Exercises For Practical Classes

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Exercises for Seminar 1-2

1.1. There are 50 identical details (and 5 of them are painted) in a box. Find the
probability that the first randomly taken detail will be painted.
1.2. A die is tossed. Find the probability that an even number of aces will
1.3. Participants of a toss-up pull a ticket with numbers from 1 up to 100 from a
box. Find the probability that the number of the first randomly taken ticket does
not contain the digit 5 (toss-up – жеребьевка; to pull – тянуть; ticket – жетон).
1.4. In a batch of 100 details the quality department has found out 5 non-
standard details. What is the relative frequency of appearance of non-standard
details equal to? (batch – партия)
1.5. At shooting by a rifle the relative frequency of hit in a target has appeared
equal to 0,85. Find the number of hits if 120 shots were made (a rifle –
1.6. One die is randomly taken from a carefully hashed full set of 28 dice of
domino. Find the probability that the second randomly taken die can be put to
the first if the first die:
a) is a double;
b) is not double (to hash – перемешивать; double – дубль).
The answer: a) 2/9; b) 4/9.
1.7. A point B(x) is randomly put in a segment OA of the length L of the numeric
axis Ox. Find the probability that the smaller of the segments OB and BA has the
length which is less than L/4. It is supposed that the probability of hit of a point
in the segment is proportional to its length and does not depend on its location
on the numeric axis.
1.8. Two persons have agreed to meet in a certain place between 18 and 19
o'clock and have agreed that a person come the first waits for another person
within 15 minutes then leaves. Find the probability of their meeting if arrival of
everyone within the specified hour can take place at any time and the moments
of arrival are independent.
The answer: 7/16.
1.9. Two dice are tossed. Find the probability that:
a) the same number of aces will appear on both dice;
b) two aces will appear at least on one die;
c) the sum of aces will not exceed 6.
1.10. A point is randomly taken inside a circle of radius 5. Find the probability
that the point will be inside a proper (equilateral) triangle entered in the circle (a
proper triangle – правильный треугольник; equilateral – равносторонний).

3 √3
The answer: 4 π .

Exercises for Seminar 3

2.1. A college planning committee consists of 3 freshmen, 4 sophomores, 5
juniors, and 2 seniors. A subcommittee of 4, consisting of 1 person from each
class, is to be chosen (a freshman – первокурсник; a sophomore –
второкурсник). How many different subcommittees are possible?
2.2. How many outcome sequences are possible when a die is rolled four times,
where we say, for instance, that the outcome is 3, 4, 3, 1 if the first roll landed
on 3, the second on 4, the third on 3, and the fourth on 1?
2.3. There are five disks on the general axis of a lock. Each disk is subdivided
into six sectors on which different letters are written. The lock opens only in the
event that each disk occupies one certain position regarding the case of the lock.
Find the probability that the lock can be opened at any installation of disks (the
case of a lock – корпус замка).
The answer: 0,0001286.
2.4. The order of performance of 7 participants of a competition is determined
by a toss-up. How many different variants of the toss-up are possible?
2.5. There are 10 cards each of which contains one letter: 3 cards with letter A, 2
cards with letter S and 5 cards with letters D, R, O, M, B. A child takes cards in
a random order and puts one to another. Find the probability that the word
«AMBASSADOR» will be turned out (to turn out – оказываться).
2.6. By the conditions of the lottery «Sportloto 6 of 45» a participant of the
lottery who have guessed 4, 5 or 6 numbers from 6 randomly selected numbers
of 45 receives a monetary prize. Find the probability that the participant will
guess: a) all 6 numbers; b) 4 numbers.
2.7. 10 of 30 students have sport categories. What is the probability that 3
randomly chosen students have sport categories?
The answer: 0,03.
2.8. A group consists of 12 students, and 8 of them are pupils with honor. 9
students are randomly selected. Find the probability that 5 pupils with honor will
be among the selected.
The answer: 0,255.
2.9. Eight different books are randomly placed on one shelf. Find the probability
that two certain books will be put beside (a shelf – полка, beside – рядом).
The answer: 0,25.

2.10. A box contains 5 red, 3 green and 2 blue pencils. 3 pencils are randomly
extracted from the box. Find the probabilities of the following events:
A – all the extracted pencils are different color;
B – all the extracted pencils are the same color;
C – one blue pencil among the extracted;
D – exactly two pencils of the same color among the extracted.
The answer: P(A) = 0,25; P(B) = 0,092; P(C) = 0,467; P(D) = 0,658.
2.11. It has been sold 21 of 25 refrigerators of three marks available in quantities
of 5, 7 and 13 units in a shop. Assuming that the probability to be sold for a
refrigerator of each mark is the same, find the probability of the following
a) refrigerators of one mark have been unsold;
b) refrigerators of three different marks have been unsold.
The answer: a) 0,06; b) 0,396.
2.12. A shooter has made three shots in a target. Let Ai be the event «hit by the
shooter at the i-th shot» (i = 1, 2, 3). Express by A1, A2, A3 and their negations
the following events: A – «only one hit»; B – «three misses»; C – «three hits»; D
– «at least one miss»; E – «no less than two hits»; F – «no more than one hit».

