailments on the Sabbath. This, as you see, deserves death, and
that is what the people who fill the square expect of you.

PONCIO: If Jesus has not committed more crimes than those just described,
then he has not committed more crimes than those just described.
I, who represent Rome, do not find him guilty enough to punish

CAIFAS: He is an evildoer, a conspirator, a blasphemer, (approaching

the bleachers) if he wasn't a criminal we wouldn't have brought
him to you.

PONCIO: If this man has sinned against your law, judge him yourselves.
Does Rome have anything to do with your religious questions? He
tolerates your temple, he allows you to pray in your synagogues,
and you judge him.

CAIFAS: You know the death penalty, Pilate, you have reserved it for
you as a right of conquest, we cannot sentence Jesus and his
crime deserves death.

PONCIO: Well then, accuse him of crimes deserving of the cross; I am

willing to hear them speak, but all that you have told me is not
even worth the trouble of my soldiers remaining with the spear on
their shoulders for a quarter of an hour.

CAIFAS: Pilate, with what we have already told you, you have enough for
sentencing Jesus. Remember that Tiberius declared all sorcerers
to be condemned to death on an affronting cross and this man
cures demoniacs and performs thousands of other spells. Does it
not fail to do what your lord prescribes?

PILATES: Gaius, let them bring Jesus up to the praetorium.

CENTURION: Marco brings that man here.

FRAMEWORK: Pilate my lord, awaits you... follow in my footsteps.

NARRATOR: Jesus followed the messenger with a calm step Pontius was
contemplating for a few seconds the meekness of the Nazarene.
In the divine eyes of Jesus, such goodness speaks that the
Roman judge could not help but mutter under his breath....

PONCIO: (Saying in a low voice) this man can not to be a criminal, it

writtenthe beauty of her soul on her face. (Addressing Jesus)
Are you the king of the Jews?

JESUS: You sayor has it been told to you by someone else at me?

NARRATOR: PilateI meditate for a moment because the voice of Jesus there
produced in his soul a sweet sensation...

PILATES: Am I a Jew? Your nation and the pontiffs have put you on
my hands. What have you done to make them wish your death so

JESUS: My kingdom is not of this world: it should not, therefore, inspire fear
in your
Sir, if I were of this world, my ministers would fight that I should not
be delivered to the Jews.

PONCIO: Are you the king?

JESUS: You say I am, that's what I was born to do: but I come to reign in
heart of the righteous, to transmit to them the divine light of grace
and truth. Everyone who loves the truth, let him hear my voice.

PONCIO: But? What truth is this of which you speak to me?

NARRATOR: Jesus did not respond. Then the Roman judge, addressing the
people," he said, raising his voice:

PONCIO: I find no crime in this man.

NARRATOR: Pilate's opinion irritated the Pharisees, and they began to

again to curse.

CAIFAS: Meditate on what you are saying, Jesus has exercised in Galilee
all kinds of
PILATES: Is Jesus a Galilean?

CAIFAS: Yes, from Nazareth.

PONCIO: Then take him to Herod, the tetrarch of Galilee, who is

He is in his palace in Jerusalem on the occasion of the Passover
feasts; let him judge him, tell him from me.

NARRATOR: Herod Antipas, the slaughterer of the Baptist, was in this palace
when one of his servants went to tell him that Pilate, the Roman
judge, was sending Jesus the Nazarene to judge him.

Herod was eager to meet Jesus, whose fame had reached his
ears. He ordered the prisoner and his accusers to be brought into
his presence. The Galilean, who during the previous night and part
of the morning had not lifted his eyes from the ground, without
abandoning for a single moment his admirable meekness, as soon
as he saw before him the murderer of the Baptist fixed on him his
gaze full of reproach. Herod held that look for a moment and then

HERODES: You cannot think, respectable priests, how grateful I am to you for
introducing me to this man; the fame of his miracles has long been
ringing in my ears, and I long to see for my own eyes one of those
prodigies which bring uproar to the simple inhabitants of Zebulun.
Come near, prophet, and fear not, and since wonders are in your
hands, show me your abilities. It confuses my little faith. Come on,
perform a miracle.

NARRATOR: Jesus directed a look of compassion to the tetrarch and kept


HERODES: Are you mute by chance? Why don't you speak up? Why don't you
confused? Go to that window, from where you can see the
cylindrical tower of David, and tell him to say hello.

NARRATOR: Jesus kept silent, scorning Herod's demands.

HERODES: Do you forget that I am the tetrarch of Galilee... (Herod exclaimed

of anger) and that your silence may cost you dearly? Death....

NARRATOR: The Nazarene smiled sweetly.

HERODES: Miserable! You despise my threats, are you crazy? Make a
prodigy or else the rigor of my wrath will fall on your head.

NARRATOR: The martyr remained impassive and mute with his gaze fixed on
face of the tetrarch. There was a moment's pause. Herod

HERODES: I am wrong to be irritated with you. No doubt, illustrious king

believes me
inferior to you and you despise me. Fair enough, but I must warn
you that I am not only willing to forgive you and acclaim you as my
lord, but I promise to worship you as a God if you succeed in
resurrecting your noble grandfather David.

