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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of popular power for education

UE College of Fine Arts

Summary of the chapters of the Philosopher's Stone

Julio León
Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived
In the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Dursleys wake up on a Tuesday ready for a
normal day. But Vernon noticed many strange things throughout the day. He returns home and after
watching a report that talked about sightings of owls flying throughout the day and hundreds of shooting
stars at night, the Dursleys went to bed. On their street, a man appeared out of nowhere. His name was
Albus Dumbledore, and he was awaiting the arrival of Rubeus Hagrid. The cat that had perched on Mr.
Dursley's wall transformed into an elderly woman, Minerva McGonagall. They had come to deliver baby
Harry Potter, who had just lost his parents in a battle with Lord Voldemort. The Dark Lord had left a scar on
Harry. Hagrid arrived on a flying motorcycle and was placed on the stoop of the Dursley house, meanwhile,
the entire wizarding world celebrated the fall of Voldemort.

Chapter 2: The glass that vanished

Harry is almost 11 years old and lives in the closet under the stairs of the house. One morning, Harry is
woken up by his Aunt Petunia telling him to serve breakfast immediately, because it is Dudley's birthday. A
neighbor calls to say that she won't be able to take care of Harry for the day, Dudley begins to fake cry,
saying that he is upset that Harry has to go with him on his birthday trip to the zoo. At the zoo, Piers Polkiss
and Dudley annoy him as always. At the reptile house, Harry pays close attention to a boa constrictor and is
amazed when he is able to carry on a conversation with it. Piers then calls Dudley and Uncle Vernon,
Dudley pushes Harry aside to get a better look at the snake. Suddenly, the glass protecting the snake
vanishes. Dudley and Piers claim the snake attacked them. At home, Harry is punished for the snake
incident, sent to his closet without having eaten and without knowing why the Dursleys had punished him.

Chapter 3: Nobody's Letters

Punished for the boa constrictor incident, Harry is locked in his closet until the beginning of summer. Harry
is very excited about the prospect of starting a new school in the fall.
A letter arrives, Harry tries to look at it and Uncle Vernon tears off the envelope and shows it to his wife,
the next day, another letter arrives for Harry, this time addressed to him in "The Smallest Bedroom". Uncle
Vernon is alarmed. Harry tries to get the letter, but Uncle Vernon stops him. The next morning, Harry gets
up early to try to get the mail before someone gets up, but is thwarted by Uncle Vernon, who has slept
near the mailbox waiting for the letters. Some time later, the letters flood the house, entering in impossible
ways. Enraged, he decides to take everyone away from the house, but at the hotel where they are staying,
hundreds of letters are delivered by the administrator to Harry. That's when Uncle Vernon decides to have
even more isolation. On a dark and stormy night, he takes the family to a shack on an island in the middle
of the ocean. Inside, Vernon locks the door. At midnight, already on July 31, Harry's birthday, there is a
loud bang at the door.

Chapter 4: The Keeper of the Keys

There is another knock on the door before a giant man breaks it down. Uncle Vernon threatens the giant
man with a shotgun, but the giant man takes the gun and twists it into a knot. The giant man gives Harry a
chocolate birthday cake and introduces himself as Rubeus Hagrid, the "Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of
Hogwarts." Hagrid is upset to learn that the Dursleys have never told Harry what Hogwarts is. Vernon tries
to stop Hagrid from telling Harry about the wizarding world, but acts in vain as Hagrid asks him if a big
Muggle like him is going to stop him. Hagrid tells Harry that he is a wizard and gives him a letter of
acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Uncle Vernon says he won't let Harry go to
Hogwarts. Hagrid explains to Harry that the Dursleys have lied to him all along about how their parents
died. Harry learns that they did not die in a car accident, as he had always thought, they were killed by the
evil wizard Lord Voldemort. Harry doesn't believe he is a wizard, but then realizes that the incident with
the boa was an act of magic. When Vernon becomes enraged and calls Albus Dumbledore crazy, Hagrid
tells him to never insult Dumbledore in front of him again and casts a spell on Dudley, giving him a pig's
tail. Then Hagrid takes Harry away from the hut on the rock.

Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

Harry wakes up in the company of Hagrid and realizes that the night before was not a dream. The two
leave for London to buy Harry's school supplies. Their first stop is the Leaky Cauldron, a bar where all the
patrons recognize Harry and are nervous and honored to have the opportunity to meet him. Among these
people is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Quirinus Quirrell. Hagrid explains that Harry is going
to buy what he needs for school there, they head to Gringotts, where they are escorted to Harry's vault.
Inside, he sees piles of gold and silver coins that Harry's parents passed down to him. Hagrid then takes
Harry to buy his uniform. After purchasing the necessary books and potion ingredients, Hagrid and Harry
go to buy their wand. Once at Ollivander's shop, the shop owner makes Harry try out a number of magic
wands, arguing that "the wand chooses the wizard." After trying several different types of wands, Harry
tries a wand made from holly and phoenix feather. Red and gold sparks come out of it, proving that this
must be the one for him. Ollivander tells Harry that the core of the wand he chose is made of phoenix
feather, and that the phoenix that provided the feather present in his wand had only two feathers in its
tail; one is on his wand and the other is on Voldemort's wand, the same one that gave Harry his scar.

Chapter 6: The journey across platform nine and three quarters

On the day of the train's departure, Harry arrives at the station and finds himself between platforms nine
and ten, wondering with increasing alarm how to find platform nine and three quarters. Finally, he hears a
family with red-haired children mention the word muggle. He asks the children's mother how to get onto
the platform and she tells him that he must walk through the barrier between platforms nine and ten.
Harry does so, and is surprised to find the Hogwarts Express on the other side of the barrier. Harry tackles
him. On the train, Harry meets Fred and George Weasley, the twins who were returning to school, as well
as their younger brother Ron, another student who is starting at Hogwarts. Ron tells Harry about many
things about the wizarding world such as Quidditch, cards of famous witches and wizards inside chocolate
frog boxes, and Bertie Bott candy in all flavors. Harry gets Albus Dumbledore's card in a chocolate frog.
They also meet Hermione Granger, a Muggle-born witch.

Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat

They arrive at school, and as first-year students, they must be placed in one of the four houses. This
ceremony is performed by the Sorting Hat, which, although worn and dirty, can speak and read the minds
of whoever places it on. Harry, Ron and Hermione are assigned to Gryffindor house (founded by Godric
Gryffindor, in the book described as the great hero of Hogwarts).

Chapter 8: The Potions Master

Harry becomes an enemy of Draco Malfoy, the spoiled child he meets in the shop where he buys his
uniform, and becomes best friends with Ron. At the welcoming banquet, Harry notices the presence of
Severus Snape, the potions professor. Harry has magic classes all year round, enjoying them more and
more, with the exception of one subject: Potions, because apparently the teacher hates him. One day he
finds out that they tried to rob Gringotts. However, the vault they wanted to rob was already empty when
the thief arrived. Harry wonders if it was the vault that Hagrid had emptied the same day.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville Longbottom accidentally arrive at the forbidden corridor on the third
floor, where they find a three-headed dog. Apparently, he is taking care of something.

Chapter 9: The midnight duel

The next day Harry finds out that he would soon have his flying classes, where he would have to learn to fly
on broomsticks, just like all witches and wizards do. In that class, Neville failed to maintain the stability of
his broom and was propelled by a poor broom maneuver, causing him to fracture his wrist. Professor
McGonagall introduces Harry to Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and offers him
an unusual position for a first-year student: Seeker. Draco couldn't stand it and waited to meet Harry in
one of the hallways and challenged him to a Wizarding Duel at midnight. That night at half past eleven, Ron
and Harry prepare to go in search of Draco and have the wizard's duel. But, when they had already
managed to leave the common room, Hermione intercepts them and tries to stop them. Arriving at the
place where the duel would be, they waited for Draco for a few minutes until they realized something:
Filch was looking for two students out of bed. Draco had set a trap for them.

Chapter 10: Halloween

Harry and Ron don't like Hermione meddling in their affairs. After class, Ron makes fun of her and she goes
to the girls' bathroom crying. This occurs on Halloween afternoon.
During dinner, Professor Quirrel, very alarmed, warns that a troll has gotten into the castle. It is there that
Harry and Ron remember that Hermione is in the bathroom and run to tell her that there is a troll loose so
they can escape from it. After a fight with the troll in the women's bathroom with the three friends inside,
Professor McGonagall arrives and Hermione takes the blame for the events so that Harry and Ron will not
be blamed. After all this, Professor McGonagall deducts 5 points from Hermione for her foolishness in
believing she could control a troll on her own. On the other hand, Harry and Ron are given 5 points each for
the courage they had in confronting the troll, despite being first-year students.