Exercises for Seminar 4-5

3.1. In a cash–prize lottery 150 prizes and 50 monetary winnings are played on
every 10000 tickets. What is the probability of a winning indifferently monetary
or prize for an owner of one lottery ticket equal to?
3.2. The events A, B, C and D form a complete group. The probabilities of the
events are those: P(A) = 0,1; P(B) = 0,4; P(C) = 0,3. What is the probability of
the event D equal to?
3.3. The probability that a shooter will beat out 10 aces at one shot is equal to
0,1 and the probability to beat out 9 aces is equal to 0,3. Find the probabilities of
the following events: A – the shooter will beat out 8 or less aces; B – the shooter
will beat out no less than 9 aces.
3.4. There are 10 details in a box, and 2 of them are non-standard. Find the
probability that in randomly selected 6 details appears no more than one non-
standard detail.
Direction: If A is «there is no non-standard details» and B is «there is one
non-standard detail» then P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) =…
3.5. An enterprise produces 95% standard products, and 86% of them have the
first grade. Find the probability that a randomly taken product made at the
enterprise will be standard and the first grade (grade – сорт).

3.6. Two dice are thrown. Find the conditional probability that each die lands on
5 if it is known that the sum of aces is divided on 5.
3.7. If two dice are rolled, what is the conditional probability that the first one
lands on 4 given that the sum of the dice is 8?
3.8. In a certain community, 36 percent of the families own a dog, and 22
percent of the families that own a dog also own a cat. In addition, 30 percent of
the families own a cat. What is
(a) the probability that a randomly selected family owns both a dog and a cat;
(b) the conditional probability that a randomly selected family owns a dog
given that it owns a cat?
3.9. An ordinary deck of 52 playing cards is randomly divided into 4 piles of 13
cards each. Compute the probability that each pile has exactly 1 ace (a pile –
стопка; a deck – колода; an ace – туз).
3.10. A coin is tossed until it will not land on the same side 2 times in
succession. Find the probability that the experiment will terminate before the
sixth tossing (in succession – подряд).

Exercises for Seminar 6

4.1. The probability that a shooter hit in a target at one shot is equal to 0,9. The
shooter has made 3 shots. Find the probability that all 3 shots will strike the
4.2. A coin and a die are tossed. Find the probability of joint appearance of the
following events: «the coin lands on heads» and «the die lands on 6».
4.3. What is the probability that at tossing three dice 6 aces will appear at least
on one of the dice (the event А)?
The answer: 0,722.
4.4. There are 8 standard details in a batch of 10 details. Find the probability that
there is at least one standard detail among two randomly taken details.
4.5. Two dice are rolled. What is the conditional probability that at least one
lands on 6 given that the dice land on different numbers?
4.6. The probability of hit in a target by the first shooter at one shot is equal to
0,8, and by the second shooter – 0,6. Find the probability that the target will be
struck only with one shooter.
The answer: 0,44.

4.7. The probability to receive high dividends under shares at the first enterprise
– 0,2; on the second – 0,35; on the third – 0,15. Determine the probability that a
shareholder having shares of all the enterprises will receive high dividends:
a) only at one enterprise;
b) at least on one enterprise (a share – акция).
The answer: a) 0,4265; b) 0,564.
4.8. The first brigade has 6 tractors, and the second – 9. One tractor demands
repair in each brigade. A tractor is chosen at random from each brigade. What is
the probability that:
a) both chosen tractors are serviceable;
b) one of the chosen tractors demands repair (serviceable – исправный).
The answer: a) 20/27; b) 13/54.

Exercises for Seminar 6

5.1. There are 20 skiers, 6 bicyclists and 4 runners in a group of sportsmen. The
probability to execute the corresponding qualifying norm is: for a skier – 0,9, for
a bicyclist – 0,8, and for a runner – 0,75. Find the probability that a randomly
chosen sportsman will execute the norm.
The answer: 0,86.
5.2. The first box contains 20 details and 15 of them are standard; the second –
30 details and 24 of them are standard; the third – 10 details and 6 of them are
standard. Find the probability that a randomly extracted detail from a randomly
taken box is standard.
The answer: 43/60.
5.3. There are radio lamps in two boxes. The first box contains 12 lamps, and 1
of them is non-standard; the second box contains 10 lamps, and 1 of them is
non-standard. A lamp is randomly taken from the first box and placed in the
second. Find the probability that a randomly extracted lamp from the second box
will be non-standard.
The answer: 13/132.
5.4. At a deviation of an automatic device from the normal operating mode the
signaling device C-1 acts with the probability 0,8, and the signaling device C-
11 acts with the probability 1. The probabilities that the automatic device is
supplied with C-1 or C-11 are equal to 0,6 and 0,4 respectively. A signal about
cutting the automatic device has been received. What is more probable: the
automatic device is supplied with the signaling device C-1 or C-11?
The answer: The probability that the automatic device is supplied with C-1,
is equal to 6/11, and C-11 – 5/11.