NARRATOR: Jesus answered nothing. Caiaphas then advanced a few steps

forward and
standing next to the prisoner, he exclaimed:

CAIFAS: Illustrious Tetrarch, this man is a trickster; you offer him a

crown for a miracle and it does not.

HERODES: Bah! What does Jesus need the crown for? Do you not carry it as
thorns on the forehead? What does the scepter lack? Don't you
have it in your hands? The only thing missing is the white robe of
the theater kings. Esau! Give Jesus of Nazareth the robe and take
him to Pilate so that he may place on his shoulders the purple
mantle of the emperors.

NARRATOR: Then stepping down from the throne, he left the courtroom,
ordering the man to be taken away. Pilate believed himself free
from the grave commitment of sentencing Jesus. When he heard
his name called out in the square and with disgust and
astonishment he saw that Jesus was being brought to him for the
second time. Gaius Appius came in to tell him that a servant of

Tell wished
your to speak
master that to
can count from now on on on my
friendship as a
CENTURION: Sir, a servant
I will of Herod
be honored wants
if you to speak
count to you. the number of your
me among
friends. But why does he refer me back to Jesus? Why don't you
judgedo those
him? Whyangry
he notwant
being a Galilean?

ESAU: The tetrarch
Because mysends Jesus
master to you.
believes that this man, more than a criminal
PILATES: Why don't you judge it?isWhy
a don't you sentence him?
CENTURION: Undoubtedly, he finds no crime in it.
VILLAGE: Pilato! Send the governor out! Let him sentence the Galilean, the
PILATES: cross
All right,for thethat
bring Nazarene!
man in. (shouted the rowdy crowd from the
square unfortunately).
NARRATOR: Soon after,
Pontius Herod's servant
shuddered, thosewas in the
cries presence
raised of theecho
a painful governor.
in his
conscience. We have already said it: Pilate was weak and his
ESAU: weakness
My would stain
master sends me tohim
tell with
you an
thatindelible stain.
he thanks you for having sent
him Jesus of Nazareth, and that from this moment on, he begs
PILATES: Oh! toThese
you forgethyenas will that
everything eventually devour the
has happened and defenseless
to recognizelamb
as has fallen
a faithful andinto their
loyal hands.
friend and subject of Augustus Tiberius.

NARRATOR: And saying this, he went to the roof of his palace from where he
spoke to his people.

PILATES: Israelis! What do you want from me?

Death, Golgotha, the cross for the Nazarene, the cross for that

PILATES: You have presented this man to me as a perverter of the people,

and see that I inquired before you and found in him no fault of the
kind you accuse him of; I referred you to Herod, and even the
tetrarch does not believe him guilty if nothing has been proved
that he deserves death; why do you want to kill him like this, I will
release him after having scourged him. Gaius: have the Nazarene


Jesus condemned to death.
PILATOS: Priests of Jerusalem! Israel's block! Pay attention to my words. You
have brought this Jesus of Nazareth to me; you accuse him of stirring up
the people. However, I have found no wrongdoing in it. I sent him to
Herod the king; and he also found no fault in him. Consequently, I am
forced to release him.

CAIFAS: You are wrong Pilate! If you let him go free, you are no friend of
Cesar. This man, Jesus of Nazareth, has been stirring up the people for
three years now; thousands of people follow him, thousands of people
are on his side. And a few days ago, those people, here in Jerusalem,
just proclaimed Him King of the Jews. They laid their mantles in the way,
cut branches from the trees, and proclaimed him king of Israel, king of
the Jews. And in the Roman Empire, there cannot be two kings; either
Caesar of Rome, or Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. And if you take
the side of Jesus of Nazareth, you will be against the Caesar of Rome;
and he will condemn you as his enemy.

PILATOS: Then, what do you want me to do with Jesus of Nazareth, king of the

CAIFAS: Crucify him, I Caiaphas with the authority I have, I proclaim that I do not
we have more king than Caesar. Crucify Jesus!

LEPROSO: Don't do that Pilate! Jesus of Nazareth is innocent of all

guilt! He heals the sick, and helps the poor; he works miracles for
the blind, for the paralyzed, for the lepers. Look: I was a leper;
since I was a child, my body was full of leprosy. And Jesus of
Nazareth worked a miracle, and healed me: see my skin, see my
body, see my hands, see my face; I no longer have leprosy. Is this

a crime? Are you going to condemn Jesus of Nazareth for having
cured me of my leprosy? Jesus of Nazareth is innocent, Pilate. Let
him go free!

CAIFAS: Shut the fuck up! You do not have the right to speak in front of the
authorities! It is true that Jesus of Nazareth healed many people
He has given sight to the blind, he has opened the ears of the deaf, he
has loosed the tongue of the dumb. It is true that I cure paralytics and
lepers like you. But all this he did not by the power of God, but by the
power of the devil, of Beelzebub, prince of demons. And that is why
Jesus must die, because he is possessed by the spirit of Satan.

