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EXTRA PRACTICE EXTRA PRACTICE Collocations 1 10 It was a stroke of imagination / inspiration to go to Australia to collect material for a new novel. Just because she felt deliriously happy / cheerful, Marge wanted everyone around her to feel the same. The journalists made full use of a snippet / sample of information from one of their most reliable sources. The plain / clear truth of what Nicholas had said about our relationship was much too painful to accept. The two parties tried to reach a compromise, but failed sorrowfully / miserably after endless hours of negotiation Antonia has always had the gift / present of the gab, so she can influence people's opinions very quickly. Finding the centre of the labyrinth in complete darkness was a strong / tough challenge for all the competitors. Owing to the severe weather conditions, the chances of a successful crossing were extremely weak / slim. Many people who saw us walking together jumped / leapt to the conclusion that there must have been something between us. It would be downright / entirely rude not to apologize for your aggressive behaviour. 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 Baldwin's detailed statement projected / cast light on what really had happened during the expedition. I'm afraid my writing will never be a reliable / trustworthy source of income. Mr. Callahan is a teacher who has always laid / placed great value on intellectual finesse and originality. Some patients are only able of loosely / simply defining what troubles them, which doesn't help therapists much. Hundreds of dissatisfied residents staged / held an anti-immigration protest in the town square, 't goes without telling / saying that the government has been unable to create jobs for young people. My sister gave me an account / a story of her trip to South Africa. Many people would not accept doing low / menial jobs like window cleaning. The scientist went to work for an American pharmaceutical company to fealise / achieve his extraordinary potential, Itis common / collective knowledge that smoking is a slow yet efficient killer. The decision to postpone investing in more advanced technology was an ettor / mistake of judgment on the part of the manager. At that time, | did not fully grab / grasp the importance of what my grandfather had told me. Paperwork may be a severe / daunting lask sometimes, but it must be dealt with appropriately, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 You should be warned that the job requires you to work unsocial / unusual hours on a regular basis. 1am aware that | might have to work part-time to make / do a living. Everyone would listen to Edmund's jokes and break / burst into laugher in a matter of seconds. Fitzroy had to dip / soak into his life savings to pay for the operation on his right knee. Up to recently the bank has been under high / considerable pressure to cut interest rates in order to lower the cost of borrowing. ‘You must sort / get your priorities right before taking such an important step. The company is conducting / performing an extensive customer research to Canvass views on how its services could be improved, | was dissatisfied with the quality of the CDs, so | decided to take the package back to the shop and demand a full /a whole refund. My students’ speaking and writing skills are reasonable, but | think there's always space / room for improvement. “How are you today?” used to be Samuel's opening words / gambit. Finding sponsorship for our project was the last hurdle / effort to overcome. Although George and Morris are brothers, there is a difference between them. universe / world of Your betrayal has broken / shattered my confidence for good. People who don't take risks often have no benefits to reap / harvest. rN. 38 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 48 50 51 Several economists have voiced / uttered their doubts about the government's ability to revive the economy. Our host had prepared a cake of epic / grandiose proportions for the celebration of her fiftieth birthday. Many unexpected events will take place over the course / path of time. Radioactive material puts / poses serious environmental problems. We had been waiting for the guide for fifteen minutes, but he was nowhere in view / sight. Getting used to the hectic / speedy pace of American life was no mean feat. German cars have always stood / sat the test of time thanks to their extraordinary reliability. I knew she had made a mistake, but | jumped / sprang to her defense. This old radio has great affective / sentimental value for my father. Rage covers / clouds people's judgment. Harry felt content having completed / realized his ambition of writing his first science fiction novel. Following the ambassador's Tegrettable error, the President made ! did a formal apology to his British counterpart, The residents gave the minister a Cold / freezing reception. My sister Michelle was that kind of child who would choose / pick a fight every Now and then. 