5.5. The probability for products of a certain factory to satisfy the standard is
equal to 0,96. A simplified system of checking on standardness gives positive
result with the probability 0,98 for products satisfying the standard, and with the
probability 0,05 – for products non-satisfying the standard. A randomly taken
product has been recognized as standard at checking. Find the probability that it
really satisfies the standard.
The answer: 0,998.
5.6. A digit is firstly randomly chosen from the digits {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and then
the second digit – from the rest four digits. Find the probability that an odd digit
will be chosen:
a) for the first time; b) for the second time; c) in both times.
The answer: a) 3/5; b) 3/5; c) 3/10.
5.7. Three cards are randomly selected without replacement from an ordinary
deck of 52 playing cards. Compute the conditional probability that the first card
selected is a spade, given that the second and third cards are spades.
The answer: 0,22.
5.8. Urn A contains 2 white balls and 1 black ball, whereas urn B contains
1white ball and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from urn A and placed
in urn B. A ball is then drawn from urn B. It happens to be white. What is the
probability that the ball transferred was white?
The answer: 0,8.

Exercises for Seminar 7

6.1. There are 6 motors in a shop. For each motor the probability that it is turned
(switched) on at present time is equal to 0,8. Find the probability that at present:
a) 4 motors are turned on;
b) all motors are turned on;
c) all motors are turned off (a shop – цех).
The answer: a) 0,246; b) 0,26; c) 0,000064.
6.2. Find the probability that an event A will appear in five independent trials no
less than two times if the probability of occurrence of the event A for each trial
is equal to 0,3.
The answer: 0,472.
6.3. A coin is tossed 6 times. Find the probability that the coin lands on heads:
a) less than two times;
b) no less than two times.
The answer: a) 7/64; b) 57/64.
6.4. Find approximately the probability that an event will happen exactly 104
times at 400 trials if in each trial the probability of its occurrence is equal to 0,2.

The answer: 0,0006.
6.5. The probability of striking a target by a shooter at one shot is equal to 0,75.
Find the probability that at 100 shots the target will be struck:
a) no less than 70 and no more 80 times;
b) no more than 70 times.
The answer: a) 0,7498; b) 0,1251.
6.6. The probability that an event A will appear at least once at two independent
trials is equal to 0,75. Find the probability of appearance of the event in one trial
(it is supposed that the probability of appearance of the event in both trials is the
The answer: 0,5.
6.7. A coming up a potato is equal to 80 %. How many is it necessary to plant
potatoes that the most probable number of came up potatoes of them was equal
100 (to come up – всходить (о растении))?
The answer: 124 or 125.
6.8. There are 4000 bees in a bee family. The probability of illness within a day
is equal to 0,002 for each bee. Find the probability that more than one bee will
be ill within a day (a bee – пчела).
The answer: 0,99.
6.9. A coming up a grain stored in a warehouse is equal to 80%. What is the
probability that the number of came up grains among 100 ones will make from
68 up to 90 pieces (a grain – зерно)?
The answer: 0,992.
6.10. The probability of receiving an excellent mark at an exam is equal to 0,2.
Find the most probable number of excellent marks and the probability of this
number if 50 students pass the exam.
The answer: k0 = 10 and Pn(k0) = 0,141.

Exercises for Seminar 8

7.1. Two balls are chosen randomly from an urn containing 8 white, 4 black and
2 orange balls. Suppose that we win $2 for each black ball selected and we lose
$1 for each white ball selected. Let X denote our winnings. What are the
possible values of X, and what are the probabilities associated with each value?
7.2. The probability of working each of four combines without breakages during
a certain time is equal to 0,9. Compose the law of distribution of a random
variable X – the number of combines working trouble-free. Find the
mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square deviation of the
random variable X.

