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Name : Jerry B. Nama.

Jr Date : September 11, 2023

Course : BSEd lll English Score :

Activity 3. Write Me In

Directions: Write an essay centered on the following questions:

How did these literary pieces help you understand our culture as Filipinos? (Cite sample literary pieces
to support.) What is then the role of literature in understanding our uniqueness as Filipinos? (Your
output will be evaluated in terms of content, organization, and mechanics using Rubrics B.3 on page 86.)

Exploring Filipino Culture Through Literature

Filipino literary works hold a significant place in our understanding of Filipino culture. This essay delves
into the cultural insights gained from reading two classic Filipino literary pieces: "The Tortoise and the
Hare" and "Ibong Adarna." It also examines the role of literature in unraveling the uniqueness of the
Filipino identity.

"The Tortoise and the Hare" is a timeless Filipino fable that imparts valuable lessons about perseverance
and humility. Through the slow but determined character of the turtle, readers learn about the Filipino
trait of not giving up in the face of challenges. This story reminds us that patience and humility can lead
to victory, reflecting essential aspects of Filipino culture.

"Ibong Adarna" is a classic epic that immerses readers in Filipino folklore, beliefs, and traditions. This
tale showcases the rich and colorful mythology of the Philippines, highlighting the importance of familial
ties, the supernatural, and the power of song. It serves as a cultural treasure chest, providing insight into
the diverse and mystical elements that shape the Filipino identity.

Literature plays a pivotal role in preserving and conveying the unique aspects of Filipino culture. It acts
as a bridge between generations, passing down traditions, values, and historical narratives. Stories like
"The Tortoise and the Hare" and "Ibong Adarna" become cultural touchstones, helping both Filipinos
and outsiders appreciate the depth and richness of Filipino heritage.

Filipino literary works like "The Tortoise and the Hare" and "Ibong Adarna" are invaluable windows into
our culture. They embody our core values, folklore, and traditions. Literature serves as a beacon
illuminating the uniqueness of the Filipino identity for generations to come, ensuring that our culture
remains vibrant and cherished.

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