Chapter 11: Quidditch

Some time later, Harry sees that Snape has an injured leg, and deduces that it was the three-headed dog
that bit him. Therefore, he would work for Voldemort trying to steal what the dog was looking after. The
day of the Quidditch match, he was in the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione, although they insisted, Harry
did not want to have breakfast before the match, then at the match, everyone They got on their brooms
and started flying. Something was happening with Harry's broom, Harry didn't understand. From the
stands, Hermione understood something. He noticed that Snape was fixing his gaze on Harry. He noticed
that he was hexing his broom. In a desperate attempt to save his friend, he ran to the stands where the
teachers were arranged and shot blue flames from his wand at the teacher's robe. The teachers
immediately noticed the fire and everyone dispersed from that place. Gryffindor had won the match. Harry
was too stunned by the situation, and it wasn't until he was at Hagrid's hut with his friends that they were
able to explain to him what had happened.

Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised

At Christmas, Harry receives several gifts and anonymously receives an invisibility cloak, which hides the
wearer from the view of others. A note says it was his father's, and to use it well. That same night, Harry
felt the need to try it. He didn't know what he wanted to do with her until he crossed the portrait of the
Fat Lady that gave access to the Gryffindor Common Room when he discovered it: He wanted to go to the
Restricted Section of the library to find more information about Nicolas Flamel. And I wanted to do it
He began his journey until he reached the library. It was dark and there were hundreds of books in the
forbidden section that I could research. He decided to take one and, as he opened it, a loud scream came
from him and echoed throughout that part of the castle. He went back as far as he could and found a door
that led to a room. Harry finds a mirror, called the Mirror of Erised. It shows the greatest desire of the
person who sees it; Harry sees his parents in the mirror, and for the next few weeks he had the same
nightmares in the mirror. Dumbledore tells him that this mirror shows the person's desire, but that it will
soon be taken elsewhere, given the addiction it causes.

Chapter: 13 Nicolas Flamel

The trio were now in the common room, chatting about Harry's quidditch training, and that Snape would
be the referee for the upcoming match against Hufflepuff. Just then, Neville enters the common room and
gives a Dumbledore's Famous Witches and Wizards card to Harry and Ron. Neville went to bed and at that
moment, Harry found in that chrome the answer he was needing. Hermione ran to her bedroom and
returned with a book. There he found that Nicolas Flamel was the creator of the only known philosopher's
The quidditch match against Hufflepuff was intense. Even Dumbledore had gone, which made Snape make
a funny face. It didn't take long until Harry caught the snitch and gave Gryffindor the victory. Harry was in
glory. That evening, after leaving the locker room, Harry saw a hooded man emerge from one of the doors.
Harry took his nimbus 2000 and jumped into the air. The person was heading to a mountain. Moments
later, he discovers that Snape had met with that man, who turned out to be Quirrell. Snape warned
Quirrell that he must know how to get past the three-headed dog on the third floor.

Chapter 14: Norberto, the Norwegian Ridgeback

Harry visits Hagrid, who, in a bet, won a dragon egg. When the dragon hatches, it begins to grow rapidly.
Harry insists Hagrid give it to him to Ron's older brother, Charlie, who works with dragons in Romania.
Hagrid accepts, and Harry plans to go with Ron to deliver him to Charlie. However, the dragon hurts Ron
and he stays in the infirmary. Ron has already contacted Charlie, who tells him that some friends of his
were going to the Astronomy tower on Saturday at midnight, by letter. However, Draco obtains that letter
and finds out about the plan. Harry, along with Hermione, go to the Astronomy tower where they meet
Charlie's friends. On their way back, Argus Filch, the caretaker, catches them, along with Neville, who was
going to tell Harry that Draco knew about the dragon's plan. Draco is also caught in the night, and the four
are punished. Especially, Gryffindor loses 150 points because Harry, Hermione and Neville shouldn't be out
of bed at that time.

Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest

Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco must go to the Forbidden Forest as punishment. There Harry finds
someone drinking unicorn blood. Firenze, a centaur explains to Harry that unicorn blood can give you more
life, but if you take it you have a curse: you will have half a life. The centaur reveals that at school they
have the Philosopher's Stone, a stone that gives eternal life. He says that Voldemort was the one who was
drinking the unicorn's blood. Harry notices that Fluffy (Hagrid's three-headed dog) is guarding that stone,
along with other traps. Harry thinks that Snape is helping Lord Voldemort, and together with Ron and
Hermione they go to the third floor (although Neville tried to stop them). They realize that someone has
already passed by, and they reason that it was Snape. They pass Fluffy and pass other traps, including a
Devil's Snare (a giant plant), flying keys, a giant wizard chess set, a troll, and a riddle set by Snape.
In the next room would be Snape, trying to steal the stone. Harry enters the room, and sees a man. But it
wasn't Snape. Nor was it Voldemort.