The answer: M(X) = 3,6; D(X) = 0,36; (X) = 0,6.
7.3. The probability of birth of a boy in a family is equal to 0,515. Compose the
law of distribution of a random variable X – the number of boys in families
having four children. Find the mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the
mean square deviation.
The answer: M(X) = 2,06; D(X) = 0,999; (X) = 1,0.
7.4. There are 6 masters of sports in a group of 10 sportsmen. One selects (under
the circuit without replacement) 3 sportsmen. Compose the law of distribution of
a random variable X – the number of masters of sports of the selected sportsmen.
Find the mathematical expectation of the random variable X.
The answer: M(X) = 1,8.
7.5. A shooter makes shots in a target before the first hit. The probability of hit
in the target at each shot is equal to 0,7. Compose the law of distribution of a
random variable X – the number of shots made by the shooter. Find the most
probable number of cartridges (patrons) given to the shooter.
The answer: k0 = 1.
7.6. The mathematical expectation of a random variable X is equal to 8. Find the
mathematical expectation of the following random variables: a) X – 4; b) 3X + 4.
7.7. The dispersion of a random variable X is equal to 8. Find the dispersion of
the following random variables: a) X – 2; b) 3X + 2.
7.8. Independent random variables X and Y have the following distributions:

X 2 4 6 Y 3 4
p 0,3 0,5 0,2 p 0,4 0,6

Compose the law of distribution of the random variable Z = X + Y. Find the

mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square deviation of the
random variable Z.
The answer: M(Z) = 7,4; D(Z) = 2,2.
7.9. Find the mathematical expectation and the dispersion of random variable Z
= 4X – 2Y if M(X) = 5, M(Y) = 3, D(X) = 4, D(Y) = 6. The random variables X
and Y are independent.
The answer: M(Z) = 14; D(Z) = 88.
7.10. A total of 4 buses carrying 148 students from the same school arrives at a
football stadium. The buses carry, respectively, 40, 33, 25, and 50 students. One
of the students is randomly selected. Let X denote the number of students that
were on the bus carrying this randomly selected student. One of the 4 bus
drivers is also randomly selected. Let Y denote the number of students on his

bus. Which of M(X) or M(Y) do you think is larger? Why? Compute M(X) and

Exercises for Seminar 10

8.1. Let the law of distribution of a discrete random variable be given:

X 1 4 6 8
P 0,1 0,3 0,4 0,2

Find the integral function of the random variable X and construct its graph.
8.2. Find the integral function of distribution of the random variable X – the
number of hits in a target if three shots were made with the probability of hit in
the target equal 0,8 for each shot.
8.3. A continuous random variable X is given by the integral function:

0 if x ≤0 ,
F ( x )= x if 0< x≤5 ,
1 if x >5 .
a) the probability of hit of the random variable into the interval (2; 3);
b) the mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square
deviation of the random variable X.
8.4. A random variable X is given by the integral function:

0 if x≤−2 ,
x 1
F ( x )= + if −2< x ≤2 ,
4 2
1 if x >2 .
Find the probability that in result of a trial the random variable X will take on the
(a) less than 0;
(b) less than 1;
(c) no less than 1;
(d) being in the interval (0; 2).
8.5. The amount of time, in hours, that a computer functions before breaking
down is a continuous random variable with probability density function given by

−x /100
f ( x )= λe if x≥0
0 if x <0

What is the probability that
(a) a computer will function between 50 and 150 hours before breaking
(b) it will function less than 100 hours?
Direction: Take e equal 2,718281.
The answer: a) 0,3834; b) 0,632.
8.6. The lifetime in hours of a certain kind of radio tube is a random variable
having a probability density function given by

0 if x≤100
f ( x )= 100
if x>100
What is the probability that exactly 2 of 5 such tubes in a radio set will have to
be replaced within the first 150 hours of operation? Assume that the events Ei, i
= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, that the ith such tube will have to be replaced within this time, are
The answer: 80/243.
8.7. Let X be a random variable with probability density function

f ( x )= C (1−x ) if −1< x <1
0 otherwise
(a) What is the value of C?
(b) What is the cumulative distribution function of X?
The answer: a) 3/4.
8.8. Compute M(X) if X has a density function given by

1 −x / 2
xe if x >0
f ( x )= 4
0 otherwise
The answer: 4.
8.9. A random variable X is given by the differential function:

0 if x≤0 ,
4 a−2 x
f ( x )= if 0< x≤a ,
3 a2
0 if x >a .
(a) the integral function;
(b) the probability of hit of the random variable into the interval (a/6; a/3).
The answer: b) 7/36.
8.10. A random variable X is given by the integral function:

0 if x≤2,
F ( x )= x −8 if 2< x ≤3 ,
1 if x >3 .
(a) the differential function;
(b) the probability of hit of the random variable X into the interval (2,5; 3);
(c) the mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square
deviation of the random variable X.
The answer: b) 0,599; c) M(X) = 2,566; D(X) = 0,079.