PHARISEUS: Pilate, in the name of the law of Moses, in the name of the law of our
fathers, I ask that Jesus of Nazareth be crucified. I am a Pharisee, a son
of Pharisees, I know the law, and I am a guardian of the law. This man,
Jesus of Nazareth has violated the law of the Sabbath, doing cures on
the Sabbath day; he has gone against the customs of our elders that
oblige us to fast and do penance, because the Jesus of Nazareth, has
dedicated himself to eating and drinking in the company of publicans
and sinners who are outside the law. And if any of those present here
declare Jesus of Nazareth innocent, they will be accomplices with him;
they will be against the law of Moses, against the laws of Sinai. I ask in
the name of the Law of Moses that Jesus of Nazareth be crucified!

WRITE: Pilate in the name of the most sacred traditions. Crucify Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus of Nazareth has violated the scriptures and the tradition of the
Jews, I am a scribe, and I know well the tradition of our elders. And this
man, Jesus of Nazareth, has despised the covenant of our father Jacob,
for wanting to establish a new covenant with God. In whose name?
Jesus of Nazareth, who is greater than our father Jacob, has despised
the sacrifices of the temple of Jerusalem, saying that God can be
worshipped in any profane place. Moreover, he has dared to say that we
should destroy the temple in Jerusalem, because he is able to rebuild it
in three days. Yes, in three days, when our ancestors took more than 40
years to build it. Isn't this blasphemy? Is this not a violation of the most
sacred traditions of our people, of our race? Pilate, if you condemn

Jesus of Nazareth to death, you will be violating the traditions of our
Jewish people, the people of Israel.

PILATOS: I repeat that I have not found any crime in him. Look, I propose the
following: it is customary on the feast of Passover to release a prisoner.
We have a man named Barabbas who was taken prisoner, for being a
highway robber. Take your pick; who do you want me to release,
Barabbas or Jesus of Nazareth?

PEOPLE: Let Barabbas go free, condemn Jesus of Nazareth to death!

PILATOS: I repeat that I have found no crime in Jesus of Nazareth.

PEOPLE: Crucify him, may his blood fall on us and on our children!

PILATOS: (While washing his hands) I am not responsible for this man's death. It's
up to you. You will answer for the shed blood of Jesus of Nazareth!

PEOPLE: Crucify him, may his blood fall on us and on our children!

SOLDIER: Jesus of Nazareth has been condemned to die on the cross. The
sentence must be carried out immediately, let's get moving!

2nd Station. Jesus carries his cross.

SOLDIER 2: According to Roman law, the person condemned to die on the
cross, must
carry your cross, here is your cross Jesus of Nazareth! Carry it on
your shoulders!

ANAS: According to the Jewish laws, you were to be stoned to death, or thrown
the top of the temple, Jesus of Nazareth. But you will die according to
Roman law: you will die crucified. It is the Roman law that judges and
condemns you. It will be the Roman law and the Roman authorities that
will be stained with your blood, I must be clean of all stain in order to be

able to offer the sacrifices in the temple in Jerusalem for these Passover
feasts. In this way, I am cleansed of your blood, Jesus of Nazareth,
because you are judged and condemned not by the Jewish law but by
the Roman laws, carry your cross Jesus of Nazareth! Carry your Roman
cross that cleanses me of all stain!

WRITE: According to the Scriptures, the Messiah was to save Israel;

to make Israel the most powerful nation in the world. Not that you
were the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth? Weren't you the one sent
by God? You wanted to be the Messiah of the poor, so carry your
cross, Jesus of Nazareth! Carry your cross Messiah of the blind,
Messiah of the poor, Messiah of the lepers! Carry your cross
Messiah of sinners!

PHARISEO 2: Carry your cross, Jesus of Nazareth! You said that we the
Pharisees we hinder the people from the way to heaven; for carry
your cross, the way to hell. You said that we Pharisees made
disciples of our disciples, disciples of the devil, for you charge you
Cross forsaken of all disciples! You said that we Pharisees were
blind and that we were blind guides: open your eyes that you may
not fall by the way, with your priest on your shoulders. Tunos you
called the Pharisees, accursed and sons of sin; bear now your
cross as a sinner and murderer. You told us Pharisees that we
were filthy and corrupt within ourselves, so see to it that you do not
now defile us with your blood as one condemned to death. You
called us Pharisees, whited sepulchres full of corruption and
rottenness: look at you now as you are, full of spittle thrown on you
by the soldiers, full of dirt, full of blood, full of death! You called us
Pharisees murderers of prophets; so carry your cross Jesus of
Nazareth; carry your cross of assailant, of murderer. Jesus of
Nazareth; now you are paying for all the insults you said to us, the
Pharisees of the people of Israel.

SOLDIER 2: The sentence of death must be carried out.


Jesus falls for the first time.

LEPROSO: Look, it's already down! already fainted! Watch out for the cross:
it's going to
fall on top of it and crush it! (approaches Jesus and holds up the
cross) we are going to help him, we are going to lift him up. Bring
water, because he can no longer walk!

