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New Era University College

Faculty of Accountancy, Management and Economics

Department of Business Studies

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Administration

Bachelor of Business in Marketing (Honours)

May Semester, 2023

Advertising Management (BBBMK3264)

Title: Group Assignment

Name: 2130183-BBA CHOONG FUN YAN

Date: 28 JULY 2023

Table of Contents
1.0 Advertising Objectives.......................................................................................................3

2.0 Target Audience..................................................................................................................4

3.0 Creative Brief and Alternative Styles of Creative Advertising......................................5

3.1 Creative Brief..................................................................................................................5

3.2 Alternative Styles of Creative Advertising...................................................................6

4.0 Media Planning and Strategy............................................................................................8

4.1 Media Objectives............................................................................................................8

4.2 Media Strategy................................................................................................................8

4.3 Media Vehicles................................................................................................................9

4.4 Media Schedule...............................................................................................................9

5.0 References.........................................................................................................................10

1.0 Advertising Objectives
The advertising objective is to introduce our high-tech pencil case to the market more
effectively. Since this high-tech pencil case is an uncommon product in the market,
consumers are likely to know little or nothing about this high-tech pencil case. Therefore, in
order to make sure that the consumer, especially the target customer, knows and understands
the existence of this product, we have to increase the visibility and awareness through
advertising. For example, through advertising they can be informed of the existence of the
high-tech pencil case.

Secondly, it is to arouse consumers’ interest in the product. When the consumers

know the existence of the new product, we have to stimulate their interest through
advertising. We can show and introduce the functions, benefits, and special features of our
high-tech pencil case to the target audience through the advertising. In addition, we can also
show our target audience the appearance and visualization of our new product in advance by

Furthermore, it can educate the target audience. Since high-tech pencil cases are
relatively uncommon in the marketplace, the product may be unfamiliar to some consumers,
therefore advertising can introduce the product to the target audience as well as educate them
on how to use it. By briefly explaining the features, functions, uses and benefits of high-tech
pencil cases, an advertising can help potential customers understand how the product can
fulfil their needs. This educational approach helps to build confidence in the product and
increases the probability that the potential customer will consider purchasing the product.

The main objective of advertising is to persuade the target audience and encourage
them to buy a high-tech pencil case, whether through the online channel or in a physical
store. In addition, generating positive word-of-mouth in the market such as customers
introducing and publicizing our new products to their friends and family to increase
reputation and sales.

2.0 Target Audience
To better reach and effectively advertise new products to the target audience, we
categorized our target audience by demographics such as age, gender, educational level,
income level, and psychographic such as personality, lifestyle, and interests. We can
effectively analyze and determine and filter the potential customers who are most likely to
buy our products.

A pencil case is an essential stationery item for students who go to school. Compared
to other traditional pencil cases, our new product not only carries the functions of traditional
pencil cases but also consists of some technology, which makes it a bit more expensive. In
addition, the user must know how to operate the electronic component.

Our target audience is university and college students. As a student, a pencil case is a
must for all of them. Therefore, we are targeting males and females between the ages of 18-
25 who are currently studying. Furthermore, since our product is more expensive than other
pencil cases, our target audience is students from wealthy families or financially independent
who can afford it and may be more willing to purchase a slightly more expensive pencil case.
In addition, since the new product is designed with a number of electronic and technological
features, we are targeting the audience with an educational level of SPM and above to ensure
that users know how to use it and are barrier-free.

Since our products involve technology and are relatively new, the personality, lifestyle
and interests of our target audience are those of technology enthusiasts, regularly use
technology products and enjoy exploring new features.

Audiences with these types of characteristics are more willing to try new things.
Technology enthusiasts are passionate and deeply interested in technology. This makes them
enjoy exploring and using the latest technological advancements and gadgets. They are less
likely to reject new products to be incorporated with technology; conversely, they are
enthusiastic and easily open to innovations. Moreover, they use technology regularly and
integrate technology into their daily lives. They feel comfortable in using various
technological products in their lives such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets.
For example, using tablets to study or work. In addition, they enjoy discovering and trying
out new features and functions of products and exploring their new capabilities. They are
curious and always looking for products with unique and advanced features to enhance their
overall experience.