Exercises for Seminar 12

9.1. A die is tossed three times. Write the law of distribution of the number of
appearance of 6.
9.2. Find an average number (mathematical expectation) of typing errors on
page of the manuscript if the probability that the page of the manuscript contains
at least one typing error is 0,95. It is supposed that the number of typing errors is
distributed under the Poisson law (typing error – опечатка; an average number –
среднее число).
The answer: 3.
9.3. The switchboard of an enterprise serves 100 subscribers. The probability
that a subscriber will call on the switchboard within 1 minute is equal 0,02.
Which of two events is more probable: 3 subscribers will call or 4 subscribers
will call within 1 minute? (Subscriber – абонент, switchboard – коммутатор).
9.4. A die is tossed before the first landing «six» aces. Find the probability that
the first appearance of «six» will take place:
(a) at the second tossing the die;
(b) at the third tossing the die;
(c) at the fourth tossing the die.
The answer: (a) 5/36.
9.5. Suppose that a batch of 100 items contains 6 that are defective and 94 that
are non-defective. If X is the number of defective items in a randomly drawn
sample of 10 items from the batch, find (a) P(X = 0) and (b) P(X > 2).
9.6. There are 7 standard details in a set of 10 details. 4 details are randomly
taken from the set. Find the law of distribution of the random variable X equal to
the number of standard details among the taken details.
9.7. An urn contains 5 white and 20 black balls. 3 balls are randomly taken from
the urn. Compose the law of distribution of the random variable X equal to the
number of taken out white balls.

9.8. At horse-racing competitions it is necessary to overcome four obstacles with
the probabilities equal 0,9; 0,8; 0,7; 0,6 respectively. At the first failure the
sportsman in the further competitions does not participate. Compose the law of
distribution of a random variable X – the number of taken obstacles. Find the
mathematical expectation of the random variable X (obstacle – препятствие).
The answer: M(X) = 2,4264.
9.9. Two shooters make on one shot in a target. The probability of hit by the first
shooter at one shot is 0,5, and by the second shooter – 0,4.
(а) Find the law of distribution of the random variable X – the number of hits
in the target;
(b) Find the probability of the event X  1.
The answer: b) 0,7.
9.10. A set of families has the following distribution on number of children:

xi x1 x2 2 3
pi 0,1 p2 0,4 0,35

Determine x1, x2, p2, if it is known that M(X) = 2, D(X) = 0,9.

Exercises for Seminar 13

10.1. A random variable X is uniformly distributed in the interval (-2; N). Find:
(a) the differential function of the random variable X;
(b) the integral function;
(c) the probability of hit of the random variable into the interval (-1; N/2);
(d) the mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square
deviation the random variable X.
The answer: c) 0,5.
10.2. Buses arrive at a specified stop at 15-minute intervals starting at 7 a.m.
That is, they arrive at 7, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, and so on. If a passenger arrives at the
stop at a time that is uniformly distributed between 7 and 7:30, find the
probability that he waits:
(a) less than 5 minutes for a bus;
(b) more than 10 minutes for a bus.
The answer: a) 1/3; b) 1/3.
10.3. You arrive at a bus stop at 10 o’clock, knowing that the bus will arrive at
some time uniformly distributed between 10 and 10:30.
(a) What is the probability that you will have to wait longer than 10 minutes?
(b) If at 10:15 the bus has not yet arrived, what is the probability that you will
have to wait at least an additional 10 minutes?

The answer: a) 2/3; b) 1/3.
10.4. A random variable X is distributed under an exponential law with
parameter  = 0,5. Find:
(a) the probability density and the distribution function of X;
(b) the probability of hit of the random variable X into the interval (2; 4);
(c) the mathematical expectation, the dispersion and the mean square
deviation of X.
The answer: b) 0,233.
10.5. The time (in hours) required to repair a machine is an exponentially
distributed random variable with parameter  = 0,5. What is
(a) the probability that a repair time exceeds 2 hours;
(b) the conditional probability that a repair takes at least 10 hours, given that
its duration exceeds 9 hours?
The answer: a) 0,3679; b) 0,9956.
10.6. Jones figures that the total number of thousands of miles that an auto can
be driven before it would need to be junked is an exponential random variable
with parameter 1/20. Smith has a used car that he claims has been driven only
10,000 miles. If Jones purchases the car, what is the probability that she would
get at least 20,000 additional miles out of it? Repeat under the assumption that
the lifetime mileage of the car is not exponentially distributed but rather is (in
thousands of miles) uniformly distributed over (0, 40) (to figure – считать; to
junk – утилизировать).
The answer: 0,7614; 0,75.
10.7. A normally distributed random variable X is given by the differential
( x −5)2
1 −
f ( x )= ⋅e 32
function: 4 √2 π . Determine:
(a) the mathematical expectation and the dispersion of the random variable
(b) the probability of hit of the random variable X into the interval (3; 9).
The answer: b) 0,5328.
10.8. A random variable X is distributed under a normal law with mathematical
expectation a = 20. The probability of hit of the random variable X into the
interval (10; 30) is 0,6826. Determine the probability of hit of the random
variable into the interval (10; 25).
The answer: 0,5328.
10.9. If X is a normal random variable with parameters a = 3 and  2 = 9, find (a)
P(2 < X < 5); (b) P(X > 0); (c) P(|X – 3| > 6).
The answer: a) 0,3779; b) 0,8413; c) 0,0456.