LEVITA: Hold it right there! Nobody come near it, nobody touch it! Jesus of
Nazareth is stained with sin; it is unclean; and whoever touches it will be
stained with this man's sin. We are at the feast of the Passover; and no
person who is stained with sin can celebrate the feast.

LEPROSO: This man, Jesus of Nazareth, cured me of my leprosy.

is suffering unjustly, if he helped me why can't I help him? Who are
you to prevent it?

LEVITA: I am a Levite, a legitimate descendant of the tribe of Levi. And my life

is dedicated to religious services in the Temple of Jerusalem. And this
man Jesus of Nazareth preached to the people against us, the Levites,
in his parable of the Good Samaritan; there he speaks of a man
wounded by thieves who could not be helped either by a priest of the
temple or by a Levite who was passing by on the same road. The one
who helped the wounded man was a Samaritan; and according to Jesus
of Nazareth, that Samaritan was the only one of the three who received
God's mercy.

LEPROSO: Of course it is! This Samaritan was the only one who reached the
God's mercy, because he loves his neighbor and to love one's
neighbor is to love God and to disregard one's neighbor is to
disregard God.

LEVITA: That is false, completely false! Priests and Levites
we work in the temple, in the sacrifices that day by day are offered to the
Most High God. These sacred functions require us to be clean of sin,
clean of all stain in order to be able to offer the sacrifices. And touching
a poor person, a sick person, a leper, a wounded person, defiles us,
takes away the legal purity necessary for these sacred offices. the law of
our fathers forbids us to approach people stained with sin! Therefore, he
who touches with his hands this sinner, Jesus of Nazareth, this one
condemned to death, will be stained with his sin. And he will not be able
to celebrate the feast of Passover.

LEPROSO: You, brother Levite, fulfill your obligations; do not be

approach the poor, nor the lepers, nor the wounded, nor sinners,
lest he defile himself. I only know, that before I was full of leprosy,
and this man Jesus of Nazareth healed me; he is wounded, he
needs me and neither you nor anyone else on earth can prevent
me from helping him, just as he helped me. So step aside, please,
(pushes aside the Levite; approaches Jesus; takes the cross and
helps him up).

SOLDIER 3: The prisoner is now able to move forward. The judgment of

death must be complied with. Onward to Calvary!

Jesus meets his Mother.
MOTHER OF JESUS: Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus my Son: I am your mother! can
you hear me? I am your mother. My eyes no longer have
tears to cry; my heart is broken for what they have done to
you, flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood. Go on to the end,
my son; do not betray the faith you have preached to us.
Remember the seven Maccabean brothers whom they
wanted to make deny their faith; one by one they were
martyred in the presence of their mother; and their mother

encouraged them one by one to give their lives rather than
deny their faith. I also do the same, here I am at your side;
and if it is God's will, I want to die at your side. But do not
betray the faith you have preached to us.

ANAS: (Addressing the people) She is the mother of Jesus of Nazareth! In the
wedding in Cana of Galilee, she asked her son to turn the water into
wine. And his son performed the miracle; and there was wine, much
wine, six stone jars full of wine so that everyone was merry. Come on
woman! Why don't you ask him now to perform the same miracle again?
We need wine, lots of wine to celebrate the death of the King of the

MOTHER OF JESUS: Already the old man Simeon in the Temple of Jerusalem had
prophesied to me what is now happening: That you would be
a sign of contradiction, that you would cause many to fall and
others to rise; That the power of the Most High would be
upon you to humble the proud, to cast down the mighty from
their throne and you would exalt the poor and humble; that
the rich you would leave empty-handed and soothe the
hunger of the poor. You fed the hungry, healed the sick,
forgave sinners and brought hope of salvation to the poor.
And so now the powerful are going to kill you. Jesus my son:
do not betray the faith you have preached to us.

ANAS: Tell your son to repeat the miracle of the wedding feast of Cana, we
need to
wine, lots of wine, to celebrate how the powerful fall, to see how the
poor and humble are exalted. We want to celebrate what we are
contemplating: how hope dies, the salvation of the sick and sinners.

MOTHER OF JESUS: My son, the strong and powerful have tortured you, they
have martyred you; and now they are going to kill you.
However, your power goes beyond death. I know that after a
long time you will come back to life; and you will accomplish
in all of us, in the poor of the whole world, your work of

salvation. Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus son of the Most High,
Jesus my son, God be with you!

ANAS: Soldiers get this woman out of the way! You want to prevent the
fulfillment of the
death sentence against his son!

SOLDIER 4: Get out of the way, woman! It is no longer time to mourn for what
the law has
ordered. The death sentence must be carried out. Onward to

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus.

CENTURION: The person condemned to death no longer has the strength to

bear the burden of his
cross. It is customary for the prisoner to carry his cross to the
place where he will be crucified. But in this case, it is not possible,
because this man Jesus of Nazareth has lost a lot of blood, and is
already very weak. Therefore, it must be assisted by another
person. (Begins to search among the people) Attention, soldiers!
Call this man who comes from working in the fields. (The soldiers
comply with the order, and push Simon of Cyrene closer to them)
Who are you? What is your name?

