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Contract of Employment Mellia Emmanuel

THIS CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT made this Third day of November Two Thousand

and Twenty Three BETWEEN MELWAY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED whose address is

24 Cat Estate Gros Islet Saint Lucia (hereinafter called ‘the Employer’) and JAYLANEE

FANUS of 12 Maryland Street ( hereinafter called ‘Employee’) of the part…………...………

WHEREAS the Employee Agree To the Following Terms and Conditions…………………...

THIS CONTRACT BEGINS on the Tenth day of November Two Thousand and Twenty

Three ……………………………………………………………………………………………

1. The employee is employed as a Contractor…………………………………………………

2. The salary is Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars per month to be paid by cheque by the

Twenty-Third of every month subject to statutory deductions…………………………….

3. Employee will be required to work weekdays Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

daily with one hour lunch break…………………………………………………………….

4. The employee is entitled to eleven paid sick leave per year after that time period the

employee needs to produce a valid medical certificate indicating a doctor’s opinion that

the Employee is incapable of doing their daily tasks…………………………………….....

5. The Employee is allowed THREE weeks of vacation will accrue and will be taken as

directed by the Employer having regard to the exigendes of the operation of the


6. Compassionate Leave will be considered on a case by case basis…………………………

7. Special requests for off days must be in writing addressed to the Manager and submitted

at least Four days in advance of the particular day requested……………………………...

8. The Employee will be given Insurance and the Employer shall register the Employee with

the National Insurance Board……………………………………………………………….


9. This Contract is Effective from the Third day of November……………………………

There will be a probationary period of TWO months and the employer may terminate this

contract during that period if the Employee fails to meet the Employer’s expectation

10. Either party may terminate this Contract giving the other THREE weeks’ notice of

intention to terminate………………………………………………………………………..

11. The Employer acknowledge the Safety Manual and Code of Conduct issued by the


………………………… ..............…………………
Employer Employee

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