10.10. Let X be a normal random variable with mathematical expectation 12 and
dispersion 4. Find the value of C such that P(X > C) = 0,1.

Exercises for Seminar 14

11.1. The amount of electric power consumed by a settlement within day is a
random variable of which the mathematical expectation is 4 thousands of kWth.
Estimate the probability that for the nearest day the consumption of energy: a)
will exceed 8 thousands of kWth; b) will not exceed 6 thousands of kWth
(settlement – поселок; electric power – электроэнергия; consumption –
The answer: a) 0,5; b) 0,33.
11.2. From past experience a professor knows that the test score of a student
taking his or her final examination is a random variable with mathematical
expectation 75. Give an upper bound for the probability that a student’s test
score will exceed 85. Suppose, in addition, the professor knows that the
dispersion of a student’s test score is equal to 25. What can be said about the
probability that a student will score between 65 and 85?
The answer: 0,882; 0,75.
11.3. A discrete random variable X is given by the following law of distribution:

X 2 3 6 9
P 0,1 0,4 0,3 0,2

By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| > 3.
The answer: 2/3.
11.4. A random variable is given by the integral function:

0 if x≤a ,
( x−a )2
F ( x )= if a< x≤2 a ,
1 if x> 2 a.
(a) By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that |X – M(X)| <
a/2; (b) Determine the probability that |X – M(X)| < a/2.
The answer: a) 7/9; b) 35/36.
11.5. By using the Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that the
number of come up seeds among the sown 5000 will be from 3750 up to 4250 if
the mathematical expectation M(X) = 4000 (seed – семя; to come up –
всходить; sown – посеянный).
The answer: 0,9872.

11.6. There are 100 automobiles in an economy. The probability of non-failure
operation of each of them during a certain period is equal to 0,9. By using the
Chebyshev inequality estimate the probability that the deviation of the number
of trouble-free working automobiles for the certain period from its mathematical
expectation will not exceed 5 by absolute value (economy – хозяйство).
The answer: 0,64.
11.7. By a sampling way the weight of ears of barley is determined. How many
ears need to select in order to assert with probability no less than 0,99 that the
average weight of randomly selected ears will differ from the average weight of
ears in all batch (accepted as a mathematical expectation) no more than on 0,1
g? It has been established that the mean square deviation of the weight does not
exceed 0,2 g (ear – колос; barley – ячмень).
The answer: 400.
11.8. Let as a result of 100 independent trials values of a random variable X
have been found: х1, х2, …, х100. Let the mathematical expectation M(X) = 10 and
the dispersion D(X) = 1. Give a lower bound for the probability that the absolute
value of the difference between the arithmetic mean of observed values of the
random variable and the mathematical expectation will be less than 0,5.
The answer: 0,96.
11.9. There are 100 white and 100 black balls in an urn. 50 balls have been
taken out (with returning). Give a lower bound for the probability that the
amount of white balls from the taken out balls satisfies to the double inequality:
15 < m < 35.
The answer: 0,875.
11.10. An astronomer is interested in measuring, in light years, the distance from
his observatory to a distant star. Although the astronomer has a measuring
technique, he knows that, because of changing atmospheric conditions and
normal error, each time a measurement is made it will not yield the exact
distance but merely an estimate. As a result the astronomer plans to make a
series of measurements and then use the average value of these measurements as
his estimated value of the actual distance. If the astronomer believes that the
values of the measurements are independent and identically distributed random
variables having a common mathematical expectation a (the actual distance) and
a common dispersion of 4 (light years), how many measurements need he make
to be guaranteed with probability 0,95 that the deviation of the arithmetic mean
of these measurements from the mathematical expectation will be no more than
0,5 light year by absolute value? The answer: 62.

