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1.- Enter (name of production company).............................

Represented in this act by ............... D.N.I ................. domiciled
at ....................... then named ....................

2.- It is integrated with (name of the production company).......................

represented in this act by ..........................D.N.I........................ with address
at ......................................... From now on ...........................

3.- Of "the parties".

The undersigned are interested in carrying out the production

of ............................. entitled .................. hereinafter referred to
as .................................... directed by ......................
In view of the foregoing, the parties mutually and reciprocally recognize each
other's personality and enter into this instrument in accordance with the
following CLAUSES.


1.1 The undersigned agree to co-produce the feature-length motion picture

tentatively or definitively titled "..........", which has the following characteristics:
Based on the film script.......

The purpose of the present contract is to regulate the participation of the parties
as co-producers, as regards the realization of ........................ in all its forms and
versions; its exploitation throughout the world; by all means existing or likely to
exist, as well as commercial exploitation, dubbing, subtitling in all languages,
music, soundtrack and all related or derivative rights of or by the film in
question, without limitation of any nature whatsoever.

1.2 The parties expressly agree that the present contract in no way constitutes a
partnership or new company, and therefore the parties retain absolute
independence of personality and are only bound by the obligations and rights
contracted in the present contract.


2.1 The script written by ........ was accepted by the signatories in agreement,
without prejudice to any variations that may be made.

2.2 The "PRODUCER(S)" hereby guarantee to hold the copyrights

corresponding to the script written by ...............

2.3 Both the negative and all original film material shall be and remain the
property of the co-producers.
2.4 Subsequent to the expiration of the assignment of copyright, the parties
shall remain undivided co-owners of the tangible elements of the film,
particularly the recorded material, the negative, the editing masters and the
soundtrack, within the proportions defined in this contract.


3.1 The PRODUCTION COMPANY ..................... will be in charge of the

production of the film and will sign all the contracts, being in charge of the
administration of the production and in such capacity will be able to carry out all
the necessary business operations to carry out the production of .............. and
shall act in accordance with the interests of the contracting parties to bring it to
a successful conclusion.

3.3 The EFFECTIVE PRODUCER shall be ........................

3.4 The accounts of the project shall be kept separately from those of each of
the co-producers. The co-producers shall have free access to the books and
other accounting and administrative documentation of the project.

3.5.1 Filming will begin on ....................
3.5.2 A running-in period of ..................... weeks is foreseen.
3.5.3 Post-production will be extended to a maximum of ............... weeks from
the end of filming.
3.5.4 The ........................ shall be completed during the year............
3.5.5 Each of the activities inherent to the production shall be informed and
formalized by means of annexes corresponding to this contract, which may be
integrated as "ADDENDA" if the development of the work so requires.


The final cut will be made by the Director based on the script and the results of
the research currently being conducted on the subject. The co-producers may
make suggestions in order to achieve the common objectives.


3.7.1 The parties agree that the technical and artistic team shall be chosen by
mutual agreement. There will be (..............principal..........secondary) main
actors and .............. main technicians. Under the modality (cooperative and will
be established by individual agreement with each of the members, establishing
this single instrument as the basis of the relationship).


4.1 The budget for the film, which constitutes APPENDIX 1 to this agreement
and what it integrates, has been approved by mutual agreement of the parties
and reaches such amount of dollars ........... (……………….).
4.2 The parties shall contribute to the support of the production costs in the
following terms and percentages:

4.2.1 PRODUCER 1 shall contribute goods, services and capital up to a total of

dollars ..................corresponding, consequently, ......80...%... of all rights and
obligations on ...................".

4.2.2 PRODUCER A 2 shall contribute goods, services and capital up to a total

of dollars .................. and, consequently, .......%20....... of all rights and
obligations on ...................".

4.3 It is agreed to authorize the PRODUCER ............... to submit the project to

the program .................. and any other source of financing and support for
audiovisual production.

4.4 Each of the signatory parties may partially assign its rights to third parties
for the purpose of integrating the contribution that each commits in goods,
services and/or capital.


5.1 "PRODUCER 1" is exclusively granted one hundred percent (100%) of the
tangible and intangible rights and income from the exploitation of the film in all
ways and in all versions and/or of each of its constituent elements (including
commercialization, musical edition and remake), in the territories of

5.2 "THE PRODUCER 2" is granted exclusive one hundred percent (100%) of
the tangible and intangible rights and revenues from the exploitation of the tape
in all modes and all versions and/or of each of its constituent elements
(including marketing and music publishing), in the territories of ....................

5.3 For the rest of the world, The Film and all its inherent rights belong in
undivided shares to each co-producer, in the percentages indicated above.

5.4 All revenues effectively received by, for and/or on the occasion of the
commercialization, exhibition, distribution, in any of the technical forms created
or to be created, whether in cinema, video home, CD, Internet, cable, music,
direct or indirect sales of derivatives of ........................ remake or any other
income produced by the film by any means created or to be created, shall be
distributed among the signatory co-producers in the proportion established in
the preceding item, in perpetuity.

5.5 The PRODUCER............. shall be responsible for the marketing in all common territories, being able to establish the total or
partial assignment of distribution, sales or marketing rights of the film, and if
necessary appoint international sellers or distributors for this purpose.

5.7 The participation of "The Film" in festivals and markets shall be subject to a
prior agreement between the parties.
5.7 The PRODUCER............... shall distribute the revenues among the co-
producers, according to the percentages of each one within 30 days of the
effective receipt of the revenues.


The PRODUCER ................... The Company shall sign the contracts for the
production of the film and shall delegate this task to the co-producers according
to the operational needs of the production. The parties will make their
contributions to the production in accordance with the schedule of contributions
to be made by the executive production of the film, and under the terms of the
committed contributions.


It is understood that THE CO-PRODUCERS have the right to contract one or

more additional co-producers in their territory, whose name, if any, shall be
notified to the other party. This decision may not modify or affect in any way the
rights and obligations of the counterparty.


For the interpretation and performance of this contract, the parties expressly
submit to the laws, jurisdiction and competence of the Ordinary Courts of
Justice of the City of Buenos Aires, formally waiving the competence or
jurisdiction that by reason of domicile or any other cause may correspond to
them in the present or future.


All recorded or filmed material will be the property of the co-producers and will
be deposited at the aforementioned location.


Included in the agreed budget are payments related to integral music rights
(authors, recording companies and performers) as well as all rights related to
the script.


The original invoices corresponding to the film expenses shall remain in the
possession of the co-producer who has supported their payment, and the other
co-producer shall be entitled to request certified and legalized copies thereof.


If any of the parties does not comply with the commitments assumed in this
contract, the party in default shall notify the other party to regularize the
situation within a period of no less than 20 days. In the event of persistent non-
compliance, the compliant shall:
a) To terminate this contract, being the defaulting party disassociated from the
film, having only the right to the recovery of the invested capital, once the costs
of the film have been fully recovered. In the event that the income is not
sufficient to cover the costs, you will have no claim whatsoever.
b) B) To terminate this contract, and the defaulting party will be left with a
percentage in the film equivalent to the contribution effectively made, which will
imply the reduction of its percentage, which will belong to the defaulting party,
which may assign it in whole or in part to third parties.
c) In both cases plus the damages actually caused to the other party.


The signatory co-producers undertake to ensure strict compliance with the

provisions of this contract, acting in good faith and striving at all times to
achieve the common objectives.


Accordingly, three copies of the same tenor and effect are signed in the City of
Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina at ..................... of the month of
-..................... of 20...

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