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1. Definition of Dr. Parimalendu HR Audit means the systematic verification of job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and morale, participative management, communication, welfare and social security, safety and health, industrial relations, trade unionism, and disputes and their resolution.

3. Objectives of HR audit The audit itself is a diagnostic tool, not a prescriptive instrument. It is most useful when an organization is ready to act on the findings, and to evolve its HR function to a level where its full potential to support the organizations mission and objectives can be realized. It will helps to identify what you are missing or need to improve, and it may even tell you what you need to do to address these issues.

What is HR audit?
An HR audit helps to evaluate the HR department effects and contribution to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The senior management is, therefore, put in a position to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resource department. Through HR audit, any weaknesses in the human resources management programme are identified and corrective action is taken.

How HR audit works

HR audit basically involves examining current HR policies, strategies and practices to evaluate their effectiveness. The audit will engage interviewing of key staff, review of relevant documentation and the completion of a well structured questionnaire. All HR systems, including HR development, HR information and the service role of human resource, are audited. The data obtained is then compiled and customised to comprehensive report. Specific recommendations are then made to improve the performance and efficiency of the human resource department.

HR audit report
After complete assessment of systems in the HR audit, a report is submitted. The report identifies areas of improvement and provides relevant and practical solutions. It may also advise on a legally defensible frame-work, what is currently happening in the market place and the best way to train employees. The report does not only look at the current human resource programmes, but also the future implications to the organisation.

The importance of an HR audit

Employees are an asset to a company and play a vital role in the achievement of the goals and objectives. The senior management, therefore, needs to understand how efficient its human resource department functions are. Most companies work to ensure the minimum employee turnover. The retention of employees is a key role played by the human resource department. However, the department should also ensure that skilled employees are recruited, trained and developed. An HR audit brings to light the success or the weaknesses of the human resource department in an organisation.

ONGC Introduction
Our People HR Vision, Mission, Objectives Measuring HR Performance A Motivated Team Training & Development Transforming the Organization A Model Corporate Citizen Sports Corporate Social Responsibility

Our people
"Not only had India... set up her own machinery for oil exploration and exploitation... an efficient oil commission had been built where a large number of bright young men and women had been trained and they were doing good work." - Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister to Lord Mountbatten, on ONGC (1959).
Today, ONGC is the flagship company of India; and making this possible is a dedicated team of nearly 33,000 professionals who toil round the clock. It is this toil which amply reflects in the aspirations and performance figures of ONGC. The company has adopted progressive policies in scientific planning, acquisition, utilization, training and motivation of the team. At ONGC, everybody matters, every soul counts. ONGC has a unique distinction of being a company with in-house service capabilities in all the activity areas of exploration and production of oil & gas and related oil-field services. Needless to emphasize, this was made possible by the men & women behind the machine. Over 18,000 technically-competent experienced scientists and engineers, mostly from distinguished Universities / Institutions of India and abroad form the core of our executive profile. They include geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, drilling engineers, reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, production engineers, engineering & technical service providers, financial and human resource experts and IT professionals.


HR Vision To build and nurture a world class Human capital for leadership in energy business HR Mission "To adopt and continuously innovate best-in-class HR practices to support business leaders through engaged, empowered and enthused employees".

HR Objectives Enrich and sustain the culture of integrity, belongingness, teamwork, accountability and innovation. Attract, nurture, engage and retain talent for competitive advantage. Enhance employee competencies continuously. Build a joyous work place. Promote high performance work systems. Upgrade and innovate HR practices Promote work life balance. Audit HR performance. Promote work life balance.Integrate the employee family into the organisational fabric.

HR Parameters have been incorporated in the MOU by ONGC since 1994-95, to systematically and scientifically evaluate effectiveness of HR Systems, which enables and facilitates time bound initiatives. HR Parameters of MoU for 2009-2010 Mentoring and coaching HR Audit Engagement Survey Continuous professional education credit course for finance executives of ONGC.

HR policies at ONGC revolve around the basic tenet of creating a highly motivated, vibrant & self-driven team. The Company cares for each & every employee and has in-built systems to recognise & reward them periodically. Motivation plays an important role in HR Development. In order to keep its employees motivated the company has incorporated schemes such as Reward and Recognition Scheme, Grievance Handling Scheme and Suggestion Scheme. Incentive Schemes to Enhance Productivity Productivity Honorarium Scheme Job Incentive Quarterly Incentive Reserve Establishment Honorarium Roll out of Succession Planning Model for identified key positions Group Incentives for cohesive team working, with a view to enhance productivity


An integral part of ONGCs employee-centered policies is its thrust on their knowledge upgradation and development. ONGC Academy, previously known as Institute of Management Development (IMD), which has an ISO 9001 certification, along with 7 other training institutes, play a key role in keeping our workforce at pace with global standards. ONGC Academy is the premier nodal agency responsible for developing the human resource of ONGC. It also focuses on marketing its HRD expertise in the field of Exploration & Production of Hydrocarbons. ONGCs Sports Promotion Board, the Apex body, has a Comprehensive Sports Policy through which top honours in sports at national and international levels have been achieved.

ONGC has undertaken an organization transformation exercise in which HR has taken a lead role as a change agent by evolving a communication strategy to ensure involvement and participation among employees in various work centers. Exclusive workshops and interactions/brainstorming sessions are organized to facilitate involvement of employees in this project.

Participative Culture Policies and policy makers at ONGC have always had the interests of the large and multi-disciplined workforce at heart and have been aware of the nuances and significance of cordial Industrial Relations. By enabling workers to participate in management, they are provided with an Informative, Consultative, Associative and Administrative forum for interactive participation and for fostering an innovative culture. In fact, ONGC has been one of the few organizations where this method has been implemented. It has had a positive impact on the overall operations since it has led to enhanced efficiency and productivity and reduced wastages and costs.


Respect and dignity are the key values that underline the relationship ONGC has with its human assets. Conscious about its responsibility to society ONGC has evolved guidelines for Socio-Economic Development programmes in areas around its operations all over the country. Education Health Care and Family Welfare Community Development Promotion of Sports and Culture Calamity Relief Development of Infrastructural Facilities Development of the Socially & Economically Weaker Sections of Society Benefit and Welfare


ONGC is spearheading the United Nations Global Compact - World's biggest corporate citizenship initiative to bring Industry, UN bodies, NGOs, Civil societies and corporate on the same platform. During the year, your Company has undertaken various CSR projects at its work centers and corporate level.

Women employees constitute about 5% of ONGC's workforce. Various programmes for empowerment and development, including programme on gender sensitization are organized regularly.

Involving human resource department in the audit is very beneficial. This will help them to improve the HR function. Conducting an HR audit helps the HR managers to increase their efficiency in human resource functions. This adds value to the organisation and improves the HR department as well.

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