11.11. Let Xi, i = 1, 2, …, 10, be independent random variables, each uniformly

(∑ )
P X i >6
distributed over (0, 1). Calculate an approximation to i=1 by using
the central limit theorem.
The answer: 0,1368
1 x 1 2
− x2 1 − x
ϕ ( x )= ⋅e 2 Φ( x )=

∫ e 2
Values the functions √ 2 π and 2 π 0

x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x )
0,00 0,3989 0,0000 0,36 0,3739 0,1406 0,72 0,3079 0,2642
0,01 0,3989 0,0040 0,37 0,3726 0,1443 0,73 0,3056 0,2673
0,02 0,3989 0,0080 0,38 0,3712 0,1480 0,74 0,3034 0,2703
0,03 0,3988 0,0120 0,39 0,3697 0,1516 0,75 0,3011 0,2734
0,04 0,3986 0,0160 0,40 0,3683 0,1554 0,76 0,2989 0,2764
0,05 0,3984 0,0199 0,41 0,3668 0,1591 0,77 0,2966 0,2794
0,06 0,3982 0,0239 0,42 0,3652 0,1628 0,78 0,2943 0,2823
0,07 0,3980 0,0279 0,43 0,3637 0,1664 0,79 0,2920 0,2852
0,08 0,3977 0,0319 0,44 0,3621 0,1700 0,80 0,2897 0,2881
0,09 0,3973 0,0359 0,45 0,3605 0,1736 0,81 0,2874 0,2910
0,10 0,3970 0,0398 0,46 0,3589 0,1772 0,82 0,2850 0,2939
0,11 0,3965 0,0438 0,47 0,3572 0,1808 0,83 0,2827 0,2967
0,12 0,3961 0,0478 0,48 0,3555 0,1844 0,84 0,2803 0,2995
0,13 0,3956 0,0517 0,49 0,3538 0,1879 0,85 0,2780 0,3023
0,14 0,3951 0,0557 0,50 0,3521 0,1915 0,86 0,2756 0,3051
0,15 0,3945 0,0596 0,51 0,3503 0,1950 0,87 0,2732 0,3078
0,16 0,3939 0,0636 0,52 0,3485 0,1985 0,88 0,2709 0,3106
0,17 0,3932 0,0675 0,53 0,3467 0,2019 0,89 0,2685 0,3133
0,18 0,3925 0,0714 0,54 0,3448 0,2054 0,90 0,2661 0,3159
0,19 0,3918 0,0753 0,55 0,3429 0,2088 0,91 0,2637 0,3186
0,20 0,3910 0,0793 0,56 0,3410 0,2123 0,92 0,2613 0,3212
0,21 0,3902 0,0832 0,57 0,3391 0,2157 0,93 0,2589 0,3238
0,22 0,3894 0,0871 0,58 0,3372 0,2190 0,94 0,2565 0,3264
0,23 0,3885 0,0910 0,59 0,3352 0,2224 0,95 0,2541 0,3289
0,24 0,3876 0,0948 0,60 0,3332 0,2257 0,96 0,2516 0,3315
0,25 0,3867 0,0987 0,61 0,3312 0,2291 0,97 0,2492 0,3340
0,26 0,3857 0,1026 0,62 0,3292 0,2324 0,98 0,2468 0,3365
0,27 0,3847 0,1064 0,63 0,3271 0,2357 0,99 0,2444 0,3389
0,28 0,3836 0,1103 0,64 0,3251 0,2389 1,00 0,2420 0,3413
0,29 0,3825 0,1141 0,65 0,3230 0,2422 1,01 0,2396 0,3438