SIMON: My name is Simon of Cyrene. I am a farmer. I come from working the

I have two sons: Alejandro and Rufo.

SOLDIER 5: Do you know this man, Jesus of Nazareth?

SIMON: I've heard of him; he has helped many people in need: to

lepers, the sick, the blind and the paralyzed. Some time ago I heard that

the authorities were looking for him to kill him, because they said he was
disturbing the town.

SOLDIER 5: You are strong, and he can barely carry the cross. You will have
to help him!

SIMON: Sir, I can't do it. I work, and I am an honest person; I do not

I am not a criminal to carry a cross. Moreover, my Jewish religion
prevents me from approaching criminals and evildoers, let alone carrying
their cross because I would be stained with their sin. And in order to
celebrate the feast of the Passover, I need to be clean of all sin, of all

SOLDIER 5: I don't care about the beliefs of your Jewish religion! I am

Roman and Roman religion. This man cannot carry his cross, or I
command the guards to give you a hundred lashes. And then you
certainly won't be able to celebrate your Easter holiday. (Simon
hesitates for a moment; finally, he reluctantly carries Jesus' cross
on his own shoulders).

SOLDIER 5: Simon of Cyrene will help Jesus carry the cross. Go for it!
to Calvary!

Veronica meets Jesus and piously cleanses
his face. Women try to prevent it without
VERONICA: Look Judith! There's the master! Look how it comes! Dumbed
crowned with thorns, abandoned by his apostles! He can barely
walk! There is Mary, his mother, accompanying her son in his
sufferings. Everyone has abandoned him! Look Judith: go into that
house, and ask for a glass of water for the master.

JUDITH: It is forbidden by Easter customs! If you approach a
murderer, a beggar or a leper, and you give him a cup of water, or touch
him with your hands or with your garment, you are stained with his sin.
And you are obliged to go to the Temple to purify yourself in order to
celebrate the Passover.

VERONICA: I know! Our Jewish customs prevent us from getting closer to

the most needy!

JUDITH: That's right! We cannot help Jesus of Nazareth! Those who are
poor, sick or criminals are in sin; God has punished them; and they bear
that punishment, from father to son, from generation to generation, until
they purify themselves in the Temple and do penance. Each one has to
atone for his own sin. If you help Jesus of Nazareth, he will not be able
to fully atone for his sin, and you will be stained with his sin.

VERONICA: For Jesus of Nazareth, our teacher, preached everything that

On the contrary: that to be forgiven of our sins, we must forgive
our neighbor; that if you do not feed the hungry, if you do not give
drink to the thirsty, if you do not help the imprisoned, your sins are
not forgiven. And I think so too! I am sure that if I help those in
need, God will forgive me my sins.

RACHEL: Do not insist, Veronica; Jesus of Nazareth is in sin, he is stained with

blood, he is condemned by the authorities; and if you approach him, you
too will be stained with his sin.

VERONICA: That is not true! If your parent is ill,

stained, don't you go over to them and help them? If one of your
brothers is beaten, full of blood, don't you come and help him?
Jesus, the divine master, is suffering; and I cannot stay here and
do nothing. I'm going to help him!

RACHEL: Have you gone crazy, Veronica? What are you going to do?

VERONICA: Look how he has a face full of blood, spit, dirt and
of sweat; I'm going to wipe his face. I know that he is the Messiah;
and he is suffering at the hands of his persecutors; I am going to
wipe his face with this shroud.

JUDITH: Don't do it Veronica! Stay away from him! If you do, you will stain
with their sin; if you do so, you will go against our traditions, against the
law, against the Temple. Veronica don't do it! Veronicaaaaaaaaaaa!
(Judith tries to stop Veronica; Veronica escapes, approaches Jesus and
wipes his face; picking up the shroud, she finds Jesus' face drawn on
the shroud itself).

VERONICA: (Showing the shroud to the people) See the face of Jesus of
Nazareth in this shroud. He is the Messiah! It is true what he
preached: that forgiveness of sins is obtained by helping the poor,
the most needy. God has worked a miracle! God has shown that
our salvation comes when we help our neighbor.

SOLDIER: Keep quiet women! Let the prisoner continue on his way. The
death sentence must be carried out Forward to Calvary!

Jesus falls for the second time.

SOLDIER: Stop! The prisoner has just fallen for the second time; we must
wait while he recovers.

ELDER OF THE SANHEDRIN: It's the second time you've fallen, Jesús de
Nazareth. You slandered us, the elders of the
people, the elders of the Sanhedrin. Pay for the
sin you have committed against us... Attention
you Israelites of Jerusalem! Remember that
evening when Jesus of Nazareth was teaching in
the Temple in Jerusalem. The scribes; the
Pharisees and the elders of the Sanhedrin le
we carry a that
caught in adultery for him to judge her. And he
did not obey the law of Moses which condemns
to death for adultery; moreover, he reproached
us for our own sins, and said: He who is without
sin, let him cast the first stone. It is clear that we
all have sins, and that is why none of us dared to
stone that woman.