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 The evidence presented in court proved beyond a reasonable doubt / question that the boatman was innocent. Helen acquired / obtained a reasonably good knowledge of Spanish after living in the country for one year. We sometimes toy / play with our plans without putting them into practice. | haven't gone jogging for a while and | feel totally out of form / shape. All the employees speak very highly / deeply of Mr. Williams because he is an authority in the field of aerodynamics. Novelists usually do / make a lot of research before they start a new novel. Last year the Smiths splashed out a treasure / fortune on a new fiat. Winston Churchill coined / designed the phrase “History is written by the victors”. David was disappointed because his father’s words had always been void / emply promises. At only $50 per night, the hotel is good worth / value for money, but is located somewhere on the outskirts of the city. After breaking up with Barbara, he was prey to hundreds of nagging / irritable thoughts about what had gone wrong. Itis crucial to spend quality / valuable time with your children. The journalists shelled / bombarded the minister with questions about the corruption scandal. 65 66 6&7 68 69 70 cs) 72 73 74 75 76 i il mM of excessive q i Jashing with the problem of ebt been wrestling / clashing The country has for the past five years. her expects us to give in / hand in our assignments by 1 December The teacher at the latest. he battle for new customers has always been fierce / cruel in any kind of The bal market. My students’ work has shown a marked / blatant improvement lately. My sister Danni, who's always been the unpredictable type, came on a flying / speedy visit yesterday to see how we were doing. Orders have been scarce lately, so it's unlikely we'll meet / reach our targets. I've always suffered from stage fright / fear, so | think my performance will leave a lot to be desired. Adam had based his decision on he made a terrible mistake. wildly / wrongly inaccurate information, so The story is found all over Europe, Africa and Asia in slightly / moderately different versions, leoked at Tracy again, unsure as to why | was getting such mixed / jumbled feedback. _ he secretary entered the office brimming with information / news at how the Price of shares had gone up. The pianist's Musicianshi ' P Was beyond compa arison and the audience knew it had take, fompare / comparison n him years to achieve it. 7 78 79 80 81 82 83 85 87 George knew that what Maisie had said was just a throwaway / disposable comment, so he did not worry at all. After she married Fabrizzio, a rich Italian businessman from Milan, my mother lived in utter / sheer luxury all her life. Our restaurant takes great pride in its unrivalled / supreme service. The speaker's carefully chosen words and elegant silences made a durable / lasting impression on the delegates. The Jacksons were toying with the idea / intention of moving to the countryside because their flat had suddenly become too expensive to maintain. Lara felt better after the doctor told her that her father was sick but not critically / exceedingly ill. Martin glanced at his cousin’s dream kitchen and concluded that the likelihood / prospect that anyone had really cooked something there was remote. Despite having over two hours at his availability / disposal, Philip did not call on his friend but wandered on the main shopping street, looking blankly at the shop windows. Sarah admitted having a long-standing / lenathy aversion to cheap perfumes. The union eventually arrived at / reached an agreement with the management on the need for better work conditions. A successful product tackles / addresses the needs of the users, The teacher was rather inexperienced and she found it difficult to sustain / maintain the students’ interest, 75 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 Maurice borrowed heavily / immensely from the bank to set up his own catering business. Little kids require undivided / entire attention most of the time. The authorities are determined to put a pause / stop to the demonstrat before things get out of hand. Reaching the summit was no mean accomplishment / feat. | had a stroke of luck / fortune and simply guessed the right answer. ‘There was an obvious touch / amount of class in the duke’s choice of words An opportunity appeared / arose for my father to work for a multinatior company. It took a great deal / quantity of effort and time to clean up the area which ha been devastated by the tsunami. | had the brilliant thought / idea of asking Colin's oj pinion before Placing the online order. After the Surgery, the doctor announced the Patient's famil ly that he was now Out of peril / danger. lasked Harris to tell me straight / directly: yes or no. The evening had been € total disaster, so | i gave them my portion / s f the bill and left, _

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