0,30 0,3814 0,1179 0,66 0,3209 0,2454 1,02 0,2371 0,3461
0,31 0,3802 0,1217 0,67 0,3187 0,2486 1,03 0,2347 0,3485
0,32 0,3790 0,1255 0,68 0,3166 0,2517 1,04 0,2323 0,3508
0,33 0,3778 0,1293 0,69 0,3144 0,2549 1,05 0,2299 0,3531
0,34 0,3765 0,1331 0,70 0,3123 0,2580 1,06 0,2275 0,3554
0,35 0,3752 0,1368 0,71 0,3101 0,2611 1,07 0,2251 0,3577
x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x )
1,08 0,2227 0,3599 1,49 0,1315 0,4319 1,90 0,0656 0,4713
1,09 0,2203 0,3621 1,50 0,1295 0,4332 1,91 0,0644 0,4719
1,10 0,2179 0,3643 1,51 0,1276 0,4345 1,92 0,0632 0,4726
1,11 0,2155 0,3665 1,52 0,1257 0,4357 1,93 0,0620 0,4732
1,12 0,2131 0,3686 1,53 0,1238 0,4370 1,94 0,0608 0,4738
1,13 0,2107 0,3708 1,54 0,1219 0,4382 1,95 0,0596 0,4744
1,14 0,2083 0,3729 1,55 0,1200 0,4394 1,96 0,0584 0,4750
1,15 0,2059 0,3749 1,56 0,1182 0,4406 1,97 0,0573 0,4756
1,16 0,2036 0,3770 1,57 0,1163 0,4418 1,98 0,0562 0,4761
1,17 ,2012 0,3790 1,58 0,1145 0,4429 1,99 0,0551 0,4767
1,18 0,1989 0,3810 1,59 0,1127 0,4441 2,00 0,0540 0,4772
1,19 0,1965 0,3830 1,60 0,1109 0,4452 2,02 0,0519 0,4783
1,20 0,1942 0,3849 1,61 0,1092 0,4463 2,04 0,0498 0,4793
1,21 0,1919 0,3869 1,62 0,1074 0,4474 2,06 0,0478 0,4803
1,22 0,1895 0,3883 1,63 0,1057 0,4484 2,08 0,0459 0,4812
1,23 0,1872 0,3907 1,64 0,1040 0,4495 2,10 0,0440 0,4821
1,24 0,1849 0,3925 1,65 0,1023 0,4505 2,12 0,0422 0,4830
1,25 0,1826 0,3944 1,66 0,1006 0,4515 2,14 0,0404 0,4838
1,26 0,1804 0,3962 1,67 0,0989 0,4525 2,16 0,0387 0,4846
1,27 0,1781 0,3980 1,68 0,0973 0,4535 2,18 0,0371 0,4854
1,28 0,1758 0,3997 1,69 0,0957 0,4545 2,20 0,0355 0,4861
1,29 0,1736 0,4015 1,70 0,0940 0,4554 2,22 0,0339 0,4868
1,30 0,1714 0,4032 1,71 0,0925 0,4564 2,24 0,0325 0,4875
1,31 0,1691 0,4049 1,72 0,0909 0,4573 2,26 0,0310 0,4881
1,32 0,1669 0,4066 1,73 0,0893 0,4582 2,28 0,0297 0,4887
1,33 0,1647 0,4082 1,74 0,0878 0,4591 2,30 0,0283 0,4893
1,34 0,1626 0,4099 1,75 0,0863 0,4599 2,32 0,0270 0,4898
1,35 0,1604 0,4115 1,76 0,0848 0,4608 2,34 0,0258 0,4904
1,36 0,1582 0,4131 1,77 0,0833 0,4616 2,36 0,0246 0,4909
1,37 0,1561 0,4147 1,78 0,0818 0,4625 2,38 0,0235 0,4913
1,38 0,1539 0,4162 1,79 0,0804 0,4633 2,40 0,0224 0,4918
1,39 0,1518 0,4177 1,80 0,0790 0,4641 2,42 0,0213 0,4922
1,40 0,1497 0,4192 1,81 0,0775 0,4649 2,44 0,0203 0,4927
1,41 0,1476 0,4207 1,82 0,0761 0,4656 2,46 0,0194 0,4931
1,42 0,1456 0,4222 1,83 0,0748 0,4664 2,48 0,0184 0,4934

1,43 0,1435 0,4236 1,84 0,0734 0,4671 2,50 0,0175 0,4938
1,44 0,1415 0,4251 1,85 0,0721 0,4678 2,52 0,0167 0,4941
1,45 0,1394 0,4265 1,86 0,0707 0,4686 2,54 0,0158 0,4945
1,46 0,1374 0,4279 1,87 0,0694 0,4693 2,56 0,0151 0,4948
1,47 0,1354 0,4292 1,88 0,0681 0,4699 2,58 0,0143 0,4951
1,48 0,1334 0,4306 1,89 0,0669 0,4706 2,60 0,0136 0,4953
x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x ) x ϕ( x ) Φ( x )
2,6 0,0129 0,4956 2,88 0,0063 0,4980
2,6 0,0122 0,4959 2,90 0,0060 0,4981 3,50 0,00087 0,49977
2,6 0,0116 0,4961 2,92 0,0056 0,4982
2,6 0,0110 0,4963 2,94 0,0053 0,4984 3,60 0,00061 0,499841
2,7 0,0104 0,4965 2,96 0,0050 0,4985 3,70 0,00042 0,49989
2,7 0,0099 0,4967 2,98 0,0047 0,4986 3,80 0,00029 0,499928
2,7 0,0093 0,4969 3,00 0,00443 0,4986
4 5
2,7 0,0088 0,4971 3,90 0,00020 0,49995
2,7 0,0084 0,4973 3,10 0,00327 0,4990 4,00 0,0001338 0,499968
8 3
2,8 0,0079 0,4974 3,20 0,00238 0,4993
0 1
2,8 0,0075 0,4976 4,50 0,0000160 0,499997
2,8 0,0071 0,4977 3,30 0,00172 0,4995 5,00 0,0000015 0,49999997
4 2
2,8 0,0067 0,4979 3,40 0,00123 0,4996
6 6


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