I am also your age, old man of the Sanhedrin. And I can also tell
you that Jesus of Nazareth acted justly in not condemning that
adulterous woman. For all you scribes and Pharisees and doctors
of the law punish adultery only in women, but forgive it in men.
And so you can see that I'm not lying, answer my question: Why a
man can adulterate and not be stoned to death? Why does the law

only protect men and not also protect women?

ELDER OF THE Woman, shut your mouth and stop talking! Our
laws prohibit a woman from speaking in public. Before God, the sin of a woman
of the people is greater than the sin of one of us, the members of the Sanhedrin;
why? For we have the voice of wisdom and experience; we are the supreme
authority of the people of Israel. And Jesus of Nazareth paid no attention to our
authority nor to our merits; and instead of condemning the sin of that ignorant
woman, a sinful woman of the people, he judged us and exposed us before the
people of Jerusalem.

ANCIANA 2 I repeat that Jesus of Nazareth was right. With or without

authority, with or without experience, men and women are children
of God; and before God, women have the same rights as men.
God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, to form one flesh,
one blood before God and the whole universe, to obtain the same
mercy from God, both men and women.

I totally agree with what she says. The laws of Moses that you
teach do not protect us women, they only protect men. And I
prove it: the sin of adultery is the same sin when committed by a
man as when committed by a woman; is it not? then the
punishment should be the same for men and women. But it is not!
And what happens is that if a man

But if a married woman gets involved with a man who is not hers,
she is stoned to death; is this inequality fair? Why is it that women
are punished and men are not?

ANCIANA1: And that's why they hate Jesus of Nazareth, because Jesus of
wants the laws to protect not only men but also women.

ANCIANA 2: And for this very reason Jesus of Nazareth did not want to
condemn that
adulterous woman who was brought to him for judgment. I do not
condemn her because she wanted to show that God's mercy is the
same for both men and women.

ANCIANA 3: And the authority that you have in the Sanhedrin, it is of no use to
nothing to attain God's mercy. And Jesus of Nazareth already said
it: that the publicans and sinners and prostitutes, yes, the women
of bad life will attain the forgiveness and mercy of God before all of
you elders of the Sanhedrin. because the sinners are humble and
have repented of their sins; but you, the elders of the Sanhedrin,
are confident in the authority you have, and do not want to
recognize the many sins you have, and you do not want to
recognize them because you are full of pride.

ELDER OF THE SANHEDRIN: What they have just said is falsehood and
lie! That is what this man Jesus of Nazareth has
been preaching, and for this very reason, God
who is the just Judge is
condemning him and is giving the reason to us
elders of the Sanhedrin. God punish you now,
Jesus of Nazareth, for having wanted to condemn
us! God is punishing your pride in standing up
against the law of Moses and in favor of this
sinful woman! He is punishing your pride that
rose up against us elders of the Sanhedrin, the
elders of Israel.

SOLDIER: Be silent, do not add to this man's suffering.

Soldiers, lift the prisoner and help him on his way! The death
sentence must be carried out: Forward to Calvary.

Jesus meets the pious women.

MA. MAGDALENA: It is not possible! Look how Jesus the teacher is coming! The
one who
I forgive my sins, the one who drove out the demons I had
inside me; look how they tormented him! Jesus of Nazareth,
Master: I am Mary Magdalene, Mary who was a public
sinner. You forgave me my sins, you gave me back the
dignity that I had lost in front of everyone. They can't possibly
be tormenting you in that way!

MOTHER OF SANTIAGO: My son Santiago is one of his apostles. I know

well the prediction of Jesus of Nazareth; and he always
defended us, the women of Israel. Our customs say
that women should not participate in the services of the
community; and he asked us to work on behalf of the
people in the company of his apostles. Our customs
allow men polygamy; Jesus of Nazareth preached the
marriage of a man to one woman. The Pharisees and
scribes do not respect the property of widows and
orphans; and Jesus of Nazareth defended us against
the Pharisees. Our customs do not forgive adultery in
women, but they do forgive it in men; and Jesus of
Nazareth publicly forgave that adulterous woman in the
Temple of Jerusalem. That is why you have now been
sentenced to death: for having defended the rights of
women in Israel.

JESUS: Women of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and
for yourselves.
their children. For the days will come when it will be said, "Blessed are
those who have had no children, blessed are the wombs that have not
conceived and the breasts that have not suckled. Then people will start

saying to the hills: fall on us!
And they will say to the hills, "Hide us! Because if they do that with the
green tree, what won't they do with the dry tree?

ANCIANA: It is true what Jesus of Nazareth has just said: the sin that we are
committing against the Son of God will have a punishment: this city of
Jerusalem will be punished, it will be cursed. Within a few years, this city
of Jerusalem will be at war with the Romans. And the Romans will win
the war, they will set a siege around this city of Jerusalem to let neither
water nor food pass through. And the people who remain in the city will
die of disease, hunger and thirst; and the dogs in the streets will eat the
corpses of our dead.