3.0 Creative Brief and Alternative Styles of Creative Advertising
3.1 Creative Brief
The creative brief serves as the foundation for communication between the client and
the advertising company by outlining the essential components of the creative strategy for an
advertising campaign.

The creative brief of this report is about the high-tech pencil case. There are a few key
elements of a creative brief. First, is the basic problem or issue the communication must
address or solve. University and college students face challenges in staying organized,
efficient, and productive during their academic journey. They struggle with managing their
stationery, keeping devices charged, and organizing notes effectively. The communication
must address how our high-tech pencil case offers a comprehensive solution to these pain

Second, is the communication objectives. Primarily, increase awareness of our high-

tech pencil case among university and college students. In addition, position the pencil case
as a must-have accessory for tech-savvy students seeking a seamless blend of functionality
and style. Furthermore, drive interest and consideration among the target audience, ultimately
leading to increased sales and adoption.

Third, is the target audience. University and college students aged 18 to 25 who are
tech-savvy, value efficiency, and seek ways to streamline their academic lives. They are open
to adopting new technologies and gadgets that can simplify their routines and improve their
overall productivity.

Fourth, is the insights to drive creative work. Students are always looking for ways to
optimize their study routines and reduce the stress of academic life. Technology plays a
significant role in the lives of students, and they are eager to adopt gadgets that can enhance
their academic experience. The desire to stand out and express individuality through stylish
and functional accessories is crucial for this target audience.

Fifth, is the key benefits or major selling idea to communicate. Our high-tech pencil
case is more than just a pencil case; it's a complete organization and productivity tool
designed for modern students. The key benefits to communicate includes smart organization.
Multiple compartments ensure everything is in its place, making finding the right pen or
device quick and effortless. Next, digital integration. Seamlessly transfers handwritten notes

to digital formats for easy access and organization. Moreover, stylish design. The sleek and
modern design, available in various colours and finishes, complements an individual style.

Sixth, is the reason to believe or supporting information. Foremost, advanced

technology. Our high-tech pencil case incorporates the latest smart features and smart pen,
ensuring it keeps up with the demands of modern student life. In addition, reliable build
quality. The pencil case is made from high-quality materials to withstand the rigors of daily
use, ensuring it remains a dependable companion throughout their academic journey. Besides,
the high-tech pencil case is also coming with one year warranty.

Seventh, is the tone and manner or brand personality. The tone should be dynamic,
modern, and innovative. The brand personality should reflect a cutting-edge and reliable
companion that empowers students to excel in their studies and navigate university life with

Eighth, is the deliverables. Primarily, print and digital advertisement. Engaging

visuals and compelling copy for print ads in university publications and digital ads for social
media platforms. It should be completed within 4 weeks. Besides, create a product video. A
short, impactful video showcasing the pencil case's features and benefits for use on the
website and social media. It should be completed within 6 weeks. Furthermore, website
landing page. A dedicated landing page with detailed information about the product, benefits,
and a seamless purchase process. It should be completed within 8 weeks.

Lastly, is the measures of success. Foremost, measure the increase in website visitors,
especially on the dedicated landing page. Next, track likes, shares, comments, and mentions
on social media platforms to gauge the campaign's impact and audience engagement.
Moreover, monitor social media sentiment and collect feedback to assess the brand's
perception and overall reception of the product among the target audience.

3.2 Alternative Styles of Creative Advertising

The creative advertising styles that involve in the high-tech pencil case is brand
image. In this ad, we position our brand as a leader in tech innovation for students. The ad
features a group of tech-savvy, influential student leaders from different universities. They are
seen using the high-tech pencil case during their classes, study sessions, and group projects.
The ad portrays these students as forward-thinking and ahead of the curve, endorsing the
pencil case as an essential tool for modern-day students who embrace innovation.
Next, the creative advertising styles that involve is preemptive. This ad takes a
preemptive approach by positioning our high-tech pencil case as the next must-have gadget
for students. It starts with a futuristic setting, showcasing cutting-edge technology and
gadgets students could only dream of. Suddenly, the high-tech pencil case emerges as a real
product, and the voiceover declares, "The Future is Here – Stay Ahead with Innovation." The
ad emphasizes that those who embrace this innovation now will lead the way in their
academic pursuits.