Chapter 16: The man with two faces

It was Quirrell. Harry is surprised to see him there, and Quirrell reveals that he works for Voldemort, that
he was the one who broke into Gringotts to steal the Philosopher's Stone. Quirrell says that he was the one
who bewitched his broom at the Quidditch match. And that, in reality, Snape wanted to do the
countercurse. He says that he has gone there looking for the Philosopher's Stone, to give it to his master.
Behind Quirrell is the Mirror of Erised, and according to Quirrell, the stone is trapped inside the mirror. A
voice appears out of nowhere. "Use the boy," the voice says. Quirrell removes the turban from his head,
and where his neck should be, is Voldemort's head.

Harry looks in the mirror and in his reflection sees that the reflected Harry has the Philosopher's Stone.
Harry then feels a weight in his pocket: somehow, he had obtained the stone.
Voldemort tells Harry that he needs the stone to survive, and asks Harry to join him. Harry refuses and
Quirrell tries to kill him, but upon touching him, Quirrell begins to burn alive. Harry realizes that he must
touch Quirrell to kill him, but suddenly he faints.
Harry wakes up in the infirmary. Dumbledore appears and tells him that Quirrell has died and Voldemort's
ghost has escaped. Furthermore, it says that the Philosopher's Stone will be destroyed. Dumbledore also
reveals that he was the one who sent him the invisibility cloak. Finally, Dumbledore says that the only one
who would get the stone would be the one who looked in the mirror and wanted to find it, but not use it.

The end of the year banquet arrives, and due to the bravery of Ron, Hermione and Harry, Gryffindor ties on
points with Slytherin. Neville, for trying to confront his friends, gets ten points. Gryffindor wins the house

The book ends Harry's happiness in calling that place "home", and he leaves with the thought of being able
to torture Dudley, his cousin, with the threat that he would do magic at home.

A.- What type of genre did JK Rowling use in the work?
The type of genre she used was a youth fantasy novel.
B.- Have you lived any of Harry's internal experiences?
No, I have never had an experience even similar to what Harry has in this wonderful work,
since either many of them are fantastic or they are dangerous.
C.- Which of Harry's teachers do you like the most and why?
The one I like the most is Minerva McGonagall because she is the one who is not involved in
dark things in this work, in addition to the fact that she is the one who is most focused on
what she should do as a teacher and because she helped Harry get out of trouble. Dudleys
D.- How do you describe the “unnameable” and with whom do you compare him in your
Well, physically the “unmentionable” has no nose, is pale and bald, characteristics that are
not usually seen in real life in a person, in his personality because he is a person who feels a
genocidal feeling toward human beings who do not have magical powers. . In addition to
being very egocentric, selfish, he thinks only of himself, of his plans, and ambitious, he does
and will do everything possible to achieve his goal.
E.- What values are represented in the work?
In this work the value of kindness and humility is represented more than anything, since as
we can see at the beginning, Harry, knowing the great fortune he has, remains the same,
without believing himself superior to others and even helps to Ron, who doesn't have a lot
of money, to buy him something he needed, which is currently needed a lot lately.
F.- Do you think that Harry is a “weak” teenager physically and emotionally?
Emotionally no, because despite being innocent due to his age, he does not let himself be
intimidated as he did several times against Malfoy at Hogwarts, physically yes, since he
does not have enough physical capacity like others and because, as we saw at the
beginning, he let Dudley annoy him. , and your friend.
G.- What does the philosopher's stone symbolize?
The philosopher's stone symbolizes eternity and can convert lead or other metals into solid
gold and silver.
H.- What is special about Harry? Describe him
He is special about being the son of the Potters, who were very important and powerful
wizards, who stood out strongly in his path and time at Hogwarts in addition to being so
curious, humble and innocent, which made him do things that Due to his way of being, he
almost always came out successful.
I.- What would you add or take away from the work?
Well, this work is really very well done, considered one of the best in recent times, taking
into account that and how difficult it is to reproach him for anything, because I would say
that I would add a little but only a little more appearance of the dark lord, to thus making it
a little more tense, although the work is already very complete.

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