Reaction, Reflection, and Critique Paper Differences

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Reaction Paper, Reflection Paper, Critique: WHAT THE HECK IS THE DIFFERENCE?

-A reaction paper depends on your personal opinions and conclusions regarding the issue or
topic. It's easier to write this kind of paper if you ask yourself the questions, "Do I agree or
disagree with the author? If yes, why? If no, why not? On what grounds do I justify my
agreement or disagreement with the author?"

-A reflection paper depends on your insights. It's easier to write this kind of paper if you ask
yourself the question, "If this is what the author is saying, what can I also say about the issue or
the topic?" It's important to take note that when you answer this question, you do not answer by
facts, you answer from your personal experience.

-A critique involves your evaluation of the substance of an issue or topic. It's easier to write this
kind of paper when you ask gourself the questions, "Is it worth our time for discussion? Does it
make sense in real-life situations?"

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