4.0 Media Planning and Strategy
4.1 Media Objectives
In order to increase consumer awareness of our products, we need to formulate our
media objectives. We need to formulate our objectives based on several points, including
reach, frequency, and penetration.

First of all, we need to increase the traffic of our web page. Within six months, page
views should increase by 70% to let more people know about our new product.

Next, we need to set the goal of converting browsers into consumers. Among the
groups who are aware of our pencil case, we need to convert 50% of the browsers into
consumers who buy our pencil case in 2023.

The last is to enhance our brand image by building a close relationship with
customers. By increasing the interaction on social platforms, we can increase the exposure of
our pencil case and let our brand image impress on the target audience.

4.2 Media Strategy

A media strategy is a course of action that enables your company to connect with its
intended market and boost overall consumer conversion rates (Bhasin, 2023). In order to
improve the probability of achieving our objectives, we will set up effective strategies to help
us achieve them. The strategies for our pencil case can be divided into digital advertising,
content marketing, and social media campaigns.

Firstly, in order to increase traffic, it is very important to develop suitable

advertisements to reach our target group of students over 18 years old. Making online
advertising platforms such as Google Ads and social media ads can draw more attention to
our pencil case from this group. This is because today‘s young people gather more often on
the Internet. This way we can reach our target audience based on demographics, interests and

Next, we need to emphasize to the target audience that the functions of our pencil case
are different from ordinary pencil cases. To promote the advantages of our pencil case, such
as a picture and a video, can deepen the viewer‘s impression of it. The advantage of our
pencil case is that we can record important matters on the pencil case, which we need to
publicize more.

Finally, we must do more activities on social media to interact with the target group.
Raise the attention of the target group through activities that offer discounts or giveaways.
This will also encourage them to retweet and share more and increase our brand awareness.

4.3 Media Vehicles

The main platforms we need to use to promote our pencil case are social platforms.
Since our target group is students over the age of 18, we need to find the easiest way to reach
this group to promote. And social media, such as Instagram, TikTok, Youtube are the easiest
to reach them. Therefore, we will place advertisements about our pencil cases on these
platforms to increase awareness of our brand among target groups.

Next, the second media vehicle we will use is Google advertisement. Through search,
let our products appear at the top of the page, so that the target group can discover our
products. Through the promotion method of pay per click, we can also obtain a promotional
position on the Google page and deepen the impression of our products on the viewer.

4.4 Media Schedule

Media scheduling is divided into three categories, namely continuity, flighting, and
pulsing. We will choose pulsing as our publicity media schedule.

Pulsing advertising is a combination of continuity advertising and flight advertising.

Pulsing advertising will continue to release advertisements within a year, and deliver higher-
quality advertisements during special festivals or time slots. We chose this type of advertising
method because we are a new product and should increase exposure and keep appearing in
front of people. Effectively increase our visibility through continuous publicity. This would
also allow our new entrant to the market, the pencil case, to be discovered.

In addition, in a certain period of time, we need to strengthen the broadcast of

advertisements to stimulate sales. For example, the period when school is about to start near
the end of the holiday. During this period, our target audience will start to buy stationery. At
this time, eye-catching advertisements are very important to attract our target consumer

Through these two different ways of publicity, we can increase the exposure of our
products, and let our products get more attention during the period when our pencil cases are
newly entering the market.

5.0 References
Bhasin, H. (2023). Media Strategy: Meaning, elements and types. Marketing91.

Pahwa, A., & consultant, A. P. Startup. (2023, April 29). What is media planning? –
components, objectives, & process. Feedough.

Scheduling patterns; continuity, flighting, pulsing. (2021, November 19). Indiafreenotes.


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