ANCIANA 4: And there will be women who will prefer to eat the corpse
of their children, before they are eaten by the dogs in the street. All
the inhabitants of this city of Jerusalem will die, and they will
destroy the city in such a way that they will overthrow all the
houses, they will throw down the Temple of Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem! The blood of Jesus of Nazareth will fall upon you, for
having condemned to death the Messiah, the Son of the Most

OLDER 5: Jesus of Nazareth, have mercy on us women of the world.

Jerusalem! You are the Messiah, and your innocent blood will fall
as a curse on us and on our children. Our

The Temple of Jerusalem, so great and so beautiful, will be totally

destroyed, it will be burned down. Why? For our Temple priests
would not recognize you as Messiah, and condemned you to
death as a blasphemer and sinner. What will happen to our city of
Jerusalem, the holy city? It will be totally destroyed, and not a
stone will be left upon a stone; and thousands and thousands of
us women will be crushed to death under the rubble. What a
horror! Your innocent blood will fall upon us like a curse that
overflows from generation to generation. Jesus of Nazareth: have

mercy on us, the women of Jerusalem!

SOLDIER: Get out of the way women! And let the procession move forward.
death sentence must be carried out. Onward to Calvary!

9TH STATION. Jesus falls for the third time.

SADUCEO: See Jesus of Nazareth! This is the third time it has fallen to the
ground! You no longer have the strength. He can barely walk.
Listen to me inhabitants of Jerusalem! I am a Sadducee, and I
belong to the group of the Sadducees. John the Baptist reviled
and condemned us by calling us a "brood of vipers". He threw us
in the face of defending our faith in our father Abraham. And he
threatened us and told us that the tree of the Sadducees was
about to be felled by the Messiah, by Jesus of Nazareth. And I ask
you, which tree fell first? Where is John the Baptist? His throat
was slit for the whims of a woman! Where is the Messiah
announced by John the Baptist! Look at him there on the ground
condemned as a criminal! Which tree fell first? That of the
Sadducees, or that of Jesus of Nazareth?

LEPROSO: Every tree is known by its fruits; and look at the works that Jesus
of Nazareth has done: he cured the deaf, he gave sight to the
blind, he gave relief to the paralyzed, he removed leprosy from the
lepers. And if
I was a leper since I was a child, I lived thirty years eaten away by
leprosy. And Jesus of Nazareth took it away from me; since then, I
can work, I can go everywhere without anyone running away from
me or despising me. These have been the fruits, these have been
the works of Jesus of Nazareth! And I ask you Sadducees, what
are the fruits, what are your works for the people?

SADUCEO: Shut the fuck up! You are nothing but a poor, ignorant man,
you have no right to speak before the people of Jerusalem! I am
also a Sadducee; and I add something to what my brother

Sadducee said. Jesus of Nazareth preached the resurrection of
the dead, he made the people believe that there is life after death;
and we Sadducees, we do not believe in this
resurrection preached by Jesus of Nazareth. And I ask you:
Moses, Abraham or our Father Jacob, when did they speak of
resurrection? They never talked about her. Is this Jesus of
Nazareth greater than our patriarchs and prophets? Has God Most
High glorified him more than them? You have fallen for the third
time, Jesus of Nazareth: is that resurrection? Is that having a new
life? You are about to die crucified: is that the way God Most High
is glorifying you? You have made a mistake, Jesus of Nazareth!
Your own death proves us Sadducees right: die with your
resurrection and new life as a blasphemer and criminal. Let us
Sadducees live the only life that exists: the life of this world in
which we are fully living our own life!

SOLDIERS: You Sadducees, just like the elders of the Sanhedrin, do not
have stopped insulting this man. leave him alone! Soldiers! Help
the inmate to stand up, and let him begin to walk. The death
sentence must be carried out - onward to Calvary!

10th and 11th STATION.
Jesus is stripped of his garments.
SOLDIER: (Nailing the thief's left hand) Let's see if now with this one
The left hand will continue to steal; let's see if this left hand
continues to keep other people's money and jewels. Now you will
pay for your guilt, robber, thief! Now it's the right hand's turn: look
how this murderer's and criminal's hand is going to look, see how
it fills with blood. May this blood of your right hand be able to wash
away the blood of so many victims that you murdered on the
roads and mountains in order to steal.

SOLDIER: (Nailing the left foot), with this foot he was always ready for
to run and jump, to run away when you stole. Look how he stands
now, still, immobile, nailed to the cross. And this right foot that
never wanted to guide you on the path of honesty, of
righteousness. May he now pay for having precipitated you into
the abyss of delinquency!

JESUS: Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.

(Once crucified, the soldiers nail the sign "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews" to
the cross. They lift the cross, fix it to the ground, in the middle of the other crosses
where the thieves are tied).

