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MLS 103. Lecture 3 Lab Ethics g.

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Pre-analytical ethics analytical Post-analytical

Autonomy Benefits Right to decline
confidentiality Archiving of results : electronic or hard copy

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Justice treated
- Harms or
saftey _ - All patients are
equally . - Discard samples or
storage .

* identification . * appropriate sample ¢ technique .


Analyzing specimens accurately . _

policies & destruction of medical records

labeling samples → right tests are
preformed . _ STAT or turnaround times .
& Specimen retention & discard should

* handling specimen .
be put in place .

Consent ; Doctor request is coincidered as a concent . _

Identification of authorized personnel

The patient 's right to refuse being tested allowed to access medical records .

Confidentiality .

All tests should benefit the patient .
Best evidence

Helping patients around .

- Universal precautions to protect patient & worker .

← SOP ↓

Standard operation procedures .


- No additional specimens .

Manners in transportation .


Unique identifiers .


Identifiers :

date of birth
• name • • CPR •

Barcode : 1710229004

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