CAIFAS: Pilate, why did you write "King of the Jews"? We do not have
more king than the Caesar of Rome. Change that sign. Write one that
says "He who calls himself king of the Jews".

PILATOS: Enough with your demands! What I wrote is written.

(The soldiers take the robe of Jesus and tear it into four parts and distribute it to
him; they take the robe, and seeing that it is in one piece, the soldier says)

SOLDIER 10: The tunic is in one piece, let's not tear it; we'd better draw lots to see
whose turn it is.

Jesus dies on the Cross.
Death, descent and burial of Jesus. John the Evangelist appears asking Jesus to be
the guardian of his Mother and Jesus makes us children of Mary. Pharisees and
scribes appear mocking the power attributed to Jesus. The thieves also come on
the scene, one demanding that he show his power and the other earning heaven.

Speakers at the event:


• WRITE 1.

Our Father...

JOHN THE EVANGELIST: Maestro, here is Juan. Your beloved disciple; here
there is also your Mother Mary. Master: one thing I ask
of you. I beg you with all my heart; whatever happens,
do not allow her to remain alone in life. She lost her
husband José, she is about to lose you, her only son,
there is no one to watch over her, who will accompany
her in her old age? Master, allow me to accompany
her, to watch over her for the rest of her days.

JESUS: Woman, there you have your son, there you have your Mother.

ANAS: Inhabitants of Jerusalem, contemplate Jesus of Nazareth on the cross,
save others, but he himself cannot save himself. If he is the King of
Israel, let him come down from the cross and we will believe in him.

PHARISEO 1: If the Christ, the King of Israel, were now to be seen coming down
from the Cross
then we would believe. Did you put your trust in God? Well, may
God save him now if he really wants it, Jesus many times
proclaimed himself to be the son of God, and named God as if he
were his Father.

EVIL THIEF: If you are the Christ, save yourself and save us too!

GOOD THIEF: Neither you, who are under the same ordeal, are you afraid
God? We are rightly suffering the just punishment for what
we have done, but this man has done nothing wrong.

JESUS: Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.

ANAS: Come down from the cross, Jesus of Nazareth! So that we believe in
you. Come on,
come down from the Cross!

JESUS: Eloi, Eloi, Lamma Sabactani... My God, my God, why have you made

WRITE 1: Hey everybody, this man is calling Elijah.

PHARISEO 2: Leave it! Let's see if Elias comes to save him.

JESUS: I am thirsty.

(A soldier runs to dip a rag in a jar with vinegar; he puts it on the tip of the spear and
brings it close to Jesus' lips. Jesus proves it).

JESUS: Everything has been fulfilled. My Father, into your hands I entrust my
spirit! (Jesus dies)

ALL: It's shaking! It's shaking!

SOLDIER: Truly this man was innocent. He was the Son of God!

13th and 14th STATION.

Jesus is taken down from the Cross and buried.
(A soldier approaches the crucified men with a stick and strikes the thieves on the
legs; they cry out in pain until they agonize and die. They then approach Jesus to do
the same to him, but a soldier stops them).

SOLDIER: Stop! Don't break any bones for Jesus, because he is already
If he is dead, it is better to open his side with a spear to make sure
that he is really dead.

(The soldier takes the spear and opens Jesus' left side. Once this is done, the three
bodies of the crosses are lowered.


Interview with God

Author: Anonymous. Free version by Wilfrido Muñiz Ruiz.

Not even on the day of my death did I forget that I was a reporter. I took paper
and pencil and asked God for the grace of an interview. He accepted with a smile.

GOD: So you want to interview me!

JOURNALIST: Well, if you have time.
GOD: My time is eternity and is enough for everything.
JOURNALIST: Lord, what envy!
GOD: What questions are you going to ask me?
JOURNALIST: What do you enjoy most about men?
GOD: First they lose their health in order to have money, and then they
lose their money to regain their health. Who live each day as if
they would never die and die as if they had never lived. Who live
questioning and wanting to understand their God, but do not
understand themselves.

JOURNALIST: Lord, which pleases you more, to be loved or to be feared?

GOD: If you're a parent, you already know the answer.
JOURNALIST: What do you think of the woman?
GOD: You can write that I am a feminist. I believe the woman. They are
my daughters!
JOURNALIST: Lord, the world is plagued by wars, corruption, hatred, pollution,
why have you left us alone?
It is not God who forgets men, it is man who turns away from God.

JOURNALIST: And the children, sir? What awaits children in the world we will
GOD: The kingdom of heaven is theirs. Let them come to me and do not
contaminate them with their bad example!

JOURNALIST: Lord, is there hope for humanity?

GOD: the solution is in your hands, love one another, like the
amo yo....

I wanted to ask more questions, but my eyes met his eyes and his lips smiled
sweetly at me. Slowly put the notebook away: Give up asking questions. Finally, I
was dead and no one on earth would read the interview.


Pbro. Adulfo Reyes Reyes, Parish Priest.
General Coordinators:
Gererdo Raul Muñiz Ruiz, Soledad Muñiz Ruiz.


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